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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    My bad. I had forgotten Lady Diana!
    But she also lost her life in FRANCE, and the British inquest didn’t do much in terms of bringing new light on her ‘accident’, did it.
    All these high profile cases, authorities do their best to keep the truth to themselves. Which doesn’t always mean there was a conspiracy. Oftentimes, they just think ‘little people’ like us don’t need to know.
    Same for the Slaughter of the Horses, Mister James! Whatever really happened, the FRENCH don’t want us to know. Silence is golden.

  • michael norton

    FRANCE ramping it up against IS

    The agency reports that the first Rafale fighter jet took off from the aircraft carrier on Monday morning. The warship was sailing about 200 kilometres (120 miles) off the coast north of Bahrain in the direction of Iraq.

    Jets sent from the carrier reach Iraq twice as fast as those, flying from their base in the United Arab Emirates.

  • michael norton

    I think FRANCE has given up all pretence of Lone Wolf theology now.

    France announced sending the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier for use in military operations against the Islamic State in Iraq in mid-January. The decision was made in the wake of the deadly Paris attacks, when Islamist gunmen killed 17 people at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket.

    French President Francois Hollande told military personnel back then that the Charlie Hebdo massacre “justifies the presence of our aircraft carrier.”

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    23 Feb, 2015 – 10:15 am nothing new there. Indeed the more sceptical amongst us might even suggest that this was what CH was FOR. No one seems to ask “Who benefits”? Are Muslim terrorist high commands so stupid as to organise events that can only do them DAMAGE? How the public is able to swallow the concept that they events (in one official line) just “lone wolf” outrages, with no purpose other than vengeance for offended feelings (whilst on the other) that they are operating to some strategic plan ordered and arranged by Al Qaeda generals somewhere in the desert. Which is it to be because they tend to be mutually exclusive?

    Meanwhile back in Afghanistan, which from almost every angle has been a total travesty and tragedy, the Americans with the assistance of the Pakistan Generals who of course have always controlled the Talliban, are in talks to admit them to Afghanistan government particularly in Helmand where so many young British men and innumerable locals have lost their lives. Well there we go. Can it be co-incidence that the Pakistan secret service goes by the name of ISI … lacking only another S to square the circle.

    Can anyone doubt that the whole Syrian escapade, and particularly ISIS, has been nothing more than a thinly veiled excuse for western meddling according to an Israeli inspired master plan? The story line now appears to be of mass desertions and internal collapse now we have off loaded over two thousand plane loads of high explosives causing untold mayhem. Arn’t you just sick of government propaganda and manipulation (currently three missing young girls) whilst refusing to address far more serious issues such as that below. I always thought David Ike was completely off his rocker, but you know, now I’m not so sure.

  • Tim Veater

    The leading story on BBC news is MP’s arranging to be paid for “consultancy” and three London girls allegedly travelling to Syria, yet as far as I am aware, since September last year, no news about alleged organised child molestation in a London primary school, including incredible but convincing accounts of child sacrifice! Meanwhile it appears witnesses are excluded from family court proceedings; the children are forcibly removed from mother and wider family; the alleged abuser is not prevented from accessing the children, whilst the mother is forced to flee the country on threats of arrest; failure of the police to properly investigate to substantiate or disprove the serious allegations; after heavy police questioning the children retract their story without any explanation how such a convincing narrative could have been concocted without a basis in truth. Meanwhile presumably school and teachers continue unchallenged, potentially putting other children at risk? Yet no news outlet considers it news worthy? If true, this is a scandal capable of putting all others in the shade, not merely by virtue of the alleged deeds themselves, but by what appears to be a heavy handed and inappropriate response by both police and social services and by the legal process. This if true would amount to an official cover-up. Surely the issues raised are of the highest public importance and should be publicly disseminated and investigated? It is not historic cases that should be afforded primary attention but current ones, if and where they exist, if they do.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    It could be a thirty-year-long wait!
    Saad al-hilli may have been of Iraqi descent, but he rather looked lie an Indian. I am sure he wasn’t willing to buy any Rafale!
    BTW, according to the online translation tool, rafale in French means burst of fire!
    Is this the first clue to the Slaughter of the Horses mystery? A botched deal about fighter planes? Could explain why bullets were flying everywhere.

  • michael norton

    Probably, mentally unstable, lone wolf, shoots innocents without reason,
    then shoots himself twice through the brain to preclude the authorities from asking any questions.

  • michael norton

    Apparently he was a lone nutter.

    Apparently he had no previous.
    Apparently he had a legal permit to carry weapons.

    So if he was a lone nutter,
    why give him a gun permit???

  • michael norton

    Yes Tim,
    I agree it does seem mutually exclusive.
    You do not send Europe’s only nuclear aircraft carrier to the Gulf of Arabia
    to engage in air warfare
    because a few Lone Wolf assassins have killed some people in France,
    surely, that would be an over-reaction?

    I agree that The FRENCH just wanted an excuse to sell aircraft / aircraft carriers
    to the world.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The FRENCH are expecting to wrap up their deal with India for the sale of hundreds of fighter planes. They need to demonstrate how efficient their deadly toys are.

  • michael norton


    This Friday at 14 pm, the Criminal Court of Annecy examine the complaint filed by lawyers for the family of Sylvain Mollier, Savoyard victim of the killing of Chevaline, against the news channel BFM TV continues and the national daily Le Parisien.

    The editors of both national media and journalist Dominique Rizet are summoned to breach and helping to violate the confidentiality of investigations and affect the integrity of a corpse, for posting pictures of the crime scene showing the vehicle of the al-Hilli family and the body of Sylvain Mollier lying on the ground. Photos that had shocked the family of the cyclist, shot several times September 5, 2012 with the British engineer of Iraqi origin Saad al-Hilli, Iqbal’s wife and the mother of the latter.

    The prosecutor Eric Maillaud Annecy regretted the spread of these shocking images and had questioned their origin.

    The trial is open 14 hours. Family Sylvain Mollier should apply for a closed session at the beginning of the hearing. Report to follow live on our website and on twitter with the keyword #ProcesBFM

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    We are open 24/7.
    The prosecutor required a 10,000 Eu fine, which is probably less than what the media paid for those pictures.
    Let’s try to use standard English here. This isn’t FRANCE!

  • michael norton

    € 10,000 fine against BFMTV required and Le Parisien
    This Friday at 14.00hrs., the Criminal Court of Annecy reviewed the complaint filed by Maitre Caroline Blanvillain
    lawyerfor the family of Sylvain Mollier, Savoyard victim of the killing of Chevaline, against the news channel BFM TV continues and the daily National Le Parisien.

    The editors of both national media and journalist Dominique Rizet were summoned for helping to violate the confidentiality of investigations and affect the integrity of a corpse, having released three images of the al-Hillie family the crime scene, showing the vehicle of the al-Hilli family and the body of Sylvain Mollier lying on the ground. Photos that had shocked the family of the cyclist, shot several times September 5, 2012 with the British engineer of Iraqi origin Saad al-Hilli, his wife Iqbaland the mother of the latter.

    Last February, the prosecutor Annecy Eric Maillaud regretted the spread of these shocking images and had questioned their origin.
    For the prosecutor Eric Maillaud, the red line has been crossed

    The trial that you could follow our live-tweet opened 14 hours. The prosecutor Eric Maillaud found that there was no doubt that these images came from many of the trial record. He also criticized the publication of these images “There was no need to disseminate to the public at that time. Publication is a journalist ego case. When there is sensational research and that there is no respect for the victim, the right to information is not sufficient to justify everything. Should the press quite afford on behalf of the scoop and TV ratings? Freedom of expression admits limits, admittedly rare, but in my opinion, the red line has been crossed. ” The prosecutor claiming € 10,000 fine against the three defendants’ journalist Dominique Rizet and editorial director of BFM TV, as well as publishing director of the Paris) and the publication of the verdict.
    For the defense, it can not undermine the dignity of a deceased victim

    For their part, the defense lawyers argued that the attack on the integrity of a corpse covered only physical abuse and that only the victim of a violation of dignity could initiate a lawsuit, reserving and this type of action to living people. “Otherwise, we could no longer publish an attack or war scene picture” protested Mr. Dufau, lawyer BFMTV. Minded to Me Ader, the Parisian lawyer, who also pleaded acquittal, arguing that the publication of these photos allowed to better understand the crime scene showed a real newsworthy.

    Blanvillain me, a lawyer for the civil parties (Mollier family), found that the Mollier family was also a victim of the killing and therefore the publication of photos showing Sylvain Mollier ground. Illustrating his argument by reading a letter written by a son of Sylvain Mollier recalling that “behind every picture of this guy hides a wounded child forever.”

    The case was taken under advisement in May 29

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Eric is FRENCH. So he doesn’t know that a DVD can be copied multiple times. We need another Waterloo to get rid of him, and have a proper investigation.
    The slaughter of the horses is more than an unsolved murder case: it’s an insult to British lifestyle. If we can no longer spend a holiday week in a caravan camp by Lake Annecy, let’s all go to other places!

  • michael norton

    DR 1212, Gorges road Arly was closed to traffic yesterday, 17: 30 pm into the evening to allow thirty firefighters came from Ugine Val d’Arly from Faverges and Albertville to fight against fire, at a place called Flon, in the town of Ugine. Indeed, for a reason that the investigation by the gendarmerie Albertville community will determine the top floor and the roof of an old mill converted into a house was destroyed by a fire under the eyes of its owner.

    In difficult conditions (metal offcuts, weakened buildings), firefighters prevented the spread to an adjacent building and mastered the disaster, but turn it off completely. In the early evening, traffic was always deflected by Hery-sur-Ugine, in the uplink, and Crest-Voland downhill.

    Nicolas Mollier- Thomas barrel rolled his car on /near the bridge Flon Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle.
    Nicolas lived in Hery-Ugine

  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    27 Feb, 2015 – 3:27 pm yet significantly no action over the photographs/videos in the CH murders? I am sure EM was far more upset at the inevitable implications of the photographs rather than the offended feelings of near relatives. He still has responded to the fact that his stated interpretation of events is quite impossible in the light of them or explained why he hasn’t amended his story accordingly?

    Someone needs to ask him: “Mr Maillaud, in the light of these photographs, and the position of SMollier and the marked bullet cartridges, do you still hold to the theory that the gunman came from the top of the lay-by shooting, as the Al Hilli car was reversed in a wide arc?”

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    He has responded by asking for a 10,000 EU fine from each. Con-sidering the current exchange rate, that’s a lot of money.
    Someone needs to ask him: ” Are you sticking to your guns, or can you admit there was a SE conspiracy involved, Mister Prosecutor?”.

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