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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    Le Parisien

    BFMTV publishing directors and the Parisian and journalist Dominique Rizet be judged correctional Annecy to broadcast pictures of the crime scene of the killing of Chevaline, said Friday the prosecutor told AFP.

    Both newspapers and journalist are subpoenaed Friday, February 27, 2015 at 14:00 in the Criminal Court of Annecy for helping to violate the confidentiality of investigations, affect the integrity of a corpse and reproduction of circumstances of a crime.
    These proceedings follow the broadcast by BFMTV in February of pictures, taken by Le Parisien, showing for an entire family before the shooting, and the other two scenes of the crime of the killing of Chevaline.
    A photograph taken by a helicopter of the gendarmerie, BMW showed the victims and the cyclist’s body lying on the ground, shot several times. Another picture of the car was taken at breast height.
    These photos were “deeply shocked family members of the victims”, said the prosecutor of Annecy, Eric Maillaud, shortly after broadcast, denouncing “attitudes (…) perfectly scandalous.”
    A complaint was filed by lawyers for the family of Sylvain Mollier, the French cyclist killed in this quadruple murder.
    On 5 September 2012, Saad al-Hilli, 50, Iraqi-born British engineer, his wife of 47 years, and her mother-in 74 years, were killed by several bullets in their car on a small forest road near Chevaline (Haute-Savoie).
    Sylvain Mollier, probable collateral victim, was also shot. One of the girls in the al-Hilli couple had been seriously injured while the second, hidden under the legs of his mother, was miraculously unhurt.

    So, it is quite shocking to show pictures of the dead persons when they were alive, also shocking to pictures of them when they were dead,
    also shocking to show pictures of the crime scene.

    I find it shocking that the authorities are attempting to brow beat the newspapers from attempting to discover what happened, when the authorities seem to have little or no interest in sorting things out.


    Sylvain Mollier, probable collateral victim, was also shot. ???

  • michael norton

    Quote from Le Parisien
    “and reproduction of circumstances of a crime”

    if it is found not to be legal in France for a newspaper to think through the ifs and whys of a crime,
    then the FRENCH STATE have moved on to Thought Police.

  • michael norton

    A detour is set up between Ugine and Flumet by Hery-sur-Ugine, only for light vehicles. Trucks and transport is hijacked by Annecy.

    The teams of the General Council are hard at work to clear the road of the Gorges de l’Arly, 1212 RD, of ten cubic meters of rocks fell on Sunday shortly before 23 hours, at the bridge of the Comets, early in section three lanes on the town of Ugine. The reopening of the Gorges is expected by the end of the morning. In Ugine is Charmettes road that leads from the capital to the Gorges is now cut off by fallen trees.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Holly Golly!
    If you need a job, ask the Savoy tourist bureau.
    Not forgetting the all healing Lake Annecy waters! We need a jet pilot to take us up, up and away!

  • michael norton

    Well, it it just possible something useful may come out of this ongoing court case.
    Recent history in the U.K. often shows that when someone superior( in their own opinion)
    takes someone else to court ( for a slight/infringement of their rights)
    it turns out that LIES have been disseminated, thus causing the person taking someone to court
    to find themselves in prison.

    Quite a few examples of this behavior can be given.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The FRENCH love promiscuity. On a British aircraft-carrier, it would be very different.
    But what has this got to do with the Al-Hillis?

  • michael norton

    The FRENCH are currently using the only European nuclear aircraftcarrier
    to bomb the shit out of IRAQ.
    Both Jihadi John’s parents were from IRAQ as well as the parents of the al-Hilli lot.

  • michael norton

    If you make a huge loss, more than your entire market value,
    you have gone broke,
    that’s it,
    good night Vienna.

  • michael norton

    If you thought aircraft carriers were invincible you were wrong

    So, even though FRANCE still has,
    half a dozen nuclear powered nuclear attack submarines
    on active service,
    France is currently building half a dozen new generation Areva
    nuclear powered boats.

    This might lead you to imagine that the FRENCH state will not let Areva fall,
    no matter how much public money has to be injected.

    I wonder if the FRENCH voters are fully cognisant of these matters?

  • michael norton

    Nuclear power

    and nuclear defence

    difficult to have nuclear defence without nuclear power.

    So, if a government is determined to have nuclear defence,
    they have to pull the wool over their voters eyes and pretend the two are not linked.

    The public are left with a never ending bill
    one they have not been asked about.

  • michael norton

    Certainly enough to get you bumped off, by agents of the FRENCH STATE,
    if you were intending to throw some spanners into FRENCH nuclear business.

    Not to forget the Rainbow Warrior

    Operation Satanique was a public relations disaster. France, being an ally of New Zealand, initially denied involvement and joined in condemning what it described as a terrorist act. The French embassy in Wellington denied involvement, stating that
    “the French Government does not deal with its opponents in such ways”.

  • michael norton

    It took two and a half years to investigators Chevaline Research section to identify this man, seen on the road of Combe d’Ire, only a few minutes of drama.
    A sketch of the man had been released in France, but he reportedly said investigators “have not made the connection.”
    The biker overview nearby places latuerie Chevaline (Haute-Savoie), in September 2012, has been identified by Will we investigators learned this morning on France Info.

    Heard last month by the police of the Chambery research section, it is not involved in the quadruple murder estimate of Annecy magistrates. A sketch of the man had been released in France, but he reportedly said investigators “have not made the connection.” One of the main tracks of this sprawling investigation leads to a dead end.

    It took two and a half years to investigators Chevaline Research section to identify this man, seen on the road of Combe d’Ire, only a few minutes of drama.

    “A priori, according to preliminary information gathered by investigators, it is above all suspicion, said this morning a source close to the case. This man will anyway be heard again soon as he possibly provide important information to further the investigation, although it is difficult to know what he is capable of remembering two and a half years after the fact. ”

    The police wanted to take time before this new hearing that could prove crucial. Although he was exonerated, this man came from Lyon to bike to paragliding in the hills of Chevaline has certainly crossed leaving the scene the protagonists of the drama. The victims: BMW break the al-Hilli family and Savoyard cyclist Sylvain Mollier, but also the main witness bike Brett Martin … and potentially the killer.

    For now, only one other vehicle remains unidentified: 4×4 BMW dark would have been seen on the road of Combe d’Ire shortly after the tragedy. Investigators are also looking for a man who had been seen the day before the crime, in chat “busy” with Saad al-Hilli, camping Le Solitaire du Lac Saint-Jorioz.

    There is one year, a former municipal police Menthon-Saint-Bernard, suspected of being the sought biker, was arrested for his resemblance to the sketch. He was exonerated and released after his detention.

  • michael norton

    Police rule out mystery biker in French Alps murders

    A motorcyclist seen near the scene of the unresolved September 2012 murder of British-Iraqi businessman Saad al Hilli, his wife and mother in the French Alps has been questioned and ruled out of the investigation, France Info reported Friday.

    The man, who has not been named, was questioned by police in February in relation to the shootings in the Haute Savoie region and released without charge, according to France Info radio.

    It will be a major setback for investigators, who had pinned their hopes on the motorcyclist, of whom a composite sketch was released in November 2013.

    Hilli, a 50-year-old British-Iraqi businessman, his wife and her mother were gunned down in a gruesome shooting in a lay-by on a country road near Annecy in the French Alps.

    Hilli’s two daughters survived the attack.

    French amateur cyclist Sylvain Mollier, believed by police to be an innocent bystander, was also found dead at the crime scene.

    Police said in 2013 that the presence of the bearded rider on the day of the killings was established early in the investigation, but the sketch was not made public immediately because it was thought the unique helmet could lead them to the suspect before he was tipped off.

  • Peter

    That changes everything, because it renders an already tight timeframe in which the killer could have committed his deed into an insanely tight one. Nobody, not even a deranged individual lurking in the shrubbery, out to shoot people at random, would have risked deliberately striking under those circumstances, with cars, motorcycles and cyclists passing by every other minute.

    The sole remaining option is that the murders were unplanned, most likely a road rage incident. Both groups of victims were chance victims. The way I envisage the scenario, Sylvain Mollier and the car-borne killer had near-collision in the left-hand bend above the lay-by while the Al-Hillis were checking out the sign at the top of the lay-by. Things quickly turned ugly and, after first shooting SM a few times, the killer turned his attention to the witnesses, the AH family. Afterwards, he continued driving downhill and took the first right, a few hundred metres down from the lay-by.

    In my opinion, both his choice of route and the weapon used make the killer a local, a member of the local criminal fraternity who was up to no good on that day anyway, with a sterile, untraceable old handgun plus two spare magazines in his glove compartment and his mobile phone either switched off or with a SIM card inside that he had bought second-hand on some fleamarket. He is not the proverbial nutter, but rather a roided-up thug who acquired some forensic awareness while he was in jail.

  • michael norton

    A motorcyclist who was being sought over the murders of four members of a Surrey family in the French Alps has been ruled out of the investigation.

    Saad al-Hilli, 50, was shot with his wife Iqbal, 47, his mother-in-law Suhaila al-Allaf and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier on 5 September 2012.

    Daughters Zainab, then aged seven, and Zeena, four, survived the attack.

    The biker turned out to be a local company owner, the French prosecutor told local media.

    In November, French investigators had said they were looking for a mystery motorcyclist who was seen near the crime scene.

    One lead in tracing the man was that he was wearing an unusual helmet, only a few thousand of which had been made.

    The BBC’s Lucy Williamson said: “Police had issued an artist’s sketch of a motorcyclist seen near the site of the Annecy killings, and after more than a year of investigation, had managed to find and interview the man in question.”
    ‘Major setback’

    Reporting from the BBC’s Paris bureau, she said: “Now officials have told French media that he is above suspicion and has been released without charge.”

    The motorcyclist, who has “an honourable reputation”, had been on his way home after a paragliding trip, she said.

    “The new development is being described here as a major setback for police who had focused much of their attention on the mystery biker,” the reporter said.

    Mr al-Hilli’s brother Zaid was arrested on suspicion of murder in June 2013.

    Surrey Police said there was not enough evidence to charge the 54-year-old from Chessington.
    line break
    Lake Annecy shootings

    The shootings took place in a forest car park.

    Saad al-Hilli was an Iraqi-born British citizen. His wife held an Iraqi passport and her mother was a Swedish national.

    Cyclist Sylvain Mollier was a 45-year-old father of three who worked in the area.

    Several witnesses saw a car speeding away from the scene.

    Police were instructed not to disturb the bodies – which was why the al-Hillis’ daughter Zeena was not found for eight hours.
    line break

    The bodies of the couple, from Claygate, Surrey, Ms al-Allaf and Mr Mollier were found on a remote forest road in Chevaline near Lake Annecy.

    The two young girls survived the attack, one by hiding under her dead mother’s skirt.

    The family were on holiday by Lake Annecy when they were attacked.

  • michael norton


    Why does this motorcycle rider
    “Now officials have told French media that he is above suspicion and has been released without charge.”

    not named,
    yet the previous motorcycle ride, the ex-policeman
    named as Eric Devouassoux,
    also now not a murder suspect.
    Also, the FRENCH did not have a problem naming the brother of Saad,
    Zaid al-Hilli as a suspect.
    So, why does this new person command such reverence?

    I see two different strategies emerging

  • michael norton

    Is this misinterpretation done on purpose?

    “He was identified and arrested in the village of Lathuile two months ago but his identity was not revealed.

    French police now say he has been exonerated.”

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