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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Tim Veater

    Michael Norton
    6 Mar, 2015 – 4:59 pm just more misinformation MN one example of which is the statement that several witnesses saw a car speeding from the area. Oh yea, what CAR was that? If so why was there never a definite immediately circulated? As to the motor bike rider she is now saying the one described over a YEAR after the event has been located and eliminated. So first they knew from the beginning but held back the information for over a year, but then after they made it public they somehow found the person and eliminated him without announcing the fact???? Who are you kidding? It is significant that it was the BBC Panorama programme that ostensibly brought the biker details to light and it is now the BBC that is saying its all put to bed, no problem. Well I never. What I would guess is this is a MI5/6 generated story, the first to embarrass the French for some reason, the second to get rid of the loose end. Some issue has been settled behind the scenes you can be sure. Maybe the fact that there has been CH in between and France has fallen into line in respect of the Jewish agenda, has of course nothing to do with it.

  • michael norton

    So, either there have been two motorcyclists in the frame as being the Chevaline murder or there has only been one.

    I tend to think there has only been one.

    So, does that mean the FRENCH prosecuter is again trying to obfiscate.
    Does he mean Eric Devouassoux
    is the mysterious Lyon Business person,
    whilst forgetting that he was also a local (Lathuile) and had been a local police officer?

  • michael norton

    From The Independent

    Alps Massacre: Mystery of missing motorcyclist solved, two years later

    A motorcyclist sought in connection with the murders of three members of a British family in the French Alps has been ruled out of the inquiry, leaving police no closer to a breakthrough more than two years after the killings.

    Detectives have been attempting to trace the biker since he was seen near the spot where engineer Saad al-Hilli, his wife, Ikbal, and her mother, Suhaila al-Allaf, were shot dead on a forest road in Chevaline in September 2012.

    The motorcyclist was finally traced last month but authorities have determined that the man, from Lyon, had no connection to the attack and was in the area “by accident”, according to France Info.

    He was interviewed by French detectives and told them he went to Chevaline to paraglide.

    Annecy prosecutor Eric Maillaud said the man was identified and questioned after police cross-checked thousands of telephone records against motorbike licence data.

    He said the “honourable” man was “beyond any suspicion”.

  • michael norton

    I’ve just read through this bit from The Independent,
    they strongly suggest that this new motorcyclist was the actual motorcyclist who was turned back by the forest people from the scene of The Slaughter of the Horses.

    From The Independent
    it does not seem that this motorcyclist was Eric Devouassoux

    Yet this new motorcyclist is so honorable that he cannot be named?

  • michael norton

    Quote The Guardian

    According to sources close to the investigation, the man has not given any information that could lead to new witnesses. “His personal and professional profile exclude him 95% from the list of suspects but further inquiries are still required,” an investigator told France Info.

    The motorcyclist said he did not “make the connection” between his presence near the scene of the killing and the identikit picture of him that was circulated in November 2013.

    So, The Guardian think this man is still 5% in the frame.
    This man of business from Lyon will have to be heard by prosecutors, again.

  • michael norton

    The latest development is a huge setback for Eric Maillaud,
    the FRENCH prosecutor leading the enquiry,

    who has already admitted that those responsible may never be caught.

    Conceding that the enquiry could go on for years to come, Mr Maillaud said
    “We have tried everything possible
    but perhaps we’re in the presence of the perfect crime.”

  • Peter

    The plot thickens 🙂

    Troisième et dernier personnage mystère, celui qui a pris les al-Hilli en photo, devant un mur fleuri de Chevaline, quelques minutes seulement avant le drame, avec l’appareil photo de la famille. Un individu encore non identifié dont on ne sait pas s’il accompagnait la famille ou s’il a seulement croisé sa route à ce moment-là.

    The AH family may have been travelling with a mysterious companion aboard, who shortly before their deaths took a photo of the entire family with their camera. Then again, the person who took the photo may just have been a helpful stranger they met in the street.

    Still, according to earlier reports, police found two sets of DNA inside the car that they couldn’t match to anybody from the AH circle of family and friends.

  • Peter

    Now that I have come to think of it, the AH family did arrive at the Martinet considerably later than the distance between the place where their last photo was taken and the Martinet would warrant. Perhaps those “missing minutes” might be explained by them having a chat with their newly-found friend?

    Also, if I remember correctly, Zainab AH was said to have been sitting on her father’s lap when they arrived at the Martinet. Yeeeees … Why would she do that, if not to make room for an extra passenger in the front passenger seat?

  • michael norton

    Annecy shootings: the biker is not involved

    This is the originator of the story

    The motorcyclist seen near the places of the killing of Chevaline (Haute-Savoie), in September 2012, has been identified by investigators. Heard last month by the police of the Chambery research section, it is not involved in the quadruple murder estimate of Annecy magistrates. One of the main tracks of this sprawling investigation leads to a dead end.

    It was one of the most practical ways of investigators Chambery research section in the so-called Chevaline case . The mysterious biker crossed by two forest rangers, September 5, 2012, near the scene and at the time of the murder five times Chevaline was positively identified and heard. According to initial findings of the two judges Annecy, Michel and Christine Curraize Mollin, in charge of the case, the man from Lyon has no connection with the quadruple murder. He was there by chance.

    The motorcyclist was questioned last month by the investigators Chambery. The gendarmes were finally identified through his mobile phone that has “limited” in the area of ​​crime, but also by the exploitation of video images collected shortly after the tragedy. Investigators, he explained that he came from the side of Chevaline in early September 2012, to practice his passion: paragliding. The area is actually known for its “spots” free flight between Forclaz pass, the mountain Coal and the town of Doussard.


    September 5, 2012, at the approximate time of quadruple murder (between 3:40 p.m. 3:15 p.m. ET), it runs on a motorcycle on the road of Combe d’Ire, a path closed to vehicles. It crosses two rangers who ask him to enforce the ban and turn back. The motorcyclist complied and down the path, past the parking lot where part of Al-Hilli family and a cyclist died. According to sources close to the investigation, the man did not give evidence to identify new witnesses or suspects in the killing. “His personal and professional profile excludes it from the list of suspects to 95% says an actor of the file, but the checks must be carried out.” The biker says failing to reconcile its presence in the area, killing and released sketch early November 2013 throughout France.

    In early November 2013, a year after the killing of Chevaline, the gendarmes of the research section Chambery unveil the sketch of a biker wearing a goatee and a helmet of a very particular type manufactured 8,000 copies. The man will appear in the eyes of the international media as the suspect number 1 of the survey. In fact, the presence of the biker on the scene of the crime was long known gendarmes. They had deliberately chosen not to broadcast his description to give more chance of confusing. Deadlocked, calling witnesses is initiated.

    Another appeal for witnesses launched

    On 18 February 2014, former municipal police officer living in Haute-Savoie aged 48, was arrested and taken into custody by the police. He released a few days later. His DNA does not match that of the crime scene. The track rider, who remained a priority for investigators now seems dead and buried. Remains that other call to witness, launched eight months after the killing of the Al-Hilli family and the cyclist, to try to identify the occupants of a 4×4 view not far from the scene of the tragedy. To date, investigators have still not identified the occupants of the vehicle.

    On 5 September 2012, Saad al-Hilli, 50, a British engineer of Iraqi origin, his wife of 47 years, and her mother-in-74, were executed by several bullets in a small forest road near Chevaline. A French cyclist was also shot dead. One of the girls in the al-Hilli couple seriously injured while the second unscathed from the killings. In the UK, Zaid al-Hilli, the brother of Saad al-Hilli suspected of “conspiracy to commit murder,” was arrested in June 2013 by the British police. It will be released some time later for lack of solid evidence. The record of killings Chevaline made several cubic meters, the procedure includes over 10,000 ratings connected in twenty volumes. Hundreds of witnesses were heard in vain for now.

  • Peter

    To conclude my little soliloquy: a mystery passenger would also explain what the AHs were doing up there at the Martinet in the first place. That question has never been satisfactorily answered. A seemingly friendly local suggesting this as a must-see scenic spot and hitching a lift there – “Come on, I’ll show you the way” – would explain it.

    All this is pure speculation, but it fits quite neatly.

  • michael norton

    If the Business man, from relatively nearby Lyons was a lone parglyder
    if he has trasported his winged machine on his motorcycle ( I do not know if that is possible) up Combe d’Ire, he then parks his motorcycle, chages his kit, attatches himself to the glyder, hurls himself off the hill, then lands in Doussard.
    Then walks back towards his motorcycle, catching a lift of the friendly Iraqi – British al-Hilli family?

  • Peter

    @ Michael Norton

    A paraglider is not a “winged machine”, but a special kind of parachute that easily fits into a rucksack or motorcyle panniers. However, to safely take off, one needs a steep hillside with plenty of updraft and no trees for the chute to get snagged in. Grassland is ideal, which also goes for the landing site. Landing inside a built-up area is insanely risky – and hardly likely to go unnoticed, even in a village such as Doussard.

  • Peter

    I retract that last statement: This place in Doussard
    is where many or most of the local paragliders land. Thus, the locals must be entirely used to the sight.
    It is even mentioned on Wikipedia

    However, the place to start from is Col de la Forclaz. I don’t think that one could take off from the Martinet; even if one could, it certainly would not be an enjoyable flight.

  • michael norton

    so this motorcyclist/paraglyder/spook/ business man from nearby Lyon, who was only located this year,
    yet the FRENCH police were after him since The Slaughter of the Horses Incident,
    two and a half years ago, motorcycles up Combe d’Ire.
    He has told the FRENCH prosecuter that he was there for paraglyding, so did he have his wings/shute with him?
    If not he was telling a porky.

  • michael norton

    It would seem this “business” man from nearby Lyon was there on his motorcycle at the same time as Saad al-Hilli,, her “mother”, her children, Sylvain Mollier and
    and the forest guys and some bloke in a four wheel drive BMW
    and almost all of them were there by accident.
    Lot of accidents Happen in FRANCE.

  • michael norton

    Another thing that needs clearing up.

    The distinctive motorcycle helmet.
    Did this “business” man from nearby Lyon ( yes that’s right, the only man in FRANCE who did not know for more than two years that the FRENCH police were looking for him)

    own or use this distinctive motorcycle helmet?

  • intp1

    @Tim Veater
    7 Mar, 2015 – 12:12am
    My thoughts entirely. It took them many months to admit to this motorcyclist who was willy nilly running up and down that hill, talking to forestry people etc. and then release an identikit. It was obvious he was not someone they originally wanted to talk about. Then it takes them several years to eliminate him from inquiries? LOL Something was going on between the French and the Brits and some permission has now been granted for them to be able to brush it under the carpet. The French press were talking about this murder for months. The guy would need to have been marooned on a desert island to have not heard of a quadruple murder that happened on a road he was on within minutes of the event.

    Likewise this latest leak regarding a photo of the whole family, indicating a mystery person taking it for them. Originally there were photos known to exist but which were not released for months so that any witnesses’ memories would have helpfully faded, then they released the one you can see below (need google sign in) of all but Suhaila, the Mother in Law. They surmised that Suhaila had taken the photo.

    If a photo of the entire family exists, they have concealed that and continue to do so.
    The whole saga is a farcical cover-up with ample sprinklings of red herring and disinformation the norm.

  • Peter

    Regarding the motorcyclist’s / paragliding enthusiast’s excuse that he failed to make the connection between himself and the mystery motorcyclist sought by the gemdarmerie, I am inclined to believe that. It is the fault of the gendarmerie for waiting so long before releasing his identikit. If they had done so right away, he really would have had to live on the moon in order to fail to make the connection. A year later, however, he genuinely might have not remembered that he was in the area on that particular day.

    Anyway, the gendarmerie will no doubt have compared his DNA with the two sets of unindentified DNA traces found inside the BMW. Obviously, there was no match. Thus, whatever he may or may not have done, he almost certainly did not hitch a lift inside the AH’s car.

    I would love to be able to take a peek at the investigation file in order to learn more about those DNA traces found inside the car. Coding genomes reveal information about the person’s hair, eye and skin colour, thus indirectly about ethnic origin. In the case of male DNA, even the non-coding Y-haplotype allows the person’s geographical origins to be traced quite precisely. Given that they tried to match those DNA samples to the AH family’s friends, I suspect that the racial profiling of the DNA samples pointed towards Middle Eastern origins.

    Some more speculation: Assuming that the AHs were accompanied by a mysterious person who hitched a lift up to the Martinet, would they really have taken some random Frenchman along? Possible, but I doubt it. In my opinion, that hitcher scenario works best if they encountered a fellow Brit or, even better, a fellow Iraqi – ideally a woman, as a woman would have been considered wholly unthreatening. Taking this thought further, the objective of that seemingly chance encounter must have been from the outset to lure the AH family to the Martinet in order to kill them there, hence the three full magazines. For various reasons, I quite like the idea that the hypothetical hitcher was not the actual killer, but that the killer (with his RHD BMW X5) waited near the Martinet for the decoy to show up with the AH family.

  • michael norton

    The BBC story is not completely accurate.

    You would think they would proof read what they stick on their website.

    It would seem that there were two motorcyclists, on that terrible day, 5 September 2012
    both hanging around Lathuile / Doussard / Chevaline
    on identical motorcycles, both riders, dead ringers for the photofit

    but did they both have identical specialist helmets?

  • michael norton

    Anther viewing of the offered information might let you imagine there was only one motorcyclist, that person was Eric the eX-policeman, who is a dead ringer for the photofit and sometimes lives in Lathuile and is known to harbour weapons.
    In this scenario Eric the prosecutor wants us to think a new motorcyclist has just come into the cloudy picture but this imagined newcomer is the eX-policeman, who also happenes to be an entrepreneur from nearby Lyon.

    We have been told that Eric owns and lets out several properties.

  • michael norton

    Of course, if spies were involved,
    there could be two identically equipped motorcyclists,
    thus causing a spot of confusion?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Is the Lyon entrepreneur and paraglider called Eric as well?
    These FRENCH will drive us crazy.

  • michael norton

    I am afraid we are not going to be told what this “new” motorcyclist is called,
    it is going to be another mystery.
    Eric the prosecutor wants to keep some things up his FRENCH sleeves.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    All attorneys are liers, but FRENCH attorneys more than anybody else. And Devouassox is an old story.

  • michael norton

    No, not really an old story, I think both identical motorcyclists are attending the same court case.
    One named and one unnamed.

  • Peter

    Actually, the motorcyclist has been as-good-as-named by some French journalists.
    I shall leave it to you bright sparks to work that one out and independently discover the connections between the Chevaline murders and Basques putting horsemeat into ready-made lasagna sold in French supermarkets 😉

    Personally, I consider it safe to strike the motorcyclist off the list of suspects. Doing so has far-reaching ramifications for the timeframe in which the murders were committed, rendering the murders either spontaneous (e. g., a road rage incident) or a carefully-prepared assassination attempt targeting the entire AH family (with the AHs being lured to the Martinet by some seemingly harmless person). Of those, I much prefer the latter option, because it fits all the known facts quite beautifully, including the as-yet unidentified Middle Eastern man with whom SAH had an animated conversation the evening before the murders. That man may well have bought an untraceable old flingue from some local villains over in Switzerland, “coincidentally” bumped into the AHs the next day and persuaded them to drive up to the Martinet. A further refinement to that plan would have been for the man to have a non-threatening decoy, ideally a female, lure the AHs up to the Martinet, where he was waiting with said old gun and their getaway car. Such a scenario would explain why SM had to be killed as well: If the actual killer had been inside the car, he (or she) could have held the AHs at gunpoint and waited for an opportune moment to strike. However, if the person inside the car merely was a decoy, the killer had to strike at the prearranged place as soon as the AHs arrived together with the decoy. The decoy hypothesis also explains how the killer could miss little Zeena: if the killer had previously been inside the car, he would have been aware of her presence.

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