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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    The Kouachi, Coulibaly and would Boumedienne seen just before the attacks
    by Benoît Collombat
    Our colleagues from France Inter on Monday revealed a new information in the investigation into the attacks of Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Kosher. The Kouachi brothers Amedy Coulibaly and his wife Hayat Boumedienne were together two weeks before the attacks. A meeting that took place in Annecy.

    Two months after the attacks against Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Kosher door of Vincennes, the investigation continues to try to reconstruct the route of Kouachi brothers and Amedy Coulibaly. The three men appear to have coordinated their operations. Our colleagues from France Inter show Monday that investigators collected a key testimony establishes that the three terrorists and their accomplices Hayat Boumedienne , were probably set two weeks before the attacks.

    This is a hostess of Annecy-Genevois hospital who alerted his direction on January 14, 2015. Looking at reports about the attacks, she said she had a “click”. She is convinced to have crossed Kouachi brothers Amedy Coulibaly and Hayat Boumedienne in Annecy Hospital in late December 2014. On that day, a man arrived with a young woman who strongly resembles Hayat Boumedienne. The young woman remained behind. His friend asked emergencies to the hostess.

    A little later, two men (for the hostess, the Kouachi brothers), one wearing a djellaba have asked to see some Hayat Boumedienne. The hostess looked in his file but the name did not come out. “She may have given another name,” he said aloud one of the two men, which has intrigued the hostess. The small group left the scene together a few minutes later. “They are idiots in this hospital,” blurted the young woman, by the way.

    Was it really Kouachi brothers of Amedy Coulibaly and his girlfriend may be pregnant before fleeing to Syria? Investigators are still very cautious. Checks are in progress. Video recordings of the hospital could not be exploited because they are kept only seven days.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    “I shall leave it to you bright sparks to work that one out”
    With all these FRENCH involved, being bright is not the point. We have no personal experience of such obfuscation. Say what you have to say, Doctor Peter.
    The Chevaline killings took place in FRANCE, they must have a FRENCH rationale.

  • Peter

    @ NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    I strongly suspect that you are more likely than any of the other posters here to have come across Spanghero lasagna, with or without a little horsemeat added for that extra chewiness. Thus, you will already have worked out the meaning of those allusions made on Twitter.

    Horsemeat butcher or no, the motorcyclist has now been excluded from the inquiry insofar as I am concerned. That makes things a lot clearer and takes me right back to my original supposition that SAH’s brother knows more about this than he cares to admit. He must have at least some suspicions as to who might have been behind this (perchance the handful of people of whom Eric Clouseau said that his people were keeping an eye upon them?), and he must be scared witless.

    If I may indulge in a piece of wild speculation, I have a hunch that the ultimate motive for the murders may have more to do with “Kelly Thompson” than with her husband. SAH is an open book, everything about his history rings good and true, nothing in that history could plausibly serve as a motive. By contrast, there is almost no information available about his wife and what little there is, such as the bizarre notion that she spent her entire adult life training to become a dentist, is palpably untrue.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    & A
    I’ve eaten horsemeat all my life and I love it. But Spanghero lasagna are only marketed in Germany I think, mein Freund.
    The Kelly episode was rather exotic, but once again, the slaughter of the horses has to be a FRENCH crime with a FRENCH target and a FRENCH gunman. I have no doubt about this.

  • michael norton

    The Slaughter of the Horses Incident

    It would seem that there were two motorcyclists,
    on that terrible day, 5 September 2012
    both hanging around Lathuile / Doussard / Chevaline
    on identical motorcycles, both riders, dead ringers for the photofit

    but did they both have identical specialist helmets?

    If the motorcycle rider spoken to by the forest guys,
    was indeed a near-local HORSE BUTCHER

    could there be any connection?

  • michael norton

    In late December,2014,
    a few days before the attacks in Paris, a witness, Annecy Hospital receptionist,
    said she saw the Kouachi brothers & Amedy Coulibaly & Hayat Boumedienne.

    Two hypotheses could explain their presence in Annecy.

    If the department was their destination, they could have sought to meet or practice. As the center of France, where Kouachi and Coulibaly couple were trained in weapons,
    Haute-Savoie full of discrete sites and rarely visited.

    They might also have to meet with potential local contacts, more radicalization of homes being under the supervision of the forces of high Savoy order. Fares Mourad, a major jihadist recruiters apprentices for Syria, arrested last September in Turkey, so is a native of Thonon-le-Bains.

    Second hypothesis, the four accomplices could cross the department seeking to prepare Boumedienne Hayat in Syria by road, via Switzerland or Italy. The stop at the hospital could be explained by the pregnancy of the girl.

    With the help of two accomplices, it was eventually left France to Turkey a few days later, on January 2 (five days before the attacks), via Madrid.

    The management of the Annecy hospital declined to comment, hiding behind the legal process and confidentiality.

  • michael norton

    Well, Well, Well.

    Mr. Nisman was murdered
    he did not shoot himself in the back of his head.

    There were no spasms in Mr Nisman’s right hand, suggesting he had not shot himself
    Additionally, no gunpowder residue was found on his hands
    The prosecutor had been shot in the back of the head
    Mr Nisman’s body had been moved to the bathroom once he was shot
    Claims that the prosecutor was drunk are false.

    Maybe other people who have been said to have unexplained deaths have also been murdered,
    for example the EX-Legionnaire, who was romantically linked to the sister of
    Sylvain Mollier, yet he has not been named?

  • Peter

    I have been thinking. If I were hitching a lift with a family whom I (or an accomplice) were about to eviscerate, one of the last things I would want that family to do is to take a photo of me. Thus, I should make sure to keep my hands on their camera in the run-up to the murders.

    Hence, even though the grandmother is not in that final picture of the AH family, it may also have been taken by the killer.
    It certainly looks as if it had been taken by somebody quite a bit taller than SAH or his wife, doesn’t it?

  • michael norton

    Does anybody else think it just a little bit strange, that this dead end road, should have been ridden up and down by two lookalike motorcyclists on lookalike motorcycles, at the same time as The Slaughter of the Horses Incident occurred, yet neither of these motorcyclists, thought to come forward to have themselves eliminated from police inquiries.
    Also that the police took 18 months to identify one, who apparently resided in Lathuile,
    and after he was eliminated a further 12 months to identify the second.
    We are expected to agree that this second, was the motorcyclist who was actually spoken to by the forest guys at the same time as the slaughtering was happening.


  • James

    An ex Royal Marine takes photos of an “unknown” house, nearby is the Al Hilli daughters…
    And Eric is “annoyed” they can not “further question” this individual ?

    The French can not explain why Mollier was “lost”.
    Or give details about the ex French Foreign Legionnaire….
    …who appears to be Mollier’s sisters lover no less !

    And Eric is ANNOYED !

    Seems to me, this is “yet another” push away from “France” and the “French involvement” in whatever has gone on here.

    So….which top politicians wife was banging a local lad then ????

  • James

    …and (I’ve said this before, so I’ll say it again).

    Take a look at the Al Hilli “last family picture” picture.
    See anything “odd” ?

    Al Hilli must have employed a special tailor to make his polo shirts.
    A tailor that likes to make one side longer than the other !

    ….because that isn’t a “shadow” on the bottom of his shirt.
    That’s “photoshop”

  • Pink

    using bing translate I thought this interesting ,

    “It is Le Parisien which reveals Tuesday this information (the link was not yet available at the time of writing our article). The grandmother of two surviving girls of the attack of September 2012, Suhaila al-Hili, mother of Iqbal, had to decide to make a financial donation to the girls. An idea that is enchanted manages another son, Iqbal brother, Haydar Traher, 48 years. Coincidence? A rat was found on the computer’s grandmother, who was used to spy on all of its shares, and the latter was active as stack on the dates where Haydar Traher was present in Britain. The man would have already threatened his parents repeatedly. For now, the investigation has not allowed to withhold charges against him.”

    Can anyone give a better translation ?

    “C’est Le Parisien qui révèle ce mardi cette information (le lien n’était pas encore disponible au moment de la rédaction de notre article) . La grand-mère des deux petites filles survivantes de l’attaque de septembre 2012, Suhaila al-Hili, mère d’Iqbal, venait de décider de faire une donation financière aux fillettes. Une idée qui n’enchantait gère son autre fils, le frère d’Iqbal, Haydar Traher, 48 ans. Coïncidence? Un mouchard a été retrouvé sur l’ordinateur de la grand-mère, qui permettait d’épier toutes ses actions, et ce dernier n’était actif que pile aux dates où Haydar Traher était présent en Grande-Bretagne. L’homme aurait déjà menacé ses parents à plusieurs reprises. L’enquête n’a pour l’instant pas permis de retenir de charges contre lui.”

  • James


    Yeah….a better translation is “The French have lost one piste, which they were pretty sure had nothing to do with the shooting anyway (hence the massive delay in releasing the photo fit sketch of the rider) AND they have recruited there loyal buddies in the French press (the “a source close to the inquiry” bloke) to write an article that pushes suspicions on a “former Royal Marine / Special Boat Squadron” dude, who for some reason alone known to this “squaddie”, ignores all his training on Observation Posts….and stands in the middle of a street, taking pictures of the two survivors, whilst they are known to be under 24 hour (armed) police protection…which was mentioned by the Judge at the Al Hilli inquest and at the subsequent “foster care arrangements” hearing.

    That’s a good translation of the “Ducos” article !

  • Peter

    @ All
    Upon reflection, that ex-Marine was probably out there working as a paparazzo. I got the timing wrong: this incident occurred before the kids were permitted to live with Ikbal’s sister. At the time, the story was still “hot” enough for unscrupulous tabloid newspapers to try to get some snaps of them.

    @ James, 11 Mar, 2015 – 12:59 pm
    Yes, I do see something odd about that photo, namely the angle from which it was taken. Unless we are to believe that Suhaila Al-Allaf was a fair bit taller than both Ikbal and SAH – even after allowing for his bent-forward posture in the photo – that photo is very probably (c) the Chevaline killer.

    @ Pink, 11 Mar, 2015 – 1:15 pm
    It was not a “rat” that was found on the grandmother’s PC, but a Remote Access Trojan, i. e. spyware.
    Now that we have got this out of the way, please explain to me how a woman who was on benefits in Sweden could be planning to make a generous financial “contribution” to her granddaughters? (The reason why she chose to do so via a Swiss private bank is the same reason why AH senior used that bank – he was on benefits in the UK.)

  • James


    The “last pic” picture.
    Compare the bottom of Saad’s shirt.
    Look to the left (as you see it) verse the right (as you see it).
    It is “disproportionate”. To short on the right to be explained as a shadow.

    Re “grandma” giving money. Mind did. No Swiss account needed though. Although I did get mine (in trust) before she was 74. Tax you see. But an “undisclosed” account works all the same. And on a “cultural” level, they may do that. She’s not declaring “income”.

    Re SpyWare. I “cleaned” my mothers computer a bit back. The “crap” they have on them is unbelievable. I guess they don’t run “MalwareBytes” as many times as we do !
    A “cookie” spyware ! That’s “no” great shock.

    But Eric needs a “piste”. He can’t say “Now we have none”. And NOT because (hopefully) he doesn’t have any. Moreso, it keeps the “perp” thinking.

    ….think about. What fun it must have been for the perp to think “they’re looking for the motorcyclist” !

  • James

    Or put it another way.
    For two years the “perp” relaxed. They were hunting the motorcyclist (publicly).
    The benefit that would give an investigation team !

  • Peter

    @ James

    I see what you mean. His polo shirt is hanging out of his trousers on one side, but is still tucked in on the other side. Some degree of sartorial disarray is only to be expected when playing with little children, no? Given that the polo shirt is too large for SAH anyway (the sleeves reach down to the crook of his elbows), I don’t see anything wrong with this.

    What I do see, though, is that this photo was taken with the camera facing slightly downwards, i. e., by a person taller than both AHs. Am I wrong?

    Regarding the spyware, I don’t think that it was only a cookie. However, according to recent statistics, a whopping 40% of German PCs are infected with malware. Without knowing more about the kind of malware on her computer, it is impossible to say how serious and how targeted an attack this may have been.

  • James


    I though that also.
    The shirt is tucked in one side…and hanging out the other. Logic.
    But (as you have seen) it “very long”.

    Try and replicate that “effect”.
    I ride horses in my spare time. I have long (longer) polo tops. It’s impossible to do.
    Saad’s is “too straight” after it passes the child.

    I think, there was a photo taken. It was of them. But it wasn’t at that location.
    No idea why.

  • Peter

    @ James

    Now you have got me wondering… I believe that the effect can be replicated, but only if you assume that SAH is bending forwards from the hips at quite an angle, more than one would initially think. You can infer the angle at which he is bent forwards from the proportions of his arms and hands to what is visible of his torso. If he were standing straight, or more-or-less-straight, he would have arms like a Orang-Utan and huge hands.

  • Peter

    Another thing: I don’t know whether SAH was into Jermyn Street shirts – his shirt in the photo certainly doesn’t look like one – but as a man of the world, you are no doubt aware that there are so-called traveller’s shirts that have small hidden inside pockets down in the front right-hand side, for cash, keys, condoms, small bags of cocaine, whatever 😉

    Anyway, having the “loose” side of his shirt weighted down by something in an inside pocket might explain why the hem is so straight.

  • James


    That’s how I see it.
    Hence, I think it’s a photo of the family. Even taken on that day.
    But not “there”.

    The “gap” between Mr and Mrs has been “filled in” with “background”.
    But there’s been a struggle to get his side correct.
    So it’s just been “blacked in”.

    Why that picture has been treated in that way is a mystery.

    One thing. It puts the family in Chevaline (in the pic) and not in Arnand (what was stated in Eric’s initial Press Conferences)….but have no idea “why” that would be something which they would want to “infer” ?

  • Peter

    @ James

    As I have said, I can sort of see why you would think that. His very straight, very black left trouser leg has me wondering, too. That trouser leg doesn’t look as deeply bent as it would have to be for the proportions of torso vs. arms and hands to be right.

    Still, unless I am very much mistaken, that photo is supposed to be one of the set from the investigation file leaked to BFMTV – leaked, not willingly released. Thus, if that photo was manipulated, that “leak” probably was a ruse, too …

    I suppose I had better stop speculating about all this before I get drawn into a vortex of paranoia. Cheerio!

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