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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James

    From “primark” to “Jermyn Street”. That’s a leap for Saad, I imagine.

    The “whole photo” to me, doesn’t fit.
    He appears to be looking one way, his wife another.

    Why it is “important” they have the family “there” at 1517 is confusing.

    I also DON’T buy the “motorcyclist didn’t follow the hype” of the case (as Eric put it).
    I think that is just a “bizarre” reason to be given as to “why he didn’t come forward”.

    I believe the police are “altering” things. And for a reason.
    I can’t figure out if that reason is a “cover up” OR “to benefit there investigation”.

  • Pink

    Thanks Peter I got the gist of the spyware or RAT I cannot make out the reference to Haydar and if its supposed to be connected.

  • Peter

    @ Pink, 11 Mar, 2015 – 7:31 pm

    A connection to Haydar is hinted at or insinuated by the assertion that the spyware was only active during the dates while Haydar was in the UK.

    I’m not sure what the term “active” is is supposed to mean in this context: Does it mean that the malware was installed shortly before the family shipped Haydar off to the UK? If so, I can well imagine that someone with paranoid tendencies who knew that he was about to be sent to a mental institution abroad would install spyware on his mother’s PC.

    Or does it mean that the spyware was actively used to extract data during that period? If the latter, that exculpates rather inculpates Haydar in my view, because I don’t think that psychiatric patients in the UK have unrestricted, unsupervised Internet access.

    Personally, I suspect that the spyware is most likely to have come from this man

  • michael norton

    The Slaughter of the Ibex

    In this reserve, the decision hasn’t been advertised. A prefectural order, quietly released on March 3, yet has just approved additional ibex slaughter, in the context of the fight against brucellosis in Bargy.

    In one of the previous episodes of the drawer case, the option of a global slaughter of all ibex massif advocated by the prefect, was ultimately blocked by the Minister
    Segolene Royal, under pressure from environmental groups.

    The fact remains that the need for continued vigilance on the possible extension of the epidemic remains. This is the meaning of this new prefectural.

    It provides “capture and direct euthanasia ibex of all sexes and ages whose brucella infection has been confirmed with the rapid test, whether or not they clinical signs of the disease.”
    The slaughter authorization is valid until 30 June

    In total, the protocol provides for the capture of a hundred beasts and confirms that only HIV-positive will be slaughtered. It will serve as a basis for a new epidemiological report the results will be forwarded to the Ministry.

    On a practical level,
    it is the agents of the National Hunting and Wildlife Office to be responsible catches, while veterinarians will practice euthanasia. The order also states that “crossing points” between the massifs will be special surveillance to prevent spread of the disease.

    The slaughter authorization is valid since the publication of the decree on March 3 and runs until June 30.

    According to our information, however, no samples, however, been made in recent days. It will take several weeks, and a good snow melt to see start operations.

  • Pink

    Thanks Peter that’s very helpful ,I tend to agree with you about who may have put the spyware on , as we have heard so little about HT I wanted to be sure what was being said .

  • Good In Parts

    Peter & Pink

    Quote below is from Le Figaro:-

    “Un mouchard a été retrouvé sur l’ordinateur de la grand-mère, qui permettait d’épier toutes ses actions, et ce dernier n’était actif que pile aux dates où Haydar Traher était présent en Grande-Bretagne.”

    I read that as not active on dates HT was in the UK. However it does seem to autotranslate the other way round.

    Disclaimer – I am not French.

  • michael norton

    That’s a good question by the mother of Helric
    it could equaly be asked of the two identical motorcyclits, W.B.M.
    the forest guys and all the others that were nearby.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 12 Mar, 2015 – 12:58 pm

    Said article in Le Figaro is a copy & paste job lifted straight from Le Parisien. In the original article, the wording was: “Et ce mouchard n’était activé que lorsque Haydar séjournait en Grande-Bretagne.”

    How would you translate that? I take both versions to mean that the spyware was only active while H. stayed in the UK.

  • michael norton

    According to the mother of Helric Fredou, police officers with whom she spoke expressly advised that she would not have access to the autopsy report. The Code of Criminal Procedure, however, provides that in any case of legal autopsy (for suicide or suspicious death), any member of the family can make a request to the prosecutor. “Give it up” is the message being sent to a bereaved mother who “wants to know the truth.”

  • michael norton

    I expect,
    when the court of coroner ( or whatever it is called in France)
    is held,
    there will not be an announcement,
    so that only one idiot reporter will be involved.

    These events seem to be held in mist.

    It should be obvious to the good people of France,
    that the wool is being regularly pulled down over their eyes.

    “for your eyes only”

    not for the eyes of the French people.

  • Good In Parts

    @ Peter

    My bad. Yes,’only activated when’. I wonder whether this was mainstream legit commercial remote access software or something more difficult to spot.

    I can comprehend his ‘displeasure’ shall we say but I have difficulty positioning him as actually organising the killings. Maybe he befriended some seriously ‘bad’ people in some mental institution, who thought they could access the family fortune.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Okay, people. Someone dunnit and as far as we know, they’re still at large. So, after all of this time and ?40,000 posts on this website alone (over three threads) on this subject, have we reached a tentative conclusion as to whodunnit (or at least which organisation/state) and why? In words of one sentence. One, two, three…. Go! Thanks.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 13 Mar, 2015 – 6:48 pm

    Like you, I seriously doubt whether a mentally ill man would have had the wherewithal or the mental composure required to organise these killings (How could they have possibly benefited him, anyway?) and to keep quiet about them afterwards.

    Using Occam’s Razor, I am searching for the simplest, sparsest explanation possible. IMHO, that simplest explanation must account both for SAH’s mysterious Middle Eastern visitor on the evening before the murders as well as for the mysterious person who took the last photos of the family –> this is likely to have been the same person.

    Insofar as the reasons why this person would want to do the AH family any harm are concerned, the police might usefully start by questioning Fadwa Al-Saffar about her sister’s history. I have recently been talking about this case to some extremely moderate, highly westernised Iraqi friends of mine. They all agreed that, if a woman in their family did a “Kelly Thompson” on them, they would immediately disown her. A daughter entering into a sham marriage with some unbelieving kuffar, even going to live under the same roof with that man, is a massive, indelible stain upon the family honour – unless she had very good reasons for seeking such an arrangement. The Al-Saffars were sufficiently well-off for them to be punctilious about matters of family honour; thus, Ikbal must have has very good reasons for running away and trying to hide in the U.S. with their consent.

    I strongly suspect that the reasons for the Chevaline murders lie in Ikbal’s history in Dubai – whatever role she may have had there, suburban housewife with 2.5 children, belly-dancer or just plain hooker, she certainly was not working there as a dentist – and that the quickest route towards clearing up this case is to investigate her personal background.

  • Clark

    Suhayl, always good to see you.

    [Al-Hilli people, sorry to break in off-topic, but Suhayl’s an old friend at this site]

    Suhayl, can you tell me anything about the runaway bin-wagon disaster in Glasgow? If you can, please meet me later on the latest thread.

  • Good In Parts

    @ Peter

    Mmmmm. Needs must when the devil rides. Maybe he attacked her or threatened to kill her. Certainly can’t have been easy finding a husband with a violent mentally ill brother hanging around. The introduction was through someone who had married into the american family. That may have made the ‘temporary marriage’ less unacceptable.

    As to Dubai, my thinking was that there was some connection through Saad’s work, whatever that may have been.

    (note that recent reporting neems to have changed Saads location to nearby Abu Dhabi)

  • James

    One. two. three….go !

    My God.

    Yes, it was the butler…in he study….with the candle stick.

    One two three…fuck off “most esteemed” contributor.
    Or get a life.

    One, two, three….dick face !

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 14 Mar, 2015 – 1:15 am
    Needs must when the devil rides.

    Exactly. Ikbal must have had a compelling reason for her to vanish from Dubai, a reason so compelling that it made a sham marriage acceptable to her family. Her brother, from whom she was already sufficiently far away in Dubai, cannot have been that reason. It must have been something that happened to her there.

    What that may have been, I have no idea, but let me tell you a true story from my circle of friends to illustrate the kind of problem that I think it might have been: German guy meets Turkish girl from a conservative family, they fall in love, he converts to Islam and finally asks her parents for permission to marry her. Her parents go completely mental, citing religious reasons, and repeatedly try to abduct their own daughter. The couple marry anyway. Even after the marriage, repeated attempts are made to kill the guy and abduct the girl. Hit men flown in from Turkey are apprehended by German police at the last minute. The local muslim community rallies around the couple and offers them protection, islamic religious authorities argue with the parents and urge them to cease persecuting the couple, but all to no avail.

    As it turned out, unbeknownst to her, her parents had promised her daughter’s hand to some rich businessman from Turkey in return for a sizable “loan” allowing them to set up a business in Germany, which they would not have to pay back if the daughter married him. Now that they had forfeited their end of the deal, the businessman demanded his money back, money which the family did not have. Failing that, he demanded that her parents kill her new husband, abduct their own daughter and deliver “the widow” to him – which they repeatedly tried to do. It took many years before they stopped trying and the couple are still in hiding from them.

    This is pure speculation on my part, but I could well imagine that something along those lines – Ikbal walking away from an arranged marriage at the last minute, a marriage for which money had already changed hands – would suffice to inspire a vendetta leading up to somebody deciding to eradicate her entire family, including her children, many years later. It would certainly serve as a good reason for her fleeing to the U.S. and assuming a new name through a sham marriage with the blessing of her family.

  • michael norton

    Ask yourselves just a few simple questions.

    1) where did the Slaughter of the Horses happen = FRANCE
    2) which victim was shot the most times = Sylvain Mollier, FRENCH
    3)what near-by Ugine industry was S.M. invloved with
    = largely FRENCH State controlled NUCLEAR FUEL
    4) whoes sister was romantically involved with an eX-Legionnair/paratrooper,
    who apparently committed suicide in his flat in Ugine, yet nine months on, he has still not been named = S.M.
    5) which country has been running the investigations for two and a half years and come up with bugger all = France
    6) which country has dismissed at least two “witnesses”
    as being beyond question ( motorcyclist, spoken to by forest guys at the time of the slaughter at the place of the slaughter) & William Brett Martin, who lives in near-by Lathuile and found the bodies but heard nothing = FRANCE

  • Max

    Hi all at this fellow blog. I’ll drop this as a token of friendship:)

    Listen to this (it was on RTL radio yesterday). A snippet. Think it over

    Remember this (*if you work on SM=target piste*)

    – CS was at work. She came back home so that SM could go biking
    – SM went for biking. He biked up the Combe d’Ire. And was shot dead by X

    If CS had not come home, SM would not have gone biking

    Follows the million dollar question: How did X know that SM would arrive at Martinet?

    Brgds, Max

  • michael norton

    Something that we have not you established is from where did Sylvain Mollier kiss
    Clair Shutz goodbye and commence his last cycle ride?

    I maintain that this was from the PHARMACIE SCHUTZ-MORANGE
    73 RUE JOSEPH MARTIN,Grignon, Albertville, Savoie.

    Adjacent to the pharmacie is the Sapeur-pompier,
    with the white motorcycle.

    It would be my guess that someone from the Sapuer-Pompier knew where Sylvain was going and when he would be at Le Martinet
    because they were his handler.

  • michael norton

    Nine months after this as yet unnamed eX-Legionnair/Paratrooper/Sapeur-Pompier,
    who was romantically involved with the sister of Sylvain Mollier
    (Sylvain took the most bullets during The Slaughter of the Horses Incident)
    no report into his autopsie or coroner court case has been made public.
    This man may have taken his own life in his appartment in Ugine and left a six or seven page note, he had been involved with the sister of Sylvain, he knew Sylvain and had been questioned about him, yet he is being kept as a mystery man by Eric Maillaud.

    Eric is keeping the identity of this Sapeur-Pompier who knew Sylvain

    for a reason.

    What could possibly be the reason for keeping the identity of a “suicide” secret for nine months?

  • michael norton

    45°39’05.14″ N 6°22’37.61″ E

    Just looked on google earth, the pharmacie and sapeur-pompier and white motorcycle are still being shown.

    Did the FRENCH police interview all persons associated with the sapeur-pompier adjacent to the pharmacie of clair shutz?

    Have the French police indentified the owners/riders of the white motorcycle outside of the sapeur-pompier adjacent to the pharmacie?

    Did Sylvain say good-bye to Clair at the pharmacie and is from wher he departed on his last cycle ride on that terrible day, 5 September 2012

  • Good In Parts

    @ Peter

    Yes indeed something along those lines would certainly suffice to cause such a vendetta.

    Now I think that I may have gotten the overall timeline relating to Iqbal confused but here is my best guess in reverse order. Please correct it where wrong

    To UK (marries SAH)
    Back to Dubai (meets SAH)
    To USA (marries JT)
    To Dubai

    Note that she does not return to Sweden, so is the problem in Sweden?

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