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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    If Sylvain Mollier was a keen amateur cyclists, there would be photographs of him cycling and posing with his bikes, especially the one that his girlfriend spent many thousands of euros
    purchasing for him.

    O.K. so where are these photographs after all he was just an ordinary guy, right?

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 14 Mar, 2015 – 7:12 pm

    There is no evidence that she ever spent any significant amount of time in Sweden – but there certainly would be if she had. Rather, she did a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in Bagadad straight after leaving school, when she was only 17 or 18 years old. Thus, I strongly assume that she was actually raised in Bagdad – and I should very much like to know by whom.

    In 1999, she came to the U. S. from Dubai. The years before are a complete blank, but, whatever she may have been up to in Dubai, she did not work there as a dentist. There is no trace of her ever working as a dentist there or anywhere else – and, again, there would be if she had.

    In 2003, she met Saad in Abu Dhabi (according to the British inquest)
    If she had been running away from trouble in Dubai, it would not have made sense for her to return there anyway.

    Later that year, she bigamously married Saad in the UK.

  • michael norton

    I don’t think I’d read that article before.

    Quote D.Ahmed al-Saffar
    ” We thought it was supposed to be a joint investigation but the British say nothing”

    Dr.Ahmed was the brother in law of one of the victims —Suhaila

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    “the overall timeline relating to Iqbal”
    Please add: To FRANCE (killed)
    There must be a reason why she was killed at such a beauty spot, while she had safely spent so many years in ugly places like Dubai or the UK.

  • Good In Parts

    @ Peter

    Some random thoughts of mine, which could easily be wrong:-

    If there were a ‘problem’ in Dubai then I don’t think Abu Dhabi would be sufficiently far away enough to avoid the consequences. They are less than 100 miles away and essentially the same country (the UAE).

    As I understand it, Shias allow a form of temporary or time bounded ‘marriage’ for exactly her situation – a woman temporarily living in a household not headed by an immediate male relative. Not ideal but needs must. However not quite as extraordinary as portrayed.

    As to the whole perma-studying-to-be-a-dentist thing. I have a perspective on this relating to our old friend ‘Arab pride’.

    My guess would be that in addition to difficulties finding a decent husband posed by having a lunatic brother, she was in severe danger of becoming over-educated. And by over-educated I mean better educated than any potential husband. Even worse, a fully qualified and practicing dentist could potentially be higher earning and higher ‘status’. You can see where I am going with this.

    The simplest solution is to be a perma-student. Thus unthreatening and dependent on any future husband and openly willing to postpone her career for children. Yet garnering the social status of the profession for herself and her husband. “My wife is training to be a dentist you know…”

    This sort of thing can also act as fall-back if fortunes change or the marriage fails.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 15 Mar, 2015 – 8:19 pm

    This “temporary marriage” thing is the cover under which prostitutes operate in Iran, and how the likes of IS and Boko Haram try to sell their mass rape of female prisoners to the rest of the muslim world. You had better call an ambulance for yourself before suggesting that idea to an ordinary muslim woman or her family, as the suggestion will assuredly not be well received. The idea of a well-off, educated woman outside a war zone, where she would be in imminent danger of rape, death or starvation, willingly entering into such an arrangement, with a non-believer to boot, is simply preposterous.

    Insofar as training to become a dentist is concerned, I think that you are understimating how liberated Iraqi women are and how keen Iraqi ex-pats are on outward signs of success such as postgraduate academic degrees, for women as well as men. (A friend of mine with Iraqi roots is a very, very successful property developer, who has just built a veritable palace for his parents. Still, he he is regarded as the black sheep of the family, because he only has a Master’s degree, whereas both of his sisters have doctorates. They are both dentists, incidentally.) It is perfectly normal for women of that social stratum to accumulate as many qualifications as they possibly can and to delay marriage until they are in their thirties; if anything, higher status makes them more attractive to potential suitors.

    In short, I don’t believe that Iqbal was training to become a dentist all her adult life. Most likely she tried and failed to become one, and instead worked in a humbler profession such as dental assistant. Claiming that she was training to become a dentist would have been her own and her family’s way of keeping up appearances.

  • michael norton

    Max 14/03/2015

    Thanks a lot.

    Very interesting that maitre Caroline Blanvillain is asking
    “Who knew Sylvain Mollier would be up Le Martinet at that time”

    It is our understanding that she is employed by the family of Sylvain Mollier.

    I wonder what she is trying to winkle out?

  • michael norton

    Another cadaver recovered from a gorge in


    This Monday, March 15, shortly before 9: 30 pm, the police were notified by a witness, the presence of a body in the ravine below the RD 915, up to Villarlurin between Moutiers and Brides-les -Bains.

    The corpse of a man of 35, was recovered by firefighters using mountain resources. The operation ended at 11 h 30. A pickup truck located a hundred meters below, stopped his run in the river Doron. Difficult at present to know the time of the accident. An investigation is ongoing. The vehicle will be recovered from 13: 30 pm this afternoon. For purposes of the maneuvers, the traffic will be by PTT, for an indefinite period.

  • Good In Parts

    @ Peter

    You wrote “The idea of a well-off, educated woman outside a war zone ……. willingly entering into such an arrangement, with a non-believer to boot, is simply preposterous.”

    But it happened! As far as we know she did so willingly. Do you agree?

    If so, by your own logic, she must have been in extreme danger of some kind. Presumably a threat that law enforcement was unable or unwilling to counter or a threat from the state itself.

    What do you suggest?

    P.S. I thought that Boko Haram were Sunni fanatics. Your point about ‘Iranian practices’ is well taken however the fact that some people misuse a legal device does not make it any less useful. You just have to ‘hold your nose’ that bit harder!

    P.P.S. Your other points are good – but I am out of time.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Ikbal al’Hilli was a non-believer. That is why she spent her holidays in France. Her children went to a christian school. They will soon start learning FRENCH.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 16 Mar, 2015 – 5:51 pm

    That is precisely the point I have been trying to make: Iqbal must have been in some deep, deep shit for her to run away to the U.S. like that and enter into a sham marriage with a non-believer there.

    As to what kind of shit that may have been, I have already speculated that her walking away from an arranged marriage would serve as an explanatory hypothesis. Law enforcement would not been able to help her in such a situation, because (a) she could not simply walk into a police station on her own, and (b) because she would have been the one considered to be in the wrong. However, the possibilities are numerous.

    It would help to know if her parents and/or whoever raised her in Iraq were aware and approved of her flight to the U.S. – but I don’t think that we will ever know.

  • michael norton

    It has been said that both the parents of Iqbal are dead.
    Her “mother” was killed with her.

    However we know her “uncle” is still alive Dr.Ahmed al-Saffar

    he is brother to her “father”.

  • Peter

    PS: Regarding the role of her parents / guardians, it is interesting to note what Iqbal didn’t do, namely run back to Iraq, where whoever raised her there would have been able to offer her protection, or run to her parents in Sweden. It would have been easy enough for her to obtain official permission to join her parents in Sweden, even though she did not have Swedish nationality.

    Instead, she struck out on her own, relying upon the help of distant acquaintances and even complete strangers such as Jim Thompson (whom she lied to by claiming to be a fully-qualified dentist and whom she promised to shower with gifts if he helped her). That tells me that she was acting without the consent of her family, whoever that may be.

    Reading things like
    She told me about her family in Iraq and as far as I know there were no political links. really makes me wonder about the family structure. Surely that should have been her family (mother and father and brother) in Sweden?

  • Peter

    @ Michael Norton, 17 Mar, 2015 – 10:46 am

    Yes indeed. Was Suhaila Al-Allaf her mother or her “mother”? In either case, it seems very strange that mother and daughter, who seemed to have barely been in touch throughout all those years – if Iqbal had been in the habit of nipping over to Sweden from the UK, we would probably know about it – spontaneously decided to have a quick caravanning holiday together, a holiday that would lead them to a Swiss private bank.

  • michael norton

    What is the underlying reason the small community of Lathuile,
    features so strongly in the demise of Sylvain Mollier?

    Many of the actors seem to live or have connections with Lathuile.
    William Brett Martin resides in Lathuille,
    it is said to have been him who discovered the slaughter, yet he heard & saw nothing.
    Eric Devouassoux is said to reside in Lathuile and so far as we know, he is the only person to have been arrested for the slaughter but now thought entirely innocent of that crime.
    Mr.& Mrs. Communal-Tournier own an impressive camping establishment in Lathuile, they were apparently night raided bu five gypsies, Nicole was shot dead.
    These villains are in police custody awaiting trail for the last year.
    It has been said that Mr.Communal-Tournier is a relative odf Sylvain Mollier.
    Jean-Claude Deronzier, the president of Faverges inter-community, fell off a nearby cliff.
    His sons have consequently married the daughters of Mr.Communal-Tournier.
    But why did Mr. Deronzier fall off a nearby cliff?
    Spome accounts state that the motorcyclist businessman from Lyon who was spoken with by the forest guys at the scene of the slaughter, at the time of the slaughter,
    was apprehended in Lathuile, this person has not been named and it is said had no involvement in the slaughter
    but he may have been a “wathcher” working for the FRENCH STATE.
    The mate of Eric Devouassoux is also a resident of Lathuile, he was also arrested shortly after Eric for involvement in non legal munitions.

    This very small community seems to have a lot of unfortunate inhabitants and unfortunate connections to a murky world of death.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Mn, Lathuile is in FRANCE, that’s why. Not in Switzerland or Iraq. The answer to the slaughter of the horses (very tasty) must lie in FRANCE.
    Forget the middle-east. It’s a French story.

  • Good In Parts

    @ Peter

    Quick post:- But there is dissonance isn’t there? On the one hand “how liberated Iraqi women are” and on the other hand constrained; “willingly entering into such an arrangement, with a non-believer to boot, is simply preposterous.” then “she struck out on her own”

    I am not dissing your comments, which are excellent. I personally think that people can have different personas in different circumstances, that they can be erratic, inconsistent and contrary.

    Given that her brother is certified, it is possible that his erratic behaviour was a negative role model during her formative years. . .

  • michael norton

    History of housing of Lathuile from 1968 to 2007 :

    The number of housing of Lathuile was 486 in 2007, 387 in 1999, 355 in 1990, 226 in 1982, 190 in 1975 and 171 in 1968.
    In 2007 the accommodations of Lathuile consisted of 375 main homes, 82 second homes and 29 vacant accommodations.

  • michael norton

    That could make the financial winners, rather well off
    and the “stay the sames” rather pissed off.
    If money has been made, Gypsies will move into the area to cream it off.

  • michael norton

    I feel it is most likely the ANSWER will be found in the area of the slaughter
    I.E. Savoie / Haute Savoie FRANCE

    One of the persons slaughtered was a local = Sylvain Mollier,
    who at least nominally, worked for the largely FRENCH state owned
    (local) Nuclear Fuel business.

    How likely is it that a (multi-generational) local, very fit amateur cyclist, would get so bizarrely lost on a new racing cycle worth multiple thousands of Euros, up a dead end track in his “backyard”.
    This man was living with a local woman, her uncle had been close to the government of
    Nicolas Sarkozy. He was also a friend of a senior policeman who was murdered in his own home ( near Paris), consequently, this uncle carried a gun.
    This uncle was also a partner in the Pharmacie Shutz-Morange
    it may well be that this was the place that Sylvain Mollier was currently residing at the time of his murder
    and the place from where he left on his last cycle ride to Le Martinet.

    After the photofit was released of the biker,
    spoken to by the forest guys at Le Martinet at the time of the slaughter,
    a few days later the home/business of the family Communal-Tournier
    was apparently night-raided by five Gypsies, them shooting Mrs.C.T. dead.
    Mr.C.T. was a relative of Sylvain Mollier.

    Am I interesting anyone in a LOCAL ANSWER?

  • Tim Veater

    The only thing I can say about the ridiculous story that the famous “motor cyclist” being identified and ruled out (note how that replicates the driver of the 3/306, and surprise surprise their identities are secret) is how even if not the murderer, to say he or it is irrelevant MUST be nonsense. Why? Because if nothing else, he must have passed the murder scene at the critical time, so if nothing else he must have been able to supply important information. Then again how do we reconcile this account with the previous excuse for holding on to the information, keeping it secret for over a year? They said it was so he wouldn’t be warned they were looking for him. If they knew who he was, that is clearly nonsensical. Like everything else in this case, nothing coming from officialdom can be believed. And as for the British side of the investigation that doesn’t bear examination either. In the light of recent Met. revelations, it would be a very naive person who would have any confidence in what the British side (haven’t) said.

  • michael norton

    it does seem almost unimaginable, that following the disclosure
    ( more than a year after the Slaughter of the Horses Incident)
    of the photofit of a distinctive man, with a VERY distinctive helmet,
    that Eric Maillaud wants us to think,
    that there were TWO identical motorcyclists, with identical white motorcycles, at Le Martinet, very close in time to the massacre, one of these motorcyclists have driven abouve Le Martinet into the forbidden area was spoken with by the forest guys and asked to go down the hill.

    Yet neither of these identical motorcyclists saw or heard nothing and they have both been eliminated from the questions of the prosecutor.

    Did either of these identical motorcyclists admit to having one of the very distinctive motorcycle helmets?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The very distinctive helmet was a FRENCH helmet. Isn’t it surprising, only 30 miles from the Swiss border?
    This motorcyclist was just like Michael. Wearing the wrong helmet at the wrong time.
    Michael Schumacher of course, who had his unfortunate accident in France! So many co incidences!!! Sure sign of a conspiracy.

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