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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    Ye, NotForgettingFRENCHBashing
    quite a lot of co-incidences.
    Only thing comes to my mind for the co-incidence of the two identical motorcyclists on identical white panniered motorcycles and identical, distincitve helmets but at Le Martinet at the time of the SLAUGHTER,
    they were WATCHERS.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    TV is right. The motor cyclist (there is only one of them) replicates the driver of the 3/306. No more 4×4’s. And if the FRENCH police knew who he was all along, why did they spend time and money on pub-lishing his portrait in the media?
    There’s something wrong in FRANCE. Things like that wouldn’t happen in Germany.

  • michael norton

    Who is your motorcyclist then, NotForgettingFRENCHBashing,
    is it
    Eric Devouassoux

    or some other person as yet without a name?

  • michael norton

    The story that is being put out by the French authorities is that this “new” motorcyclist,
    an entrepreneur from Lyon, actually had a conversation with the forest guys at Le Martinet at the time of the Slaughter of the Horses Incident
    and this chap was (not) Eric Devouassoux, who they previously thought was the biker/slaughterer.

    So the official story is that there were more than one identical biker at or near the Slaughter of the Horses Incident.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Perhaps should you learn FRENCH.
    Eric Devou-whatever was arrested because he was reported as resembling the police sketch and his mobile phone had pinged the local cell tower at the time of the crime. At no point has anybody said that he was owning a motorbike, far less driving it by the crime scene.
    No such thing as two identical motor-bikers. Even FRENCH armchair detectives would know that mein Freund.

  • michael norton

    it has been reported that The in-laws of Eric Devouassoux live in Chevaline, it has been reported that Eric lives in Lathuile.
    It has been reported that Eric’s mate lives in Lathuile and that they deal in GUNS
    including the same type( but 7mm) that was thought to be a weapon used at The Slaughter of the Horses Incident.
    It has been reported that Eric was a motorcyclist.

    I think that the e-fitup was drawn to look like Eric

    as he was set up as a PATSIE.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    It has also been reported that Devouassoux was NOT the biker seen by the forestry guys. If true, means only one suspicious biker at the crime scene! Another FRENCH mystery.

  • michael norton

    Eric Devouassoux was a dead-ringer for the e-fit.

    If the “new” motorcyclist is not a dead-ringer for the e-fit,
    something iffy has occurred.

  • michael norton

    What I am suggesting,

    is, if there are in reality two motorcyclists / persons of interest on motorcycles at or near Le Martinet, at or close to the time of The Slaughter of the Horses Incident,
    if an e-fit has then been produced using information given by the forest guys, who it has been claimed, spoke with a motorcyclist at Le Martinet,
    Eric Devouassoux is a dead-ringer for the motorcyclist and was taken into custody.
    Eric Maillud seemed to have convinced himself that Mr.Devouassoux was either the slaughterer or was at least present during the slaughtering.
    Consequently Eric Devouassoux has been released.
    Then, the story becomes,
    Eric Maillud happens on another identical motorcyclist, the actual one who was spoken to by the forest guys.

    BUT this man cannot be named, well they did not have any problem naming Eric Devouassoux, so why treat the suspects differently, we should ask?

    Could it be,
    that this “new” motorcyclist is not a dead -ringer for the e-fit?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    “Eric Maillud seemed to have convinced himself that Mr.Devouassoux was either the slaughterer or was at least present during the slaughtering.
    Consequently Eric Devouassoux has been released.”
    You’re worse than I am! So you think the FRENCH police deliberately let the killer or one accomplice get away with it. Is this what is called FRENCH leave?

  • michael norton

    What if the al-Hilli party had departed from their campsite, called in on W.B.M. who sat in the front passenger seat and directed them to Le Martinet?

  • Peter

    In the past, two other men have been arrested and detained on suspicion of being involved in the Chevaline murders. Rightly, they have never been named, as doing so would be libellous / slanderous. Eric D. was not named, either. Investigators merely leaked a few personal details about him that allowed journalists and other interested parties to work out his identity very easily. Investigators probably did not mind too much, because they must have felt pretty sure that they had caught their man.

    The latter would not have been a matter of him being a dead ringer for the photofit – any man with a dark goatee would have been a dead ringer for that photofit – but of his personal profile (ex-cop, xenophobe, intellectually subnormal, gun collector, owner of a motorcycle etc.). D. has subsequently made it his life’s mission to claim compensation for his wrongful arrest and his outing.

    Obviously, the cops have not learned from that experience and have as good as outed the paraglider / motorcyclist. Why it has taken them so long to find him is anybody’s guess, but identifying people through their mobile phone numbers is not always straightforward: some people use anonymous prepaid SIMs; surprisingly many people swap SIMs within their families, meaning that the number may be registered to a fifteen-year-old girl when in fact it was her daddy who had the SIM in his mobile at the time; some owners of mobile phone stores pre-register SIMs in their own names and only change the billing address when they sell them, meaning that the shop owner’s name will come up as the owner of the SIM; if the SIM is registered in another country, an international request for judicial assistance must be made; mobile phone network operators supply SIM registration data in a variety of weird and wonderful formats, some of which can only be read by their own proprietary software etc. etc. etc.

  • michael norton


    Some questions about the “new” motorcyclist.

    1) Did he use the special motorcycle helmet that opens from the side on 5 September 2012

    2) Does he resemble the e-fit

    3) Why did he not come forward

    4) What did he see or hear during his five rides up and down, past Le Martinet

    5) What transpired between the motorcyclist and the forest guys

    6) Does he know Eric Devouassoux

    7) Does he know William Brett Martin

    8) Does he know Claire Schutz or her parents

    9) Does he know Pierre Morange

    10) Does he know any of the family of Sylvain Mollier

    11) Did he know the (now deceased) friend,
    the unnamed X-Legionnair/paratrooper/Sapeur-Pompier

    12) Did he know “Twig”

    13) what weapons did he own

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    13 questions we won’t easily get an answer to, because of the FRENCH. But no answer sometimes is the best answer.

  • michael norton

    Almost at the same time as the police/prosecutors were getting to know the “new”
    motorcyclist from Lyon, a 63year old man was reported missing in Saint-Jorioz,
    he was later found dead in his car in Seythenex woodland, very close to the site of the Slaughter of 5 September 2012.
    It has been suggested he may have killed himself.

    Both the al-Hilli campsites were in Saint-Jorioz.
    This man has not been named but his photo slipped through the net.

    Perhaps this chap was the “elderly” other, cyclist ( not yet named)
    at Le Martinet on 5 September 2012?

    Trouble for the FRENCH, if they will not name dead persons, people can become suspicious.

  • Peter

    @ Michael Norton, 22 Mar, 2015 – 6:19 pm
    Trouble for the FRENCH, if they will not name dead persons, people can become suspicious.

    This is not good enough. Although your general thinking skills and reading-comprehension aptitude are those of a typical eleven-year-old, marking you out as the quintessential Little Englander, you really do need to work on that good old-fashioned mindless xenophobia. Even you, as a subject of a once-great country ruled by a bunch of degenerate Germans, governed by paedophiles, populated by feckless drunks and smelly, morbidly obese women, plagued by inclement weather and inedible food, a country in whose capital a sad fuck like you can no longer afford to buy so much as a portion of piss-flavoured chips and vinegar because your government has sold the entire city to Russian thieves and Arab goat-worriers – even you cannot resist capitalizing the name of that magnificent nation across the channel each and every time: FRANCE.

    As I have said, that will not do. Behave yourself, or it’s back on the # 125 bus for you.,37823/

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Do not peter out, Peter. You meant what you wrote. No Oktober Fest, is it? But at least, Herr Michael doesn’t support the French!

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Hey GIP, do you speak from experience?
    What about all these FRENCH women who don’t shave their armpits?
    The slaughter of the horses has not changed anything to this. If only Mossad would sell some waxing cream, even TV and Jorgen would like them.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Cameron is the smartest leader of all times. Whenever he retires, he should come to FRANCE and show these snail-eating, frog-eating perverts how to investigate the Slaughter of the Horses.

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