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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James

    LOL !

    Peter, that’s hilarious. A lovely bit of prose, Sir.

    Although “….and show these snail-eating, frog-eating perverts” is funny to.

  • michael norton

    Well, almost certainly the FRENCH would shoot a plane down if there was a chance it was crashing into Eurodif / Tricastin

  • michael norton

    Looks like if the Airbus had kept on flying it would have passed over Sylvain Mollier’s
    Nuclear Fuel Factory in Ugine.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Exactly, mein Freund: MH 370 was aiming for the South pole, and German wings had set the controls for the heart of the Combe D’ire! Makes perfect sense.
    Wish James could tell us more about the mysteries of 4US: all the pings, and the Vertrates and so on. It’s fascinating. Why be a driver when you can be a novelist?
    And in FRANCE, these fantasy stories sell very well: bunch of morons.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Philippe Bossy, who met and punched Brett Martin near the crime scene, could very well be a member of the S & R team for GermanWings.

  • michael norton

    I still think that if just one question could be put to Eric Maillaud about
    the “new” motorcyclist

    it should be

    Did he use the special motorcycle helmet that opens from the side on 5 September 2012?

    If “he” was not,
    then we KNOW Eric is attempting to pull the wool over the eyes, again

  • michael norton

    Different prosecutors in FRANCE seem to work at different speeds,
    which is not very surprizing but one chap from Marseille,
    seems to have cut to the chase very quickly
    with the Airbus crash in The FRENCH Alps,
    yet our man ERIC still seems unable to move his investigation forward
    two and a half years on.

  • Tim Veater

    What we must realise is the public sphere and the multi-national/politico sphere are parallel universes to which all socio/legal entities are subservient. Specialist news organs may get wind of what is happening, but this seldom if ever impinges onto the mainstream news. In this way the general public, by and large, are kept in total ignorance of what is really happening the world or the forces that impel it. The nuclear industry is a sensitive case in point partly because of its intrinsic issues of manufacturing technique, raw materials, decommissioning, dangers, disposal of waste and so on. Above all the central issue of Israel and Iran in particular. Latest news is that the former is stealing more used uranium and plutonium from the States (and probably anywhere else) whilst desperate to stop the EU/US deal going through on Iran. There is of course much theory knocking around on the cause of the Fukushima event both exterior and interior to the plant, the role of Israeli companies there, and Stuxnet both in Iranian and Japanese disasters. Meanwhile Ariva is helping out in Japan in the clean up with special vessels (cue Cezus) and is deeply involved in the planned EDF new British generation. Ariva has big and dodgy involvement in the States and Africa involving literally billions of $ . Here’s one that was going on just about the same time as the killings. We can be sure the Britain was anxious to keep abreast with nuclear developments both east and west despite having downgraded its own capability in this field. This is more than enough justification for a meeting, a killing and a cover-up.

    Just one example for the moment:

    “This was a fast-tracked process imposed by President Obama, yet before Congressional Oversight hearings in 2012, it was denied by DOE Officials. Nevertheless, these emails proved that they used these “rushed” tactics to push through AREVA’s transaction, and President Obama, despite what he told the American people prior to the 2012 election, was actively involved in many of the Energy Departments’ deal making process, including AREVA’s $2 billion deal.

    In an email dated September 1, 2009, James C. McCrea, Senior Credit Advisor of the Loan Programs at the Department of Energy wrote, “Re the rushed process, I agree. What makes it far worse is that we are doing our analysis, preparing the term sheet etc. (not ETC!!) before the project has really gelled. In the commercial financial world, this transaction [AREVA] would not be ready for real financing discussion/term sheet preparation for at least a year.”

  • Tim Veater

    Then again we have to factor in this dramatic report from December 2014 previously referred to in this thread:

    “An ominous report prepared by the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) circulating in the Kremlin today states that the emergency meeting held Saturday morning in Moscow between President Putin and French President François Hollande was due to the discovery of France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) of a “la terreur spectaculaire” [English: terror spectacular] being planned by the Obama regime.

    According to this report, early Saturday morning (6 December), President Hollande was in route to Paris from his state visit to Kazakhstan when his plane requested an immediate/emergency flight path deviation to Moscow’s Vnukovo International Airport (VIA) where the French leader “requested/demanded” that he be met by Putin upon his landing.

    Upon President Hollande’s arrival at VIA, this report continues, he was escorted with his security/intelligence entourage to the government’s Terminal 2 facilities “safe room” that protects its occupants from electronic surveillance.

    Upon Putin’s “rushed arrival” and meeting with his French counterpart at the VIA, GRU analysts in this report say, a “visibly distraught” President Hollande began detailing how his countries DGSE had informed him of their uncovering of an Obama regime plot to stage a massive false flag terror attack which the blame of which would placed on Russia.

    President Hollande further noted to Putin his fears that Russia would be forced to retaliate against the United States, this report says, but expressed his alarm that France could be catastrophically impacted by such a conflict, and which with his meeting he was attempting to insure would not happen.

    Though this report does not detail any response to President Hollande from Putin, it does note that he did order the sudden deployment of the S-400 ‘Triumph’ and Pantsir-S1 surface-to-air missile systems, as well as the Kasta radar station, to central Moscow this morning.”

    What we in fact see on the 7th January is not such an event in Russia (although we have had one since with the killing of Nemtsov) but the Charlie Hebdo and now this German plane crash. Nor can we forget MH370, MH17 and AirAsia flight QZ8501 all in very suspicious circumstances. Given the lies and intrigue surrounding these incidents, it would be a brave man who denied any state involvement and strategy designed to punish, warn or inflame. A common factor is always rather strangely issues involving the middle east (or as the Mirror calls it the “Muddle East”) and either oil or nuclear.

    A recent study has proved a correlation between international events and Israeli actions. There is no reason not to believe it operates in a similar manner as regards to other events, one of the most notable being the downing of MH17 within minutes of the Gaza offensive!

  • Tim Veater

    Maybe its worth noting that that last study was done in Paris as per.

    “So finds a study conducted by Ruben Durante, professor at Sciences Po in Paris, and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, professor at the Paris School of Economics Read the study: Attack When the World is Not Watching? International Media and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.”

  • Tim Veater

    France and Germany of course have taken the lead in brokering a Ukrainian deal contrary to US wishes and in the process pointedly leaving the British poodle to look very unimportant and irrelevant whilst up to recently France led with a call to recognise Palestine as a member of the International Criminal Court and separate state status (that incidentally can never work) which opens the door to prosecution of Israeli leaders. Germany and France have thumbed their fingers at British/American surveillance and might even facilitate the asylum of Snowden to get their own back!!! Well let this be a warning to you folks.

  • michael norton

    If the Annecy Prosecutor Eric Maillaud can allow the name of a motorcycle suspect to “get out”
    Eric Devouassoux,

    why does he not want the name of the “new” motorcycle suspect to get out?

  • michael norton


    is your meaning

    the “new” motorcyclist is French
    therefor the Annecy Prosecutor wishes to hide the identity
    of the “new” motorcyclist?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Absolutely, the FRENCH prosecutor always said that the answer was in the UK.
    If there’s any French suspect, he quickly dismisses them, at a ratio of 95 to 99%.

  • michael norton

    Still waiting to hear what the score will be (in court)
    for the five gypsy folk who it is said shot Nicole dead in her campsite a few days after the photokit picture was released of the motorcyclist?

    Did both the motorcyclists resemble the photokit?

    If there really is a new motorcyclist was he wearing that distinctive side opening helmet on the day of the slaughter?

  • michael norton

    If there really is a new motorcyclist,
    it would be awkward if he was not wearing the distinctive side opening helmet
    on the day of the slaughter.

    It would also be awkward if he looked nothing like the photofit.

    Then we might think we were being led up a FRENCH garden path
    by the Annecy Prosecutor.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Yes, we were. The FRENCH prosecutor has no other goal than to rule out local leads and focus on British pistes. They hate the Brits. They throw up at the mere mention of steak & kidney pie. They don’t even know how to play cricket. The Slaughter Of The Horses incident will never be solved unless British police steps in and investigate directly, like they have in the Madeline case.
    Why, why did the al’Hillis chose to take their well-deserved holidays in France?

  • bluebird

    Last paragraph from my link above!!

    Admiral Coldefy retired on September 1, 2006 and since has been appointed as Vice President of Political Affairs for France at the EADS Company.

    EADS, EADS …
    And Alice Coldefy finds the blackbox …
    Any more questions? Definitely not me!

    I always wondered why an unnamed “military source” forwarded that fake story to the NYT and why the NYT always “knew more” then French newspapers. There’s a military source!

  • Tim Veater

    3 Apr, 2015 – 12:01 pm you may not realise that the madelaine case was a no. 10 cover-up from the beginning!

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