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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • bluebird

    Here’s a better article in english. as i said, this is just a sidenote since jerome ouvrier buffet has a house in the village if the Guerini family in corsica. Probably just a coincidence. His sister Karen (spouse of the deceased Nicholas Mollier-Thomas) visited her brother in corsica recently.
    The Guerini family is deep into heroin trafficing (the french connection) from iran/turkey to marseille and then to the usa. They worked for the CIA in arms trafficking and in return were save heroin traffickers.

    The French Connection: Did Corsican Guerini Mobsters Kill John F. Kennedy?

  • bluebird

    What will you make if that?
    Here’s a cooperation of Guerini mafia, CIA, Iraqi Auchi and Elf/Total (Bianco = Catherine Ouvrier Buffet). The mobster connection with CIA:

    Falcone et Cie Nous affinons ici la carte “génétique” du groupe Falcone, publiée le mois précédent. Le Pierre Falcone emprisonné en décembre est le fils d’un autre Pierre Falcone, né en 1923 près de Naples. Parti s’établir en Algérie, celui-ci fit fortune dans la pêche et la conserverie sous la marque “Papa Falcone” 34. À la fin de la guerre d’Algérie, il rapatrie sa société à Port-Vendres, où la “Société nouvelle Papa Falcone” est désormais gérée par François Frezouls. Pierre Falcone senior est un vieil ami d’Étienne Leandri 35. Cet intermédiaire de haut vol, proche de Pierre-Philippe et Charles Pasqua, ainsi que de Jean-Charles Marchiani, était jusqu’à sa mort, en 1995, un personnage central des affaires d’armes et de corruption en France. Collaborateur notoire, doté d’un uniforme de la Gestapo, il s’était enfui en Italie après la guerre. Il y était devenu trafiquant de cigarettes, de fausse monnaie et de drogue, branché sur la filière corse de trafic d’opium. Ami de Jo Renucci et Antoine Guerini, il se lie aussi au chef mafieux Lucky Luciano : il le représente auprès de la CIA, dont il rencontre plusieurs fois le patron, Allen Dulles. L’agence américaine apprécie son anticommunisme. Elle obtient en 1955 l’annulation de sa condamnation à vingt ans de travaux forcés pour collaboration. Étienne Leandri rentre en France, il est avec son compatriote corse Charles Pasqua l’un des cofondateurs du célèbre SAC (Service d’action civique). Il se lance dans l’immobilier, puis dans les contrats d’armement avec sa société Tradinco. C’est alors qu’il devient l’ami inséparable du milliardaire irako-britannique Nadhmi Auchi. Opérant souvent depuis Londres, comme Auchi, il y représente officiellement les intérêts d’Elf, Dumez et Thomson – trois groupes où les commissions dépassent parfois allègrement la centaine de millions de francs. Ses propres pourcentages le transforment en nabab, intime entre autres du roi Fahd d’Arabie saoudite. En fait, malgré les inquisitions du fisc, Leandri vit en France. Vu ses clients, il y bénéficie des plus hautes protections. Et même d’un droit de regard sur la Sofremi, une officine parapublique de vente d’armes et d’équipements dépendant du ministère français de l’Intérieur. Il a par ailleurs initié au monde des ventes d’armes le fils de Charles Pasqua, Pierre-Philippe. La famille Falcone, comme la famille Pasqua, est donc amie de cet Étienne Leandri – allez savoir pourquoi 36. Elle serait aussi au mieux avec la famille Bush, selon Airy Routier 37. Avant de devenir président des Etats-Unis, George Bush senior dirigea la CIA. Avant d’accéder à son tour à la Maison blanche, George Bush junior, gouverneur du Texas, aurait fréquenté, à Scottsdale en Arizona, le somptueux ranch des Falcone 38 – qui ont « généreusement contribué à financer 39»

  • bluebird

    Did the Bianco oil company (Fils Jules Bianco), later ELF/Total make business with Guerini (Corsica) and Auchi (Iraq).

    That would then explain some connections and knowledge between “families” and representatives regarding preplanned meetings of known people. In that respect it is quite possible that SM (ouvrier-buffet – Bianco clan) and SAH knew each other long ago.

  • bluebird

    Perhaps unrelated and just a name coincidence.
    But i had searched for mollier mafia …..

    UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,
    Walter MOLLIER, Defendant-Appellant.

    No. 87-1583.

    United States Court of Appeals,
    Fifth Circuit.

    Aug. 18, 1988.

    Appellant Mollier challenges his conviction on counts of conspiring to import and to possess large quantities of marijuana with intent to distribute. Mollier asserts that the evidence was insufficient to sustain the jury’s verdict, that the trial court erred in refusing his instruction on the definition of the word “knowingly,” and that he was denied due process when the government was permitted to introduce evidence relating to certain substantive counts that should have been barred under the doctrine of non-mutual collateral estoppel. 

  • michael norton

    Burkina Faso

    President Compaore
    is a staunch ally of the USA and France,
    which uses Burkina Faso as a base for military operations against militant Islamists in the Sahel region, Compaore first took power in a coup in 1987,
    and has won four disputed elections since then.

    The country is now in “Lockdown”

  • Q

    Karen O-B went to Corsica for a holiday. Often, people go on holidays with their partners and children. It is quite likely that Nicolas went to Corsica with his conjoint.

  • Q

    The car: a classic espionage way of getting rid of someone. Just how many times has James Bond’s car been tinkered with, exploded, etc.? Simple to do, without much drama: just cut the power steering line, mess with the brakes, or what have you. First hairpin turn and voila! Or have them drive a GM, and put one too many keys on the key ring. Oh, sorry, got distracted there.

  • bluebird


    … and now somebody intermarried with the Jules Bianco family perished shortly thereafter.
    Plus we have Guerini mafia/Elf/Total/Bianco and Corsica (Calenzano – home of the Guerini mafia)

    Bianco sounds a bit ‘corse’, doesnt it?

  • michael norton

    President of Burkina Faso ( one of the longest serving heads of state in the world and well in with the U.S.A. & France) has been more or less forced to resign.

    Burkina Faso is one of the most important producers of gold in the world.
    It is also a big producer of Zinc.
    It is also a producer of Manganese.

    A geological survey carried out by the Bureau des Mines et de la Geologie du Burkina (BUMIGEB) have identified several areas containing uranium mineralisation in Burkina Faso. Stong uranium anomalies are believed to come from the N-S structure on the edge of the granite body of Bossie in the southwestern part of the country.

  • Q

    It seems very strange that some things come up repeatedly in the al-Hilli threads. One such thing is video games. We learned that a mathematician, killed in a strange car accident in the French Alps, is checked out on LinkedIn by people who are interested in specific video game companies or individuals who work for those companies.

    Whether plot lines and characters in games like Ubisoft Annecy’s Assassin’s Creed are based on real events and real individuals via an inside source, we do not know. We do know that things like this happen:

  • bluebird

    The families Mollier, Ouvrier-Buffet and Brun seem to politically rule a certain area near Ugine, particularly the skiing and winter sports areas Notre-Dame-de-Bellecombe and Saint Nicolas la Chapelle. Lioks like this area is owned and split between Mollier, Brun and Ouvrier-Buffet.

    Whether or not the Molliers in that area are Mollier, Mollier-Camus or Mollier-Thomas families, they are basically the same family since the second name was just given due to a marriage into another powerful local family, that name splitting usually happened pre-WW2, about 3-4 generations ago.

  • michael norton

    Yet one Mr. Mollier was shot seven times and died.
    A Mr. Brun hurtled down an embankment whilst sitting alone in his vehicle.
    Yves Ouvrier-Buffet found him self dead down a gorge and nicolas Mollier-Thomas barrel rolled down the same gorge as the last chap.

    Probably none are connected
    but it would be good to know the name of the X-Legionnaire who was romantically inclined with the sister of Sylvain?

    Also was it not once said that the son of Eric Devouassoux was married to an Ouvrier-Buffet
    or was it Eric himself, I am sure one of us has pointed out some connection maybe it was just renting out skiing homes in that area?

  • bluebird

    The best family collection you will find on the friends list of that girl.

    They’re all there:

    Mollier (plenty)

    Also the families Mongellaz and Jaquet are obviously intermarried with the Molliers.

    These few but prominent families rule and own the alpine winter sports areas Notre Dame de Bellecombe, Flumet and Saint Nicolas la Chapelle.

  • michael norton

    if these families are locally important and Nicolas shares a familial relationship to the murdered Sylvain Mollier( from two years ago, The Slaughter of the Horses)
    would int not be an idea to “imagine” he has been murdered
    rather than being lost/bad driving/suicide/depressed?

  • bluebird

    Read here on CM my investigation from sept 2012.
    Search that CM link for “Brice Mollier”.

    Brice Mollier is from that very family in Notre Dame de Bellecombe and in sept 2012 he worked for the French embassy in Romania.
    Do you remember Zaid’s phone call with Romania?

    copy from that CM link but there was more on that link regarding Brice Mollier:

    Roger Mollier (Sylvain’s father?) is from Notre Dame de Bellecombe.
    Roger André MOLLIER
    Joseph François MOLLIER 1894-1936/
    Hortense Marie Louise OUVRIER BUFFET 1897-1986

    Sylvain’s grandfather seems to have been a victim of WW2.

    Thanks to that guy i found a Mollier ancestry. Unfortunately for no apparent reason, none of the current generation is listed there. It just stops with the previous generations. Pity!

    This guy should know it because he created that ancestry:

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