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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Tim Veater

    3 Apr, 2015 – 9:43 pm
    I too immediately questioned why the first source for the French crash came out of New York Times. “The revelation that one of the pilots had been locked out of the cockpit was first reported by The New York Times.”

    This is a central problem that hasn’t been adequately explained: “Members of a flight crew would typically use a fail-safe code to open the door if someone in the cockpit could not or would not let them in. The pilot would have known the code, Mr. Spohr said, but it was unclear whether he had used it. Even if he did, the co-pilot could have activated a switch that prevented the door from opening for five minutes, or found some other way to block the door, Mr. Spohr said. There is no chance the pilot forgot the code, he said.”

    After all the proven lies and misinformation surrounding the 9/11 and MH planes, particularly as it relates to claimed cockpit and mobile “recordings”, it behoves the world to treat the media output (for which read covert organisations) with the greatest degree of caution. The way in which one individual has been targeted and demonised follows earlier templates of ‘patsie’ creation so precisely that any sensible person should be alerted to the possibility of a repeat performance.

    Leaving this aside, the claimed circumstances are very strange. Even if this individual was suicide minded, it is a further step of the imagination that a responsible pilot would intend to take all the passengers with him. This would suggest an untypical megalomaniac mindset that would have surely required an additional gesture such as a statement to ATC or written declaration.

    In this context the eighteen minute silence from him, whilst we are told the pilot fought desperately to regain entry, is highly puzzling. Not even a “Go away” or “I’m not opening the door” or “I’m intent on crashing the plane”? This is simply just queer. The timing also needs to be precisely defined as we are told descent began ten minutes prior to the crash but that the incident began eight minutes prior to that. So why the delay and yet not a word from the co-pilot either to ATC or in response to the pilot trying to get back in? Yet it was reported the co-pilot could be HEARD breathing normally despite the noise and commotion?

    Then we have the rather typical back story that builds the case for suicide yet no indications to the captain of the flight itself, prepares to leave him in sole control of the plane? Would not an experienced pilot have at least questioned why his co-pilot was so anxious to get rid of him, let alone just to persuade him to go to the lavatory, have sussed something was up?

    Of course we are wholly reliant on the narrative put out. The whole pilot outside the cabin story could be fabricated. Its not impossible and there are certainly no witnesses left to corroborate or dispute it.

    The voice recorder was retrieved by 4.30 pm on the 24th March ( just six hours after the impact at 10.41, whilst the data recorder was not recovered until the 2 April 2015 apparently. Now in a highly suspicious turn of events (as per MH370?) it is reported important components or the data recorder itself (?) “may never be found”! (

    So returning to ‘Bluebird 3 Apr, 2015 – 9:43 pm’ (as ever!) perceptive observation, we have the swift and wholly opportune discovery of the voice recorder by the said “Alice Coldify”, who appears to provide direct links through the French Navy to British, Canadian and American top brass, whilst the indestructible second black box takes a full nine days to discover, is first missing an essential component and then miraculously disappears altogether? If this is not strangely coincidental, nothing is.

    Only with forensic examination will it be possible to verify the odd accounts.

  • Tim Veater

    This from

    “Whatever information might be provided by the conversation between the pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit would have to be corroborated or confirmed by the hard data from the FDR. Analyzing this data naturally takes several days or weeks, so it was surprising that, within 24 hours of the crash, the New York Times had cited an unnamed “senior French military official” as saying that one of the pilots was locked out of the cockpit by the other and that was what caused the crash. The NY Times quotes the military official:
    “The guy outside is knocking lightly on the door, and there is no answer,” the investigator said. “And then he hits the door stronger, and no answer. There is never an answer. You can hear he is trying to smash the door down. […] what is sure is that at the very end of the flight, the other pilot is alone and does not open the door.”
    The precipitous release of this information appears to have undermined the official investigation that is being conducted by the French ‘Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety’ (BEA) a civilian, not military, agency of the French government responsible for investigating aviation accidents, and established a narrative that has become the official truth of what happened to the plane – it was deliberately crashed by co-pilot Andreas Lubitz.

    As the NY Times went to print on Wednesday, the head of the BEA was giving a press conference that was rightly cautious. BEA head Remi Jouty told reporters that while the CVR had yielded sounds and voices, there was not the “slightest explanation” of why the plane crashed and that days or weeks would be needed to decipher them. “There’s work of understanding voices, sounds, alarms, attribution of different voices,” he said. “

  • Tim Veater

    and this – those French Prosecutors again jumping to conclusions PRIOR to proper investigation and examination of the evidence:

    “Despite this, one day after the premature conclusions of the military official as revealed by the NY Times and the cautious comments of the BEA chief, public prosecutor Brice Robin agreed with the military official’s conclusion and decided to open a criminal prosecution case, saying: “the intention was to destroy the plane”. This is a disturbingly premature approach for a public prosecutor to take and it makes us wonder if someone wanted to quickly establish a narrative that would become the official story rather than wait for the results of a thorough investigation. Indeed, the act of declaring the crash a criminal case means that the investigation will no longer be primarily conducted by the BEA.” (Same source as above)

  • Tim Veater

    Again same source:

    “Amid this navel gazing, scant media coverage has been given to the eyewitnesses who heard an explosion and saw smoke coming out of the plane shortly before it crashed. A helicopter pilot in the French Air Force based in Orange, 30 minutes away from the site of the crash, said that the French Air Force had received a number of corroborating witness testimonies on this point. He also confirmed that debris was found upstream from the crash site – which he said confirmed the fact that the piece of fuselage had “been detached from the aircraft before impact”.”

  • Tim Veater

    Sorry but this is also important and backs up my reservations:

    “One of the major pieces of data used to justify the “suicide pilot” story comes from the alleged CVR recording where, we are told, Lubitz’s ‘breath’ can be heard. This claim has been directly contested by Gerard Arnoux, an 18-year Air France captain and spokesperson for the national monitoring committee on aviation safety, who appeared on ‘Le Grande Journal’ two days after the crash. Arnoux stated that there were three errors in the official story:

    1) It is not possible to hear a pilot’s breath on the CVR. Arnoux states that the cockpit of 1st generation A320s are very noisy, so much so that, in flight, pilots had to use headsets to speak to each other. The idea that the CVR could pick up Lubitz’s breath with so much ambient noise is not possible, according to Arnoux.

    2) The official story claims that investigators heard the ‘beep’ of the knob that Lubitz used to start the plane on its descent. Arnoux states categorically that this knob makes no sound.

    3) Arnoux also wonders why no mention was made by investigators of hearing the loud strident beeping made by the cockpit door console when the emergency access code is entered to open the cockpit door. Arnoux recognizes that the emergency unlock code could have been overridden by someone in the cockpit manually holding the lock button down, but this would not have prevented the beeping once the code was entered outside. This would have been the clearest confirmation that one of the pilots had been locked out. Yet no mention was made of it. Instead, we are asked to accept the word of those privy to the CVR that someone was “banging on the door” and shouting “open the damn door”. And with all that ambient noise in the cockpit too. They must have very good hearing.”

  • Q

    @Tim et al: Thank you for pointing out the fairy tale magic that has happened in the Germanwings story. Note that in the Halifax crash, investigators are not jumping to any coclusions. In France, we get nothing but a mirage; the facts are shaped to fit the story. Please don’t look at any inconsistencies. Oops, you noticed.

    French Alps, more French Alps. Why the Alps?

    When the al-Hilli story broke and Airbus came up, I thought instantly of the company executive who gave brown envelopes containing large amounts of cash to a PM. I thought it would be a story of influence-peddling gone wrong. I thought of government-corporation collusion, rigged contracts, corporate espionage and settling of old scores.

    Such spin with the Germanwings copilot. Why the suicide story, which was also used in MH370 at one point?

    I’m wondering if the acceleration story was in response to the news reports of someone streaming live footage of the crash from a phone. There is need to reinforce the suicide pilot story, perhaps.

  • bluebird


    some facts

    1. There were NATO navy anti terror drills in the french mediterranian sea at the same time when that flight passed that location.

    2. That flight was 30 minutes late and it was the only civil flight in that region at that time (source: flightradar).

    3. The descent of that plane already started already over the mediterranian sea.

    4. Airbus has an automatic EDM system (emergency descend mode) when the autopilot starts an automatic sink mode when there is decompression but when there is no reaction from the pilots. Airbus holds the EDM patent since 2009.

    5. At the same time in the same region an Italian fighter jet participating in the NATO drills squawked “7700” mayday. code number of that fighter jet is known and registered. We never heard of that jet in the media.

    6. Witnesses saw and heard at least 3 fighter jets surrounding that plane shortly before it crashed.

    7. When everything is pointing towards an unfortunate NATO error, suddenly the NYT comes up with the suicode theory.

    8. Finally Alice Coldefy (member of admiral Coldefy’s family, who is one of the top French navy generals and currently the highest top ranked military source of EADS/airbus) finds the blackbox.

    9. Everything reminds us of MH370 when witnesses saw different things at different locations than the final official narrative had told us.

    10. In both cases the “suicide pilot” is being blamed for most likely military errors.

    11. We shall never hear the truth. Case closed. Pilot did commit suicide. Alice Coldefy did present the final proof. I wonder about what she has had in her huge backpack when she arrived at the crash site. The blackbox Ms. Coldefy “found” seems to be the only melted and burnt object of the whole crash site. Why burnt and melted just the black box but nothing else?

  • bluebird

    Tim: Here’s ms coldefy arriving at the scene with her backpack. a large enough backpack for storing certain items including a prepared blackbox.

    Alice Coldefy, a French gendarme from the PGHM (Gendarmerie High Mountain Rescue Squad), uses her mobile phone as she boards a search vehicle in Seyne-Les-Alpes near the crash site of the German Airbus A320 of the low-cost carrier Germanwings on April 3, 2015. Alice Coldefy, 32, found the second black box of the Germanwings plane on April 2, 2015, after a nine-day search.

  • Tim Veater

    4 Apr, 2015 – 5:43 am the fact that SHE found it after NINE DAYS of earlier searching by an ‘army’ of people is highly surprising to say the least. Then we have that incredible story line – first delayed find despite vivid colour and locating pinger; then memory card missing (!); then the whole thing disappears again! This alone SCREAMS something very strange is going on.

    Your information on NATO drills (apropos 9/11 and 7/7 etc) and fighters is fascinating. WIKI reports a French military Mirage jet was scrambled from the Orange-Caritat Air Base to intercept the aircraft although that’s the last we hear of it. Why?

    Of course a possible scenario is that an assessment was made that this plane was a terrorist threat aiming at either nuclear facility or cern, and was therefore shot down in the mountains. Whether the threat was real or imagined or whether it all happened as described is very much open to question. (I resisted the obvious pun there!)

  • Tim Veater

    Oh and the obvious question arises from your photo – why the need for a back pack of that size and filled with what as she sets off for the site? There might be a reason to set off with an EMPTY one if the purpose was to retrieve items, as she apparently did, but why FULL? What could be in there? No need for blankets or tents surely as all that would have been delivered by helicopter if needed, which clearly it wasn’t. A camera perhaps or sampling equipment but why stuffed full? After all she’s only one of many. Was it just done for effect or for the camera or as you suggest to cover ‘discovered’ items either out or in?

  • Tim Veater

    Now for some inexplicable reason we have this story resurrected:

    “According to The Australian, some of the locals do not understand why investigators involved in the search have not visited them to hear first-hand about the large plane they say they saw.

    “They say they saw distinctive red and blue markings, similar to the stripes on the missing plane.

    “Ahmed Shiyaam, 34, an IT manager, said: “I’m very sure of what I saw on a very clear and bright day, and what I saw was not normal- the plane was very big, and low. I did not know until later that other people saw it too. I don’t know if it’s the Malaysia plane.”

    Of course it was a question that I and others posed at the time. The failure to properly investigate and follow up the reports yet again is a condemnation of governments and press. How can any of us have any faith in ANYTHING that emanates from government regarding catastrophic events?

  • michael norton

    Remember this story of very high up police coke stealing in Paris:

    Flight of cocaine 36th Precinct: The police officer suspected attempted suicide

    The officer suspected of stealing 52 kg of cocaine in July at the headquarters of the Paris PJ attempted suicide Tuesday at the prison in Fleury Merogis (Essonne).

    The policeman was found unconscious in his cell Tuesday morning by a supervisor. He tried to end his life by absorbing drugs. Immediately hospitalized, he was able to regain his cell Thursday, according to the prison administration.

    “The officer was kept in solitary confinement for his safety with a specific surveillance,” is it added. Jonathan G. former member of the drug squad, was arrested shortly after the disappearance of the drug was observed. Indicted, he was detained on 6 August. It remains the main suspect in the theft of which he has always denied being the author.

    Since then, several of his relatives and other police officers were also indicted. The cocaine was stored Wharf Goldsmiths, in a room sealed when Jonathan G. went before the robbery on the night of July 24 to 25. That night, a female police officer saw him get out of “36” with bags full.

    The case of “36” took a fantastic early February rotating with the indictment of “crook stars” Christophe Rocancourt, believed to have been detained in contact with Jonathan G., who asked him the help to go get cash out.

    There is a lot of deception in FRANCE

  • michael norton

    One of the possible reasons for the FRENCH MIRAGES being put up to intercept the Germanwings A320 over the FRENCH ALPS was it might change course to hit
    the Tricastin NUCLEAR plant or one of its very sensitive nuclear neighbours.

    It dates back to the construction of the nuclear power plant of Tricastin, there are more than 30 years. EDF takes advantage of the shutdown 2 in connection with a partial, to replace its turbine. An operation already performed on Unit 4 in 2014.
    The rotors transported by river

    Three enormous rotors of the turbine have been manufactured by Belfort Alstom. They weigh more than 150 tons each. Their size prevented them from being transported by road. They were transported by river and sea, and they went up the Rhône on a barge to Bollène. The replacement site mobilizes 120 people for two months.

    With its technical design, the new turbine will enable the generator of Unit 2 to produce a little more power with as much steam. “We will win about 30 megawatts on a 900 MW” announced Sylvie Richard, director of the plant. “The rotors fin profile has been improved” adds Olivier Brunelle, site manager for Alstom. The new turbine will also require less maintenance.
    An exercise this summer

    Furthermore, Sylvie Richard announced yesterday that the central Tricastin host next July an emergency exercise implementing the new Rapid Action Force nuclear (RNA), set up after Fukushima. The year 2015 will also see the start of the installation work of future diesel generators that would serve as ultimate backup to cool the reactors disaster. Total cost: € 120 million. And a puzzle: the lack of space near the reactor at the Tricastin site.

  • michael norton

    From that article in Le Dauphine Libre,
    keep the last bit in mind

    ” Sylvie Richard announced yesterday that the central Tricastin host next July an emergency exercise implementing the new Rapid Action Force nuclear (RNA), set up after Fukushima.”

    The FRENCH MIRAGES will certainly be put up if they suspect an aircraft is not responding and making a bee-line for Tricastin or the adjacent nuclear weapon facilities

  • michael norton

    Bugey is between Lyons & Annecy

    Press release
    French Nuclear Rapid Action Force (FARN) opens final regional base at Bugey
    EDF 03/11/2014
    The implementation of a Nuclear Rapid Action Force (known by the French acronym FARN) has passed a key milestone with the opening of its fourth (and final) regional base at Bugey (in the south east of France). The base will be staffed by a team of 70 EDF employees, specialised in plant operations, maintenance, radiation protection and nuclear logistics, who are trained and prepared to cope with any situation.
    FARN is tasked with providing emergency support – in terms of personnel and equipment –at any nuclear power plant in France within 24 hours. In the event of loss of electricity and water supplies, FARN personnel will support on-site teams to restore supplies. EDF announced the creation of this special force in the immediate aftermath of the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi power plant in Japan, and the decision was subsequently validated by the French Nuclear Safety Authority.

  • Q

    I still find it an amazing coincidence that Germanwings crashed in the very place that French mountain troops were trained for so many years. A live drill on the ground that was familiar territory. The best place to crash.

  • michael norton

    Can we get back to the Slaughter of the horses

    Why does Eric Maillaud want to keep the identity of the “new” motorcyclist secret?

  • bluebird

    Q 6:32 pm

    Airbus kitchen? I guess I do remember that something about SAH and an airbus kitchen construction had apparently been discussed here last year.

  • Q

    Back in the early news reports, Saad al-Hilli was said to have worked designing the galley for the Airbus A380. “Was said to have”, but later ever-changing accounts had him “designing the Airbus A380”.

    Whatever the reality, the Airbus and nuclear aspects of his story, his assassination in the French Alps, and the recent Germanwings crash in the French Alps do make for intrigue. These could be a series of purely random events, just like the randomness of SM and SAH being in the same place at the same time, along with a cast of characters. The whole thing smacks of a James Bond movie.

  • Tim Veater

    As for timing …. I don’t think we have ever examined in detail how Chevaline might have impacted on or been related to geopolitical/economic events. Maybe it would be worth a bit of consideration. For a start the timing of the UAE/AREVA nuclear contract 20 days before the killings is a bit strange given the Al Hilli’s connections with the place.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Many, many things happen on each and every single day (including September 5, 2012).
    Especially in FRANCE.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    That’s right. Let’s not forget the magic of numbers. Mr al’Hilli was 47 at the time of The Slaughter Of The Horses, and his daughter Zainab was 7.
    This obviously means he was 40 when she was born. Forty! This is familiar! Is it an other co-incidence or, more likely, did Mossad impregnate Mrs al’Hilli at the right time? Don’t expect the mainstream media to tell you the true story. Better listen to TV.

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