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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    & A
    Sa’ad al’Hilli designed part of the galley for the forthcoming A350. That’s why he took ‘business trips’ to the Continent.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Weld on.
    He was even dead before that agreement was signed.
    But you can always pretend. FRENCH, thus guilty. What of can be determined afterwards.

  • michael norton

    There could very well be “conclusions” to be drawn from the stories
    that have been put out surrounding the motorcylist/s

    Why wait more than a year before you allow the distribution of
    the photofit of the motorcyclist?
    Less than a week after the photofit is released, Nicole Communal-Tournier is slaughtered.
    Her husband was related to the family Mollier.
    W.B.M. the apparent first person on the scene after the Slaughter of the Horses,
    lives within nodding distance of Nicole & Jean-Paul Communal-Tournier.
    W.B.M. speaks ENGLISH & was in the R.A.F. what did he do in the R.A.F.?
    The al Hili family spoke English & Mr. al Hili had dealings with
    the aircraft/surveilance industries.

    Why has the Annecy prosecutor done nothing to dispell the impression that there were two identical motorcylists on the awful day, is he trying to cloud the waters?
    Why has he arrested Eric Devouassoux accussing him of being involved with the slaughter but the “new” motorcyclist, who were have been led to believe is the actual motorcyclist who was at the scene, at the time and the person who was spoken to by the forest guys has not been arrested nor is he being named?

    We should know if this later is an identical fit for the photofit and was wearing a distinctive, side opening helmet on that day.
    Has DNA & prints & back story, helmet, motorcycle and all other relevant stuff been worked through, because the “new” motorcyclists seems to have been dismissed, almost before he was found( two years on)

    It is almost as it Eric does not want the public to know who the slaughterers were?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Eric is FRENCH. That explains a lot.
    Meanwhile, do we have any reliable source linking Mr Communal-Tournier to the Mollier family? If so, please provide a link. Or is it just another wild speculation?
    Don’t forget: in FRANCE, anything is possible. They even drive on the wrong side of the road.

  • michael norton

    Here’s a thought, when the family al Hili were camping on the banks of Lake Annecy and
    Mr. al Hilli made several shorts, solo excursions
    perhaps he was driving the mile to visit W.B.M.?

  • michael norton

    It would seem Wiki has been updated to include an astonishing brief mention of the “new” motorcyclist, from Lyon, who was spoken to by the forestpeople but he is so honourable that his name cannot be mentioned.

    Arrest of local ex-policeman

    On 18 February 2014 a 48-year-old man was arrested following the issue of an artist’s impression of a man in a motorcycle helmet. Police removed several guns from his home. The man, living in the local village of Lathuile, and said to be a weapons collector, reportedly had been dismissed from the municipal police in June 2013. It is not clear whether the investigators thought he could be involved in the killings.[25][26][27]
    Missing motorcyclist

    In 2015 the motorcyclist spotted nearby the incident, and sought by the police, was traced and ruled out of the inquiry as an innocent passer-by.[28]

  • michael norton

    Yes, it is quite amazing that nobody knows anything.
    Yet so many of the actors either live in or have connections to Lathuile, especially as this village only has a few inhabitants, one of them being Eric who was highly suspected of being involved in the slaughter, another being the X-RAF man w.b.m. the apparent finder of the slaughter and the slaughtered Nicole.

    Yes, it is a very mysterious village of the damned.

  • Tim Veater

    “Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism command has taken over the investigation into the murder of a former imam found shot dead in a car in London, amid speculation his killing was politically motivated.

    Syrian-born Abdul Hadi Arwani was a fierce critic of the Assad regime, and Scotland Yard said on Wednesday that its counter-terrorism command was taking over the case because of “their expertise in the management of investigations with international dimensions”.”

  • Tim Veater

    Note age and timing….

    “Police confirmed Arwani, 48, was a British national who was born in Syria.

    Although he was not a key figure within the Syrian opposition based in London, Arwani repeatedly spoke out against Assad. In a lecture he gave in 2012, he described how the previous Assad regime had sentenced him to death, forcing him to flee his homeland, and then harassed his elderly relatives for three decades.

    He was also involved in anti-Assad demonstrations outside the Syrian embassy in London three years ago and studied in Jordan before moving to the UK where he taught in Slough and west London, according to the London College for Islamic Studies, which describes him as an authority on marriage and divorce.

    He was the iman at the An-Noor mosque in Acton until a couple of years ago.”

  • michael norton

    The increasingly bitter dispute bears the hallmarks of a political thriller: a venerable public-sector firm, bloated budgets, radicalised unions, and deep suspicion of a youthful and highly ambitious boss with poster-boy good looks.

    Much of the acrimony has focused on the persona of Mathieu Gallet, 38, a protégé of former President Nicolas Sarkozy and the new head of the Maison ronde (Round house), as Radio France’s headquarters is popularly known.

    With the government scrambling to cut costs across the board, Gallet has been tasked with plugging a €21 million hole in Radio France’s budget, 90% of which is covered by French taxpayers.

    What a load of public funded layabouts.
    France has taken the crown from Britain
    as the workshy capitol of Europe.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    If the FRENCH don’t know how to run the Round House (?), they certainly know how to make a square deal.

    Easy to mock, VT? Most people think you’re the master in that field. And yes, seven is also a good number (or movie?).

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    & A
    SCADE is a French-designed software suite. Esterel is a mountain range, not far from where GermanWings lost theirs.

  • michael norton

    An accident between a car and a cyclist occurred yesterday around 14:30 hours,
    South East of Albertville,
    on the RD 915 at the height of Planay between Bozel and Pralognan-la-Vanoise.
    Bozel sapeurs-pompiers tried to revive the cyclist, in vain. His body was evacuated by helicopter. Around 16:00 hours, the operation was completed. According to the first elements of the investigation, the victim, a man in his sixties, a native of the region, travelling in the up direction, towards Pralognan-la-Vanoise, at the relevant time. He would have been hit by a vehicle heading in the same direction.
    The ongoing investigation should determine the causes of the accident.

    So, run off the road
    but was it murder?

  • michael norton

    Pink, sounds like a patsy being set up for thirty years.

    The DNA of the patsy was found in the house of Glenn Miller.

    Well, if they were known to each other, that is hardly unexpected but it does not
    necessarily suggest this aquaintance was the slaughterer.

    The chap was “beefy”

    Glenn was shot through the neck, you do not have to be “beefy” to shoot a person.

  • michael norton

    Has “the sister” of Glenn Miller been back to the house, since her “brother”
    was slaughtered
    some say she is the “owner” of the property.

  • Tim Veater

    Suhayle Saadi they certainly have the capability and probably have been engaged in similar missions wrapped in secrecy so we seldom learn about them, but I think the way the British reacted after the event rather suggests it wasn’t a British operation. In fact I think it caught them off guard though the UK govt appears to have been complicit in the cover up. I believe it knows but can’t say because to do so would reveal its own clandestine operations and would cause an earthquake in its Franco/US/Israeli diplomatic relations.

    Now of course I have high lighted the FORTY YEAR anniversary, almost to the hour, of the Munich Massacre, which linked to OPERATION WRATH OF GOD a targeted assassination programme over at least the next twenty years, possibly longer, and the location of the Al Hilli/Mollier killings in the Combe d’Ire is highly circumstantially suggestive of a connection. The chances of this and other links being otherwise is just too small.

    Now another ‘co-incidence’ with another strange twist that may be new to you, partly because the latter part of it has only recently been played out. First, of course it was not only forty years (to the day from the massacre in Munich – and consider the earlier Munich echoes such as the agreement by that name signed in the early hours of 30 September 1938 and where the Nazi Party was founded in 1919) but it was forty years to a repeat Olympic Games, this time in LONDON, running from 25 July to 12 August 2012, less than a month prior to the killings.

    The Olympic event was considered a great success and it passed off peacefully without major incident. However this is not the whole story. Behind the scenes there were big problems on security and in the end the army had to be brought in besides alleged missile cover on the top of neighbouring buildings. There was also a very noticeable militarisation of the police that has been blamed on Muslim extremism but may in fact have been focused on other threats.

    Now the recent ‘twist’ that may have more substance to it than meets the eye and has been admitted. It relates to the trial and imprisonment of Michael Shrimpton for an alleged nuclear bomb hoax at the Olympics. See here:

    He telephoned MP Philip Hammond to tell him that a bomb stolen from a sunken Russian submarine had been smuggled into the country and could be used to blow up the opening ceremony of the London Olympics and kill the Queen! This might appear fantastical were it not for the fact that Shrimpton was a Barrister and part time judge who had high level contacts with the security services. He gained notoriety for making uncontested revelations about Ted Heath’s (gay) sex life including his connections with Savile and the disappearance of young men from childrens’ homes. Some take the view that the charges were actually about shutting him up.

    Whether the substantive issue of a nuclear device in London, and whether as claimed the Americans unilaterally seized and disarmed it, have never been properly discussed or settled. Nevertheless the fact that less than a month after the games ended SAH set off almost certainly for a meeting deep in France probably at the behest of British SS, may not be unconnected.

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