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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Tim Veater

    Then just too spookily 1919 to 2012 of course equals 93 years. 93 years since the formation of the Nazi Party; 74 years since the Munich Agreement; and 40 years since the Munich Massacre. Strangely at his trial Shrimpton refused to reveal his sources but said they included ‘someone in MUNICH who lunches with the Pope.’

    I have discussed the central importance of 40 before but I will spare you again. However 93 has particular significance to a subject that has gained great notoriety in recent years – that of satanic ritual abuse and its alleged infiltration to the highest levels of the elite, that has again raised its head in Hampstead. I will resist the temptation to detail how a secret world of sex and worse has been used to blackmail and control national and international policy and events.

    The number 93 is of great significance in Thelema, a religious philosophy founded by English author and occultist Aleister Crowley in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law. He and it hold a central position in the whole occult/masonic world. “In the Greek language, they are Thelema (Will) and Agape (Love). Using the Greek technique of isopsephy, which applies a numerical value to each letter, the letters of each of these words add to 93.”93 has become a kind of shorthand for, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” See:

    Moving on at first sight 74 appears to offer little significance except for this: 74 is the number of the French department of Haute-Savoie! Well there’s a thing.

  • michael norton

    September 14, Glenn Miller, British musician,
    was found dead shot through the neck at his home in Plounévez-Lochrist (Finistère).
    The DNA of the suspect found near the victim.

    The local suspect is a person who knew the victim,
    who had been placed in custody and understood in the context of this case.
    Three elements have allowed police to trace him.
    Eric Mathais, attorney Brest, lists: “He lied spontaneously on his schedule,
    however, the day of death is not known to the public,
    it is only known to the investigators…”
    Then, “He is probably the last person to see him alive.
    ” Finally, “his DNA was found on two objects in the house where the murder took place.”

    for several years, this man, “big and beefy enough”, was not integrated into the life of the town. “He is not in any association and not attending business” says a resident of the town. Its nearest neighbor remembers “had coffee with him, there are seven or eight years.”
    Since then, nothing. Just a “hello” when they crossed the pavement. Many people speak of a man “discrete”,
    he would pass most of his time fixing up old cars in the back of his house.
    Condemned repeatedly
    Others state of “escapades” in the town, “of scandals” in shops or services nearby.
    A Plouidérois evokes meanwhile the “mysterious nocturnal and regular trips between midnight and 4 am.”
    In custody, the suspect refused to explain, according to the prosecutor.
    He does not admit it yet. This is a man who is already known to the court, having been convicted on multiple occasions, including theft, possession of weapons, threats and sexual assault. He was also among the knowledge of the victim. The prosecution, however, did not explain their relationship?
    Le September 14, Glen Miller, British musician 65, was found dead at his home in Plounévez-Lochrist, in Finistère north, killed by a bullet in the neck.
    On site, the investigators found no weapon,
    no ball
    or socket.
    No sign of struggle had been detected.
    Since then, several witnesses were heard and the investigation is gradually oriented along a local track.
    Indicted for murder, the suspect faces up to thirty years’ imprisonment.

  • michael norton

    Well that’s it then.
    He knew the victim, his DNA was found in the victims property.
    He was often out wondering about at night.
    He is “beefy”.
    the other locals do not like him.

    He must have done it.

  • Tim Veater

    Just to continue on that line of thinking Suhayl (and anyone else following it!) I and no doubt others, in our various ways, have tried to sift fact from fantasy, truth from lies, piecing together whatever fragments that have escaped from those in the know or have been discovered by others, to create a convincing explanation of events, which from the first have been tantalising. Many theories have been expounded but none have quite fitted the lock to let us into the inner sanctum. As with the lock on my bike, sometimes in the dark we just have to keep trying combinations until we find the one that fits, allowing it to spring open.

    I have long argued, in common with many others, that this case went far beyond a domestic, random murder, that involved clandestine activities at a national governmental level. This was confirmed from the first by the quite exceptional response by the British Government. The fact that this was not even considered a possibility and considerable effort was put into trying to sell an alternative explanation, full of false trails and misinformation (in common parlance -appropriately a French derivation – lies) confirmed it, in my mind at least. Others continued to pour scorn on the idea.

    Of course since then we have witnessed a series of quite extraordinary ‘terrorist'(?) events around the world, recently culminating as far as France is concerned in Hebdo and Flight 9525, neither of which have had convincing official explanations, and may well have been ‘False Flag’ events to add to all the others in the last decade and a half. Certainly it would appear that France, in sharp contrast to other European nations at the moment, appears to be the focus of attention, although of course 9525 was a German plane with mainly German passengers. It cannot be co-incidental can it, that France/Germany have provided a phalanx of opposition to American/Zionist snooping on the one hand and confrontation on the other, not to mention the pro-Palestinian and Iranian stance? The far east targets (you may have noticed that Michael Shrimpton (you can hear him being interviewed by Tony Gosling here: suggested Fukushima was caused by a nuclear explosion linked to his London Olympic claims?) Malaysia similarly fell foul of the CIA/Mossad caucus that some have linked to MH370 and MH17.

    So, getting back to Shrimpton’s main thesis and whether this might throw some light on Chevaline, he appears to place most of the West problems on a rump Hiterian National Socialist Secret Service which he claims got control of both British and American politics and intelligence organisations using in large part incriminating sexual proclivities. It is perhaps no accident, and incidentally a confirmation that his interpretation is not wholly preposterous, is that the prosecution included a charge of down-loading under-age pornography, that he later proved was added AFTER the equipment was seized. Never the less the Bucks Herald in a comprehensive character assassination job on behalf of the government, headlined him as “Pervert Barrister”. (see: In such manner, individuals speaking inconvenient ‘truths’ are disposed of in Britain today. (You might also like to read an article I did on ‘In Terrorem’ here:

    Anyways….. here’s the Chevaline extension to his take on the world of espionage and intrigue. What if it was linked to that alleged plot in London, that if it had been carried would have challenged 9/11 for impact. Or was it being used for blackmail purposes? What if that fateful trip to France by the Al Hillis was a MI5/6 attempt to get to the bottom of it on the promise of information? If it had happened, it’s pretty sure it would have been blamed on either Iran or Russia as a false flag, the consequences of which would have been unimaginable. Could it explain Mollier’s role as an agent of German intelligence embedded in nuclear technology and France/Iran relations? Mollier father and son appear to have strong nation/socialist links in the mould of Le Pen currently subject to deep division between father and daughter on the subject of WWII treatment of the European Jews. Nor can we overlook the ties between Germany and Israel supplying nuclear powered submarines.

    The killings were as much a gesture as they were retribution. Britain, France and Germany all struck in one operation? This may not be as fanciful as it first appears.

  • Tim Veater

    Would appreciate some critical appraisal from the trusted contributors here. Oh one detail I omitted, didn’t SAH say to his friend he had insight into a very big story that he was ‘keeping under his hat’? Could it have been the nuclear threat to the Olympics?

  • Tim Veater

    ON the other hand he may just be a stooge for Israeli Intelligence detailed to cause as much mayhem as possible….?

  • michael norton

    Motorcylist in French Alps murder identified and ruled out

    Police have revealed that one of their main leads in the brutal French Alps murders is a dead end. The motorcyclist who was witnessed near the gruesome scene has been identified and ruled out as a suspect, as police appear no closer to solving the tragic mystery surrounding the shooting deaths of four members of a British family and a French cyclist.
    Police released this sketch of the motorcyclist in November 2013, hoping it would lead to a breakthrough in the case

    According to France Info, the motorcyclist was interviewed by investigators last month and they have decided that he is not connected to the deaths of Saad al-Hilli, his wife Iqbal, her mother Suhaila al-Allaf and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier. All were all shot and killed on 5th September 2012.

    He was a major suspect in the case and a witness sketch was released by police in November 2013, hoping that it would lead to a breakthrough in the case. The helmet being worn by the man was particularly unique with only 8,000 of its kind ever sold.

    But according to the initial findings by Annecy judges Michel Mollin and Christine de Curraize, the man from Lyon played no part in the quadruple murder – he was there by chance.

    France Info reports that he wanted to go paragliding that day, but was told by two forest rangers that the access road was closed. The area is known for its free flight spots between the col de la Forclaz, the Charbon mountain and the town of Doussard. He then reportedly drove back near to the parking lot where the four people died.

    While numerous people have been questioned in the deaths of the al-Hilli family and the French cyclist, including Saad’s brother and a former French Legionnaire, no arrests have been made.

    Police are also yet to identify the occupants of a 4×4 seen not far from the tragedy.

    Cassandra Tanti

  • michael norton

    Is this the company that the brother al Hilli,
    used to run together, before Zaid was sidelined by his brother’s Mrs.

    Public prosecutor Eric Maillaud said yesterday that there had been an “inheritance dispute” over the estate of their late father Kadhim, who died about a year ago.
    Mr Maillaud said: ‘It seems that there was a dispute between the two brothers about money. This seems to be credible information coming from the British police.

    ‘The brother will have to be questioned at length. Every lead will be meticulously followed. What is important is for us to listen to this brother procedurally.’

    He said Saad Al-Hilli’s life would be examined in detail. ‘His life, his job – I heard he was the owner of three companies – all of that is the sort of thing that we have to find out about in England,’ he said.

    Properties in France, Switzerland, Spain and Iraq were said to be at the heart of the ongoing quarrel between Saad Al-Hilli and his brother Zaid.

    The brothers used to run a technical design company called
    Shtech together,
    but two years ago Zaid was replaced as company secretary by Saad’s wife Iqbal.

  • michael norton

    From above

    Mr Maillaud said that each corpse was found with at least three bullets,
    and at least one bullet to the head.

    The prosecutor said he believed that more than one murderer was involved in the atrocity.

    Speaking before a press briefing in Annecy, Mr Maillaud said the case looks more and more like an ambush and that more than one gunman was likely to have been involved.

    Mr Maillaud said:
    It seems humanly difficult that so many shots could be fired by one man.
    Instinct tells us there was more than one suspect.

    Well, well, well Eric

    more than one gunman was likely involved as it would have been humanly difficult that so many shots could be fired by one man.

    Thank you Eric.

    It would seem it is worth, going back over some of the early stuff,
    before obfuscation clouded out any sense of “The Actuality”

  • michael norton

    More than one shooter.

    An ambush.

    So, not the work of a lone nutter.

    A purposeful slaughter of several people,
    set up for the kill.

  • michael norton

    Setia Haruman Technology Sdn Bhd (SHTech) was incorporated in December 1999 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd, the master developer of Cyberjaya, the ICT hub of Malaysia a.k.a the Silicon Valley of Malaysia.


    Any bells ringing?

  • Tim Veater

    MS is a bit of an apologist for Israel and is clearly biased against anything German. Is this a ruse and a cover? I have no idea. Is he a fantacist and egotistical self-publicist? I have no idea. But the fact that the state prosecuted him for passing on what could have been a crucial bit of anti terrorism information, smacks of cover-up and retrospective punishment for sins past, virtually admitted by the Judge. It also shuts him up. Whether his intention to appeal will happen, given the fact that he could be out in 6 months, is bankrupt and probably will be struck off, we shall have to wait and see. His take on his trial is here

    One of his comments: “Fukushima

    One of the issues in the trial was whether or not the Fukushima event was triggered by a nuclear blast. It clearly was. As many VT readers will know the Japanese government got over 10,000 of their people killed, and nearly lost Tokyo, by ignoring Ben Fulford’s warning that what he calls ‘the cabal’ (Ian Fleming called it SPECTRE – its real name is the Deutscher Verteidigungs Dienst, the baddest bunch of Bad Guys on the planet, even badder ass than the Gestapo, one of their predecessor agencies) were planning an undersea nuclear detonation off Fukushima. Indeed they were, but I need those seismic surveys people. Courts act on evidence, not intelligence, one reason why no court of law is ever going to stop a nuclear attack.”

    We might agree possible cause but point an accusing finger elsewhere.

  • Tim Veater

    As regards Charlie Hebdo there’s this:

    “Well, I read your stuff, and by the way, I’ve got the same suspicions (that the Charlie Hebdo affair was a false flag). I’m not sure if it’s the same conclusions. But I certainly share the suspicions. The perpetrator, Said Kouachi, left his wallet in the getaway car. What does that say to you? There’s plenty fishy about this…Netanyahu showed up with a magic message at the funeral. Actually it was at the synagogue, where he invited all French Jews to emigrate to Israel…It bothered me a whole lot. It didn’t look good. It really didn’t . . . You have to understand, Israel’s losing population—an awful lot to the (United) States. You have a few attacks in France, Denmark— Denmark’s minor, 12,000 Jews. France has got 450,000. You can repopulate your country…if it works. Okay? I’m not saying—It’s looking like it’s not going to work terribly well.”

    Of course Bibi was in London on 7/7 and advised to stay inside BEFORE the event.

  • Peter

    (…) Ian Fleming called it SPECTRE – its real name is the Deutscher Verteidigungs Dienst, the baddest bunch of Bad Guys on the planet, even badder ass than the Gestapo, one of their predecessor agencies

    I once applied for a job with their Assassination Department. Unfortunately, their Head of HR, an obnoxious Russian woman named Ms Klebb, rejected me for being “grossly overqualified” 🙁

  • michael norton

    It would seem A French Wiki version of the Alps Slaughter is a little different

    The trail of the mysterious biker

    In early November 2013 ,
    the gendarmes of the research section Chambéry authorized the publication of the sketch of a mysterious motorcyclist caught on a trail closed to vehicles, a few hundred meters from the forest car park at the same time had just committed the killing.

    This sketch was developed at the time by two guards of the National Forest who had checked on his motorcycle wearing a priori clear saddlebags on a road closed to vehicles .

    On 18 February 2014, a former city police gun collector, Eric Devouassoux living in Haute-Savoie aged 48, was arrested and placed in custody , . He released a few days later, his DNA does not match that of the crime scene (two different DNA profiles of those victims who have been taken from the BMW family) but the information leaked in the media and the police officer lost his job .

    The motorcyclist was finally found thanks to the demarcation of 4000 analyzed cell phones and heard by the gendarmes of the Chambery research section in February 2015,
    the investigating judges Annecy feel he is not involved .
    According to the same source, “his personal and professional profile excludes him
    from the list of suspects to 95%.” The man, a businessman, justifies its presence in this forest in practicing paragliding .

  • michael norton
    A former French Legionnaire-paratrooper questioned over the murder of a British family in Annecy has been found dead in a suspected suicide. Prosecutors say the man left an extensive note explaining how troubled he was at being questioned over the Alps shooting, a case which police appear no closer to solving.

    Annecy prosecutor Eric Maillaud told AFP on Tuesday 3rd June, “He left a note of six or seven pages in which he said he was disturbed by the questioning. He felt accused”.

    Maillaud added: “It does not make this the main or sole reason for his action.”

    As revealed earlier in French media, the unnamed former Legionnaire and paratrooper, aged 50, was found dead at his home in Ugine on Tuesday afternoon, apparently shot dead.

    The soldier, who owned several weapons, had “not at all” been considered a suspect in the case, said Maillaud.

    Saad al-Hilli, a 50-year-old British citizen of Iraqi origin, his 47-year-old-wife Ikbal and her 74-year-old mother Suhaila Al-Allaf were all shot twice through the head in their BMW in the hills above Lake Annecy in the French Alps on 5th September 2012. Their two young daughters, Zeena and Zainab, survived.

    French cyclist Sylvain Mollier, a 45-year-old father of three, also died in the massacre.

    The Legionnaire had been questioned “for two hours in April 2013” in relation to the case because he was connected to the family of the murdered cyclist, according to prosecutors.

    More than 1,300 people were questioned in France and abroad as part of the case.

    An investigation into the legionnaire’s death has now been launched.

    Cassandra Tanti

    O.K. it is now more than half a year since the X-Legionnair-paratrooper-sapeur-pompier found deceasedin his apartment in Ugine,Savoie.
    How are the FRENCH Authorities getting on finding out how he was killed
    and have they found his name out yet?

  • michael norton

    I do not know if we have touched upon this crooked Lyon top cop before,
    Michel Neyret

    His name is made ​​known to the public when questioned and taken into custody at the end of September 2011 , by the IGS (the ” police of the police “) for suspicion of corruption in a case of drug trafficking , .

    On October 3 , 2011 , after his detention, he was indicted for corruption , influence peddling , conspiracy , trafficking drugs , embezzlement and breach of professional secrecy , to be then imprisoned in the prison of Health .
    Favorable opinion of the Parisian judges, Michel Neyret is released on May 23, 2012 . It is under house arrest in the town of Toul ( Meurthe-et-Moselle ) and his driving license is withdrawn .

    On 16 February 2012, when television reportage Further investigation broadcast on France 2 , his wife Nicole Neyret says he tried to enter the Jewish mafia .

    It is revoked on September 7 2012 by Manuel Valls .

    This seems almost unimaginable,
    released after such a short time in the clink.

    He must have had knowledge that could damage very-high-ups.

  • michael norton

    Areva’s Chalon/Saint-Marcel plant
    is about sixty miles North West of Annecy

    so, quite likely Sylvain Mollier would have had dealings there.

    These (late in the game) revelations of faulty steel in all of the E.P.R.
    P.R.V. , including the pair for Hinkley Point C
    cold spell the DEATH KNELL for the FRENCH
    European Pressurized Reactor

    especially, as in any normal understanding Areva is BROKE.

    Emergency FRENCH government talks, headed by Manuel Valls are happening, as I type.

  • michael norton

    FRENCH nuclear power giant beset by setbacks

    France’s nuclear security authority ASN (Autorité de surete nucléaire) last week declared that a multi-billion dollar Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR) being built by Areva in Flamanville, Normandy has “a serious anomaly”.

    The anomaly comes at a difficult time for the French company as it faces a host of setbacks related to the construction of nuclear power plants around the world.

    After ASN demanded tests on the new reactor to determine the cause of the fault, Areva reported ‘a defect in the steel composition in some areas of the lid and the bottom of the tank of the EPR reactor’.

  • michael norton

    All the reactor Pressure vessels for the new E.P.R. plants were made years ago and are in storage, apart from the ones in situ.

    The fault could undermine the already fragile finances of the French state-owned nuclear construction company Areva, which is supposed to build two EPR reactors at Hinkley by 2023 and a third at Sizewell in Suffolk. It could also scare off the Chinese state investors who are supposed to cover part of the cost of the £14bn Hinkley project, intended to supply six per cent of Britain’s energy needs for six decades.

    A final “investment” decision for Hinkley, several times delayed, is now expected in June. The French Prime Minister Manuel Valls called a crisis meeting on 17 April to discuss the threat posed by the fault to France’s nuclear construction industry – the largest in the world.

    Mark Hackett, a councillor in Manchester who chairs Nuclear Free Local Authorities, said: “This is a devastating blow to proponents of new-build nuclear power stations in the UK. It is likely to scare off the Chinese backers. If I was a betting man, I would now bet that Hinkley Point will never be built.”

    Yannick Rousselet, of Greenpeace France, said the latest problems to beset the prototype power station in Normandy are “clearly the coup de grâce for the EPR idea”. He asked: “What foreign client would want to buy this reactor when France itself is not capable of completing its construction?”

  • michael norton

    Anyone remember that in the early days, after the Slaughter of the Horses Incident
    a brother of Sylvain Mollier
    claimed “Sylvain was only a welder”

    In spring 2008, Luc Oursel, AREVA NP’s Chairman, inaugurated the new welding school where welders are trained in the various techniques associated with the facility’s activities on a rotational basis.
    The plant also took on 12 trainees in 2009 in various fields of specialization who were completing different degrees, ranging from the CAP (vocational training cursus) through BAC + 5 (5 years of university training).

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