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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    Luc Oursel resigned in October 2014 on the grounds of ill health, he died in December,
    leaving Areva with out any named person at the helm.

    The new leader is Philippe Knoche,
    who took the hel in January,

    hang on a mo, guess what he was at the helm of a few years ago?

    . From 2006 to 2009 he was director of the project European pressurized reactor at Olkiluoto nuclear power plant in Finland .

  • michael norton

    Talk about a disastrous choice for the leader of an ailing Nuclear reactor constructing conglomerate, could the FRENCH have picked a bigger looser?

  • Q

    @MN: I don’t know if you watched the “welder cam” at Fukushima. Any pressurized system is only as good as its weakest link: case in point, Fukushima. Many mistakes were made with respect to the water containment system after the 2011 disaster.

  • michael norton

    In Iraq / Syria The King of Clubs has finally been liquidated

    How long would you last, at age 60, on the run from the world’s greatest superpower, with a $10 million bounty on your head, with tens of thousands of foreign soldiers hunting you, with all the enemies you created after a lifetime of war crimes and murder as a top official in the service of a genocidal ruler who has just been deposed now baying for your head, and possibly suffering from leukemia?

    So Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri found himself in 2003, after the U.S. invasion of Iraq deposed his boss, Saddam Hussein. Douri, who, as a field marshal in the Iraqi army had helped lead ethnic cleansing campaigns against Iraq’s Kurdish and Shia Muslim populations, was out of a job and on the king of clubs in the infamous Iraq’s most wanted deck of playing cards distributed by U.S. forces.

    Yet not only did Douri evade capture, but also his career as one of Iraq’s murderous masterminds reached its golden years. He became the leader of the Baathist insurgency after Saddam’s capture in 2004, outlived the U.S. occupation, which ended in 2009. And then, after joining forces with the insurgents of Syria’s Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), lead their military expansion back into Iraq in 2014.

    Now it appears that 12 years later, at the age of 72, Douri has finally been forcibly retired from the insurgency rat race. The Iraqi government says that its forces killed him and nine of his retainers on the eastern outskirts of Tikrit, which the Iraqi government recently recaptured from ISIL with the help of U.S.-led airstrikes and Iranian-backed militias.

    Philippe Knoche
    has been made head of FRENCH Nuclear Reactor Construction,
    yet this person was running the Olkiluoto Project in Finland

    The French knew before the report came out about the weakened EPR
    reactors, yet they still made this person head of AREVA.

    If there is to be a pack of cards for nuclear failure
    I wonder what card Philippe Knoche
    will be?

  • James

    Why is it I (and that I mean “I”) have to ask the hard questions on “motivation” ???

    So….three sites. And two down !

  • James

    The story so far……

    Lars (a major writer) and I have been “kicked out” of DZ for questioning “known facts”.

    As a plot, we rely on “facts”…and as we see them, we can get them wrong.
    But they are the facts.

    I lye one plane were the slats would not extend on landing. That is fact.
    I read the log…and thus !
    As Senior Pilot, I ground the a/c.
    I am respected. I can do this. Over Speed on landing.

    And “no one” says…”hey, you are wrong” !

    For me, I sat// /App Speed is “high”….one day you#ll kill someone. And theyt say “we take it offline”

    The word is simple ? non ?

  • Peter

    @ James

    I am pretty confident that Max’ shutting down his blog has nothing to do with your incisive questions, but is ultimately due to the same reason that @MZT – although I am aware that she hates that moniker 😉 – shut down hers: a certain Swedish Taliban demanding ultimate editorial control over any and all content that third parties may write on the Interwebs.

    Although I have not chosen to comment chez Max’, preferring to spend my time on this much less well-informed, less sophisticated, yet uncensored forum, I must say that I have seen this development coming. Recently, Max and others have strayed too far away from the Taliban-approved line of thought that the Chevaline murders must have been committed by a local serial killer. Such deviance from the prescribed line of thought obviously cannot be tolerated, and I am sure that the threats of lawsuits, complaints to the ISP etc. must have been flying thick and fast 🙁

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Interwebs is the word, Herr Peter.
    Don’t they have many Talibans in FRANCE? In Upper-Savoy in particular? Mein Gott, I think the al’Hillis were shot by a FRENCH hit team funded by Areva and Slyvain MolliEX wasn’t a collateral, but another French target (if I had a welder…). They chose Chevaline for good reason. Close to CERN and a reminder of former war-heads designed for the United Kingdom. God bless.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Some of them even disguised as submarines end up drowning, but are still washed up to the shore. Only the FRENCH can be stupid enough to remain unaware of this threat, a result of FRENCH-led airstrikes on Libya and their assassination of Colonel QaQa d’Haffi.

  • michael norton

    “Never has the threat been so high,”
    Valls told France Inter radio,
    noting the fact that hundreds of French nationals were now in Syria,
    where they risked being radicalised.

    Valls was speaking a day after authorities said they had arrested a 24-year-old Algerian national in Paris suspected of the murder of a woman at the weekend and an aborted plan to launch an armed attack on at least one church.

    I think that Valls, must also be an idiot.
    If FRENCH citizens leave FRANCE to go to Syria,
    they have already turned.

  • michael norton

    But if the Idiot Hollande and the Idiot Valls are running FRANCE
    who is in charge of finding out what happened at The Slaughter of the Horses.

    Hollande wanted every resource of the FRENCH state brought into play to solve it,
    that was two and a half years ago,
    how are they getting on?

  • michael norton

    The vehicle of a 29 year old man, residing in a village near Ugine,
    in Savoie and missing for three weeks, was found in the carpark at Bonlieu, Annecy this week.

    The Savoyard left his home and has not been heard from since. This 29 year old man
    measuring 1.75m to 100kg, with brown short cut hair and green eyes,
    could still be in the Annecy area.

    Annecy Police therefore appeal for witnesses to anyone who may have crossed his path since his disappearance.

    The man has no means of payment, no phones.

    I wonder if he is a nuclear welder?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    ” in a village near Ugine ”
    It is actually where part of Slyvain MolliEX’ family is living. Does this missing person have a name? He has his picture in the French paper.

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