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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    When questioned,
    the EDF communication service contractor for the Flamanville, said “NO COMMENT”
    When AREVA were also asked, they too replied “NO COMMENT”

    The tank Flamanville was laid in January 2014 before the start of the planned in 2017. That of Taïshan 1 plant is announced for late 2015.
    According to Greenpeace, “the standard part on which the abnormality was detected is supposed to validate all the caps” made by Creusot Forge Flamanville and Taishan, but also for reactors that have not yet buy as Taïshan 3 and Hinkley Point (southwest England), for which EDF has not taken a final investment decision.
    According to Greenpeace, nuclear giant, in financial difficulties, “took a business risk by deciding to do a series of caps” on the basis of the same standard.
    “On the only site where Areva EPR is the prime contractor, that of Finland, instead of the caps in France, Areva had them done by the Japanese and they have no problem,” says Greenpeace .
    In 2014, Areva had indicated that the vessel had been forged Flamanville 80% in Japan and 20% Steelworks at Areva in Le Creusot.
    The tank, which weighs 425 tonnes and is 11 meters high, is a play “particularly important for safety” because it “contains fuel” and “participates in the second barrier containment of radioactivity” after the fuel cladding, according to ASN.

    funny as how The Conservative Party do not want to discuss their Flagship policy of getting
    Areva to build four new E.P.R. plants in England
    as their answer to GLOBAL WARMING,
    perhaps they have forgotten it is their Flagship Policy,
    they seem to want to talk about Renewing Trident, rather a lot,
    but those boats will not be built by the FRENCH

    Since the beginning of the construction of the EPR at Flamanville (Manche), the successive setbacks (delays, defects, extra cost). To the point that one wonders whether he will one day put into service.

    This was to be the flagship of French industry. The icing on the cake atomic. Conceived, designed and developed by Areva NP, the EPR (Evolutionary Power reactor – European Pressurised Reactor) third generation reactor, never ceases to make headlines. The EPR project was yet alluring. “This model is the most powerful in the world with over 1,600 megawatts of net electrical generation,” proclaims his Areva on platelets and on the net. Another strong argument, the EPR claims to “security benchmark”.
    The cost has tripled in eight years

    The first project was born in France at Flamanville. This small town in the Channel hosts a center since 1986. And ten years ago, EDF, which operates the site, decided to increase its capacity through the EPR.

    Work began in 2007, with delivery in 2012. Cost of the operation? 3.3 billion euros. But three years after the deadline, the ballet of cranes continues. The commissioning will not happen until 2018 and the estimated cost has nearly tripled, crossing the threshold of 8.5 billion euros.

    Added to this are the many technical avatars. Last achieved on the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) revealed on April 7, an anomaly in the composition of the steel cover and the reactor vessel bottom. The ASN Chairman, Pierre-Franck Chevet, calls it “very serious”. On 21 April, Areva said it had ordered “external review” of the manufacturing process at Creusot Forge (the manufacturer of the tank, in Saône-et-Loire). An independent expert will be responsible, on 4 May and for two months to identify the causes of the fault observed.

    Could it be the obstacle that too would postpone the project indefinitely? On the side of the ASN in any case, it is not procrastinating on safety: “Ultimately, says Pierre-Franck Chevet, we’ll have to have a strong conviction, a near certainty. “The Minister of Ecology, Segolene Royal, has not changed his tune. “The EPR is not condemned,” she insisted Sunday on France 5.
    Towards a nuclear-free waste?

  • michael norton

    So an Independent eXpert will be starting work tomorrow morning at eight sharp,
    he has been given two months to find out “The Truth”

    good luck, I’m sure he will need it.

    “The EPR is not condemned”
    said Segolene Royal

  • James


    By “new” MC, do you mean “second MC” ?

    I think there was only ONE motorcyclist at the Martinet that day.
    For some bizarre reason, he didn’t want to come forward.
    A long time after, he was eventually traced by the police.

    The fact is, the killer arrived at that place (that’s a fact) and he/she/they were never discovered after the event had taken place (nor their mode of transport !)

  • Tim Veater

    At 53.20 “They were American biological/chemical weapons we were walking into (in first Iraq War) At 53.42i TALKED TO THE MAN WHO TRAINED THE WOMAN WHO WAS SENT OVER FROM IRAQ TO LEARN HOW TO BUILD THE BIOLOGICALS AND CHEMICALS … SHE WAS TRAINED HERE IN THE UNITED STATES

    “This editor was brought to tears by Hebert’s testimony. There sat a man, once the image of strength and hope, now physically ruined yet still offering his all to help his country get at the truth. In closing remarks, Hebert noted that he had taken an oath to defend the U.S. against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And, he added, some of these enemies are currently within the government itself, “unfortunately.””

  • michael norton

    @ James,
    what I think I mean by the “New” motorcyclist,
    is not Eric Devouassoux,
    Newly brought to court, this Spring.
    But it does not preclude two identical motorcycles and it does not preclude a pillion rider who may have been dropped off.

  • michael norton

    Quote France Info

    The motorcyclist seen near the places of the killing of Chevaline (Haute-Savoie), in September 2012, has been identified by investigators. Heard last month by the police of the Chambery research section, it is not involved in the quadruple murder estimate of Annecy magistrates. One of the main tracks of this sprawling investigation leads to a dead end.

    It was one of the most practical ways of investigators Chambery research section in the so-called Chevaline case . The mysterious biker crossed by two forest rangers, September 5, 2012, near the scene and at the time of the murder five times Chevaline was positively identified and heard. According to initial findings of the two judges Annecy, Michel and Christine Curraize Mollin, in charge of the case, the man from Lyon has no connection with the quadruple murder. He was there by chance.

    The motorcyclist was questioned last month by the investigators Chambery. The gendarmes were finally identified through his mobile phone that has “limited” in the area of ​​crime, but also by the exploitation of video images collected shortly after the tragedy. Investigators, he explained that he came from the side of Chevaline in early September 2012, to practice his passion: paragliding. The area is actually known for its “spots” free flight between Forclaz pass, the mountain Coal and the town of Doussard.


    September 5, 2012, at the approximate time of quadruple murder (between 3:40 p.m. 3:15 p.m. ET), it runs on a motorcycle on the road of Combe d’Ire, a path closed to vehicles. It crosses two rangers who ask him to enforce the ban and turn back. The motorcyclist complied and down the path, past the parking lot where part of Al-Hilli family and a cyclist died. According to sources close to the investigation, the man did not give evidence to identify new witnesses or suspects in the killing. “His personal and professional profile excludes it from the list of suspects to 95% says an actor of the file, but the checks must be carried out.” The biker says failing to reconcile its presence in the area, killing and released sketch early November 2013 throughout France.

    In early November 2013, a year after the killing of Chevaline, the gendarmes of the research section Chambery unveil the sketch of a biker wearing a goatee and a helmet of a very particular type manufactured 8,000 copies. The man will appear in the eyes of the international media as the suspect number 1 of the survey. In fact, the presence of the biker on the scene of the crime was long known gendarmes. They had deliberately chosen not to broadcast his description to give more chance of confusing. Deadlocked, calling witnesses is initiated.

    Another appeal for witnesses launched

    On 18 February 2014, former municipal police officer living in Haute-Savoie aged 48, was arrested and taken into custody by the police. He released a few days later. His DNA does not match that of the crime scene. The track rider, who remained a priority for investigators now seems dead and buried. Remains that other call to witness, launched eight months after the killing of the Al-Hilli family and the cyclist, to try to identify the occupants of a 4×4 view not far from the scene of the tragedy. To date, investigators have still not identified the occupants of the vehicle.

    On 5 September 2012, Saad al-Hilli, 50, a British engineer of Iraqi origin, his wife of 47 years, and her mother-in-74, were executed by several bullets in a small forest road near Chevaline. A French cyclist was also shot dead. One of the girls in the al-Hilli couple seriously injured while the second unscathed from the killings. In the UK, Zaid al-Hilli, the brother of Saad al-Hilli suspected of “conspiracy to commit murder,” was arrested in June 2013 by the British police. It will be released some time later for lack of solid evidence. The record of killings Chevaline made several cubic meters, the procedure includes over 10,000 ratings connected in twenty volumes. Hundreds of witnesses were heard in vain for now.

  • michael norton

    If Sylvain Mollier was on the fifth of September 2012
    at Le Martinet “BY CHANCE”

    and we now learn that the yet to be named motorcyclist from Lyon
    was also five times on the Fifth of September 2012
    at Le Martinet “BY CHANCE”

    is there “A CHANCE” they knew each other?

  • Q

    @Micael Norton: Have the 40 days and 40 nights of rain unearthed any more corpses? The heavens have opened up on the citoyens.

  • Pink

    So this motorbiker takes his equipment up to fly to Doussard so what does he do with the bike in the meantime?

    Is there any chance a glider could have landed up there, I am thinking about the gouges that was seen on the parking by reporters and then filled in by the police .

    In this picture they are looking at something, I wonder what the guy in the striped shirt is saying .

  • Good In Parts


    “This ex-legionnaire prove that ex-legionnaires are agressives.”

    In other news, an astonishing journalistic investigation has revealed, deep in le foret of the Parc des Bauges, the unequivocal presence of bear poo. . .

  • michael norton

    Following the Charlie Hebdo Slaughter
    the FRENCH are going to bring in Mass Surveillance of the FRENCH

    The law on intelligence-gathering comes nearly four months after three days of attacks in Paris in January, in which 17 people were killed.

    The Socialist government says the law is needed to take account of changes in communications technology.

    But critics say it is a dangerous extension of mass surveillance.

  • michael norton

    So, the several DNA samples that were collected from the slaughter scene at Le Martinet,
    on 05/09/2012 or 06/09/2012
    could not be attributed to The Ugine eX-Legionnaire ( now dead but still without a name)
    the eX-policeman Eric Devouassoux ( awaiting trial on weapons charges)
    the “new” motorcyclist from Lyon ( without a name)
    The two Forest Guys ( without names)
    Phillipe Diddier ( false name)
    Brun ( whislst in his back seat, drove over a ravine, now dead)

    the eX-RAF W.B.M. ( lives within cycling/walking distance, although presumably his DNA would be on specific people and items but not on other)

    Presumably they have run the DNA sample through their Nationwide data base, from that they should be able tell:
    The number of persons who touched stuff-who have not yet been eliminated?
    the sex?
    the age?
    the ethnicity?

  • Good In Parts


    Re the frequent excursions from the campsite by SAH. You make a good point about property and estate agency visits.

    Initially I thought that SAH may simply have been devout and wishing to pray somewhere clean and more peaceful than a campsite had driven off-site frequently.

    However there were media reports quite early on that SAH had actually left the campsite for meetings. It is apparent that SAH did use the holiday to catch up with friends and colleagues who now lived in the wider area (ie including Switzerland).

    There were some long distance excursions, including one ‘passing through Geneva’ but from the durations and frequency most presumably were local.

    There was also background information on the family indicating that SAH and his brother had previously carried out property renovation projects in France successfully and profitably. SAH also apparently currently owned a a semi-derelict property elsewhere in France.

    However if a significant number of the excursions involved estate agents, the question then arises as to why the gendarmes have not revealed this information?

    It would seem to be innocuous and may have prompted witness statements indicating something useful such as a dispute or someone following SAH.

    The ‘suited man’ sounds like a good candidate for an estate agent, so if the gendarmes are aware that SAH was in fact meeting estate agents, then why not issue a photo-fit pictue and a public appeal?

  • Pink

    The police did say they knew what he had been doing they just didn’t reveal it to us understandable if they were piecing together the movements.

  • michael norton

    “He must be heard again soon. We will ask him to revive his memories,
    “the prosecutor Annecy.

    Slaughter of Chevaline: the biker overview at the scene would not be involved
    On 5 September 2012, a motorcyclist was spotted near the scene of the killing of Chevaline where the al-Hilli family and a cyclist were killed. Finally, he was identified and was exonerated by investigators.

    The investigation moves back and forth at once. While investigators were finally able to identify the biker overview at the scene of the killing of Chevaline, September 5, 2012, he has been exonerated by the investigating judges Annecy, informed Friday “France Info “.

    The man, who had a sketch was released in November 2013 by the gendarmerie, was there by chance and would not be involved in the quadruple murder that day. Three members of the British family of Iraqi origin al-Hilli and a French cyclist were shot dead on a forest path. One of the couple’s daughters al-Hilli, wounded, will survive, while the second girl unscathed.

    The trail rider was one of the most concrete ways investigators, said “France Info”. For many, this man had even become suspect number 1 killer. On 5 September 2012, he met two rangers while traveling by motorbike on a trail for vehicles. He obeyed and borrows another road before passing the spot where the murders took place.

    Since that day, he was wanted to be heard. His description is, however, released in November 2013 while the investigation is stagnating and a call for witnesses was launched. Finally identified last month through his mobile phone and video images, it was heard by the judges in charge of the case. “This is a business leader Rhône-Alpes, reputable and above suspicion, who came paragliding and went home,” detailed AFP Annecy prosecutor Eric Maillaud .

    An appeal for witnesses still ongoing

    According to sources close to the investigation quoted by “France Info”, “checks are still needed, but his personal and professional profile is excluded from the list of suspects to 95%.” The motorcyclist could not have made the connection between his presence at the scene, the murder and released sketch. “He must be heard again soon. We will ask him to revive his memories, “the prosecutor Annecy.

    Another track overboard, that of a former municipal policeman passionate arms arrested in February 2014. He was acquitted in the case after DNA analysis. A final appeal for witnesses remains valid: that launched to identify the occupants of a 4×4 view nearby

  • James

    “Another track overboard, that of a former municipal policeman passionate arms arrested in February 2014. He was acquitted in the case after DNA analysis. A final appeal for witnesses remains valid: that launched to identify the occupants of a 4×4 view nearby”

    How do they “acquit” someone with regard to a negative DNA match, if the killer didn’t leave any DNA ?

    Are they saying they now “definitely do have” unidentified DNA sample(s) ?

    How could such DNA be transferred ?
    I assume the most logical way would be from the contact the killer had with the eldest daughter ?

    I suppose a “fibre” from clothing could be transferred.

    If the killer wasn’t the biker isn’t the killer (and I he was wearing “biker clothes”), what was the killer dressed up as ? Was he dressed in something that “a fibre” could be transferred from ?

    Can “actual DNA” be recovered from a fibre ? I don’t think so.
    I assume a “fibre” could only be useful if you are trying to link a suspect (and a specific item of clothing owned by them) with a crime scene and a victim.

    No suspect (and no clothing), then no point !

  • michael norton

    “He must be heard again soon. We will ask him to revive his memories,”the prosecutor Annecy.

    Well, are we to imagine that this motorcyclist was actually in court in Annecy, in person?
    If so, it would be inconceivable that his true name was not given to the court, the first thing a witness gives is his name, without a name, how could there be any truth, any justice.
    It would also be obvious to the people in the courtroom, if this motorcyclist was identical or not to the artist sketch put out by the police in November 2013.
    Was this person, on that day, wearing the distinctive helmet?
    Or was the court case only given a written statement to see, purporting to come from this motorcyclist but would the court put up with not having the motorcyclist in person?
    If it was the case that this witness was not actually in court,
    that really does tell us a lot.

  • M.


    Judge = juges d’instruction, not a court appearance, they are in charge of the investigation

    Michel Mollin and Christine de Curraize

    He has been interviewed, that’s all, I suspect EM doesn’t want the guy to be hounded in the same way as Eric

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