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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    M & MN
    No candy, I’m sorry.
    It’s all over now, yet the truth is out there.
    In the Slaughter of the Horses incident, at the end of the day, once every possible theory has been displayed, you get back to square one and have to wonder whether the FRENCH prosecutor could be right.
    “The answer lies in the UK”. If Slyvain MolliEX was just a collateral victim, most likely the incident was the tragic outcome of a family feud over money. Never duly investigated because of British criminal procedures.
    Or possibly the action of a lone psychopath, out of reach if he had no previous history of violence. In both cases, the FRENCH are guilty of misleading information, lack of diligence, and all the rest is literature.

  • michael norton
    Chevaline: the portrait of the mysterious biker, released by the police on Monday afternoon.

    National Gendarmerie
    The police released the sketch of a wanted biker as part of Chevaline quadruple murder in September 2012. The police hope to create new accounts.

    “It is potentially the author [of the killings] but it is above all a witness.” It is in these terms that Lieutenant Colonel Vinnemann speaks of biker sought as part of the investigation into the quadruple murder of Chevaline . The sketch of the man, wearing a goatee and a dark helmet, possibly black, aired on Monday afternoon as part of an appeal for witnesses.

    The rider concerned has been seen on the road of Combe d’Ire near Chevaline, the day of the tragedy, September 5, 2012, between 3:40 p.m. 3:15 p.m. ET. “For us, it’s someone who was close enough places in a time slot of interest, and that is likely to have done or seen something,” explains Lieutenant Colonel.

    Wanted for months that he has not presented to the investigators of himself casts strong suspicions about his possible involvement in the killing. The presence of a mysterious motorcyclist at the scene of the crime was in fact long known gendarmes . Agents of the National Forestry Office had asked him to turn back because he had ventured on a prohibited road to traffic.

  • michael norton

    The rider concerned has been seen on the road of Combe d’Ire near Chevaline, the day of the tragedy, September 5, 2012, between 3:40 p.m. 3:15 p.m. ET. “For us, it’s someone who was close enough places in a time slot of interest, and that is likely to have done or seen something,” explains Lieutenant Colonel.

    If this person was supposed to have ridden up and down the combe five times, he
    presumably did not do all five runs between 3:15 – 3:40.
    The Slaughter was supposed to have occurred at 3:45.
    So, were his repeated rides up and down the combe, only before the slaughter?
    Did the slaughter put a stop to his repeated rides up and down the combe?

  • M.

    Okay, I got it

    à proximité des lieux et à l’heure du quintuple meurtre de Chevaline a été formellement identifié et entendu. Selon les premières conclusions des deux juges d’Annecy, Michel Mollin et Christine de Curraize, en charge de l’affaire, cet homme originaire de Lyon n’a aucun lien avec le quadruple meurtre. Il était là par hasard.

    Their error in refering to ‘quintuple’ murders instead of ‘quadruple’ murders, ‘a l’heure’ at the time/around the time

  • michael norton

    The motorcyclist seen near the places of the killing of Chevaline (Haute-Savoie), in September 2012, has been identified by investigators. Heard last month by the police of the Chambery research section, it is not involved in the quadruple murder estimate of Annecy magistrates. One of the main tracks of this sprawling investigation leads to a dead end.

    It was one of the most practical ways of investigators Chambery research section in the so-called Chevaline case . The mysterious biker crossed by two forest rangers, September 5, 2012, near the scene and at the time of the murder five times Chevaline was positively identified and heard. According to initial findings of the two judges Annecy, Michel and Christine Curraize Mollin, in charge of the case, the man from Lyon has no connection with the quadruple murder. He was there by chance.

    The motorcyclist was questioned last month by the investigators Chambery. The gendarmes were finally identified through his mobile phone that has “limited” in the area of ​​crime, but also by the exploitation of video images collected shortly after the tragedy. Investigators, he explained that he came from the side of Chevaline in early September 2012, to practice his passion: paragliding. The area is actually known for its “spots” free flight between Forclaz pass, the mountain Coal and the town of Doussard.


    September 5, 2012, at the approximate time of quadruple murder (between 3:40 p.m. 3:15 p.m. ET), it runs on a motorcycle on the road of Combe d’Ire, a path closed to vehicles. It crosses two rangers who ask him to enforce the ban and turn back. The motorcyclist complied and down the path, past the parking lot where part of Al-Hilli family and a cyclist died. According to sources close to the investigation, the man did not give evidence to identify new witnesses or suspects in the killing. “His personal and professional profile excludes it from the list of suspects to 95% says an actor of the file, but the checks must be carried out.” The biker says failing to reconcile its presence in the area, killing and released sketch early November 2013 throughout France.

    In early November 2013, a year after the killing of Chevaline, the gendarmes of the research section Chambery unveil the sketch of a biker wearing a goatee and a helmet of a very particular type manufactured 8,000 copies. The man will appear in the eyes of the international media as the suspect number 1 of the survey. In fact, the presence of the biker on the scene of the crime was long known gendarmes. They had deliberately chosen not to broadcast his description to give more chance of confusing. Deadlocked, calling witnesses is initiated.

    Another appeal for witnesses launched

    On 18 February 2014, former municipal police officer living in Haute-Savoie aged 48, was arrested and taken into custody by the police. He released a few days later. His DNA does not match that of the crime scene. The track rider, who remained a priority for investigators now seems dead and buried. Remains that other call to witness, launched eight months after the killing of the Al-Hilli family and the cyclist, to try to identify the occupants of a 4×4 view not far from the scene of the tragedy. To date, investigators have still not identified the occupants of the vehicle.

    On 5 September 2012, Saad al-Hilli, 50, a British engineer of Iraqi origin, his wife of 47 years, and her mother-in-74, were executed by several bullets in a small forest road near Chevaline. A French cyclist was also shot dead. One of the girls in the al-Hilli couple seriously injured while the second unscathed from the killings. In the UK, Zaid al-Hilli, the brother of Saad al-Hilli suspected of “conspiracy to commit murder,” was arrested in June 2013 by the British police. It will be released some time later for lack of solid evidence. The record of killings Chevaline made several cubic meters, the procedure includes over 10,000 ratings connected in twenty volumes. Hundreds of witnesses were heard in vain for now.

    France Info thinks he viited five times

  • michael norton

    For us to remember:
    Following this complaint from the family of murdered French cyclist during the killing,
    the court decided to examine the complaint and the end of the deliberate setting has been set for 29 May 2015, ME Caroline Blanvillan working for the Family Mollier

    According to Wiki

    W.B.M. arrived at the murder scene at 3:48
    after having just been passed by a motorcyclist.

    So, it would seem the esteemed “new” motorcyclist had driven through the murder scene, just before W.B.M. arrived, very, very tight time-line if they had not been murdered when the “new” motorcyclist passed them, maybe less than five minutes going spare?

  • M.

    MN, your French translation isn’t correct.France Info don’t think he visited FIVE TIMES at all !

    A closer translation reads:

    à proximité des lieux et à l’heure du quintuple meurtre de Chevaline a été formellement

    Near the area and at the time of the ‘quintuple’ Chevaline murders –

    the mistake is that they use the ‘quintuple’/fivefold/five, when as you can see later in the same paragraph they get it right saying ‘quadruple’, it is an error.

    I read with interest the comments on this site, regrettably without someone who has a better understanding of French you rely upon translation sites, which are not accurate.

    Just for info, the Motorcyclist from Rhone Alpes says he never had a helmet of the style used in the sketch.

  • michael norton

    thank you for your better FRENCH translation.
    I wonder if Eric Devouassoux had a side-opening helmet?
    Incidentally it was reported that at the time of the slaughter Eric D. lived
    at Taillores or Menthon-Saint-Bernard, interestingly this is over the lake,
    directly opposite the campsites used by Saad al-Hilli near Saint-Jorioz

  • Pink

    I have just noticed one of the links didn’t work in the post

    4 May, 2015 – 8:36 pm

    Here it is again the one where I wondered what the guy in stripe shirt was saying .
    When I posted this a long time ago here people thought they were probably doing close up shots on the broken glass ,I kept it because I have remained curious about the gouges the reporters saw, not the ones that were made by the car but other’s that were filled later in.
    Another idea was they could have been caused by the transport of the bodies by a trolley to a vehicle to take them away which would make sense.
    The fact that they were filled in I found curious.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Beware of broken links and of Google Translate!
    As James wisely said yesterday: ” If the killer wasn’t the biker isn’t the killer. ”
    Please excuse the FRENCH. Things would be a lot easier if their newspapers were written in English, but in order to do that they would need to know the language first.
    And yes, I’ve heard they usually carry corpses in a wheelbarrow, so no need to pay attention to those marks next to the firepit.

  • Pink

    This paragliding MB man is he the same one that passed WBM on his way down ?
    We know who he is can anyone find pictures of what MB he rides as we have various descriptions of the bikes.

  • michael norton

    @ Pink
    MB usually means mountain bike, that is a bicycle designed for mountains,
    are you meaning MB motorbike one with an engine?

    Are we think the SKY interpretation is rubbish?

  • michael norton

    Thousands of workers to loose their jobs at Areva in France
    and thousands more to loose their jobs in the rest of the world, finacial MELTDOWN

  • michael norton

    a lot of goobdlespeak but the upshot is they are in Dire circumstances

    May 07, 2015

    AREVA’s management has initiated negotiations with labor organizations to organize the social dialogue and management of employment and competencies in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Known as the “Triennial Transition Contract for Human Capital and Economic Safeguard of the Group,” this project is part of the competitiveness plan announced on March 4th. The economic situation of the company requires taking immediate cost saving measures of one billion euros by 2017.

    In addition to reducing investments and improving performance in purchasing, AREVA aims to reduce its labor costs by approximately 15% in France and 18% in total internationally. Achieving this objective will involve several measures: employment, compensation, production organization and work time. The precise impact on employment will be the subject of discussions with labor organizations and will depend on the savings achieved by each of the other measures.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Welcome to the club, MN…
    If these fucked FRENCH cannot even build a simple nuclear plant, how could they possibly solve a difficult case such as The Slaughter of the Horses?

  • michael norton
    Doel 3 was shut down at the beginning of June 2012 for a planned inspection. The ultrasonic inspection revealed that there were thousands of semi laminar flaws in the reactor vessel’s steel rings forged by Rotterdam Drydocks. These were determined to be hydrogen flakes, which influence steel brittleness and vessel pressure.[10] The reactor remained offline for further inspections and assessment for a year.[11][12][13] Eventually the nuclear regulator judged that the reactor could still operate safely and it was restarted June 3, 2013. The restart, however, was linked to an action plan concerning further investigations of the material properties of the reactor vessel. At the end of March 2014 the test results revealed a different outcome compared to what was anticipated by experts. At the moment no proper clarification for this outcome has been found. Therefore, the operator (GDF Suez) decided to stop the affected power plant until a clarification can be found and further operation of the powerplant is declared safe.[14]

    Electrabel = Engie = GDH-SUEZ = FRENCH OWNED

    Expert panel discusses Belgian (FRENCH OWNED & RUN)reactor test results MAY 2015

  • michael norton

    is now the World’S largest energy supply customer

    The FRENCH STATE wants to merge ENGIE, AREVA and EDF

    If this comes about they (THE FRENCH STATE) will have total dominance over nuclear Power in Europe, that is if they do not first financially collapse.

  • michael norton

    I hope David Cameron fully understands this FRENCH attempt to control all power production in Europe
    before he signs his name on the final contract papers for new nuclear for England.

    He should tell the FRENCH to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine = Scotland

  • michael norton

    What I am getting at is:
    THE FRENCH STATE is a socialist behmoth constantly expanding its grasp
    but like the puffed up twat Hollande it will soon burst,
    bringing down the FRENCH STATE.

    Nuclear Power – Nuclear weapons
    permanent place at the top table

    if this is what you live for
    more than enough reason to kill
    to keep your firm grasp on most of the levers of power.

    If the public are made fully cognisant of the failed integrity of reactors they would know that nuclear power is a failed method of supplying electricity.
    If all of Europe decides ( following Chernobyl and Fukushima)
    that the “answer” does not lie in nuclear, then THE FRENCH STATE is caput.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    When will these clouds all disappear?
    The Rolling Stones used to sing: they didn’t know AREVA

  • michael norton

    EDF, Areva and the FRENCH government refused to comment last night.

    Hmmmmn, sounds like trouble in FRENCH Socialst Heaven

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