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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    So Areva, the firm that makes the Nuclear Reactors is 87% owned by the FRENCH state
    EDF is 85% owned by the FRENCH state
    yet it seem the FRENCH state are trying to get EDF to purchase AREVA for a huge amount of Euros, even though Areva has been broke for several years>
    Surely, any such deal would have to be submitted to EUROPE
    just to be sure that nothing was being susidized, which is not allowed?

  • michael norton

    The new firm would also would try to win export contracts for Areva’s flagship EPR reactor. Areva, which had a loss of 4.8 billion euros in 2014

    EDF Chief Executive Jean-Bernard Levy also told the paper EDF wanted guarantees against any claims against Areva,
    in particular from its Finnish customer TVO,
    which claims billions of euros from Areva over delays to the Olkiluoto reactor.
    ( Best not mention all the problems with the actual Reactor Pressure Vessels,
    already manufactured and now stored, awaiting customers).
    AREVA has made a loss for the last four consecutive years.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Areva a Francia
    Areva has its roots in Framatome, which was founded in 1958 by several companies of the French industrial giant The Schneider Group along with Empain, Merlin Gérin, and the American Westinghouse, in order to license Westinghouse’s pressurized water reactor (PWR) technology and develop a bid for Chooz A (in France). Called Franco-Américaine de Constructions Atomiques (Framatome), the original company consisted of four engineers, one from each of the parent companies. The original mission of the company was to act as a nuclear engineering firm and to develop a nuclear power plant that was to be identical to Westinghouse’s existing product specifications. The first European plant of Westinghouse design was by then already under construction in Italy.

    A formal contract was signed in September 1961 for Framatome to deliver a turnkey system, that is, not only the reactor, but an entire, ready-to-use system of piping, cabling, supports, and other auxiliary systems, propelling Framatome from a nuclear engineering firm to an industrial contractor.

    In January, Westinghouse agreed to sell its remaining 15 percent share to Creusot-Loire, which now owned 66 percent, and to cede complete marketing independence to Framatome.[9] In February, the Belgian Baron Empain sold his 35 percent interest in Creusot-Loire to Paribas, a French government-linked banking group.

    A January 1982 company reorganization simultaneously strengthened French public and private control of the company by allowing Creusot-Loire to increase its share of the company while increasing CEA say in the running of the firm. In 2001, German company Siemens’ nuclear business was merged into Framatome.[10] Framatome and Siemens had been officially cooperating since 1989 for the development of the European Pressurized Reactor (EPR).[6]

    And tomorrow, we’ll study the War of the Roses. Bye bye, All’Hillies.

  • michael norton

    Quote The Riviera Times the day after the slaughter
    “Nearby was an eight-year-old girl; it is believed her small body had taken about three bullets.”

    When we were taking about the slaughter the other week and thinking through the assassin-s
    were they mountain biking off or walking out or diving off being driven off,
    if the eight year old child was shot three times, it must be the case that all the persons present would be slaughtered,
    so, without question a sophisticated planned slaughter.
    But rather an unsophisticated cover-up.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The poor little girl wasn’t eight, she was seven at the time.
    She wasn’t shot three times, but only once in the shoulder.
    Etc, etc. As said above, terrible reporting.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    You really think you can change the age of a child because you write a piece for the Riviera Times?
    Are you FRENCH or what? Ok, Cassandra must have been good-looking when she was younger, but what has this got to do with the All’Hillis?
    ” his paternal grand-mother’. Why not the pope in the back seat. This is terrible reporting, day after or not.

  • michael norton

    How many bullets did each victim get?
    How many weapons were used?
    Did any bullet wound more than one person?
    How many killers?

    What was the “Lyon” motorcyclist really up to?

    What is the motivation of the Annecy prosecutor?

    Why did the FRENCH arseholes wait 14 months before they published the sketch of the motorcyclist?
    Why did Nicole Communal-Tournier get rubbed out a few days after the sketch of the motorcyclist was published?
    Why allow the confusion over how many motorcyclists were about?
    Why did W.B.M. move the body of Sylvain Mollier?
    Why no back story of Sylvain Mollier?
    Why no recent photograph of Sylvain Mollier?
    Why confusion over his job at Areva?
    Why no picture of the bike Sylvain was riding that day?
    why keep the name of the eX-Legionnaire secret for the last 11 months?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Warum, warum?
    From these questions, MN, it sounds like it’s more Slyvain MolliEX who’s been forgotten. Yet, he was pure FRENCH, and he even has a lawyer officially defending his interests, unlike the All’Hilis.
    Why protect his image if his killer(s) remain at large?

  • michael norton

    “Here are the results from London: Forget Eurovision,
    Britain is the runaway winner for new jobs as France gets ‘Nul Points’

    An extra 611,000 people found work in UK last year, official figures reveal
    Next best performing country was Spain, which saw extra 434,00 get a job
    Elsewhere, only Germany and Poland created more than 300,000 new jobs
    In France, the number of people in work fell by 2,000 amid economic slump”

    Daily Mail

  • michael norton

    “There is a cover-up. I think they know who is behind it, who is the gunman and everything. It’s absolute nonsense what they came out with.

    “I think they know exactly who was the target, and it was Sylvain Mollier.”
    Zaid al-Hilli talks with the Daily Mirror at his home in Surrey

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The one thing we can all agree on is that the FRENCH are guilty. And Zaiid All’Hilli is smart enough to realise this. But it’s easy to be sorry in Surrey.
    The next question is for whose benefit is that alleged cover-up? Let’s not forget MolliEX was a philanderer. What about his romantic life in the months before the Slaughter of the Horses? Did he have an affair with a woman married to a prominent local? The FRENCH tradition of 5 ah 7?

  • michael norton

    Quote Daily Mail
    “A total of 21 bullets were used in the killing”

    Sylvain = 7

    Saad = 5

    the wife of Saad = 3

    The mother of the wife = 3
    seven year old girl = 3

    total 21 balls

  • BobM

    The story of Sylvain Mollier as partner of his new pharmacist girlfriend
    is entirely absent from French mainstream media accounts of the case.

    One has to look at fringe websites to find reports of British media stories about Mollier and his partner’s family.

    Where does Michael Norton get his gen on the Friday hearing?
    Please can he share this with us?

  • michael norton

    € 10,000 fine against BFMTV required and Le Parisien
    This Friday at 14.00hrs., the Criminal Court of Annecy reviewed the complaint filed by Maitre Caroline Blanvillain
    lawyerfor the family of Sylvain Mollier, Savoyard victim of the killing of Chevaline, against the news channel BFM TV continues and the daily National Le Parisien.

    The editors of both national media and journalist Dominique Rizet were summoned for helping to violate the confidentiality of investigations and affect the integrity of a corpse, having released three images of the al-Hillie family the crime scene, showing the vehicle of the al-Hilli family and the body of Sylvain Mollier lying on the ground. Photos that had shocked the family of the cyclist, shot several times September 5, 2012 with the British engineer of Iraqi origin Saad al-Hilli, his wife Iqbaland the mother of the latter.

    Last February, the prosecutor Annecy Eric Maillaud regretted the spread of these shocking images and had questioned their origin.
    For the prosecutor Eric Maillaud, the red line has been crossed

    The trial that you could follow our live-tweet opened 14 hours. The prosecutor Eric Maillaud found that there was no doubt that these images came from many of the trial record. He also criticized the publication of these images “There was no need to disseminate to the public at that time. Publication is a journalist ego case. When there is sensational research and that there is no respect for the victim, the right to information is not sufficient to justify everything. Should the press quite afford on behalf of the scoop and TV ratings? Freedom of expression admits limits, admittedly rare, but in my opinion, the red line has been crossed. ” The prosecutor claiming € 10,000 fine against the three defendants’ journalist Dominique Rizet and editorial director of BFM TV, as well as publishing director of the Paris) and the publication of the verdict.
    For the defense, it can not undermine the dignity of a deceased victim

    For their part, the defense lawyers argued that the attack on the integrity of a corpse covered only physical abuse and that only the victim of a violation of dignity could initiate a lawsuit, reserving and this type of action to living people. “Otherwise, we could no longer publish an attack or war scene picture” protested Mr. Dufau, lawyer BFMTV. Minded to Me Ader, the Parisian lawyer, who also pleaded acquittal, arguing that the publication of these photos allowed to better understand the crime scene showed a real newsworthy.

    Blanvillain me, a lawyer for the civil parties (Mollier family), found that the Mollier family was also a victim of the killing and therefore the publication of photos showing Sylvain Mollier ground. Illustrating his argument by reading a letter written by a son of Sylvain Mollier recalling that “behind every picture of this guy hides a wounded child forever.”

    The case was taken under advisement in May 29

  • michael norton

    So it would seem our old chum Eric Maillaud will be crossing red lines again on Friday 29th May, 2015 in Ye Olde Court House Annecy.

    I wouldn’t mind betting it opens and closes in minutes?

  • michael norton

    I would be highly surprized if this court case goes on for very long.
    If the purpose is to intimidate news outlets from exposing the truth or at least a better interpretation of events, then Prosecutor Maillaud will fail.
    However I expect “certain forces” will get this shut down PDQ

    they do not want too many cats leaping out of bags.

  • michael norton

    Slaughter of Chevaline: required fines against BFMTV and Le Parisien for publishing pictures

    A fine was required this Friday 27 / 02 / 2015
    against two officials BFMTV and Paris, as well as a consultant in the chain, who appeared before the Criminal Court of Annecy for publishing,one year ago,
    pictures of the killing of Chevaline.

    Published 02/27/2015 | 16:54, updated on 02.27.2015 | 19:18
    The prosecutor in Annecy, Eric Maillaud, claimed 10,000 euros fine against each of the three men, including journalist Dominique Rizet who presented and commented the offending photos, broadcast exclusively by BFMTV, to antenna.

    Mr. Rizet, the managing editor of BFMTV and publishing director of the Paris continued to affect the integrity of a corpse, unlawful reproduction of a crime scene concealment and violation of confidentiality of investigations .

    While the defense is particularly hiding behind freedom of information, the prosecutor ruled that the matter, “the red line had been crossed” showing pictures of the crime scene where we saw the body on the ground a victim, Sylvain Mollier, whose family complained.

    “There was only one single objective: the ratings, the sensational and the satisfaction of certain journalists It is a story of ego.. Look what I alone am able to show you,” blurted Mr Maillaud, adding that “respect for human dignity is part of professional ethics of journalists.”

    Reportage Ariane Combes-Savary, Ingrid Pernet-Duparc and Francis Hubaud
    These three photos, showing also the British family al-Hilli shortly before the tragedy, had been published in February 2014 while a possible suspect of the killing was in custody.

    The judgment was reserved on 29 May

    On 5 September 2012, Saad al-Hilli, 50, Iraqi-born British engineer, his wife of 47 years, and his stepmother of 74 years, were killed by several bullets in their car on a small forest road near Chevaline (Haute-Savoie). Sylvain Mollier, probable collateral victim, was also shot dead. One of the girls of al-Hilli couple had been seriously injured while the second, hidden under the legs of his mother, was miraculously unscathed.

    The hearing took place without the accused, represented by their lawyers. “None had the courage or the decency to come today,” Caroline Blanvillain denounced me, Counsel for the Mollier family.

    The defense argued the release denying any attack on the integrity of a corpse, which she is necessarily physical.

    Me Ader and Peter Randolph Dufau, BFMTV lawyer, added that it could not identify the victim, whose face was blurred, and could not be accused of having published the photos without his consent since was dead – and challenging the civil party nearby.

    They finally swept the concealment of breach of confidentiality of the investigation on the grounds that the author of the leak could be identified. The prosecutor said that the investigation on this point would be closed without further action, noting in passing that published photos come from a DVD release of the many investigators of the case, used also during a presentation of the case to the hierarchy of the national gendarmerie.

  • michael norton

    Eleven months on the eX-paratrooper gets a name.

    “A former French Foreign Legion soldier who killed himself is ‘top of the chain’ of suspects in the murder of a British family in the Alps, it has been reported.

    Patrice Menegaldo was initially interviewed as a witness after Saad al-Hilli, 50, his wife Ikbal, 47, and her mother Suhaila al-Allaf, 74, were shot dead on a forest road in Chevaline, France in September 2012.

    But now it has emerged that Menegaldo, who was found dead last year at the age of 50, has been identified as a ‘real suspect’ in the murders.

    Investigators think he fits the profile of the gunman who carried out the killings and are examining his movements before the massacre unfolded”

  • michael norton

    So, Eric Maillaud is now saying that Patrice Menegaldo, as well as being romantically involved with the sister of Sylvain Mollier, also knows the family of the partner of Sylvain Mollier, Claire Schutz.

    The eX-legionnaire has also been described more recently as being in the Sapeurs-pompiers
    and as we know adjacent to the Pharmacie Schutz-Morange is the building of the Sapeurs-Pompiers

    with the all white motorcycle panniers and fairing.

    I maintain that Sylvain and Claire were living in these premises at the time of The Slaughter of the Horses and it was from this building that Sylvain Mollier departed on his push bike on the 5th September 2012, never to return.

  • michael norton

    La Delegation regonale est animee par patrice menegaldo(C3B)
    En octobre 2011, L’entreprise Leon Grosse accueillait la delegation regonale sur le chantier” Hyacinthe Vincente” Cette operation realisee en entreprise generale caracterise la construction d’un eco-quartier de 192 logements.
    L’entreprise C3B a recu la delegation en debut d’annee sur l’operation de construction de L’Ehpad village bleu, realise en conception realisation a Nuits-Saint-Georges.
    Une reunion avec la federation regionale du batiment de bourgogne et avec la federation du batiment de Cote-d’or a permis de fructueux echanges et notamment de verifier l’application de la charte entreprise generale/partenaire sous-traitant.

  • michael norton

    The delegation regonale is animated by patrice Menegaldo (C3B)
    In October 2011, the company hosted the Leon Grosse regonale delegation at the construction site “Hyacinthe Vincente” The operation carried out in general business characterizes the construction of an eco-neighborhood of 192 homes.
    C3B The company has received the delegation earlier this year on the operation of Construction Ehpad blue village, realized in design realization has Nuits-Saint-Georges.
    A meeting with the regional federation of Burgundy building and with the federation of the building of Cote-d’Or allowed fruitful exchanges including check the implementation of the charter company General / outsourcing partner.

  • michael norton

    Good picture of Patrice Menegaldo but if this is the correct person, expect this picture to vanish, soon.

    Be interesting if this outfit were the re-builders of the Pharmacie Schutz
    n’est-ce pas?

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