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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    Mr Maillaud said it was strange because Menegaldo had been interviewed only as a witness simply because he knew the Schutz family.

    “We are talking about a hardened ex-soldier, someone used to using a gun, suddenly saying he couldn’t deal with being thought of as a suspect,” he said. “The investigators are still digging into this man. He had psychological problems.

    “Could it, by chance, have been him? Did he regret his actions afterwards and take his own life? Otherwise it is an inexplicable suicide.

    “He had the technical capacity to do what was done that day.”

    The implication that a man from Ugine could be responsible for the massacre suggests dad-of-three Mollier, 45, was the real target.

    In a further twist, it has been revealed that Iqbal al-Hilli kept in touch with her secret American ex-husband Jimmy Thompson long after remarrying, says his sister Judy Weatherly.

    Until now it was thought Iqbal had cut all ties with her ex, who ­coincidentally –or mysteriously, as his family believe – died of a heart attack on the same day as the massacre.


  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    These new twists are just FRENCH manoeuvres to hide the truth. Menegaldo had his phone and his vehicles checked by FRENCH police before he was even interviewed.
    Is all this only promotion for the new Mirror paperback (pre-orders accepted)?

  • BobM

    The French expression “grand guignol” reflects that France is not unused to horror shows, real and imaginary.

    The English press have shown an interest in the family background of Sylvain Mollier that has been suspiciously absent from the french media: and it is a fair guess that M Millaud is now talking as he is because of the pressure that our press are exerting.

    Anyone who has read Balzac or followed the recent history of family “Affaire[s]” would not be remotely surprised if it was Mollier who was the prime target.

  • michael norton

    Most of us think the Family al Hilli,
    also Sylvain Mollier were the prime targets, it was most obviously a set-up-meet.

    What we have no knowledge of is why?

    There are many connections in the immediate area, especially around
    Lathuile, Saint-Jorritz, Chevaline and Doussard.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    So no more Mossad, no more Zirconium, no more Saddam Swiss bank accounts?
    TV, what have they done to your song?
    And all of this because of the FRENCH!!!
    Thank you very much, M Millaud.

  • BobM

    “Most of us think the Family al Hilli,
    also Sylvain Mollier were the prime targets, it was most obviously a set-up-meet.

    What we have no knowledge of is why?

    There are many connections in the immediate area, especially around
    Lathuile, Saint-Jorritz, Chevaline and Doussard.”

    This makes no sense, Michael Norton.

    The surviving brother says that that Mollier was the target; Mollier’s brother agrees.
    If it was a “set-up-meet” what was the purpose?
    [We know why Mollier was unpopular with the in-laws; but you don’t explain what the Al-Hillis brought to the action.]

  • Tim Veater

    “Patrice Menegaldo had been interviewed as a witness after the 2012 shootings of Saad al-Hilli and his family and French cyclist Sylvain Mollier” But it can now be revealed that investigators are probing Menegaldo’s movements because he exactly fits the profile of the professional assassin believed to be behind the executions.

    In an exclusive interview for our book The Perfect Crime, out next week, state prosecutor Eric Maillaud said Menegaldo, 50, is “at the top of the chain” as police on both sides of the Channel continue the hunt for the lone hitman.

    In a further twist, it has been revealed that Iqbal al-Hilli kept in touch with her secret American ex-husband Jimmy Thompson long after remarrying, says his sister Judy Weatherly.

    Until now it was thought Iqbal had cut all ties with her ex, who ­coincidentally –or mysteriously, as his family believe – died of a heart attack on the same day as the massacre.

    Is this the first time his name has been published?

    Of course this is part of an orchestrated press release focusing on the police being called to a violent altercation between the two brothers.

    What is the underlying purpose of this by the behind the scenes directors of the media. Clearly these stories don’t come out by dint of journalistic investigation but because they are handed particular gobbets for a purpose.

  • Tim Veater

    Not forgetting – my song! my song!

    So it was the French all along?

    How strange that Maillaud, who all along claimed the problem was located in Britain, the brother, the targets were the Al Hillis and SM had nothing to do with it, now 2.5 yrs after changes his tune completely and points the finger at the Legionnaire who very conveniently shot himself and left an explanatory note, is now chief suspect.

    Who writes this stuff (apart from me)?

    I am sure I don’t need to remind everyone of the suspicious circumstances that I discussed at the time, not least the fact that there was “evidence of a struggle” and ‘suicide’ was pronounced before any forensics (if any) were in or investigation completed. Funny how some information is withheld and other is made public isn’t it? Perhaps before this tough Legionnaire, who just couldn’t cope with the emotional strain of being interviewed by police, threw a tissy fit that messed up his room before calmly writing his note and shooting himself?

    Oh and so now we also learn Mrs AH kept in touch with her (CIA?) husband – who rather coincidentally died within minutes of her in the States – right up to the trip. Was this known by Saad because you can be sure it was known (and monitored) by NSA and Cheltenham.

    For ways in which suspects are killed/injured by themselves or by agents of the American government we have plenty of examples in London, Paris and Boston (to name but three)

  • Tim Veater

    This is what happens if you refuse to play ball (or write a ‘suicide note’)

    “ORLANDO, FL — An unarmed man was shot to death in his own apartment by the FBI after a grueling 8-hour interrogation. The man was Ibragim Todashev, a Chechen immigrant being investigated because he was an acquaintance of one of the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing. He was ultimately shot 6 times in the chest and once in the back of the head, which his father describes as an “execution” performed to “silence” his son. Months later, the Feds still have not offered any cogent explanations of the the incident or why their agents altered their story multiple times.”

  • Tim Veater

    “The interrogators suspected that Tsarnaev carried out the Waltham murders, and have said that Todashev implicated Tsarnaev before being shot and killed. Law enforcement sources claim that at about 12:15 in the morning, Todashev sat down at a table brought into the room by agents to write a formal confession regarding the Waltham murders. He never wrote a word, but instead overturned the table and lunged at the interrogator, forcing the confrontation and justifying the FBI agent to shoot Todashev 7 times.”

  • Tim Veater

    Shooting those who can implicate following an operation is fairly standard practice I would say. Charlie Hebdo a good example in respect of at least three deaths. (I’ll let you work out which ones)

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    And it goes to show… We should always listen to TV.
    Menegaldo used as a scapegoat? The FRENCH can do anything, their enquiry is a roadside attraction, and media on both sides of the Channel puppets on a string.

  • michael norton


    21200 BEAUNE
    capitol of Burgandy booze,
    so this “retirement development” chap is almost certainly the WRONG Patrice Menegaldo

  • michael norton

    If you go to the website of Le Dauphine Libre
    and in their research box type Sylvain Mollier =nothing
    Patrice Menegaldo=nothing
    type in al Hilli and BINGO a result?

    Yet if we are to now think ( Eric Maillaud) that it was all local
    maybe time for Le Dauphine Libre to get their fingers out of their arses
    and do so investigative journalism?

  • Peter

    It has been almost a year now that Menegaldo committed suicide. Given that the gendarmes don’t seem to have found any concrete evidence tying him to the crime yet, it is unlikely that they ever will.

  • michael norton


    The editors of two national media and a journalist were cited to appear on 27 February 2015 the criminal court of Annecy for “concealment of breach of the instruction secrecy and violation of the integrity of a corpse “and were accused by the lawyers for the family of the cyclist to have aired footage from the scene crime from the record of the investigation, including images of the vehicle from the al-Hilli family and the body of Sylvain Mollier lying on the ground at the scene of the killing. The defense lawyers argued the acquittal as they believe that “the publication of these photos allowed better understand the crime scene and therefore posed a real journalistic interest.”

    Following this complaint from the family of murdered French cyclist during the killing, the court decided to examine the complaint and the end of the deliberate setting has been set for 29 May 2015 .

  • michael norton

    So if it is recorded in French Wiki
    it is not a secret
    that the newspapers will be returned to Ye Olde Court House this coming Friday.

  • michael norton

    Slaughter of Chevaline a man interviewed by investigators found dead in Ugine

    Tuesday in Ugine Savoie, gendarmes conducted extensive investigations at the home of a resident of the town, died a violent death.

    The individual was found dead at his home, while suggesting a suicide. Weapons have been recovered by the police. The home has been examined by experts from the cell criminal investigations gendarmerie group of Savoy.

    According to our information, the victim, a former legionnaire, was heard by the police of the Research Section of Chambéry there is more than one year, as part of the investigation into the killing of Chevaline that s is held September 5, 2012 in Haute-Savoie, about twenty kilometers from Ugine. Interviewed as part of investigations into the environment of the victims, the man would not have been considered at the time, as a direct suspect and no charges had been held against him.

    His death today, however intrigue investigators in charge of the “case Chevaline” and further investigations will be undertaken to ensure that nothing was overlooked at the time. The survey should initially be assigned to the brigade Research Albertville, which will, inter alia confirm the hypothesis of suicide and check that the death was not related to his “old” hearing.

    [link contains map and original french]

  • michael norton

    Suspects exonerated

    Eric Maillaud do not like talking slopes, it prefers the word “assumptions.” Two and half years after the massacre, we know that the main assumption, that the biker whose sketch was broadcast all over the murderer, was deflated.

    The man had just visited the region in 2012 to do a hang gliding course.

    Another assumption that has led to nothing: that of the French security officer in Geneva arrested last year with an arsenal of weapons at his home and faces up to 10 years in prison for arms trafficking .
    So what is left? The family run, knowing that the conflict between Saad al-Hilli and his brother was at its height.

    The man, who lives in Britain, has always denied the charges and no evidence links it to the quadruple murder. The implication of the cyclist in the drama? It seems to be an unfortunate collateral victim.

    As for the trail of mad killer, much research has been undertaken to know the people “unbalanced in the region.” In vain for now
    The recall of facts

    September 5, 2012

    Saad al-Hilli, Iraqi-born British engineer, his wife and his stepmother, are shot dead in their car on a road to the town of Chevaline near Annecy. The family was on vacation in the area.

    Their two girls, aged 4 to 7 years time, are spared. The killing of Chevaline has claimed another victim: a cyclist. The investigation determined that a single killer acted. It is unclear however if accompanied.

  • michael norton

    “This case largely polluted my life” Eric Maillaud
    Slaughter of The Horses.

    The prosecutor of Annecy, Eric Maillaud, an update on this “non-standard” investigation is not yet complete.
    The killing of Chevaline she haunts you?

    This case was a bit obsessed for many months and widely polluted life. Like any professional, if you work on what may be the investigation of your life, there will be a shot in the first months period. But then, when it becomes something long-term, you classify. There are daily where we take things more cold. Fortunately, if we no longer live.

    It is now a case like the others?

    In a sense, yes. I managed like another that goes from synthetic cannabis trafficking in flight t-shirt in a supermarket. The Parquet Annecy treats 22,000 cases a year to five magistrates: Do the math!

    Do you know one day the truth, knowing that one of the main tracks, the desired biker, has been abandoned?

    I wish, of course. Look at the bombing of the Rue des Rosiers in Paris in 1982. An investigating judge recently issued international arrest warrants. In Britain, a killer was discovered over 25 years later. Some cases take ten, fifteen years. Suddenly we discover DNA and science allows to exploit things we could not before ten years. I trust. Although I know that sometimes there is nothing. This is called the major judicial puzzles.

    You acknowledged not having luck on this issue …

    True, one must also have the chance for a case like this taking place outdoors. In closed, one can find a hair, a hairy beard! We should not always keep in mind the TV series, where in 45 minutes or even 45 minutes twice, we find the solution. Outside, everything is complicated! We could have had the chance someone see something. A September 5 near Annecy, 800 meters above sea level, it is not in the Himalayas. People live in the area, others are on vacation. It was fine, there was the world.

    How many investigators are still working on the case?

    A dozen people on the side of Chambéry Research Section and the same on the British side. This remains unusual two and a half years after the fact. Initially, 200 people worked for a year and that, in France and Britain. There were thousands of items to use, testimonials.

    And how many letters rogatory (CR) abroad?

    It should flirt with the 200 currently in a hundred countries. Said like that, it may seem impressive. At the same time, many CR were conducted to identify the mobile phone numbers that had switched over from Talloires. We tried to identify numbers 4000 and this is how we identified a motorcyclist, two years after the tragedy. This person came to a gliding course in the region.

    Part of the answer she is in Switzerland?
    What interests us is essentially the weapon, a Luger P06, which may have been used by a Swiss military at a given time.

    Amazing still for a killer to use an old weapon that is likely to curb …

    Except that investigators would tell you that this is just a very good choice not to go to the owner of the weapon … You were talking about luck, we still had to find that a small piece of wafer the butt at the scene of the crime. This is an incredible opportunity.

    Other link with Switzerland: the appointment AGENDE in a Geneva bank just before the killer!

    Right. Saad al-Hilli wanted to know if his brother Zaid had not stolen more money than he had been alive at the time of his father, Kader, when it managed its assets. Zaid had also tried to get that money – without success – in this bank with a bank card.

    And then, this appointment?

    It was not honored. Saad al-Hilli died before. We know that the Swiss bank account of his father, was worth one million euros. Probably the proceeds from the sale of businesses in Iraq when he fled the country. Everything revolves around a legacy “normal” but whose origin is somewhat unusual because coming from a man who left Iraq and released her money fraudulently probably in a suitcase. It may not be legal but that is normal when you take flight. Then it comes to placing this money and there are countries that accept cash more easily than others. This is not a criticism but a reality. The account could just as easily be opened in Luxembourg or the Cayman Islands. Unfortunately, all the info here will use to us at this time. (The Morning)

    Created: 4/16/2015, 8:23

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    For just £ 9.99, you can pre-order Tom Parry’s book on your favourite website. And you’ll get all the details about the Slaughter of the Horses. Including Menegaldo and Ikbal’s former husband’s death in America. And it’s not even written in FRENCH. No more ‘lost in translation’ thingies. You’ll also get free pictures of Zaid, of the infamous Luger P06, and several maps of the crime scene area.
    We’ve been told the FRENCH gendarmes investigated about 4000 different mobiles that pinged the phone relay close to Chevaline. We may assume that far fewer people will feel attracted to that book. They’ll be easier to investigate! Isn’t it a jolly good trick? And all of this thanks to the FRENCH.

  • James

    “It should flirt with the 200 currently in a hundred countries. Said like that, it may seem impressive. At the same time, many CR were conducted to identify the mobile phone numbers that had switched over from Talloires. We tried to identify numbers 4000 and this is how we identified a motorcyclist, two years after the tragedy. This person came to a gliding course in the region.”

    4000 people IN 100 different countries….
    ….and the bloke lives “up the road” !!!!!!!!!!!

  • James

    So we don’t really know (for sure) where the Al Hilli money came from.
    Or if there is “other” cash held somewhere else.

    But does the book say anything about “the ex French Foreign Legion” guy who blew his face off after being interviewed by the French cops ? Still no name ???

  • Pink

    Same line as MR Bewick

    Sort hazardous and non-hazardous waste
    Ensure the destination of the waste,
    Have at least one action for the environment,
    Store hazardous liquids retention and sheltered,
    Do not dispose of polluted effluents without treatment,
    Having pollution kit and train companions to their use,
    Limit pollution due to dust,
    Limit noise and adapt depending on the site vicinity,
    Ensure the cleanliness of the site and its surroundings,
    Protect the natural environment and biodiversity.

  • Tim Veater

    just revealed for the first time as far as I am aware. THREE bits of NEW information are released in a co ordinated fashion
    1. police called to brother’s fight
    2. Iqbal keeps in touch with her ex (to when not revealed)
    3. name of Legionnaire released

    to this can be added new interviews with Maillaud and Zaid and information that Saad never did get to that Geneva bank.

    All this suggests management and manipulation of media story to me. It can’t just be Mirror promotion of their book surely unless Murdock has some influential friends BOTH sides of the channel?

    Another indicator – why have to wait nearly a year just to publish that Legionnaire’s name. Or has it got something to do with that infringement case just about to be heard? And how does that fit in with the whole press/internet clamp down thing both here and in France since Hebdo? Both Hollande and Cameron have been singing from the same hymn sheet on this one. “Police action not limited to those who break the law. Need to control free expression even if not currently criminal. Those that question the official interpretation of terrorist events to be treated as terrorists themselves”. And so on….

  • michael norton


    I think you have put your finger on it.

    Why in the last half a week has new stuff been let out?

    On Friday, newspaper people will be in court with Maitre Caroline Blanvillain & Eric Maillaud in one corner, fighting a rear-guard action, supposedly for the integrity Sylvain Mollier,
    instructed by his relatives, which relatives specifically?
    Not you may note the integrity of any of the family al-Hilli?
    It has been stated these last few days by Eric Maillaud that the reason they “heard” the eX-Legionnaire was because he “knew” the family of Claire Schutz.

    First time we’ve been told that snipet, we had been previously told it was because the eX-Legionnaire was romantically involved with the sister of Sylvain Mollier,
    murkier and murkier.

    Of course, we should keep in the forefront of our awareness that the business partner of Clair Schutz is none other than the brother of her mother: Pierre Morange

  • michael norton

    It is only in the last few days that FRENCH Wiki has written:
    Following this complaint from the family of murdered French cyclist during the killing, the court decided to examine the complaint and the end of the deliberate setting has been set for 29 May 2015 .

    We must also remember that the very old, shabby Pharmacie Schutz-Morange, adjacent to the
    Sapeurs-pompiers, has since the demise of Sylvain Mollier been transformed into a modern wonder of retail opportunity.
    Big money has been splashed.
    We should also remember that the eX-Legionnaire was also said to have been working as a fireman!!!

    Also not to forget the persons held in clink for the last year, awaiting trial for the slaughter of Nicole Communal-Tournier, a few days after the “sketch” of the motorcyclist was released by Eric Maillaud after a wait of fourteen months.

    So did Eric Devouassoux look like the “sketch” yes he did

    does the “Lyon” motorcyclist look like the “sketch” we do not know or his name?

    Did the eX-Legionnaire look like the “sketch” good question

    no doubt it will all become clear on FRIDAY.

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