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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James

    Mister Norton….

    “It has been stated these last few days by Eric Maillaud that the reason they “heard” the eX-Legionnaire was because he “knew” the family of Claire Schutz”.

    He CERTAINLY did.
    Mollier (S) lived in the same apartment block as the legion guy…
    …AND the Legion guy had previously dated Mollier’s sister.

    God damn sure “legion guy” knew Mollier.

    BUT….. (to keep an open mind) that means nothing.

    I still ponder on… who was the target. Mollier or Al Hilli.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Millaud just said the British journalist misunderstood what he had said about the EX Legionnaire/fireman/ lover/suicide/suspect. The plot is getting clearer.
    And J is right. Where is the money now? In FRANCE?

  • M.

    Un journaliste anglais du Mirror a mal traduit les propos du procureur … Il n’y a aucun élément concret contre ce légionnaire

    “Le procureur d’Annecy précise à #RTL qu’il n’a jamais dit que le légionnaire qui s’est suicidé à Ugine était “un vrai suspect”

  • James

    Important to keep an open mind.

    Yes, the world is corrupt….
    …and so are “locals”.

    Which do we prefer ?
    I prefer to “DEFEND” an open mind attitude (I closed two websites and removed people defending such principles).

    Mollier ? Al Hilli ? Both ?

    The one thing (well, two) is certain.
    Money is involved
    And corruption / conspiracy / hidden facts ….are involved

    But whose ?

  • michael norton

    Let’s also remember Nocolas Mollier Thomas

    The Albertville community brigades still investigating to determine the exact circumstances of the accident that killed Sunday at a motorist in the Val d’Arly, Nicolas Mollier Thomas. There would be no witnesses and the driver was alone in his car when it left the road before making several barrels. The father, 39, from Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle and lives in Hery-sur-Ugine, traveling on a mountain road in the locality Flumet Aval, above the Flon bridge Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle, when the accident occurred. He was ejected from his vehicle and died on arrival of firefighters and Albertville Smur.

    This young father barrel rolled his vehicle within metres of his child hood home,
    on a Sunday afternoon after visiting his mum,
    yet these molliers have been mountain people for generations.
    They live in the “nest” of the Molliers.
    No other person or vehicle involved?

    He had worked for the government with a flat ( Bluebird) close to the HQ of the DGSE,2.319254,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x4f5be73ca91bb431

    in Paris.

  • michael norton



    The Annecy Prosecutor has been playing fast & Loose with the press / public
    he should choose his speech, better still if it is known to be intended for an ENGLISH speaking audience he SHOULD WRITE IT DOWN,
    so confusion is kept to an absolute minimum.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The EX legionnaire was said to have left a 6 OR 7 page farewell letter.
    This sounds very suspicious. Those chaps can’t write that much. Texting is their limit. Also a FRENCH soldier would never use a Swiss weapon. They have their pride.
    Exactly, Mister James, the world is corrupt and Eric is his prophet.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    MN € M
    It’s not “mistranslated”, it is pure invention.
    All these papers belonging to Moreduck have a tendency to publish phony stories. And the FRENCH prosecutor is too far away to sue them.

  • michael norton

    Maybe pure invention maybe mis-direction
    however several “new” bits of information have been let out over the last half week, including the name of the eX-Legionnaire-paratrooper- firefighter- lover-suicide-suspect- friend of the Family schultz Patrice Menegaldo

    The obvious reason for letting this out is the newspapers are fucking pissed of with the Annecy prosecutor and they are no-longer prepared to roll-over and play stupid.
    Can’t wait for the court revelations this FRIDAY

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Ho no, there won’t be any revelations. They’ll just read the sentence aloud. That’s the way it goes, in FRANCE.

  • James

    “Those chaps can’t write that much”.

    Easy Tiger !

    I earnt my hours in Africa. And I flew some of the 2nd REP boys around.
    They knew a thing or two (or three) and they weren’t all idiots.

    A French national in the ranks of the REP is something “rare” however.
    So this guy was (at least) “higher” Corp de Chef ? Or “non national”.

    I wait to see Friday

  • James

    Listen…. for me, if there was a “bad man” and he was doing some wrong…
    …then he got what he got. Them’s the rules.

    No quarter asked… (so) non given.

    I grew up in N.I. and as far as “peace” was concerned, if some “bad guy” tried to shoot his “opposing party” and got dropped instead….then that’s what he gets gets.

    You know the rules before you even start. If you don’t…. you’re a f***ing idiot.

    But I see this as “different”.
    Mollier seems “so well protected”. The french police seem so “stupid”.

    I see this as a “French issue”. AND for the life of me, I can’t figure out why ????

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    The denial is now confirmed. Prosecutor Millaud never said such a thing. This incident is another serious reflection on the Mirror.

  • Peter

    I now believe that, in releasing Menegaldo’s name, Clouseau has essentially cleared him of any involvement in the murders. While they genuinely considered him a suspect, the gendarmes kept his name under wraps; but now that they have found zilch to incriminate him in almost a year, they have released it.

    This (and other) death notices mentioning his name have only come online very recently
    I cannot exactly say when they were published, but I have searched high and low in the months after his suicide. These death notices are relatively new.

    Moreover, I doubt whether he really ever was a member of the French Foreign Legion. He certainly did not belong to any of their old members’ associations, and none of them in the region have ever heard of him. If he passed himself off as an ancien legionnaire, he almost certainly was a Walter Mitty type – which would make his psychological profile fit that of a presumed “lone nutter” assassin even better.

  • Tim Veater

    25 May, 2015 – 6:24 pm this is another common feature throughout and others in which the object is never to solve. State a ‘fact’ then change it, deny it, or contradict it. Anything to add to the confusion.

    Perhaps its also worth highlighting the quite INCREDIBLE fact that in two and a half years of almost unequalled police investigation on the British side (if we believe the reports) not one single word (hardly). This quite extraordinary in normal policing terms. It can ONLY be explained in terms of ‘national security’ and ‘international relations’.

    As an aside, another highly contrived story that hit the headlines recently about safety/effectiveness of the British nuclear deterrent/submarines against a background of Britain effectively giving up on nuclear technology in the civil sphere and combining with the French in both civil and military.

    Makes you wonder if there isn’t an international plot to ensure Britain is knocked off its nuclear/international/military/UN perch?

  • Tim Veater

    Perhaps its also worth noting (although it may not be significant) that MENEGALDO is not a naturalised Gallic name. It is Italian. We do not know how far his family went back in Ugine or if he only went there to retire when he left the Legion. Now put this with the traditional entrant to the legion – someone trying to escape the law or the mob and the Italian Mafia links – the possibility certainly exists of underground links or trying to escape from them.

  • Peter

    We do not know how far his family went back in Ugine or if he only went there to retire when he left the Legion.

    That dude was born in Ugine, as you would have known if you had read the death notice that I posted above. That information is confirmed by a multitude of other sources. Rather, the question is whether he ever joined the Foreign Legion. I don’t think that he did. He may have been a parachutist and he may have served in a unit considered – by itself or by others – a bit special, however. Who knows? He also managed to lead a very low-key existence insofar as his Internet presence is concerned. He wasn’t even in the Ugine telephone directory, or perhaps his entry has been scrubbed.

    Anyway, I still haven’t found the bit of information that I am looking for, namely that this Walter Mitty type once served as a bodyguard to Pierre Morange or something like that 😉

  • Tim Veater

    25 May, 2015 – 6:44 pm I discussed the “6 or 7 page” issue at the time. Think about it “6 OR 7”??? This in a case that couldn’t have a higher profile. Its either totally sloppy thinking or demands explanation. In the absence of the latter, I find it difficult to believe even Maillaud would be that imprecise intentionally unless introduced to suggest yet more doubt and confusion. Note the contrast between the decision this was “suicide” with the imprecision. Put yourself in the shoes of any Prosecutor subject to intense international pressure over a highly unusual multiple murder. You interview a person for a not insignificant period of time who then, surprise, surprise, is found shot dead in circumstances that can only be described as ‘suspicious’, wouldn’t you hold your counsel as to cause, particularly if this is definitely your style? The very least we might have expected is that he would have confirmed the man had been interviewed, perhaps some factual details or not as the case may be, but certainly NOT ascribe a cause until after an exhaustive forensic, post mortem and inquiry-type investigation. This aspect alone STINKS to high heaven.

    Name with-held for nearly a year when the man is claimed to uninvolved??? Where and when the equivalent of the Coroner’s report or at least the publication of the results of the investigation, although knowing how the British inquest was organised to hide rather than reveal anything significant, I suppose it was no loss.

  • Tim Veater

    thanks for clarifying that point Peter
    25 May, 2015 – 11:23 pm and sorry i somehow missed your earlier post. So are you satisfied from your researches that is his true name and he was born of Ugine parents but doubt he was in the legion. If that bits not reliable, what is and why have frenchies put it out. despite all this i think my point about his being an italian name still stands.

  • James


    Your last line (on your last post), now that would be a find !

    As the Legion has a “tradition” of taking in all “without question” (although I think even they draw the line somewhere !), the other “tradition” is that “you can join under another name”.

    IF Patrice fought “directly” for the Legion, did he join under his own name ?
    (and did he continue to use that name thereafter ?).

    Another note… I was unsure if a Frenchman could actually join the Legion in the first place (as a Legionnaire) . The practice of using “French Only Officers” is normal.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Nothing is “normal” in FRANCE, Herr James. They even drive on the right side of the road!

  • James

    Eric’s hand seems to be always “forced”.
    He is constantly on the back foot.

    Panorama were about to release the fact that the biker had spoken with the ONF team.
    Eric has to release the “photo fit”.

    The Parry book means the name of the legionnaire will be known.

    Eric may not like it, but his investigation is slowly being made public. Will he “go all in” and give a press conference at some point ? will he show his cards ?

    If (big IF) Patrice was the killer, then who was the target ?
    A local killer…and a local victim points to a “local murder”.
    But that will make Eric look an absolute idiot (in public). He has to find the motive…or at least “who hired the killer” (if he was indeed a hired killer).

    Could be “career ending” stuff….for Eric.
    Surely he needs to explain what is going on now.

  • James

    The problem with Menegaldo is….

    …he is interviewed by police for an hour, nothing is found that connects him to the killings (although his “profile” seems to fit) AND THEN several months later her blows his own head off saying “he can’t cope with being seen as a suspect”.

    The first thing is, why wait so long ?
    The second thing is, was it a suicide ?

    And the bizarre thing is… the police can find no connection between Menegaldo and the killings (other than, his profile and he must have known Mollier/Schultz in some capacity or other).

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    M. – RIP
    Regiment Infanterie Para-chutiste
    So Eric tries to pretend he never said what he said to Mister Parry. What a rip off!
    I think we should deny him the right to confirm his denial, unless he denies he had not said what he said.
    Watch TV. You’ll learn how to tell when people try to confuse you.

  • Good In Parts

    This guy fitted ‘the profile’ so snugly and they didn’t just notice that after the event.

    My guess is that his interrogators painted a picture of his evident guilt.

    If they were following him around both before and after his little interview then maybe, just maybe, his paranoia or situational awareness made him ‘hyperaware’ of it.

    One only has to recall the evident distress of Zaid at the finger pointing.

    Perhaps he even became convinced that he was being set up. Patsy Patrice, so to speak.

  • M.

    2 REP à Calvi, (More Majorum) details on this website from July 2014 – Molliex

    La devise de la Légion étrangère est “HONNEUR ET FIDELITÉ” comme “HONNEUR ET PATRIE” est la devise de l’armée “régulière” (les autres armes de l’armée française). “LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA” est la devise du 3e R.E.I.

    Il semble que cette dernière devienne, à l’usage, la devise de la Légion.

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