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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    This newspaper-media appearance in Ye Olde Court House Annecy, this Friday,

    which family member of Sylvain Mollier has put this in motion?

  • michael norton

    I think it is likely that the Sapeurs-Pompiers adjacent to the Pharmacie Schutz-Morange

    is intimately linked to The Slaughter of the Horses.
    I maintain that Sylvain Mollier and Claire Schutz were living in the Pharmacie Schutz-Morange at the time of the slaughter and it is from where Sylvain departed on his cycle that fatal day 05/09/2012

  • michael norton

    We know that the Pharmacie Schutz-Morange has been bulldozed down and the business no longer involves Pierre Morange, the uncle of Claire Schutz
    but is the Sapeurs-Pompiers still standing?

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    James was right:
    ” And the bizarre thing is… the police can find no connection between Menegaldo and the killings (other than, his profile and he must have known Mollier/Schultz in some capacity or other). ”
    While you were flying the 2 REP from Corsica to Africa, did you ever share a beer with someone going by the name of Patrice, or Eric or Slyvain? All of them were FRENCH.
    MN is also right: all these people have been firefighters somehow.. Not only in Grignon.
    The Mirror journalist could be next in line for a legal suit if the French pro-secutor was off the record when he spoke. Time to open a new thread called “Not Forgetting the Molliers”.

  • James

    From “oily boyz” to “military personnel” to “holy missionaries”…
    ….in “Afrika” you fly everything and everyone. Even flew “VIPS” that were actually kegs of beer ! (the “airport” would close, so you had to have an excuse to get back in….especially when doing the beer run)

    But you never talk to them. Africa is “third world”. By that I mean “a completely different world”. It’s odd, corrupt, big, bizarre and crazy.
    You do things there you couldn’t/wouldn’t do in the “1st world”.

    ….and you certainly don’t speak to anyone. Just the guys you work with.

  • James

    Still can’t figure out….

    Mollier is at home with the baby. His partner arrives back. He gets his bike out ….and he’s away.

    Papa Schultz has previously told Mollier of a “new route”.
    But he doesn’t go that way.
    He cycles an old route…so they say he was “lost” !

    Of course that could be a “cock and bull” story. We can’t ask Mollier himself if he was “lost” OR indeed if he’d told Schultz he was heading somewhere else….

    …so how does the killer get ahead of Mollier to ambush him (IF Mollier was the “prime target” that is) ?

    I suppose, if/when asked by police, it would be “unusual” to say “I have no idea where he goes when he’s out on his bike” OR “He never tells me”.

    Lets face it…
    ….to ambush a target when they are lost, would be an incredible achievement, whatever your previous training was !

    If Mollier was the target, then his route that afternoon would have to been known. Firstly, it would have to be known by Mollier (so he wasn’t “lost”, not in his own mind anyway) and it would have to be known by the killer (via whom, we don’t know). That could be directly by Mollier OR indirectly by someone Mollier had told.

    When did Mollier plan that route ?
    That morning ? The previous day ? A week prior ? Last year ???

    If he’d only come up with that idea “that morning” (or the previous night), then the options of “who knew what” would be limited. Very limited.

  • Q

    Remember when these threads were deep into the FFL, and we learned about the pseudonyms taken by members of the FFL? We also learned that they could be granted entirely new identities, along with French citizenship, when they retired from serving their term. So who was this mountain man, really? And does anyone really retire from service?

  • James


    I think they may be a possibility of it all being closer to home.

    A scenario “could be”….
    The victims route is known, the killer is hired in, the deed is done.

    The “key” here is that the killer is hired in. That was one of the first assumptions Eric made (although he may not be great at “assumptions” !).

    If so… “who hired the killer” would be a question that needed answering.
    Of course, whilst the police are trying to answer that one (and getting no help on that front), the “employer” would be doing their “very best” to keep themselves from being linked to the crime….

    It’s an old story. But a true one. Dead men don’t talk !

  • James


    The police were interested enough in Patrice Menegaldo to question him.

    No doubt they were interested in several other people…and did the same where they could…

    The brother of Al Hilli
    The ex French policeman
    The convict
    Eventually The biker from Lyon

    They all seem to have “kept their head” (very bad pun there !).

    Whereas the battle hardened legionnaire should have been the most “mentally strongest, innocent man”.

    I understand his name was never released, because after his untimely demise the police became “more interested” in him….

    ….and yet they could not link him to the murder scene.

    My take on that is, the killing was exceptionally well planned (although it went wrong). The entry and the exit of the killer was well thought out. The weapon was old and untraceable (yet reliable). The cartridges were clean and bore no finger prints.

    Maybe this would have all “blown over” had it just involved one local man murdered on a lonely road in the middle of nowhere.

  • Q

    More on the Squarcini affair:

    If you look further, you will find Squarcini mentioned in stories about the Corsican mafia and a Swiss banker. To get you started:

    Squarcini has also been linked to the government of Kazakhstan.

    In Stan’s Secret Service?

    Not forgetting the mysterious Eastern European man who met Saad al-Hilli in the campground.

    Squarcini left the DCRI in May 2012. Less than a month later, the DCRI went after three Haute-Savoie based members of the hacker group Anonymous.

    Interesting. Not forgetting Saad al-Hilli’s bank of computers and his alleged posts on internet forums.

  • Q

    Why would Patrice Menegaldo’s name be released now? Is it because we are supposed to believe that Sylvain Mollier was the target now, instead of the al-Hillis, or the al-Hillis and Sylvain Mollier?

  • M.

    4° Événements familiaux au sein de la collectivité
    Martine BERTHET
    Au nom du conseil municipal, madame le maire adresse ses sincères condoléances à
    Jean-Michel ZELMEUR, adjoint animation 2ème classe au sein du pôle centre socio-culturel, pour le
    décès de son père survenu le 25 mai 2014,
    Christelle BAJOLLET, attaché au sein du pôle seniors, service maintien à domicile du CCAS, pour le
    décès de son père survenu le 2 juin 2014,
    Christelle MENEGALDO, adjoint administratif 2ème classe au sein du pôle de l’événementiel, pour le
    décès de son frère,
    Nathalie MOLLIER, adjoint administratif principal 1ère classe au service des finances pour le décès
    de sa belle-mère survenu le 21 juin 2014.

  • James

    On one side we have….

    Al Hilli.
    A low paid contractor living in his father’s expensive house in an expensive area (and his father with no visible means of income…but with a “million” euros in a Swiss bank that has been untouched).
    The mysterious “dark” man having an arguement with Al Hilli at the campsite and the RHD BMW X5 thundering up the Comb D’Ire (only seen by ONF2).

    And on the other hand….

    Mollier (the mysterious).
    Two kids to one women, one kid to his new (younger + millionaire) partner. Enjoying his afternoon bike ride (albeit “lost”) whilst his three year paternal leave.

    Throw into the mix, the bumbling Eric (“they zee no bodies”, what the hell does that mean !) and the village folk of Twin Peaks (Sorry, Chevaline !).

    Pure Hollywood !
    Except no one would believe it, if the story came to the Big Screen !

  • Q


    I believe this was mentioned in our many discussions related to the al-Hilli/Mollier murders at Chevaline:

    Why it might matter:

    “According to a statement by the Wikimedia Foundation, “The DCRI summoned a Wikipedia volunteer in their offices on April 4th [2013]. This volunteer, which was one of those having access to the tools that allow the deletion of pages, was forced to delete the article while in the DCRI offices, on the understanding that he would have been held in custody and prosecuted if he did not comply. Under pressure, he had no other choice than to delete the article, despite explaining to the DCRI this is not how Wikipedia works. He warned the other sysops that trying to undelete the article would engage their responsibility before the law. This volunteer had no link with that article, having never edited it and not even knowing of its existence before entering the DCRI offices. He was chosen and summoned because he was easily identifiable, given his regular promotional actions of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in France.”

    Later, the article was restored by other Wikipedia contributors.”

  • Q

    Christelle and Christelle, one an aunt to the daughter of someone with a death on June 2, 2014? Or a coincidence?

    As I recall, the official date of death in suicides is listed as the date the person’s remains were found, in some jurisdictions. Family members may prefer to use the believed date of death, or the date the person was last seen. Investigators themselves may inform survivors of the believed date of death according to forensic investigation, but they must still use the date the body was discovered as the official date in said jurisdictions. Official date of death in murders also is the date the remains were discovered in certain jurisdictions, even if the remains were found years after the death.

  • Q

    The death of the ex-Legionnaire may have occurred around midnight. If no witnesses heard a gunshot, and the exact time of death is uncertain, it is quite likely the coroner used the date the body was discovered. There may have been no one around during the day, if all were at work.

    Of course if no witnesses heard a gunshot, the used of a silencer brings the suicide story into question. At night, it is quite likely a gunshot would have roused other tenants from their sleep.

    IMO, the two Christelles are related. People do drop like flies in those parts, but this is too much of a coincidence.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    & A
    What would be quite a coincidence would be to christen your daughter Christelle when it is already your sister’s name. Especially in FRANCE.
    But the last name on the list sounds familiar. Are they related?
    If the suicide note was six OR seven page long, it must have included a date, in particular if typed on a computer.

  • M.

    This is giving condoleances to family members of local government employees:

    Christelle MENEGALDO on the death of her BROTHER

    The other Christelle condoleanaces on the death of her father

    And Nathalie Mollier on the death of her mother-in-law, which of course is Suzanne, Sylvain Molliers mother

    The name was released by Tom Parry, he has a book to sell for the princely sum of £9.99

    Morange – Genevieve, Claires mother, partner in the business, nothing to do with her brother Pierre

    Pharmacie Schutz moved 500 metres from the old building they didn’t own in rue Joseph, not bulldozed, rented out to another enterprise, plans were submitted years ago for the new build which includes other commercial outlets and appartments

    And a final word from your favourite FRENCH Prosecutor

    Evoquant un «parti pris d’écrivain» ou des «problèmes de traduction», Eric Maillaud poursuit: «Ça n’en a jamais fait un suspect, voire, comme on me l’a fait dire, le suspect numéro 1! Il n’y a rien, hormis cette lettre qui relie cet homme à la tuerie. Il y a eu enquête. Et si on avait acquis la certitude de la culpabilité de cet homme ou de quelqu’un d’autre, tout le monde le saurait et on pourrait mettre un point final à ce dossier. Mais aujourd’hui, nous n’avons rien de neuf, ni sur lui, ni rien d’autre qui permette d’imaginer une solution.»

  • Q

    Naming traditions of the French I do not know, but in other cultures, family names do repeat. The first male takes the name of the paternal grandfather, with the middle name of his maternal grandfather, etc.

    The timing of the June 2/3 death intrigues me. Does anyone know the official time of death, or the unofficial time? Any witnesses who may have heard a gunshot? M.?

    Who owns the current pharmacie and the building where it is located? Have any changes been made since the murders?

  • James


    Now I thought the old building was “owned” and not “rented”.
    By that I mean…..

    “Schutz-Phamacie Mornage” (Claire) bought the business from “SNC Schutz Moranges Pharmacie” (father/mother) on the 6th Sept 2011.

    The purchase was for the “goodwill” of the business, not the property.
    This business was then relocated to it’s new premises.

    I understood that the old building (which was for development) was still owned by the father/mother ?

    I stand corrected.
    Do you have a link to who the owner of the building is ?
    I know the sale (“goodwill”) of the pharmacy went through in Sept 2011, so I assume the planned re-development of the site (the old building) would have been proposed prior to this sale…and so imagine that plans would be submitted to the council before then (2011) to discover if it was indeed possible (and approved of).

    Do you have any other info on this ?

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