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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    What a co-incidence, the sister-in-law of Sylvain Mollier
    being mentioned because Sylvain Mollier’s mother has died.
    Then the sister and daughter of Patrice Menegaldo ,
    all on the same council bulletin.
    So all these women work for Albertville council,
    let’s not forget that The Pharmacie Schutz-Morange in Grignon
    comes under Albertville council.

    So everybody that has a finger in a pie knows, intimately where all the others have their fingers, too.
    So, not too many secrets?

  • michael norton

    Is it not strange that if in this area,
    families and family concerns go on for decades/ centuries,
    that the local prosecutor is not able to get a handle on
    ANY of these bizarre murders/suicides?

  • James


    Following on from my above post (and to give some reason to my thought).

    Given that the “goodwill” was sold (to Claire) and the pharmacy business then moved premises (allowing for the old premises to be redeveloped), I saw that Thierry (Charles) Schutz then opened a “Real Estate Company” I believe is simply called “Schutz”. This is based (or registered) at premises of the the new pharmacy (owned by Claire).

    I have no idea what “Schutz” the business does in “Real Estate”…. I assumed it was for the “re-development” of the old pharmacy building, which they’d been in for 10 years (and that’s in a nice spot).

    Here’s the link.

    and the new “Real Estate” company

  • James

    You see…
    it is possible to look at this in two ways (although Eric doesn’t think so…he only prefers “one way”).

    Rival brothers locked in a heated dispute over inheritance.
    At stake, a large house in a leafy stockbroker belt and a million euros in a Swiss bank.

    A hard working and enterprising family, set “head to head” against the previously divorced and “temporarily unemployed” lover of the pregnant only daughter, 15+ years her senior.

    Both would make it on the “best seller” list.

  • M.

    There is no link between the two Christelles, one of you misunderstood, mistranslated, happens all the time, ask the FRENCH prosecutor.

    In polite FRENCH society the Maire offers condolences to their employees at meetings, just happened that the old lady died in her care home the same month as Christelles brother shot himself. The latter before the former.

    The FRENCH state is a very big employer in FRANCE

  • michael norton

    Financial wire services have been breathlessly reporting all week the expected bids for Areva’s reactor division. The most credible report is that the Electricite de France SA (EDF) will offer 2 billion euros. The non-binding offer will set off a lumbering process of bureaucratic bean counting as both EDF and Areva are creations of the French government. More than 85% of the shares of both firms are held by the government.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    “There is no link between the two Christelles, one of you misunderstood, mistranslated, happens all the time, ask the FRENCH prosecutor.”
    This is Christelle clear. What we need to know is WHY the EX- legionnaire took his own life if he wasn’t the killer. If you write a six OR seven page letter to tell why, how come the FRENCH pro-secutor still has doubts.
    He wouldn’t tell porkies to an award-winning reporter like Tom Parry?

  • James


    Of course, we can’t be assured it was “suicide”.
    Then again, one could ask “did he jump or was he pushed”.

    Also, I’m not sure if Tom Parry got the name of Patrice Menegaldo from Eric. It may have come from a “leaked” source. They do a lot of that.
    Sometimes “approved” and sometimes not.

    When it’s “not an approved leakage”…
    …Eric appears to releases the information “officially”.

    But Tom Parry quotes Eric as saying….
    Quote “l’hypothèse privilégiée par les enquêteurs est celle d’un meurtre aux racines locales. Nous avons un vrai suspect. Je parle du légionnaire d’Ugine” Unquote.

    Eric says this was a “misinterpretation”.
    Not sure which bit, but it seems clear to me.

    Eric says….
    Le défunt légionnaire n’a “jamais été considéré comme suspect dans cette affaire”, assure-t-il, parlant d’une “mauvaise interprétation” du journaliste.

    He continues…
    La lettre laissée par cet ancien légionnaire après son suicide “a effectivement intrigué les enquêteurs”, explique le procureur.

    The “intriguing” bit of this “spat” (Tom v Eric) is thus….

    1. Eric “questions” Patrice Menegaldo. Although NOT as a suspect.
    2. Some time later Patrice blows his head off at home.
    3. Eric is intrigued Menegaldo though himself a suspect (in the letter).
    4. Further checks are run on Menegaldo by Eric, which reveal nothing.

    The transcripts of the interview would know doubt be of interest to the Menegaldo family lawyer I would imagine ?

    If Eric & Co “pushed” a “non-suspect” who was “mentally fragile” so hard that he believed he was a suspect in a mass murder, which led to this person committing suicide….surely questions should be asked of how the French police conduct themselves ?

    Eric can’t have it both ways.

    An “unstable” “non suspect” (deemed fit enough to hold a firearms licence ?) is questioned by police….and subsequently commits suicide CITING a direct link to his treatment by police….is a very serious matter, I would imagine ? Maybe not ?

  • James

    If you get all the “Eric quotes” together in one room…
    ….no one would have a bloody clue what he’s talking about !

    Moreover, Eric does not deny saying “l’hypothèse privilégiée par les enquêteurs est celle d’un meurtre aux racines locales. Nous avons un vrai suspect. Je parle du légionnaire d’Ugine”

    He merely says that he was misinterpreted.

    Not “I didn’t say that” or “That’s not what I said” or “the journalist has made it up” or “I have been misquoted” or “it’s out of context”.

    No… he says “misinterpretation” !

    Now I’d get it if Eric was investigating a crime and he suspected/arrested a person or persons whom he believed were the hired killer or killers. His target would be the “employer” of such a man or men.

    But in this case, events have overtaken him. He needs to come out and say we have thoroughly investigated M. Patrice Menegaldo AND we have found that he was not involved in this crime whatsoever.
    He was never treated as a suspect. He was only ever questioned as a witness. We were unaware of his state of mind at the time.
    AND the statement I previously made was not “misinterpretation” but was a complete mistaken on my part.

    Job done. Move on. There’s a killer to catch.

  • James

    I’ve never known an investigation like this !
    The investigator is constantly backing himself into a corner.

    Wait a minute… I have. The Stephen Lawrence murder.
    What an absolute fiasco the Metropolitan Police made of that.

    Not only a staggering display of utter incompetence…but they lied !

  • michael norton

    Could an interpretation of the ramblings of Eric be,
    “I suspect a Legionaire or eX-Legionaire from this locality was involved but not directly Patrice, however I did believe Patrice had knowledge of the Slaughter of the Horses,
    so I treated Patrice as a hostile witness and put the frighteners on him.”

  • Peter

    Given that the dead man’s sister is also called Menegaldo, I would consider it a fair assumption that this is his real name. It is also the name that he was born with.

    My reason for doubting that he ever was in the French Foreign Legion is that the local amicale denied knowing him. They also did not send condolences etc., which they would have if he had been one of them. Now, self-declared ex-legionnaires must outnumber real ones by at least five to one, I would estimate. If Menegaldo was one of those impostors, having his bubble burst by the gendarmerie – who would be able to access his service records even if he had been given an assumed name after leaving the Legion – would leave him feeling all bitter and twisted after the interview. It would also lead the gendarmerie to conclude that he suffered from psychological issues.

    As Eric Clouseau keeps stressing that Menegaldo was a hardened soldier, I assume that this is true, that he really was a soldier once. It is only the bit about the Foreign Legion that I have reason to doubt. Given that the media called him an ancien Légionnaire immediately after his death, he must have left a lot of people – friends, neighbours, perhaps even family members – under the impression that this is what he was. As I have said, gendarmes calling his bluff during his interrogation, perhaps threatening to let others know that he was a phony, would leave such a person highly perturbed, perhaps to the point of contemplating suicide.

  • michael norton

    Good points Peter.
    However what were Patrice connections to the family Schutz.
    This is the stated reason he was being grilled by Eric,
    not just that he was involved with the sister of Sylvain.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Legio Fallacia Nostra.
    What’s a ‘hardened soldier’, Herr Peter? Does that exist in FRANCE?

  • Peter

    Menegaldo is linked to the Schutz family by virtue if having been “an acquaintance” of Claire Schutz, it says here!JKiVtAvw9M8ig/

    As he is also described as “perturbed and isolated”, I suspect that this acquaintance may have been ultimately founded upon the fact that Claire Schutz is a pharmacist. Many marginalised people treat pharmacies as social venues rather than shops, and pharmacists as free counsellors rather than sales staff. Thus, the picture in my mind is not one of them being friends who regularly met up after work to share a bottle of wine, but rather one of the local loony tunes regularly stopping by at the pharmacy for a chat with his favourite pharmacist.

  • Good In Parts


    Your 12:30 and 1:14 posts are spot on. Especially “all the Eric quotes in one room“.


    You make a good argument however it could just be a media error perpetuated by Eric. I vaguely recall that one of SM’s kids had a ‘facebook friend’ who was a fireman and was an ex-soldier. Even more vaguely, I seem to recall that he had been a para. Presumably he had self-identified on his facebook profile as a ‘para’ (and I don’t mean parapentiste).

    If this was the chap and my recollections aren’t being whispered into my mind by the same bunnies that pull the levers inside Eric’s head, then this may be an indication that he wasn’t trying to give friends and family the impression that he was an ‘ancien Légionnaire‘. At least not consistently. In fact there is no ‘evidence’ he ever made that claim.

    I think it more likely that the investigation and interrogation adversely affected his relationship with SM’s sister. However I have nothing to support that.

  • James


    I recall something about the “fireman/soldier” friend on facebook.
    Bluebird I think.

    Also the “SM’s sister” thing.

    And (from somewhere) hadn’t SM lived in the same apartment block as Patrice Menegaldo ?

    The police (now) say he was “isolated and perturbed” (or “disturbed” ?).
    Yet allowed to keep guns ?

    Quickly…. into another corner !

  • michael norton

    If Prosecutor Maillaud suspected when interviewing Patrice Menegaldo, for knowing about the Slaughter of the Horses, that Menegaldo was speaking / acting bizarely
    and Eric would have known Menegaldo was an eX-military person with access to shooters, it would have been the duty of Eric to remove those shooters.
    If he as a prosecutor failed to take those steps, he should be hung out to dry.

  • Peter

    @ GIP

    The very first reports after his death have him, variously, as an ancien légionnaire or as an ancien légionnaire et ancien parachutiste. Thus, Menegaldo certainly must have given someone the impression that he was ex-FFL.

    I also vaguely recall the fireman / ex-para on Facebook, but I don’t think that it was Menegaldo. That guy was much younger. Moreover, Menegaldo was not a member of the local fire brigade, as one can easily establish.

    Anyway, if you will pardon the pun, Menegaldo is a dead end. Given that the gendarmerie have found absolutely nothing to tie him to the murders – no DNA, no hair or fibre evidence, no ancient Swiss Army pistol, no cellphone records, no Internet searches on his computer indicating a strong interest in the murders, nor, most tellingly, any hint of a confession in his farewell letter – he was either innocent or so wily that his guilt will never be proven.

  • M.

    Peter, agreed. Dead end.

    La Savoie, Jean-Marc Ducos from Le Parisien tweeted confirmed 2 REP à Calvi, I look for a link from La Savoie, only one I find is to Deadzone61

    Facebook pages in Ugine show they all are acquainted with each other

    If he wasn’t a legionnaire he must have pulled the wool over many peoples eyes, even Maillaud says he fitted the profile of the guy what did it

    Journalists are prone to exxxxaggggeration, two hours interview becomes 45 minutes

    French Bashing and having a poke at the Germans – are you Nigel Farage – he likes to poke a German and who doesn’t enjoy a bit of bashing the surrender monkeys

  • michael norton

    But if Patrice Menegaldo was “suicided”,
    then not necessarily unimportant to The Slaughter of the Horses

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    I wonder how many copies of Tom Parry’s book have been pre-ordered in FRANCE, and in the Haute-Savoie in particular. If Amazon is interested in finding a tax amnesty with FRENCH authorities, they can possibly find a plea bargain here.
    The fireman always lights twice. You vaguely recall well, Peter, he once was one of them.
    Yes, Menegaldo was suspicious. He was the seventh suspect, just like the SIO is the seven arc of MH370. And his sister had a child when he was FORTY, which cannot be a co-incidence since he was reportedly in good terms with a pharmacist.
    But the pharmacy has just moved, like the forest in Macbeth. The end is near. Only his Internet friends keep wailing on the web. “A perfect soldier, who always looked at death in the face”
    Also the head-gendarme has been ‘promoted’ I think. The stage is emty. But for our friend Eric, who still has to tell this sad tale to the journos.
    As James said, FRANCE is not the only country where such poor carriages of justice occur. His spot was post on. Being a driver, he knows you’re not supposed to fly over 400 knots at FL100, like the GermanWings bus finally did.
    But in Chevaline there was no ATC, and it took the dicks eight hours to find the little girl hiding in the car.
    Avoid FRANCE, if you want to go camping, go somewhere else. If you are a welder, well weld across the border. CERN offers many job opportunities.

  • Q

    Everything is as clear as mud, still.

    Meanwhile, in another mountain town far, far away, a bizarre feud ends up with a phone booth shattered and charges of attempted murder. As usual, a careening car was involved. No domestic goats were in danger at any time.

    More on the escalating feud, involving another car:

    Meanwhile, the villagers seem more concerned about the local phone booth than the feud that caused the phone booth’s demise, again. Yes, again.

  • michael norton

    This sounds like the perfect crime


    When 25 shots from a semi-automatic pistol rang out across the Alpine woodland high above Lake Annecy, there was nobody nearby to raise the alarm.

    In a car, in a lay-by off the single-lane track above, were the bloodied bodies of British computer engineer, Saad al-Hilli, his dentist wife, Iqbal, and her mother, Suhaila. Nearby, on the road, lay the corpse of French cyclist, Sylvain Mollier, punctured by seven shots from the same gun.

    Saad’s eldest daughter, Zainab, seven, had been shot, pistol-whipped and left for dead. Cowering underneath her mum Iqbal’s skirt in the back seat of the car was Zainab’s little sister, Zeena – the only one of the six people there left unharmed. Was this a professional assassin’s error, or a humane gesture by someone who knew the girls? The motorcycle-riding killer sped through Chevaline to disappear into the main road traffic to dark obscurity.

    Was he hired by an underworld contact to take out Saad and his family? Was he paid by the Iraqi-born engineer’s jealous brother, Zaid? Was he a Mossad agent under orders to assassinate an Israeli enemy? Or were the al-Hillis just holidaymakers in the wrong place at the wrong time when a French cyclist was murdered?

    Two years on from this most implausible crime, French police remain baffled. Daily Mirror reporter, Tom Parry, covered the case from day one. In The Perfect Murder, Parry explores the background of the case, the lines of inquiry and the many conflicting theories.

    Please note books will not be sent before MAY 2015.

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