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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    The statistics were a fresh blow to the government of President of FRANCE François Hollande,
    a SOCIALIST, who has pledged not to seek a second term in office in 2017 if he fails to reverse the upward jobless trend.

    Since President Hollande was elected president in 2012
    600,000 more people joined the massed ranks of the unemployed.

    Of particular concern is the percentage of long-term unemployed,
    which has grown by more than 10 percent in a year.

  • michael norton

    I wonder if Francois Hollande will be carving his pledges on a monolith,
    like his SOCIALIST friend ED-MILISTONE.

  • NotForgettingFrenchBashing

    Michael Norton, I could not agree more. If more people could understand what FRANCE is like, the case of The Slaughter of The Horses would be easier to solve.
    Unemployment is a key to many mysteries. You mention the ‘long-term’ what about the youth. All these young lads in Ugine and else where without a job sooner or later become potential criminals. You can buy a Luger for the price of Macbook!
    Meanwhile, Mister Juicy, your two posts last night contained very cunning observations. Indeed, the All’Hillis, Ikbal in particular, had a suspicious background. Yet, do not discount M.s clever remark “Good idea of a lawyer sorting the void marriage, costly ?” His point “has legs”. If Saad had a lawyer, he’d ring him in the morning, he’d ring him in the evening, and the technically invalid marriage could not have been real trouble.
    Brett Martin is a little to nice to be just who he pretends to be. So what? How many former RAF officers would turn away a little job snooping around. Their pension is not what many may think.
    If you dig deep enough, every family hides a little secret some where.
    But the real ghosts, the ones without a back story are the FRENCH players in this story. Slyvain MolliEX, both his ‘families’, Menegaldo, Devouassoux, Communal-Tounier. If your fast enough you can pick a few snippets on FB or such, but their remain like a black hole.
    Haut Savoie relies a lot upon foreign tourists. They even managed to have Mr Kerry go to a Geneva hospital, perhaps because of the bad history with Michael Schumacher. Follow the money, not Eric.
    I put my money on a FRENCH killer, a FRENCH lone nutter

  • Q

    @Peter: I don’t know! If we assume that James Thompson was a non-Muslim, the non-Muslim rules would apply to him. And since the marriage did not occur, to our knowledge, under Sharia law in the UAE, it would seem the non-Muslim annulment might be available to Jim and the decidedly non-Muslim sounding Kelly. Was the Kelly persona an Irish Catholic? I presume nothing. There is too little fact to work with.

  • Peter

    @ Q

    As far as I know, Iqbal had not stayed in the US and been married to Jim Thompson for long enough to obtain US citizenship. Moreover, when she married Saad, she presented her Iraqi passport giving her name as Iqbal al-Allaf. Thus, I presume that she did not have any passport on which he name was “Kelly Thompson” (although she could have legally used that name in the US to acquire a driver’s licence or credit card, for example). The Kelly masquerade would not have cut much ice in the UAE, though.

    Although this is pure speculation on my part, I don’t think that her trip back to the UAE was about divorcing Jim Thompson. I think it was about divorcing or otherwise getting shot of yet another man, namely a guy whom she had been “married to” in the UAE, long before she even met Thompson 😉 There is a clear pattern here of her using marriages, either sham or real, in order to obtain residence permission in whatever countries where she wanted to (or had been told to) stay. I am merely extending that pattern backwards by one step, and I feel justified in doing so because it would otherwise have been very difficult indeed for a single Iraqi woman to obtain a residence and work visa in the UAE. Upon the other hand, her “marrying” a local would have made this a simple exercise.

  • michael norton

    At The Slaughter of the Horses,
    all the adults were shot multiple times, including all four through their heads.
    Apparently, very few rounds were wasted.
    Hence, this was multiple executions.
    Not random.
    If all shot by one person, using one gun, it would be astounding if this was the work of a lone nutter.
    It was a very, very proffesional job, 2 1/2 years latter the FRENCH do not have a sniff of the perps.

  • M.

    Michael, Ikbal received wounds to her neck and chest, Google the reports from the Coroners Inquest, no head wound.

  • Good In Parts

    Mr Juicy

    You wrote “or was suspected of working for, another intelligence service.

    We know that indeed was the case. The Daily Mail interviewed the neighbours and one had been asked to host a surveillance operation on the Claygate house in the run up to the most recent gulf war. Apparently observers sat in a car parked on the neighbours driveway.

    On the other hand there were reports that one of the Al Hillis had been working the phones, ringing up Iraqi commanders to persuade them not to offer resistance to the invading forces.

    This I guess was part of a coalition operation, maybe offering incentives such as gold bars or cash in Swiss bank accounts. I also guess that any such call-centre would likely be based in the UAE.

    Coincidently this was where SAH apparently worked and met Iqbal.

    I have wondered whether vengeance for a perceived betrayal could be the motive here. Either embittered Iraqi commanders who felt they had been sold a pup or embittered coalition forces sent to accept the surrender of an Iraqi commander only to be met with ambush and slaughter.

    You may start thinking that there are two Saad Al Hillis and indeed there does appear to be another SAH who lives in the Netherlands and has a confusingly similar career in satellite based geolocation!

    Was someones identity borrowed for a sting?

    For once I agree with the hapless Eric:- “The more you look, the less you find”

  • michael norton

    It’s sliding over the financial edge

    State Holdings

    “They have undoubtedly made errors in the past,” Royal said today, reiterating that the government has asked Areva not to shed jobs.

    The state owns more than 80 percent of the shares in both companies. As she has done in the past, the minister Monday also raised the possibility that the state-owned nuclear research organization Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, or CEA, may be part of the solution for Areva’s problems. It holds a 54 percent stake in Areva and is working to develop a so-called fourth generation of nuclear reactors.

  • michael norton

    So if, essentially The FRENCH State own

    how many persons on the public payrole just to produce electricity, mainly by nuclear power, it is astonishing, how can the European Union let this state controlled nonsense continue,
    I thought states handing out subsidy money was no longer legal in the E.U. ?
    I expect I am misunderstanding
    I am certainly bemused.

  • M.

    Mister Norton, the British Coroner.

    Ikbal’s body had gunshot wounds to the neck and chest, and Suhaila had three gunshot wounds – in the head and neck.

    Doctor Robert Chapman, a consultant forensic pathologist, conducted the postmortem examination of all three bodies.

    He said Mr Al-Hilli received four gun shot wounds to the head and torso, Mrs Al-Hilli received four to the neck and chest and Mrs Al-Allaf received three.(see above)

  • Good In Parts


    If you are correct about serial ‘marriages’ then on the basis of the maxim ‘never leave a trail home’ she may have been a Swedish operative.

    Placed centre stage, everyone around her dead. Mother, husband, former husband. Daughter left for dead.

  • Good In Parts


    Left hand seat. A pilot!

    I thought he was a parachute instructor, but no, a pilot, tres interessant. Not strapped in, could be anyone just larking around.

    Kolwezi – the B & W photo and the cockpit interior looks about right.

    However I cannot reconcile the date of the battle with the press reports of his age, nor the apparent age in the photo if taken at the battle.

  • James

    @Mr Juicy

    Interesting scenario. Well proposed.
    But as “Q” writes on another matter…”too little fact to work with”.

    Other “Pros and Cons”
    WBM is now on the B787 for TUI
    His previous “Co registered office/accountants” were rather…juicy !

    Is it merely a coincidence that there are so many damn coincidences in this matter. Is that coincidence, in itself, a matter of coincidence.
    For sure, no one could argue that it would indeed be a huge coincidence for a “lone nut” to pick out two random parties….with so many “coincidences” going on around them.

    And then add in the “other” coincidences.
    The former retired British Airways “four bar” who is constantly referred to as “ex air force”.
    The biker from Lyon who never reads newspapers but likes short cuts over mountains.
    AND the disappearing BMW X5, that is only sighted by “one man”, when it would clearly be “trapped between” the other witnesses….

    Surely not ALL coincidence ?

  • michael norton

    James and the co-incidence of not letting the “Sketch” out for fourteen months, then within days of it being released Mrs.Communal-Tournier is shot dead in her home in Lathuile ( husband a relative of Sylvain Mollier) their home/business is within crawling didtance of the home of William Brett Martin, the eX RAF who is reported to have found the massacre, moved the body of their relative, not heard any shots and is not held in custody but instantly free to go to the U.K.
    Then an eX-Cop also living in Lathuile is brought in for a talking to.
    Does seem like QUITE a lot of co-insidences in a short time in a short space of France,
    #oh and the Doussard Carpenter and the center of the following mayhem also lives within walking distance of both the C.T. family and W.B.M.
    The previous mayor of Doussard is by marraige a relative of the family C.T. and he fell off a cliff.

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