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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    In its judgement, the court said it “rejects the argument that nuclear fuel must be exempt from taxation under the directive on taxation of energy products and electricity”.;jsessionid=9ea7d2dc30dd702152defbd84cde9f8bb394981c3ebd.e34KaxiLc3qMb40Rch0SaxuQahv0?text=&docid=164722&pageIndex=0&doclang=en&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=523854

    Sylvain Mollier apparently worked for a division AREVA who make nuclear fuel.
    I expect this makes him an employee of the FRENCH STATE
    and initiated into oaths of secrecy?

  • michael norton

    The court was established in 1952, by the Treaty of Paris (1951) as part of the European Coal and Steel Community. It was established with seven judges, allowing both representation of each of the six member States and being an unequal number of judges in case of a tie. One judge was appointed from each member state and the seventh seat rotated between the “large Member States” (Germany, France and Italy). It became an institution of two additional Communities in 1957 when the European Economic Community (EEC), and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) were created, sharing the same courts with the European Coal and Steel Community.

    So quite unlikely to be overruled

    The Maastricht Treaty was ratified in 1993, and created the European Union. The name of the Court did not change unlike the other institutions. The power of the Court resided in the Community pillar (the first pillar).[2]

    The Court gained power in 1997 with the signing of the Amsterdam Treaty. Issues from the third pillar were transferred to the first pillar. Previously, these issues were settled between the member states.

    Following the entrance into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on 1 December 2009, the ECJ’s official name was changed from the “Court of Justice of the European Communities” to the “Court of Justice” although in English it is still most common to refer to the Court as the European Court of Justice. The Court of First Instance was renamed as the “General Court”, and the term “Court of Justice of the European Union” will officially designate the two courts, as along with its specialised tribunals, taken together.

  • Good In Parts


    So what is it that the investigators are doing ?


    What is their “game plan”.

    Eric allegedly stated “The investigation, it is a strategy” It certainly looks as if they are waiting for someone to drop their guard and make a mistake. Perhaps encouraged to relax by misdirection.

    James voices a suspicion, that I am sure many here have, namely that more progress has been made on certain pistes than has been made public.

    In a sense this is a statement of the obvious in that it is clear that the investigators have been bounced into releasing items such as the robot picture in response to media revelations. But (correct me if I am wrong) I think James means it goes deeper than that.

    If the biker was discovered earlier, any delay in picking him up would mean he becomes a flight risk if there is a leak or he spots surveilance. One the precautionary principal, one would have to assume that he was involved and thus could ‘go postal’.

    A mass murderer on-the-run would be career limiting. So neither the prosecutors mor the investigators would risk more than the minimum necessary delay, such as for preparations to pick him up.

    Unless. . . they are focussed on someone else but wish to keep the appearance of other pistes being open.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Tim Veater

    And his hat on the front passengers side of the car too. Given this, the proven position of all the used cartridges, seems even more likely that when the shooting started at bottom of layby SM was actually in the car and jumped out to escape. If SAH and daughter were outside at the time this would suggest he was there talking to women in the back. Just a drunken idea?

  • Pink

    Someone has posted underneath it is the wrong photo can someone tweet Brandon Jones and get confirmation one way or the other ?

  • michael norton

    I think the FRENCH might have something to hide

    is so pixilated you can’t make much out?

  • michael norton

    @ Tim,
    if Sylvain Mollier was sat in the passenger car of Mr. al-Hilli,
    when the firing started,
    that could be the reason that the Annecy prosecutor has been so inaccurate and evasive?

  • michael norton

    So has there been the equivalent of a coroners court held in FRANCE for Sylvain Mollier? MN
    Quote M

    “MN ref your comment, there will have been, but I have not seen it.

    Maillaud confirms to Tom Parry 17 shots hit humans, DEDUCTION using reports from the BRITISH CORONERS INQUEST

    17 less 4 less 4 less 3 less 1 = 5 to SM.

    Press reports started off as 5, went up to 7 and then back down to 5, bullets could easily have passed through his body causing further injuries.”

    @ M well, I am assuming that in FRANCE there must be the equivalent of a Coroner case.
    A publically accountable record of how Sylvain Mollier and the three adults of the al-Hilli group
    became deceased.

    If there is no public record, how could the relatives move on with regard to getting a death certificate – sorting out wills – putting in claims, pensions and so forth?

  • M.

    Death Certificates are normally available at the Mairie, in this case it would be Doussard as contrary to ‘Tuerie de Chevaline’ geographically Le Martinet is in Doussard as observed by a local at the time.

    They do not show the cause of death, just location and time.

    There is no equivalent of a Coroners Inquest in FRANCE. The results of the autopsy form part of the ‘secret d’instruction’ and are therefore not made public (thanks MN you made me look it up)

  • M.

    Bacchus, after a book a film often follows, Zainab is too young to be sold off into an arranged marriage.

    sua idéia é válida, se a família criticaram, ela foi levada, eles levaram ela?

    Martinet a dog trainer, similar to a cat-o-nine tails, soft leather cut into strips often used in pornographic bondage films

    That is far too exotic for these murders, it meant the murderer had reasoned the place name, it was planned and opportunistic.

  • michael norton

    So, a few hours short of one week,
    after the 14 month delay of the FRENCH Authorities letting the Sketch out in the public domain.

  • michael norton

    Nicole Communal-Tournier who was shot and killed on Monday 11/11/2013
    is the wife of the owner of Camping Ideal, Lathuile.
    Jean-Paul Communal-Tournier has been said by Bluebird to be a relative of the Family Mollier.

    If true
    quite a co-incidence?

  • Bacchus

    “it meant the murderer had reasoned the place name, it was planned and opportunistic.” = Yes

    All the rest of your comment is completly exotic and is not that I mean.

    But you are quickly thinking and you have great imagination. Very good !

  • michael norton
    The owner of Camping Ideal, Lathuile, near Lake Annecy (Haute-Savoie), was shot dead in their house, presumably by burglars. The tragedy occurred at about 1:40 am, the night of Sunday to Monday, 3.5 km from Chevaline, where a British family and a French cyclist were slaughtered on September 5, 2012.

    Nicole Communal-Tournier, 54, was watching television on the first floor of their house, located at the entrance of the Camping Ideal, when she heard a noise. She then alerted her husband, who was asleep. John- Paul Communal-Tournier, 64, shocked, said: “I saw two men with balaclavas, gloves and guns. I threw myself on them to put them out. I got a rifle butt on the head and managed to close the door, but they pulled down the stairs. ”

    The two men on the run

    A shot pierced the front door and fatally hit Nicole in the chest. Jean-Paul rushed into the streets in pursuit of the attackers and crossed a sedan type of car that started with a bang but he failed to identify the make its registration. “I hope the police will find them, these guys. And then I’d like to give them to me, ‘says Jean-Paul, in the heat of anger.

    The four-star campsite the Ideal had been closed since September. Sought by the two men who broke into their home?
    Yesterday, prosecutors Annecy remained cautious on this matter, not ruling out the theory of a possible

    “settlement of accounts”.

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