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8,111 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    I wonder if it would be possible to draw up a list of say the last few years
    ( I have previously suggested the financial collapse date of 2008)
    Of persons in our area of interest who met a violent or unusual death.

    Trace their families and see which side of the line they were on in the Second World War.
    If it could be done, we might find some correlation?

  • Q

    I agree, Bluebird, that old scores are being settled in the French Alps. The Simon Wisenthal Centre had “Operation Last Chance” and “Operation Last Chance 2”.

    From 2011: “Just a week ago the homes of six elderly S.S. men suspected of taking part in a massacre in France in 1944 were raided in a hunt for evidence. Kurt Schrimm, head of the Ludwigsburg authority, said it is not only German personnel of the death camps and Action Squads that is being sought.”


    There are strong words here:

    “We owe it to the victims to hold the perpetrators accountable. If someone murdered your grandmother and the murderer is only found 50 years later, it wouldn’t very much concern you if this person was now elderly.

    “You’d want him or her punished for the obvious reason that they murdered your grandmother. Every one of those victims was someone’s grandmother or grandfather, son or daughter, and that’s the bottom line.”

    In the Alps of France, it seems personal. It’s not just the hunt for Nazis, but for collaborators, perhaps without regard for due process. Time is of the essence. With so many of the War generation gone, it could be that the accounting for past crimes and suspected crimes is now a matter of family against family, descendant against descendant, ethnic group against ethnic group. History repeats itself.

    Municipal party politics in France seem quite different from elsewhere, too. Where a municipal politician elsewhere may have to put up with garbage, literally (collection), France is the place of grand ideals and philosophies at the municipal level. Do they ever have time for the mundane work of putting out the trash?

    Now to the karsts of Chevaline. Is something is going on deep underground? Did the al-Hillis get too close? It’s interesting to consider what Sylvain Mollier was doing there, from this perspective. Le the speculation continue. Are we getting closer?

  • Q


    What do you think?

    Underground storage of spent nuclear fuel, warheads, natural gas, chemical weapons, etc.? A listening centre, a secret laboratory?

    Why would the French president, interested in his own country’s economy, choose to visit a national park (with karsts), an event seen as signficant by the press? It’s not about tourism. The national park is not a place for exploitation of minerals, etc. It is protected.

  • Peter

    There is a considerable difference between the body of a person who ostensibly died from drowning later being found hanging from a tree, and the body of a drowned person floating in a river getting snagged on some branches overhanging the water.

    The former is a potential murder mystery with overtones of ancient heathen rites, alien abductions and the like, the latter a commonplace occurrence, the situation in which most bodies floating in the water are discovered. All the articles that you guys keep referring to but failed to read/translate properly in the first place describe the latter scenario. Go back and check your translations, FFS.

    Thank you.

  • michael norton

    Perhaps Peter would tell us if a person the police suspected has suicided, would shoot themselves with two different weapons?

  • michael norton

    Perhaps a person would sit in the living room of their farmhouse and shoot themselves through the throat, not leaving a weapon, shell casing, shell or any impact in the walls or furniture, yet copious blood at their feet?

  • michael norton

    Perhaps a very local, 39 year old mathematician, would leave his mother’s home on a Sunday afternoon to drive the two Kilometers to his wife and children,
    whilst on route barrel rolls so dramatically that he is ejected and killed
    No other vehicle or person involved. Also happens to have Mollier as a name,
    probably suicide?

  • Q

    Small footnote to the karst situation, and President Hollande’s precedent-setting trip to a well-known national park in western Canada. The media state that Hollande’s interest is in generating income for France, so why a sightseeing trip to the mountains?

    Maybe it’s about coal bed methane. Although there would be opposition to setting up drilling equipment in a national park, what’s to stop a bit of slant drilling on the outskirts of said park, just beyond the boundary? And why was there a small earthquake in the national park recently — test drilling? People who live in fracking areas know that small earthquakes do happen.

    There is increasing pressure on these national parks:

    Massif des Bauges: more of the same? UNESCO is mentioned here, too.

  • Peter

    Q, 5 Nov, 2014 – 12:50 am
    Hey, Peter, we’ve moved on to karsts, and all those people getting shot to death in their own yards. Care to enlighten us?

    I don’t know anything about karsts, but I have read that the dude who was shot with a long-range hunting projectile conveniently had an archery target standing in his garden (archery, it is said, was his hobby). Theoretically speaking, I can see the attraction of that archery target to somebody wishing to try out his new ++P, high-velocity, boat-tailed, flat-trajectory hunting ammo. In practice, however, there is no point to such test shots unless one uses them to adjust the elevation on one’s scope in order to match the new ammo. In this case, though, the alleged culprit claims that he did not hang around long enough to see the owner of said target drop to the ground.

    I don’t believe that at all. Why make that kind of ranging shot in the first place, but not wait around to see where it falls? In my view, the shooter caught the property owner with his very first shot, saw him dropping onto the ground, panicked, and ran.

  • michael norton

    Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative

    I wonder how this is going?

    U.S. relations with Burkina Faso are excellent. In addition to regional peace and stability, U.S. interests in Burkina Faso are to promote continued democratization and greater respect for human rights and to encourage sustainable economic development. Countering terrorism and strengthening border security are of growing importance in Burkina Faso. The United States and Burkina Faso engage in a number of military training and exchange programs, including in counterterrorism and humanitarian assistance. The country is contributing to the support of U.S. efforts in the Sahel. Burkina Faso is a partner in the Africa Contingency Operations Training and Assistance program for peacekeeping and is a member of the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership.

  • michael norton

    African Contingency Operations Training and Assistance
    (formerly the African Crisis Response Initiative)

    Beneficiary countries

    ACOTA’s 25 partners included Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Zambia.


    Mass murder and genocide have linked historically to the Belgian colonial occupation of the Congo in the 1890 during which ten million people were massacred as part of the initiative of pacification. The controlling European powers that had defined their mission as the civilization of “uncivilized” peoples; elimination of slavery; redemption of souls through religious conversion and expansion of international commerce maintained that the main conflicts in the region were due to tribal hostility.

    The genocide and mass murder committed in the Congo paved the road for a century of mass slaughter throughout Africa, with the Herero and Namaqua Genocide in the German protectorate of Namibia serving as the dress rehearsal for the Holocaust during the second world war, in which the Nazis’ annihilation of six million European Jews finally brought the issue of genocide to the fore front of international attention

    O.K. sorry for posting this straight from Wiki but I was trying to understand
    ( given the recent troubles in Burkina Faso, an ex-colony of France,
    what the current military involvement of France and their U.S.A. friends are in this land)

    At the moment I am not much wiser.

  • michael norton

    Not heard of any updates on out Glenn Miller death in Brittany

    just a year earlier an English woman was killed by head wound, not too far from Glenn, this couple also lived in Brittany.

    Almost certainly unrelated but in both cases relatives struggle to gain any information from the very quite French Authorities, they will not be rushed from their lethargy.

  • michael norton

    Lugrin, again,
    house burnt out

    Vers 11 h 30, un feu s’est déclaré dans un chalet situé, avenue d’Allaman. Une partie du toit est détruite et le premier étage très endommagé, tout comme la partie Est du rez-de-chaussée. Le maire Jacques Burnet a proposé de reloger la famille.

  • michael norton


    par amndvden – 14 Mai 2014, 06:58

    Les travaux de construction de la base d’essais de Reggane, en plein Sahara central, commencèrent dès octobre 1957. La direction bicéphale des essais Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et Armée fut dotée en moyens financiers et en personnels considérables pour mettre en place une « ville » en plein désert et les infrastructures expérimentales à 50 km plus au sud à Hammoudia qui devaient servir de polygone de tirs aériens. A Reggane, la base militaire désignée sous le nom de « Centre Saharien d’Expérimentations Militaires » (CSEM) a été construite sur un plateau (Reggane Plateau) sous lequel, en souterrain, ont été creusés les laboratoires du Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique .

    Le terrain militaire englobant la zone des points zéro couvrait une surface de 108 000 km2, soit l’équivalent de près d’un cinquième de l’Hexagone. Dès le 11 avril 1958, le Président du Conseil Félix Gaillard annonçait la première explosion de bombe atomique de la France pour début 1960

    “Our gratitude to Mr. Lionel MOLLIER first elected official of the Winter Sports Ski and Summer Crest-Voland (Savoie) who joined the Honorary Committee to support the noble project of construction of the National Memorial to those who participated in nuclear testing and that many died.”

    I presume that ( is likely) Lionel Mollier Marie of Crest-Voland
    is a relative of Sylvain MOllier?

  • michael norton

    It might be worth pointing out that this newly elected maire of Crest-Voland, is likely to be both a relative of Sylvain Mollier and Nicolas Mollier Thomas.

    Even if he was not a very close relative, he would know them.

    The bridge on which is has been reported that Nicolas crashed is less than one mile from
    Crest-Voland and one mile from his home of Hery and less than 1/2 mile from the home of his mother!!!

  • bluebird

    The french nuclear tests in the Algerian Sahara were the first ones conducted by france. Then they moved their tests to new caledonia (mururoa) where the mollier-thomas family has their home in the nearest village to the french military base and where the dead Nicolas mollier-thomas spent the last year of his life…

    due to documents, the french constructed 3 nuclear test facilities. one in the alps near Thones, one in the algerian desert and later the last one in new caledonia. there were a few tests in algeria but there were no tests in the savoie.

    The nuclear test facility in the alps was the first one the french built. therefore it is logic that the savoien team also erected the algerian facility and the new caledonian facility as they already had the nuclear experience. therefore the new monument being erected in savoie makes sense.

  • bluebird

    And of course, lionel mollier is part of the mollier family. that shows his facebook page because he is also related with the Mongellaz family (just like sylvain and his father).

  • michael norton


    it has been said by relatives of Sylvain, that he was only a lowly welder.
    It has also been suggested that the “wealthy” Schutz family were concerned Sylvain would work his way through claire’s familys loot.

    I suspect that Sylvain was not a poor fellow, I suspect he was quite well-off.
    I also doubt he was just a lowly welder.

    It is a great pity we do not know his “back-story”

  • James

    WOW !

    You guys missed it ?

    The inquest ?

    Count the bullet wounds please. And tell me “23” is a strange number
    (adding the 7 to SM and to 1 ZAH)

    SM was “shot less” ?
    Or ZAH was struck by a bullet that was not directed at her ?

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