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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James

    @ GIP

    As you have “indicated”…. I don’t think Mollier lied about his route.

    So I do not think he was “lost”.
    The question is, who made Eric think Mollier was lost ?


    “Lost” is a very powerful initial statement that was made by Eric.
    It has never been explained.

  • M.

    James, Tom Parry is referring to the pages of newsprint suggesting she inherited the pharmacy, everyone has read that, he and Maillaud are dispelling the myth with the comment on Page 179.

    This book is not just for the people who have followed the saga, it is for the uniterested, ill-informed public, otherwise he would never recuperate the cost of the print run.

  • M.

    Oh James, Thierry Schutz owns that new building, he bought the land, she operates from within it. No doubt paying rent from the income which he in turn uses to service his loan, the old building would have been rent to the Landlords.

    I will repeat 100K€ for a business with T.O. in 2012 1.924 MILLION EUROS, most businesses/goodwill are based upon the net turnover before outgoings, then muliplied by a certain number of years, some businesses two years others up to 10, it is for the new owner to work within that and restrict costs for personal gain.

    Le chiffre d’affaires moyen d’une officine s’établit à 1,5 million d’euros, en 2008 selon un cabinet d’étude spécialisé. La marge brute d’une officine se répartit en moyenne comme suit:
    vente de médicaments remboursables sous brevet : 67 % des recettes ;
    vente de médicaments remboursables génériques : 13 % ;
    vente de médicaments sans ordonnance : 6 % ;
    vente de produits de parapharmacie et autres : 14 %.

    La marge brute représente la différence, hors taxes, entre le prix de vente et le coût de revient de biens ou de services. Cette notion est cependant peu normalisée, et peut par exemple se comprendre comme une marge commerciale, ou comme la différence entre le chiffre d’affaires et tous les coûts de revient au cours d’un exercice comptable.

    And that is why a Pharmacy is advertised for sale with only its TO listed, those in the know know what its value will be and is never going to be 100K€.

    She was earning her way through, with the costs of employment in 2012 I would say she had plenty of cover with a second Pharamicist, afterall she was employed by her parents at the outset, there are two Pharmacists in my local, one the owner the other employed. Needed to cover all day opening and late nights, they open at 8am close at 7pm Monday to Friday, closed Saturday afternoons and all day Saturday.

    You see having been self-employed, employed and an employer I am fully aware of values of businesses, (goodwill based on turnover and stock, building where applicable and its RATE OF RETURN.

    Ask yourself, if Claire had not been the purchaser, would he have sold the business/goodwill for 100K€ ? Must of course add in the stock, he would have wanted the cost of that back.

    Take a look at the debt in 2012, please, that is not operating costs. When I see what you are referring to, I will see how it fits into the scheme of things. Thankyou in advance for your attention.

  • James


    A “deal is a deal”. That’s how it works.

    If a Co had a T/O of X (and you wish to multiply that by Y to get the “valuation”, then that is what you sell it for (or “offer it for sale for”).

    TS could have got much more on the “open market” for that “good will” or for the “pharmacy complete”.

    He’s not doing that. He’s selling to his daughter (company to company).

    F**k me ! I wouldn’t like to be your daughter/son …and expect a favour !

  • James


    Which ever way you wish to “cut it”, the facts are the facts.
    And they are….

    TS wanted to “pass over” his business to his daughter.
    Why not.

    A transaction was made “company to company” at a “beneficial” rate.
    Why not.

    End of. He was happy. She was happy.

    The question is…. how “unhappy” was TS with the choice CS made in terms of “life partner” ?

    A. very happy.
    Z. Very unhappy.

    That’s the crux of the matter where the family are concerned.
    And I cast no aspersion with regard to the murder of Mollier.

  • M.

    James, the link please or do we have pistols at dawn ?

    What comprises the debt if she did not buy the business for its value ?

    I think Papa, loaning her the money over many years is really quite some help in life already, she was only 28/29 years of age, time for her to use her expensive education and earn something back.

    If that loan is without interest she has done well enough, because if there is such a favour to her, where is the favour to his son, Laurent ?

  • James


    “And that is why a Pharmacy is advertised for sale with only its TO listed, those in the know know what its value will be and is never going to be 100K”

    You’re an idiot !

    I have decided. You cannot be serious…can you ?

    TS is the father of CS. Right ?
    He has made a good business there. right ?

    Is he going to ask “1.000.000” from his daughter ?

    I am sure his daughter would “see him right” over the years.
    This is “family”.

  • James

    I have posted it. read back.

    Or…. run with what you believe.

    The facts are…

    The “business” was sold for 100K. I haven’t made that figure up.
    What “the business” constituted was “good will”. Nothing else.

    Now, draw your pistols…and fire away. I won’t be there to “duel”.
    It is fact.

    Now, if you are struggling to “read back” or you cannot conduct a relevant search (other than tapping in “company data requests”), I fail to see how I can help you.


  • M.

    James, the man needs money to fund his new venture, he needs income to get a loan to do that.

    I have tried to read back, I have tried to find your link, you found it once can you please try to find it again, it is very simple your ascertion will not do. When I have seen it for my own eyes I will happily apologise.

    Many have repeated other peoples findings without ever questioning their validity, I have watched you over the years, you are not a researcher you are an opinionist.

    ‘See him right’ are you kidding me, unless something is in writing, it can be the worst kind of family feud.

    How is the huge debt made if not because of a loan, whether Thierry Schutz gave that to his daughter as 100K or a million, or she raised the money from a creditor to pay him.

    Your favourite idiot awaits your response and relishes it with pleasure. Bang, bang.

  • M.

    In the meantime, whilst James is searching, where were we ?

    Ah the ‘lost’ Mollier, searching for information I think the original words used were by mistake, an error, in FRENCH of course. No problem if if Claire and Thierry expected him to be cycling anywhere else.

    For whatever reason, maybe truthfully, they claim he had never been there before, it is only Uncle Fernand Mollier of Faverges who said differently. The chances are they did not know he had cycled in the cool of the Combe d’Ire before, maybe he just liked to get away from the stress of caring for a baby, especially at his advanced age.

    Afterall if Uncle Fernand had not spoken to M6 then none of us would be any the wiser, I did find it regrettable when Lieutenant Colonel Benoit Vinneman continued the line of ‘it was the first time Mollier had been there’, with respect it was not very well advised. Maybe he thought none would remember.

    ‘Il était au mauvais endroit, au mauvais moment… c’était son destin’. Cet oncle de Sylvain, que M6 a rencontré, habite dans un village près de Chevaline. Comme tous dans la famille, il a du mal à accepter la disparition aussi violente que subite de son neveu. ‘Il venait me voir souvent quand il faisait du vélo dans le coin. Il aimait se rendre dans la combe d’Ire car l’endroit est frais, il y allait souvent’.

    Search engines are brilliant.

  • M.

    James, a second favourite idiot, must be behind Tim Veater, damn that man I say, maybe he could be your second ?

    I have thrown my white kid gauntlet to the ground, tomorrow I say at Le Martinet, in Haute Savoie, make haste young man, make haste, ride to your death, I will be waiting.

    Sounds familiar doesn’t it ?

  • James


    M …. there is no way you can beat him. You at least come up with “original thought”.

    If…. you started “cut n pasting” reams of “internet pages” (preferably unrelated), then (and only then) could you be on a par with “Tim” !

    But anyway…. the pharmacy was “traded” for 100K. It was then a sale of “godd will” only AND is still that !

    Smiley face…for your above comments though, They did make me belly laugh. Poor Tim !

  • James

    …and M

    You see. Mollier was never lost (lost even in translation).

    He knew the route well. He knew the time he had.

    for wahtever we think Mollier was or was not. What he did, or did not. He was a 45 yr bloke out on a ride….and on a normal “training” route. He did not expect to be killed that day AND (for me at least) I don’t think he was there to meet anyone.

    A local guy.
    On a local route.
    Very much known to him.
    And very much known to others.

  • M.

    James it was to lighten the discussion, none of us here, not even you Juicy are going to solve this crime….. unless of course the murderer is amongst us, then surely he will point us in the opposite direction, that is what many accuse Maillaud of doing.

    If you fall upon that source, please do share.

    So, who is the murderer amongst us, by their deliberate misdirection ?

    Q, Bluebird has probably gone to another branch or eaten by a cat, exhausted became easy prey.

  • James


    I haven’t a clue who did this…. but I will sure as hell ensure it does not fade in to obscurity.

    I kinda like “justice”.

    Like the old FIFA stuff that’s going on now. The “Team England” people knew there were brides going on (they didn’t enter into it)…. but “knowing” means they should have reported it !

    They “think” they are “scott free” !
    Well…. they shouldn’t be. They all got paid a “living” whilst enjoying the (corrupt) show !

    I am “big” on anti corruption (and I have my own personal reasons why).

    Investigators are suppose to investigate. Not “announce” that “someone was LOST” when clearly they were not.

    The truth will out ! One day.

  • M.

    ‘brides’ as well, FIFA, worse than I thought !

    It is a shame Parry does not reveal the source or the date of this announcement in the local press, I have failed to find it, no doubt before the Memorial on the 17th September:

    Page 46

    “Claire etc. (all still on the Libramemoria site)…have the sad duty of informing you of the death of Sylvain Mollier, brutally taken on Spetember 5, 2012.

    “You were a father, born in 1967, accomplished amateur sportsman, on paternity leave and working at Ugitech; you had decided to try out a new cycle route passing through Doussard and Chevaline in the Haute Savoie and you found yourself at the wrong moment in the wrong place.”

  • James

    Lost…. says Eric !

    But the uncle says “non” !

    How do they conclude thus ?
    The uncle knows more of this than Eric. So the (simple) question is, who told Eric ?

    It becomes as simple as that.

    No family appeal to “help track the killer”.

  • michael norton

    If Claire thinks he was working for Ugitech,
    I wonder why PARISMATCH, on the day after The Slaughter of the Horses sent their reporter to speak with the work mates of Sylvain Mollier at CEZUS, Areva.

  • Good In Parts


    “I doubt she “worried”.”

    Not general worry or anxiety, no. In that I agree. But she may have had a minor concern that he may wander from time to time.

    Particularly if a disaproving relative had made sure to mention this to her, in her interests of course.

    Assuming that he was indeed atuned to her concern, then he would have been sure to mollify her. . .

  • michael norton

    There seems to be quite a bit of diversion, slight of hand, mis-direction
    with Sylvain Mollier, why would that be?

  • James


    I agree also !

    It is the rapid decision that Mollier was “Lost” that concerns me. That came out at 08.30am the next morning.

    An “over night” decision ?
    In these things, I image that it important to keep an open mind. Eric believes otherwise.

  • Q

    I wonder who welded the stainless steel tanks and fittings at the Annemasse wastewater treatment plant. There were some defective welds, but the system is working well now.

    Meanwhile, biogas is a growing business in Thones.

    I didn’t realize there are 450 km of sewage lines and 43 stations in the Annecy regional sewage treatment area. Local villages were linked in after concerns arose in the 1950s. Maybe this is why the tapeworms of Haute Savoie are the subject of academic papers. Lac Leman, where the problem is worse, is used for comparison.

    Did you know that the Ire is a tributary to Annecy’s water supply? Water is routinely monitored along the way. Technicians in the field would do this.

    Population growth makes it necessary to remain vigilant about water.

    Anyways, MN, there you have it.

  • M.

    And Good In Parts, that could easily explain the silence.

    Whether male or female, gay or straight or Caitlyn !

    Put yourself in someones shoes who has found out post mortem the love of their lives, was shot dead somewhere he should not have been. Then the Enquiry reveals he had been ‘carrying on’ whilst she was pregnant and after the birth, this was the implication from one of the local Press, later they had to publish the family rejection of this article.

    As for Christophe Mollier and his comments to the British Press, anyone with a modicum of intelligence would have told him to shut up, his suggestion of Mollier rather liking his present fortunous circumstances and the Molliers and the Schutz not getting on, would you not do the same ?

    Of course there is an us and them between the Mollier and Schutz, some of the Mollier certainly still live in Social Housing, I can imagine the Schutz looking down their noses at Claires choice, it would probably have all come to an end if she had not become pregnant, at the age of 29 would she really want to play mother hen to stroppy, smelly, sticky teenage boys ?

    Her new boyfriend will easily be approved of, afterall he is a friend of the Schutz family, athletic, fun, good looking and the same age as Claire.

    Without a definitive arrest and conviction, it will not be easy for any of the near protagonists to move on, she should try for her own sake and Louis, who looks far more adorable than Adorable George, what is with the old fashiioned clothing ?

  • James


    Does anyone think (regardless of who may or may not be involved…speculatively) that the investigation team in France has been “undermined” (going off the initial statement made by Eric?

    How would we “post” this ?

    A straw poll. I am a “yes”.

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