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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James

    Is this a case of “scenario fulfilment” ?

    The point at which data and information interpretation “suggests” on thing, but in reality it “represents” another.

    And if you “go along with” the “suggestion”, you find it very difficult to back track from the interpretation and get to what is the representation.

    And this can happen….even when “all data” is displayed clearly to you. That is what is “the kicker”.

    Eric’s initial speech (given by him but on “information” interpreted by the investigating officers on the ground) suggest Mollier was “lost” AND that Al Hilli was the target….

    On further discovery, it appears that the Al Hilli clan “aren’t exactly” as billed. The US marriage. The brothers arguments. The unexplained money sat “undeclared” in a Swiss bank account.

    AND the very same points can be made of Mollier. The “long parental leave”. The younger partner. The “easy life”…..and so on.

    For me…. whilst there maybe “grounds” for either Al Hilli or Mollier to end up at the hands of a “hired killer” (if that is the case), THE MOST BIZARRE point is….

    ….the biker from Lyon (who is actually fairly local) had to be tracked down by French police AND gave the reason for “not coming forward” as “I never saw the news” !!!!!

    That is VERY curious.
    Moreso, as he is “likely” the only person to see ALL the people there that afternoon (ONF1, ONF2, SM, SAH, WBM… and maybe even PD/PB !).

  • Mr Juicy

    @ Q.

    Agreed. The Claire-Sylvain story does not add up. The fact that the phones of the Mollier / Schutz families were tapped for six months does not in itself exonerate them of involvement, direct or indirect, or knowledge of what happened. The last thing they would do would be to have sensitive discussions on the phone. Everyone knows about phone tapping.

    Sylvain brought all this upon himself: he won Claire’s heart, but was not faithful to her. The ex-Legionnaire was his love rival, and knew what Sylvain was up to. He strongly disapproved, and was consumed by hatred and jealousy. No one made him do it, although Menegaldo may have committed the crime in the misguided (crazy) belief that he was acting in the best interests of the Schutz family (and Claire, of course).

    The families know that this is what happened. So does Maillaud. But it can’t be proved (Menegaldo killed himself) and it’s in no one’s interest to make it all public. So Maillaud and the Schutz family, with their influential friends, reach an understanding on how to deal with the affair pragmatically and “honourably.” There is much sympathy for Claire: why publicize sordid allegations about the poor girl’s private life, when she has already suffered enough? Far better to let the affair remain “non elucidé,” and wait for interest to subside. Let Claire get on with her life. Same for Mollier’s sons. Protect the innocent and vulnerable.

    Sylvain paid the ultimate price, and Menegaldo administered his own execution. Of course he could not have confessed to the crime, since that would have indirectly implicated Claire, which out of love and loyalty to her, he did not want to do. Hence the bizarre suicide note, which was his way of making a “noble” exit. In the meantime, Maillaud & Co do nothing to discourage theories focusing on the Al-Hilli family, which serve as a useful distraction, camouflaging what really happened.

    Case solved, thank you (although the truth may never be known).

  • Mr Juicy

    @ M.

    “Juicy, you in the States, down south weather not looking too good ?”

    Eh? How did you guess? Oh, I get it – Juicy → Orange Juice → Florida Oranges → Orange County, Florida. Brilliant powers of deduction!

  • Pink

    What is this about then Juicy ?

    Mr Juicy
    18 Jun, 2015 – 1:59 am

    任务已经完成了。他們沒有任何懷疑。法国阿尔卑斯山脉屠杀事件神秘的祕密是完全安全。 等待着进一步指示。多汁。

    translate :
    The task has been completed. They do not have any doubt. French Alps massacre mysterious secret is totally safe. We await further instructions. Juicy.

  • Peter

    @ Pink, 18 Jun, 2015 – 6:22 am
    The task has been completed. They do not have any doubt. French Alps massacre mysterious secret is totally safe. We await further instructions. Juicy.

    That’s a good back-translation into English of what originally was a sketchy effort to write in traditional Chinese (as used in Taiwan and HK). Google has fixed the faulty grammar and correctly interpreted “direction” as “instructions”.

  • michael norton

    I thought we has first been told that the eX-Legionnair/paratrooper/fireman was the love interest for the sister of Sylvain Mollier?
    It was only later we were told that the reason Patrice Menegaldo was interviwed by the police in connection with the Slaughter of the Horses
    was because he had connections with the family Schutz.

    In the first case Mr. Maillaud, seemed quite open, saying it looked like suicide but he wasn’t jumping to any conclusions.

    So, if they have now convinced themselves that Patrice did die at his own hand, how did they come to accept that route?

  • michael norton

    I find it hard to believe that in FRANCE
    a death certicate just says you are dead.
    There is a difference:
    if you shot yourself,
    fell off a gorge,
    were poisoned by your wife
    or dieing in an aeroplane that crashed into the FRENCH ALPS.

    Do they really not have coroners courts?

  • Mr Juicy

    @ Peter

    I know it sounds ridiculous, but my first thought when I saw the translation was that Chinese hackers (!) had hacked into my account (they are supposed to be good at hacking, particularly those connected to Chinese intelligence). Perhaps for some “misinformation” reasons. But that would make me even more paranoid than Saad. So I assume someone has found a way in impersonate me, as a joke, in which case Ha! Ha! Maybe to knock me off my perch a bit (it has been known to happen).

    Peter, you seem to know infinitely more about the Chinese language than I do. So just for absolute reassurance, could you please double confirm that the sentences attributed to me are written in traditional Chinese and not in the other version used in the People’s Republic of China? Thanks.

  • michael norton

    My thoughts are that Patrice Menegaldo ( or whoever he was)

    was not the Slaughterer of Le Martinet.

    I do suspect he was well known to both the families Mollier and Schutz.
    I expect the eXLegionnaire has been SILENCED.

  • Mr Juicy

    @ MN

    Maillaud has confirmed publicly that he was known to the Schutz family. Not so sure about the Molliers, though.

  • Mr Juicy

    “Maillaud said Menegaldo was acquainted with Mollier’s partner, Claire Schutz.”

    Make what you will of that.

  • michael norton

    I thought it was first said the eX-Legionnaire/paratrooper/fireman was acqainted with the sister of Sylvain Mollier

  • Peter

    @ Mr Juicy

    A while ago, you thanked me in Pinyin (for the benefit of the other readers: Pinyin is the standard Latin transliteration of Chinese) – that kind of gave the game away 😉

    You know who I am and therefore know that I speak Chinese. Or perhaps you are trying to verify that I am indeed *that* Peter. Anyway, I am positive that you used traditional script. The “men” in “tamen”, for example, is traditional script, 們 rather than 们

  • michael norton

    We are constantly being shadow swiped by Mr.Maillaud, he thinks he holds most of the cards and he holds then tightly to his chest.

    By shadow swiped, i mean he flits a notion through the air, we ( or the media) grasp it as we ar keep for truths, then before his hand has stopped moving
    it is gone, then denounced as misinterretation or some such twaddle.
    It is largely twaddle that Maillaud comes out with
    and therby we no that he has the truth within his grasp, should he wish to expose it,
    with all the downfall of those in FRANCE who are involved,
    most likely never.

  • michael norton

    If the eX-Legionnair/parachutist/fireman had written a suicide note declaring he was the Slaughterer of Le Martinet,
    that would be one thing,
    however we were first told by Eric that this man who was only talked with as a possible
    acquaintance of acquaintances of Sylvain Mollier and not as a suspect.

    Eric did not start off by saying that the six or seven page note was a suicide note or a confession.

    So, what has changed the mind of Eric, into first thinking
    the eX-Legionnaire/parachutist/fireman
    was no more than an acquaintance of an acquaintance of Sylvain Mollier:
    to the chief suspect, then back down to unlikely to be a suspect.

    If he can flip up and down on this
    perhaps he can flip up and down as to the causes of Patrice Menegaldo’s demise?

  • M.

    MN with regret I think that is rubbish

    You seriously contemplate a tin pot politician would be able to cast a shadow so long as to encompass the British Police and Coroner, post mortem, and add in the French Forensics, etc.

    This is why I do not accept Mollier as the target, it would be very difficult to cover up, even with closed ranks of the local population.

    Because you and Juicy want to believe this to be the case you are only attracted to the reports that fit your scenario.

    There was nothing at the crime scene that linked to Menegaldo, they have two sets od DNA, they exonerated Devouassoux, therefore the assumption has to be they are significant to the deaths.

  • michael norton

    @ M if by tin pot politician you mean Eric Maillaud,
    then i do not think he can have sway over the British police

    but I do think that the GOVERNMENT of FRANCE can influence the interpretation of events.

  • michael norton


    The governments of powerful countries like FRANCE and like U.K.
    have stunning power, they could make most people think white is black
    or black is white.

  • michael norton

    Tony Blair managed to hoodwink most of Parliament and the majority of the British public into thinking that IRAQ had weapons of Mass Destruction and he used this for his excuse to invade IRAQ, it turns out he was not telling the truth.

    Eventually the Chilcot Report will come out
    and will will know what happened,
    as they say
    the truth will out


  • Mr Juicy

    @ Peter

    Not for the first time you are way ahead of me and blinding me with science, so bear with me while I struggle to catch up.

    It’s flattering to think that you consider me a master of Chinese, like you, on the basis of one word of Chinese. It’s like if I said “Aufwiedersehen” to you this would make you believe I spoke fluent German. Like “Aufweidersehen”, Xiexie is just about the only word of Chinese a foreigner would know. Using it to thank you is, if I may say so, typical of the tediously ostentatious displays of superficial knowledge that we have come to associate with Juicy’s posts here. There’s nothing more to it than a judicious use of Wikipedia.

    But staying with your assumption, and borrowing your logic: if I used Pinyin (which, Wikipedia tells me, is exclusively used in Mainland China) then I couldn’t have been the person who wrote the message, because you are “positive” that this was written in traditional script, which is never used in the Mainland. I’ve no idea who the “men” are that you refer to, but I’ll take your word for it.

    This proves that I have been the victim of some kind of hacker’s practical joke. It’s not difficult to work out that, seeing that I was getting closer to revealing the truth about the Chevaline killings, the joker wanted to stop me by denting my credibility in this way. There are plenty of other strange “coincidences” which I have noticed recently, such as the fact that my geographical location has just been discovered, etc.

  • M.

    Juicy,it’s because you post through the night time of Central Europe ! Just to check where I am it is 14:17, so I would guess the time will come up as 13:17 because it is in British Summertime !

    As far as I am concerned you could be the night watchman in some backwater of Northern England.

    The point is I do not agree with your assertion of Mollier being the target and his death linked to the Schutz/Mollier families.

    Neither do I consider it fair to accuse the late Menegaldo, when Maillaud has said categorically to the Press he was never a suspect and that remains the case.

    Tom Parry wanted something to boost the sale of his book, he was handed the name after it was published and then went from there, I doubt the name of Menegaldo was handed to him by Maillaud, it was a ‘gift’ from someone, someone who wanted the finger fairly and squarely pointed in the direction of Ugine.

    Probably not from the original source.

    The tin pot politician is Morange, whom you all think is pulling strings, really ? As for the FRENCH government, that would imply they were complicit in the events, which only coem fron one deluded source and that is Zaid Hilli, as he likes to be known.

    Have a good day, y’all/cock, depending on your location.

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