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8,116 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Bacchus

    @MN & All

    Now we know that the sister of Patrice is working colleague of SM’s sister-in-law.

    I will emit a hypothesis about the death of Patrice:
    The Mollier clan discovered the Patrice’s involvement with the facts of Chevaline.
    Knowing that the mother of SM, was not alot of time, the clan has done justice. RIP Suzanne.

  • Bacchus

    “les rumeurs”

    It is important to know what are “les rumeurs”.
    For a local partenaire like @Canasson it is easy to know what are these “rumeurs”

  • Peter

    @ Pink, 20 Jun, 2015 – 10:26 pm

    As far as my knowledge of law-enforcement operations goes, it seems entirely plausible to me that the Feds and/or the e-mail provider would have deleted JT’s e-mails after they were handed over to the FBI. Particularly after you have read Parry’s book, where potential witnesses all claim to have been warned by police against releasing any photos, e-mails, Skype messages and whatnot, this appears to be standard operating procedure for them.

  • Pink

    I have just had a look to see what happens if your computer is taken it seems here in the UK you are going to be unlucky because it can take months to process it and under some circumstances you wont get it back .
    I can understand why the police might want to view a computer I never thought they could delete stuff not that I had given it any thought before .

  • michael norton

    Why are the authorities so sure, so soon, after a slaughter, that their is never a religious or terrorist involvement, how could they possibly know, just a few hours later, it is remarkable indeed.

    The director of the regional police, Josef Klamminger, which formally ruled out any terrorist hypothesis. “We can say clearly and unequivocally that it is an isolated act and without political or extremist motivation”, said he was at a press conference.

    The President of the Republic of Austria Heinz Fischer has said his side “deeply shocked” by the tragedy, as many politicians. During his fatal expedition, the madman is temporarily out of his car armed with a knife, wounding two people, one seriously, before resuming its course, said the head of the investigation, Kurt Kemeter.

  • michael norton

    Perhaps the Slaughter of the Horses was conducted by a lone nutter, with no religious or political involvement by any government anywhere in the whole wide world.

    Why did Iqbal and her previous husband both die on the same day in different continents,
    quite a co-incidence.

    Quite amazing that the partner of the only local to die at Chevaline had an uncle who was involved with Nicholas Sarky, when he was president of France.

  • Peter

    @ Pink

    The police taking away the computer of a living person and deleting data on it is quite a different matter from what happened with Jim Thompson. He was long dead by the time that this happened, and whether his surviving relatives would have any right to access his data would depend upon the provider’s TOS.

    My understanding is that his was an IMAP e-mail-account and that the data were deleted server-side, not on his local machine. Depending on its TOS, the provider would have been within its rights to do that with a dormant account. They certainly would not have hesitated a second if the FBI had asked them to do so – which I think the FBI did.

  • Pink

    I admit I don’t have a clue how it all works I just imagined that having the account deleted would be akin to tampering with evidence, the case is not solved the emails may be important at some point in the future I find it suprising.

  • michael norton

    How is Eric Maillaud getting on with his request for the “eX-husband of Mrs. al-Hilli)
    Jimmy Thompson to be dug up?

  • michael norton

    If Jimmy was killed whilst sat in his vehicle, in America, the same day the Slaughter of the Horses happened,
    it could be fishy.

  • Good In Parts


    I have been thinking through Iqbal’s return from the USA and the apparent changes in her personality, behaviour and appearance.

    Some things stayed the same, such as behaviours and attitudes relating to her chosen career (or chosen non-career), as we have previously discussed.

    Many of the changes may relate to having been ‘persuaded’ to abandon her life in the USA by pressure from her family and subsequent unhappiness.

    But I am struck by her apparent withdrawal and reluctance to go out. I say ‘apparent’ because ostensibly she did not use email but covertly did in fact do so. Thus other reported aspects of her behaviour may not in fact be the real deal.

    Some of her withdrawal may be her simply taking on the role of a good muslim wife however I wonder whether there was someone in the UK Iraqi community, probably in or near London, who she did not want to accidently meet.

    There is that strange canceled UK visa in her passport, mentioned in the book by Parry.

    Maybe, some time ago, someone had arranged a dinner party in her honour in London, she had agreed to come, then cancelled at the last minute. It could have been embarassing to run into them.

  • Pink

    Interesting Q
    “A year later, a gang of thieves again gained access, this time wearing women’s clothing and wigs. They stole almost every jewel on display in the store.”

    Remember the people in wigs seen near the murder ?

  • Pink

    I was thinking along the lines of what if he had passed on info that triggered the shooting and the stress of that brought on the heart attack rather than him being murdered .

    Good In Parts
    21 Jun, 2015 – 6:01 pm

    “If Jimmy was killed whilst sat in his vehicle, in America, the same day the Slaughter of the Horses happened,
    it could be fishy.”

  • Pink

    Would there be any connections between the Maestros and JT family that would bring a whole new angle if Iqbal was communicating with JT?

  • Pink

    “A witness told reporters Friday at a few have crossed a white car “a little crazy”, on a road near the scene of the quadruple murder shortly after his estimated time. He then presented to the police to bring their testimony. “At first I thought it was two girls inside, but once they passed me, they look strange, with weird hair, as if they wore wigs. “

  • Good In Parts


    The fishy quote was MN not me.

    Anyway, you have a point. I discount simply hearing about it on the news as follows;

    The way I thought about it was that the timeline was too tight for JT to have found out about this tragedy through the mainstream US media (There are some quotes about the lack of impact it made in the USA from Judy Weatherby).

    So, for JT to have been shocked and had a heart attack he would have had to have been told by someone. He lives in some flyover state, so ‘someone’ didn’t just drop by. They would have had to phone, text or email. So there should be a record (unless they were deleted).

    Even then, the timeline is so tight that there are not many capable actors and importantly not many reasons to tell him, unless the implication was that his own life was also in jeopardy.

    So finally getting back to your point, could it be that some ‘investigators’ turned up quizzing him (or his business partners in the antiques business) about Iqbal, their marriage, her stay in the USA and the reasons for it.

    This could have happened anytime over the previous few days. He could have started to get stressy about it. His only way of contacting her would be through email. Maybe he tried that but, being on holiday, I guess it was difficult for her to pick up email. So he gets no reply and worries some more.

    Frankly, I feel that if anyone quizzed Jimmy, whether he gave them something or nothing, then they also killed him.

  • Pink

    Sorry about the misquote I must have had a brain fart and scrolled back to the wrong one ,on JT although murder can’t be ruled out it’s one of those things that seem unlikely to me except in spy novels, it would seem quite complicated when everyone else in the plot got shot why not shoot him as well and if there is a need to disguise his death it goes beyond my limited brainpower as does most of this story .

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 21 Jun, 2015 – 6:01 pm

    There was a two-year gap between Iqbal leaving the US and her coming to the UK in order to marry Saad. Unfortunately, we don’t know what she was like in the UAE during the interim.

    There could well have been a particular person in the Iraqi community in the UK whom she wanted to avoid. However, rather than not going out at all, she could simply have “discovered religion” and covered up from head to toe, refusing to talk or be spoken by strange men under any circumstances, that kind of thing.

    I think that the shock of being married off to a man who may not have been her type at all (I would bet that she had all along hoped to marry a dentist one day), finding herself in a crumbling house in a provincial backwater, living on a shoestring budget, may have had much to do with her clamming up. This must have been quite a step down from the lifestyle she had enjoyed in the UAE, and perhaps Saad’s relatives had also oversold him during the prenuptial negotiations (as a rocket-scientist engineer living in his own lavish villa etc.).

    Moreover, there is the matter of the police surveillance operation, of which she may have been the real target. As I have argued before, in most cases, there is nothing covert or subtle about such surveillance, and being at the receiving end of it can really get to people. Here is an unrelated example

  • Shelock

    just two more thoughts the other way round:

    What if JT couldn’t cope with the fact that his still-wife was married to another man?
    He gave the start for the killing of SAH which ended up in a botched mass-killing. When he heard about that and that his beloved Kelly had been killed as well, he got the known heart-attack…

    Or- if Kelly had asked JT for help to flee her unhappy life in UK? The two arranged a faked-kidnapping?
    which botched up as well….
    Both would explain why he knew that fast about her death – which broke his heart – literally

    And if the killer was a “local” whom SM knew- he had to die as well …..

    Pure speculations

  • Good In Parts


    Ah yes, sorry, a two year gap between US and UAE. I had somehow conflated ‘family pressure to return and marry’ with the probable ‘arrangement between the families’.

    So, the pressure from her family was not ‘come and meet this nice family friend Saad’. Did they have someone else in mind? If so what happened?

    It is looking like a possible repeating pattern of behaviour, almost as a kind of ‘lekking’ display but also somewhat dysfunctional in nature.

    Her brother was apparently OCD, so perhaps no huge surprise, though I thought OCD repetitive behaviour was acted out on a much shorter timescale.

    I had thought there could be some kind of ‘scam’ going on but Jimmy wasn’t rich. It doesn’t look like she was asking him for money via email. Unless it is something deeply sinister whereby heavily insured husbands keep dying of heart attacks.

    Discovering religion would have sufficed, as you say.

    Marry a dentist, not be a dentist! – ‘overselling’ on both sides.

    I thought Iqbal as a surveillance target in Claygate did not work because the surveilance apparently started in the run-up to the second Iraq war, which was before Iqbal arrived in the UK.

    I suppose Saad and Iqbal could have been introduced one or two years earlier, then his mother became ill which could have caused delay, then maybe Saad makes some kind of deathbed promise to his mom. Maybe Iqbal visited, which triggered the surveillance.

  • Good In Parts


    Asking for help seems more likely than ordering killings.

    I think there is a very good chance that a local killer could be recognised by SM.

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