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8,116 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Bacchus

    @M., @Shelock & Mr.Juicy

    Thank for your recommendations and suggestions. But the more important think is to find the truth.
    The only think that we can’t speak is about Quraysh. Why ? Ask at SAH !

  • michael norton

    If it is true Sylvain Mollier called Claire Schutz at her place of work to come back to him to look after their infant son, while he went out, that must have been important enough a reason for her to abandon her business, remembering that he was on three years paternity leave to look after their baby, so that Claire could return to work to run the business, which was their financial future.

    If Sylvain was shot first and multiple times, perhaps seven times but more bullet wounds than any of the others involved, this might have happened because Sylvain was in possession of a gun
    at Le Martinet.

    My meaning is Sylvain Mollier was equipped for trouble at Le Martinet.

  • michael norton

    More mad stuff in Haute-Savoie
    hooded men stopping an ambulance and shooting the victim a blood fued perhaps?

    7 H 57: everything starts around 2 am, firefighters are called to Cons-Sainte-Colombe to support a wounded man, lacerated cutter. They perform the intervention and on the road from Annecy, they are chased by a car. This vehicle manages to stop the ambulance firefighters just after Duingt on the road along the lake. Three or four hooded men opened the back door of rescue vehicle and assistance to victims and shoot the wounded. Before taking flight, they set fire to the ambulance.

    No firefighter was injured. The victim is in serious condition was taken by helicopter to hospital in Annecy.

    The gendarmerie has activated a research plan to find the attackers.

    7 H 40: ambulance firefighters was burned that night in Duingt, near Lake Annecy. It is a question of a voluntary act. An investigation was opened.

  • michael norton

    Cons-Sainte-Colombe has a population of 261,
    yet has a knife victim and three or four hooded men willing to stop and set fire to an ambulance and shoot the patient?

    This community comes within the larger community of
    Communauté de communes du Pays de Faverges

    This is the community that Jean-Claude Deronzier
    was the president, he was confronting gypsies just before he fell off a cliff.
    It is also quite close to the cafe where the dispute happened to a local young man and woman who were attacked by Stephen Havactu, who went to prison for 12 months.

  • Mr Juicy

    @ Peter

    You suggested: “his sister merely denied that he had psychological issues because of his time in the army, not that he had no psychological issues at all.”

    As this is an important point, I’ve listened again to the interview. She maintains throughout that her brother did not have mental health issues of any kind. In response to question “How would you respond to this journalist who depicts your brother as “le suspect numero un”? she replies:

    “Mon frère était quelqu’un d’équilibre, de serein. Le cliché malheureusement a pris du feu: l’histoire du légionnaire qui tourne mal, pour moi c’est trop facile. Connaissant mon frère, je n’accepte pas ça de toute façon. Il avait un rhythme de vie tout à fait respectable.”

    She is saying that the brother she knew was a balanced and calm person, and in a normal mental state. She does not wish to imply or concede that her brother had psychological issues in any shape or form.

    Later in the interview, when asked to explain why he committed suicide, she replies (with some hesitation):

    “Eh bien, je pense que… voilà, dans cette intérrogatoire, on a dû cassé le fil qui le retenait …. Er ……….voilà je le redit encore: mon frère était quelqu’un d’équilibre, Il avait un rhythme de vie tout à fait respectable.”

    Note that she repeats almost word for word her prepared line on her brother’s normal mental condition. But she has a problem, because a person who is in a normal mental condition would not commit suicide without good reason, many months after the interrogation. Hence her hesitation.

    It seems that her aim is to place the responsibility for her brother’s suicide solely with the French police, perhaps with the aim of lodging a claim for compensation.

    But the common sense conclusion, on which we both agree, is that Menegaldo must have had some underlying psychological problems in order to have “snapped” in the way he did, even if his sister prefers not to address this issue.

    My own view is that he may have been suffering from a borderline personality disorder. Although calm when not under pressure, he may have been susceptible to episodes of extreme rage when provoked or threatened, such as during the interrogation or (perhaps) at Le Martinet.

    All this is speculation, of course, without attribution of guilt.

  • Bacchus

    For continue our speculation it is interresting to know if the Christelle’s son is a child, teenager or an adult. I hope that he is a child, to close this speculation.

    Patrice and his nephew was fishing truite at the parking of martinet. Is it a good speculation ?

  • michael norton

    12:11 The President of the National Federation of Firefighters France (FNSPF), Colonel Eric Faure denounced “a barbaric act, which is a particularly shocking and unacceptable obstacle to the exercise by the firefighters of their mission aid to all victims. ” In a statement, he condemned “with the utmost firmness the attack by armed men.” The three firefighters, all volunteers, “remain all the more shocked by the attack they were involved as part of their commitment to public service.” “I hope therefore that the perpetrators of this attack are quickly arrested, brought to justice and punished with exemplary firmness,” added Colonel Faure “on behalf of the 266,000 members of the FNSPF”.

    10:34:. The reaction Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of Interior Minister of Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, just react to the violent attack suffered by firefighters, this morning in Duingt, on the shores of Lake of Annecy.
    In a statement, he “condemns in the strongest terms the attack that night was the victim of a crew Departmental Fire and Rescue Haute-Savoie, while carrying a wounded stab toward the center Annecy hospital. ”
    For this is a real war scene that took place this morning, shortly after 2:00, in Duingt.
    Everything had started a few minutes earlier in Cons-Saint-Colombe. Firefighters were called to take charge of a wounded man, whose face was slashed with a Stanley knife.
    -a Relief crew of three firefighters volontaires- were being evacuated to the hospital of Annecy, where the case took an unusual turn. The ambulance was chased by a light vehicle Clio- a likely age who doubled several times. The driver eventually simulate an accident to force the fire truck to stop.
    Two to three men, some sources claim they were hooded, then popped up at gunpoint. They opened the back door of the ambulance, before drawing one or more shots towards the injured lying on his stretcher.
    In the confusion, the vehicle caught fire, with the injured inside. One or more truck drivers passing by and who found themselves witnesses of the scene, then rescued the victim, they extract the ambulance. Meanwhile, the perpetrators fled when the ambulance exploded, probably because of the oxygen tanks in it.
    Significant resources were immediately dispatched to the scene. The injured, severely affected, and whose days would be in danger, was taken to hospital by helicopter. He could not be heard.
    A major land and air gendarmerie is in place to try to find the aggressors.
    According to the Minister of the Interior, the firefighters were not injured. But they are very shocked and as such benefit from psychological support. Bernard Cazeneuve assured them of his “support”.
    The investigation was entrusted by the public prosecutor of Annecy National Gendarmerie and will help to establish the precise circumstances and reasons for this aggression.
    The Interior Minister said that every day, “the 245,000 firefighters in France account for nearly 11,800 interventions to rescue, shelter, fight against disasters and pollution. Two thirds of these interventions are provided by volunteer fire departments. ”
    “The assaults are sometimes victims are even more unbearable. They deserve for their daily commitment to our citizens, our respect and consideration, “said Mr. Cazeneuve.

    10:04: The prognosis of the injured is engaged. Security forces are still searching for the assailants.

    7 H 57: Everything begins around 2 am, firefighters are called to Cons-Sainte-Colombe to support a wounded man, lacerated cutter. They perform the intervention and on the road from Annecy, they are chased by a car. This vehicle manages to stop the ambulance firefighters just after Duingt on the road along the lake. Three or four hooded men opened the back door of rescue vehicle and assistance to victims and shoot the wounded. Before taking flight, they set fire to the ambulance.

    No firefighter was injured. The victim is in serious condition was taken by helicopter to hospital in Annecy.

    The gendarmerie has activated a research plan to find the attackers.

  • michael norton


    Vendetta in Doussard, August 15 2012

    Vendetta “in the streets of Doussard eight months in prison

    It only took a few glances supported to a latent conflict between two clans explodes and ends in blood and coups.15 August 2012. Steven Havutcu goes to the pizzeria when he meets a couple with whom he had a bone to pick. Exchange glances, insults. Slapping, kicking. Rancœur.Deuxième act, even evening prom Doussard. The protagonists retrouvent.La brawl will narrowly avoided thanks to the intervention of “bouncers” who intimately about the young to leave. This is too much. It is time to vengeance.Tapis behind a bush in front of the building with a friend, they expect the couple to 4am.


    Upon arrival, it was a deluge of kicks, punches, blows with an iron bar. The woman was violently taken to task and the man bruised face. “It inspires you thinking what these pictures? “Asked the judge handing overwhelming clichés. “It was not good,” admits the young man before the bar. “It grazed the Assize Court. We must put a stop to this situation. We can not accept the “vendetta” in the streets of Doussard. It is not in “Scarface”, “notes Mr. Trabbia. “The consequences are tragic for the victim, suffering from head trauma and ophthalmic problems, it is still off work. “” Do not be naïve optimism on this issue. This is clan against clan. Today, it was him, tomorrow it may be another. It has not the right to do justice. ” And history to bring to a halt, it requires a year in prison. “The victim is the origin of the brawl” says M eGairaud for the defense. “If violence is not unfounded, they are disproportionate,” she admits. Before pleading for simple suspension or probation. Havutcu Steven was sentenced to 12 months in prison with four months suspended probation and ban contact with the couple.

  • michael norton

    It is a pity Bluebird is no longer following this blog, he was very involved in the Kurd families of Faverges and he was of the opinion they were connected the the Slaughter of Chevaline.

  • Melrose

    Not only BlueBird, but also Tim V. and many others. We miss their comments. This thread I have followed for a while would be a better deal with them all. Message in a bottle.

  • michael norton

    The President of Sdis Haute-Savoie says his “amazement in view of what happened” seal by the Dauphine Libere, Christian Monteil, President of the Departmental Council of Haute-Savoie and the SDIS 74 spoke of her. “stupor under the brutality of what happened this morning.” He said the attackers, who attacked the victim, have launched “a kind of incendiary bomb in the VSAB” before fleeing. Firefighters, a woman and two men, all volunteers Faverges relief center are very shocked. “And one of them was slightly injured,” said Mr. Monteil. It should go in the day to meet them, along with the prefect of the Haute-Savoie. “An armed attack against a fire department vehicle is unheard he has yet specified. We are not accustomed to such violence in Haute-Savoie ”

    From Le Dauphine Libre

  • michael norton

    “We are not accustomed to such violence in Haute-Savoie”

    Eric Maillaud is giving a press conference today on these matters.
    I am surprized nobody else on this blog is interested?

  • michael norton

    seems a very clean village, some old properties, mostly new, a couple of villas being built for 185 thousand Euros, mostly large properties, stunning views and a route from the village straight up into the snow-capped mountains.
    One slim young chap with ginger hair and beard wondering around in slippers.

    Not the sort of place you would expect to be attacked with a stanley knife, I wonder if it is a blood-fued or a house-jacking or a robbery gone wrong?

  • Pink

    @Good in parts
    Now that this vendetta has come again you probably remember there was a lot of chatter about it ,in among it all there was a mention of free key rings with a chip in that was being given to affluent people so they could be tracked, at the time it was deemed a hoax message that was being passed around and not true ,if it were true I reckon SAH wouldn’t turn down a free key ring could this be how they got tracked does such a thing exist ?

  • michael norton

    The affluent village of Cons-Sainte-Colombe is on a direct back road
    (Route de Cons-Sainte-Colombe) from the Sapeurs-Pompiers, Farverges.
    The firefighters could probably get there in less than five minutes.
    After the patient being shot in the back of their ambulance, an incendiary was thrown in and it exploded.
    The five firefighters, three men and two women are in shock.
    Eric Maillaud, is in charge.
    Will he solve this mystery?

  • michael norton

    For an affluent, sleepy village of 261 inhabitants, they do seem to have their share of excitement in Cons-Sainte-Colombe, last September ( on the level) a driver multiple barrel rolled his vehicle and was violently ejected, firefighters and ambulance crew rescued this hapless driver.

    Ce lundi, vers 7 heures, du matin, un spectaculaire accident s’est déroulé sur la RD 182, entre Faverges et Cons-Sainte-Colombe. Les sapeurs-pompiers et le Samu se sont rendus sur place pour porter secours à un automobiliste gravement blessé, et retrouvé à plusieurs mètres de sa voiture.

    L’homme a effectué une sortie de route à grande vitesse et effectué plusieurs tonneaux avant d’être éjecté de son véhicule.

    Après avoir été médicalisé sur place, l’homme a été évacué en urgence vers l’hôpital d’Annecy. La gendarmerie a ouvert une enquête.

    La gendarmerie a ouvert une enquête.

    Most of the inhabitants are pensioners!!!

  • michael norton

    These new outrages in Cons-Sainte-Colombe & on route to the hospital in Annecy
    are likely to involve the “same sort of people”
    who beat up the local young couple, twice, hospitalizing them in Faverges and Doussard.
    I would expect these may also involve the “same sort of people” who raided the home of the family Communal-Tournier and shot dead Mrs. C.T.

    As Eric Mailluad would have it
    “A Blood Feud”

    I have not yet seen in writing the news conference hosted by Eric Maillaud, yesterday afternoon?

  • michael norton

    A fire truck attacked by gunmen in Haute-Savoie Le Figaro

    Gunmen stormed and burned a fire truck on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday near Lake Annecy. The injured aboard was rescued but the police are always looking for the attackers.
    A totally amazing ambush was carried in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday against firefighters in Haute-Savoie. A relief center was first called around 2am to rescue a man wounded him cutter. Firefighters then move to Duingt on the banks of Lake Annecy and find there that the victim’s state of health requires a transfer to the hospital. Supporting the wounded in their emergency vehicle and assistance to victims, the crew of three volunteer firefighters is taken this time in a real ambush.

    The ambulance was probably chased on a provincial road by a Clio which has doubled several times. The driver of the car eventually simulate an accident to force the fire truck to stop. They then stop to see if the shock has caused casualties and two to three men, some sources claim they were hooded, then popped up at gunpoint reports Le Dauphiné Libéré . They opened the back door of the ambulance, and fired “one or more shots” towards the firefighters and the injured lying on his stretcher.
    The rescued injured but in critical condition

    The vehicle caught fire and transported injured, “unable to go it alone,” was extracted narrowly by several truck drivers who passed by, and who then rescued the victim. The thugs then fled at high speed in their cars while the fire truck finally exploded. According to the president of the Haute-Savoie departmental council, Christian Monteil, also chairman of the board of the county fire and rescue service (SDIS), the attackers reportedly threw incendiary in the vehicle fire and bottles oxygen it contained would have exploded under the heat.

    The wounded man, whose life is involved, was taken to the hospital by helicopter, and was still “being treated” in the late morning. “He can not be heard,” said prosecutor Annecy. The investigation was entrusted to the National Gendarmerie and will help to establish the precise circumstances and reasons for this aggression. For now, it was no link between the assault of man transported by firefighters and assault the rescue truck. No track is therefore for the time being confirmed by investigators. An important police device has been set up in the morning to try to find the attackers and seems to be maintained for Wednesday afternoon.

  • Good In Parts

    M. & Peter

    M. wrote upthead “Something interests me and it is the lack of Saad telling all and sundry of the existence of the money in Geneva

    And I replied:- “Yes, it interests me too. The closest I can think of, was possibly by allusion, when telling a neighbour that ‘he was working on an £800,000 deal’. This though was ambiguous, as it could have referred to the value of the Claygate house.

    Well, I have found another reference to it on page 27 in the Sunday Times article entitled “The Homecoming” which is available at the link given below’

    Although the funds in it were nothing to do with Saddam Hussein, there was and is a Swiss Bank account. Saad told Alabdi that the account held a “considerable” sum, but as Alabdi well knew, Saad had little money himself and a “considerable” sum could be anything from £1000 or so upwards

  • michael norton

    March 21, 2007

    Let us not forget this chap, Christian Marechal

    Seven years after the assassination of Marshal Christian remains an enigma
    ( now eight years)
    MYSTERY – Christian Marshal, head of the municipal police Chambourcy (Yvelines), had been brutally murdered in March 2007.

    Mystery. Seven years after the assassination of Christian Marshal, head of the municipal police Chambourcy (Yvelines) larded found 18 stab wounds in his pavilion, the mystery remains. His widow, Edith Marshall has “still not done mourning.” The latter left the residential village of western Paris for a city in which it was named. “I’m not reassured, an assassin still on trees and we can not know what he has in mind,” said the national police reservist.

    No sign of forced entry. “We do not understand … Why Christian?” This evening of March 21, 2007, she asked via text message to pick her up at the exit of a UMP meeting in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. By 8:50 p.m., he replies “OK”. But without “kisses” usual, which surprises her. He will not come. He is a colleague failing to attach that discovers the horror scene, about 10:30 p.m.. According to the investigation, the attack took place between 9:55 p.m. 8:45 p.m. ET. No forced entry was found.

    Revenge? The SMS may have been sent “in the presence of the murderer” or “written under duress,” suggests the widow, who does not exclude any hypothesis. She also thinks her husband 59 years old, distrustful, had to know his or her attackers because “he would never have opened the door to strangers.” “The determination shown by the author or authors to suggest a crime hatred or revenge, “believes his side Ms. Marshal lawyer, Jean-Pierre Versini-Campinchi.

    . A policeman sensitive case soon retire and friend of the mayor, brutally killed in a quiet town of 6,000 inhabitants: the case is sensitive for the criminal brigade of the judicial police of Versailles, which includes large means of investigation. But the police have bad luck: no mobile, no witness, a genetic fingerprint found on site, but that does not match a known person.

    . Farfetched letter signed Al Qaeda “This is a complex case, all tracks are available – professional, personal, political – but none had resulted” concrete “, summarizes a source close to the investigation heinous murder. , crime of passion, settlement accounts? No material only came substantiate any hypothesis .And as to cover their tracks the killer or killers have left a crazy letter signed Al Qaeda, justifying the murder by French presence Afghanistan …

    “Also adores fears.” Several people were placed in custody and hundreds of witnesses. “The majority of people have described Christian as very friendly, attentive, always ready to help,” said Me-Versini Campinchi, but said that within the police, “he was also feared that ‘adored’. Portrait any other: it was “unsympathetic and even rather unpleasant,” notes a source close to the investigation. It went wrong with a number of collaborators, there was a lot of jealousy, but then to kill him … ”
    Explosive political climate. No link has been established between either the killing and the explosive climate prevailing at that time in the commune of UMP
    deputy mayor Pierre Morange, after the revelation of a case involving false invoices assistant security Gérard Lebec, also friend of Marshal, who knew. The mayor had denounced in court the actions of his deputy and friend, in late 2006. Since then, relations between the two elected were deleterious, which seemed to put the policeman uncomfortable. The former deputy was sentenced in 2011 to 2 years in prison for fraud, forgery and illegal interest, together with 19 others. “There were certainly political violence, but she never would be expressed physically,” said Mr. Thomas Maier, lawyer of Mr. Lebec, convinced he was the victim of a plot.

    Shadows. The assassination for investigation stalled, the wife does not want to “forget Christian.” And wonders about the gray areas in the privacy of her husband, two unidentified women. Two years after the tragedy, Ms. Marshall had also learned from friends that they had given Christian having an affair with a woman. “If they have nothing to do with this crime, they manifest themselves, it would close doors, “proclaimed the widow.

    One of the greatest enigmas But a source familiar with the matter today provides on condition of anonymity that “key” is elsewhere. Three men of Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine) would have stabbed the policeman to adjust their accounts in a scam to credits to which he participated. An unknown track from the police, deemed “not credible” according to a source close to the investigation. “A malicious rumor without foundation” for the family lawyer. Possible new testimony, even anonymous, and identification of DNA remain the best hopes of the PJ of Versailles to bounce this investigation

  • michael norton

    Christian Marechal was a friend of the uncle of Claire Schutz

    of Pharmacie Schutz-Morange fame.

  • michael norton

    Some people think like Eric Maillaud, that the only solution is to imagine the Slaughter of the Horses had its beginning in the U.K. and not in FRANCE.
    I disagree.

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