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8,116 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    An ambulance firemen destroyed by an explosion during an attack Savoie

    Firefighters rescue center Faverges, Savoie, rescued 24 June 2015 between 5 pm and 5:30 one seriously wounded individual shots cutter near Duingt.

    Upon transfer of the individual to the hospital, the ambulance firefighters fell into a real trap. A car overtook the vehicle and simulated an accident. Firefighters are then stopped to rescue the “accidents”.

    Several armed criminals are then out of the craft, blocked the vehicle and opened fire. They then set fire to the ambulance throwing inside flammable, as rescuers and the injured person were they close, this one inside.

    The car was quickly engulfed before exploding. The wounded man was saved from death by the intervention of firefighters in extremis. These two men and a woman, were very shocked by the attack. One of them was also wounded in the arm.

    Despite the extreme seriousness of the case, none of the attackers has been arrested while officially, major “air and ground assets” have been implemented. For the record, he had had it a few years ago, very little time before individuals who had touched the scooter’s son Nicolas Sárközy are identified, located, arrested and tried.

    The person injured, probably in a settling of scores between criminals, refused to comment on the incident and to identify his attackers.

    “We are shocked by the violence of this exceptional and unprecedented aggression”

    was content to declare the president of the County Council Christian Monteil. It was virtually the only political response to this criminal act.

  • Good In Parts


    Listen to the BBC interview (segment starting at 08:36). You will hear a very familiar narrative about Iqbal.

  • michael norton

    I had thought it was reported after the attack on the firefighters ambulance that
    Bernard Cazeneuve
    was visiting Faverges to comiserate/thank with the Sapeurs-Pompiers

    perhaps he never made it after the be-heading near-by?

  • michael norton

    So, the village of Cons-Sainte-Colombe is on a direct back road
    (Route de Cons-Sainte-Colombe) from the Sapeurs-Pompiers, Farverges.
    The firefighters could probably get there in less than five minutes.

    The local reserve firefighters get called out to a stanley knife wounding in the village adjacent to the firestation,
    then they take the victim towards Annecy hospital in their ambulance, getting ambushed at
    Duingt is adjacent to Lathuile.

    So is this a continuation of the Faverges / Doussard / Lathuile BLOOD – FEUD

    that Eric Maillaud sometimes alludes?

  • michael norton

    Jean-Luc Falcy,
    Eric Devouassoux,
    Nicole Communal Tournier,
    William Brett Martin

    these are a few of the characters from Lathuile

  • michael norton

    Prime minister of FRANCE

    “Decapitation was meant to stir up emotions”

    Prime Minister Manuel Valls, whose trip to South America was cut short due to the attackin Saint-Quentin-Fallavier told AFP the “horrific” act meant that it was all the more important for the French to stay true to their democratic values.

    “This grisly decapitation, which was staged [for everyone to see] with flags, is something new in France,” he said, noting that it was designed to have an impact and “create strong tensions in French society”.

    “French society must stay true to its values,” in a time when “it is put to the test, especially during a special period like Ramadan”.

    He added that it is very difficult for a society to have to live under the threat of attacks for several years, in particular as “the question isn’t about if there will be a new attack, but when”.

  • Pink

    @ M
    No I haven’t read Tom Parry’s book good on him for making sense of anything EM says I gave that up a long time ago , if he talked to Jack Saltman that might sway me tip him off 🙂

    Old timers will probably remember me and my gouges or gash in the car park I just came across that story again.

    “There was also a clear indentation made by the Al-Hillis’ car in the embankment. It looked as if the estate car had reversed so hard into to the forest side that the rear had climbed a couple of feet up the steep slope. There was also a gash in the car park, roughly filled with pebbles by the gendarmerie.”

  • M.

    MN, by the accounts in the French Press and on TV, looks as if he was meant to die in the first explosion, which was not successful. So he went on to attempt to open acetone bottles.

    This was meant to be far more spectacular, with many more deaths, thankfully he failed.

    Awful for the family of the beheaded man, just going about his business, it appears he was killed before the actual attack took place.

    Should the death penalty be re-introduced ? Knit one, purl one, pass the slip stitch over.

  • M.

    Pink, it is obviously what has caused a renewed interest, some snippets are new others same old same old and further more glaring errors, maybe on reprint he will correct these.

    Jack Saltman, do you recall if it was him who said he wondered how the al-Hillis managed to afford to live in the Claygate house, citing the Council Tax ?

  • michael norton

    They attack firefighters carried a wounded, Duingt (Haute-Savoie)

    This Wednesday, June 24 in the morning, a rescue vehicle firefighters, carrying a wounded, was attacked and burned on the RD1508, Duingt (Haute-Savoie). The police are looking for the attackers. The emergency vehicle and assistance to victims (VSAV) firefighters carried a man slashed with a Stanley knife to the Annecy hospital when he fell into an ambush. Three men arose in the middle of the road and shot a firefighter without hurting him.

    Originally, firefighters were called to rescue a young man of 19 “repeatedly hit and suffering from cuts,” the prosecutor Annecy, Eric Maillaud, contacted by Agence France Presse.

    © Bernard Portugal
    On the way to the hospital, “a vehicle while exceeds that of firefighters, simulates an accident to force firefighters to stop. They come out and it was at this point that the scene of violence starts,” said the magistrate .

    Firefighters faced “two or three attackers,” said a witness at the scene who saw “at least one weapon” and heard “one or more shots” fired at firefighters and their vehicle. The VSAV then caught fire with the injured inside. He was immediately extracted from the vehicle by the driver of a truck passing by and stopped to give aid to everyone, including firefighters. The perpetrators are then reassembled into their vehicle and fled. The vehicle then exploded firefighters, presumably “because of oxygen tanks or gas” on board, according to ERIC MAILLAUD. A house nearby has kept traces of the explosion.

    A firefighter was slightly injured. As for the young man transported, “he is in the hospital being treated, it can not be heard and anyway he did not say anything right now,” concludes the prosecutor. Reportedly, the victim is in intensive care at the Annecy hospital. His days are not in danger. Police protection has been allocated.

    An important research device mobilizing the gendarmes of Savoie and Haute-Savoie has been set up with air and ground assets.

    Attack on a fire truck in Haute-Savoie: the Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve reacts

    In a statement, Bernard Cazeneuve condemned “with the utmost firmness” the aggression suffered by a crew of the Departmental Fire and Rescue Haute-Savoie, while carrying a wounded stab victim toward the center hospital Annecy.
    The ambulance led by three volunteer fire department was caught on the territory of the municipality of Duingt by criminals who set fire to the emergency vehicle before fleeing. The injured have been extracted time the vehicle on fire.

    According to the president of the Christian Monteil Haute-Savoie departmental council, also chairman of the board of directors of the departmental service of fire and rescue (SDIS), the attackers reportedly threw incendiary in the vehicle fire and bottles oxygen it contained would have exploded under the heat.

    “We are shocked by the violence of this exceptional and unprecedented aggression,” said Mr. Monteil. Colonel Eric Faure, President of the National Federation of Firefighters France (FNSPF) which has 266,000 members, himself has denounced “a barbaric act” in a statement.

    No track is for the time being confirmed by investigators on the reasons for the attack.

    An important research device mobilizing the gendarmes of Savoie and Haute-Savoie has been set up with air and ground assets.

    “The investigation by the Prosecutor of the Republic of Annecy National Gendarmerie will help to establish the precise circumstances and the reasons for this attack,” said the minister, “everything is implemented by the police and Gendarmerie to identify the perpetrators, challenge them and bring them to justice. ”

    Firefighters, very shocked, were not injured. “They receive psychological support”, according to Bernard Cazeneuve which “assures them of its full support.”

  • M.

    MN, crime is crime is crime, seems the injured lad was 19 years of age, you refer to a blood feud, maybe a drug feud, he has not spoken to the police as yet.

    Will probably be a standard English version of ‘no comment’.

    Chances are whomever did this wanted their victim dead and unable to tesify against them.

    There are problems with drug supply on the borders and even just after Chevaline, as recounted by the retired gendarme Claude Antoine, there was a big raid in Faverges.

  • michael norton

    France and Saudi Arabia agreed on Wednesday to press ahead with feasibility studies to build two flagship Areva-designed EPR nuclear reactors as the two allies firm up business ties amid tensions across the region.

    The countries set up a joint committee in May to finalise some 20 projects across sectors ranging from defence to transport infrastructure and civil aviation over the coming months worth billions of euros.

    Hang on a moment, The First Beheading of a French person in France, perpetrated by a Salafist
    and now France is selling Nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia?

  • M.

    MN, this will tickle you:

    14h08 : Sur le site de la société Air Products on apprend que la compagnie s’est vue accorder récemment par Saudi Aramco, une compagnie pétrolière et chimique saoudienne, la construction et la gestion du plus gros complexe de gaz au monde pour une durée de 20 ans à Jazan en Arabie Saoudite. Ce complexe permettrait de produire 75 000 m3 par jour d’oxygène et d’azote. On ignore évidemment pour l’instant si cela peut expliquer la raison pour laquelle le site de production isérois de cette société américaine a été pris pour cible par des terroristes ce matin.

  • Peter

    @ Good In Parts, 27 Jun, 2015 – 12:37 pm

    How many grandchildren did Suhalia have?

    If one was illegitimate or possibly out-of-faith (issue of her son and a Swedish woman) would that be an ‘issue’ culturally for her?

    If she had known that two others (Z & Z) were illegitimate would that be an issue?

    Good questions. Whatever the issue may have been with her son’s child, Parry states that she was not actively involved in that child’s upbringing.

    Z & Z being illegitimate is an interesting theological conundrum. Most muslim couples have an Islamic wedding as well as a civil one, with the Islamic one being considered the more important one. Many don’t even bother with a civil one. As polygyny is permissible in Islam (albeit only under certain conditions), Saad still being married to someone else at the time would not have constituted an obstacle to a valid Islamic wedding, even if the civil laws of the land said otherwise. However, polyandry is strictly forbidden in Islam. A Muslim may not marry a married female of any faith. A marriage thus entered into is null and void in Sharia law, a non-marriage. According to Sharia law, the Zs were born out of wedlock. As the Zs were Saad’s biological children, he could have acknowledged paternity and claimed them as his own, but he would not have been obliged to do so.

    The long and short of it is that the Zs were illegitimate in terms of both Sharia and civil law. More than that, in traditional Islamic doctrine, they would be assumed to have inherited negative behavioural traits from their bigamist mother, a lifelong stain upon them. All of this leads me to conclude that Saad would not have wittingly have entered into a bigamous non-marriage. However, it may also serve to explain why Suhaila intended to set the Zs up for life, as it were: if she and her daughter had knowingly tricked Saad, she might have wanted to make amends to her granddaughters for being born under a cloud.

  • michael norton

    do we categorically know, if the Forest workers were allowed to personally identify the mysterious biker / businessman/ hang glider wanabe

    or do we just have to take the word of Eric Maillaud, that this honourable man is innocent of everything.

    My point is:
    has the person we are now expected to believe was the motorcyclist, spoken to by the forest workers at the time and place of the Slaughter of the Horses,
    actually been identified by those actual forest workers
    in a proper line-up?

  • michael norton

    If the answer is

    then we must assume that this very tardy “witness”
    has been rushed through “procedures”
    for political considerations.

    One of these considerations could be that he is not in fact the motorcyclist spoken to by the forest workers at the time and place of the Slaughter of the Horses?

  • M.

    If you say so, MN:

    Le mystérieux motard croisé par deux garde-forestiers, le 5 septembre 2012, à proximité des lieux et à l’heure du quintuple meurtre de Chevaline a été formellement identifié et entendu.

    Les gendarmes l’ont finalement identifié grâce à son téléphone portable qui a “borné” dans la zone du crime, mais aussi par l’exploitation d’images vidéo collectées peu après le drame.

  • michael norton

    Thanks M
    however that does not say:
    the Forest workers who spoke with the side-opening helmet wearing motorcyclist
    ( presumably being the people who described the likeness to the police artist?)
    have positively identified the motorcyclist in a line up both visually and verbally.

    This is so important

    that every detail should be meticulously picked over.

  • michael norton

    A bit about the life of Herve Cornara

    He sounds like a really descent useful person.

    ATTACK OF SAINT-QUENTIN-FALLAVIER Hervé Cornara would celebrate its 55 years today
    Hervé Cornara chaired the association of his district and campaigned to improve the living environment of its neighbors.

    A Fontaines-sur-Saône, near Lyon, in the small dense crowd yesterday morning under the shade of trees, whispered conversations paint a portrait as a tribute to Hervé Cornara, the victim of terrorism in atrocious circumstances Friday in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier. Between the buildings Chestnut neighborhood, close friend says that the head of overactive company had planned a barbecue and a fishing trip on Sunday, the day of his 55 years. It must now talk about the past.

    Hervé Cornara grew up in this neighborhood as peaceful island on the heights of Fontaines-sur-Saône (Rhône). His father was a worker in the industry. Her mother, very old, remains confined to her house, to preserve somehow the turmoil. After a break overseas, Hervé chose to move back into her childhood neighborhood. “Basically, he never wanted to let go, when he returned he saw the need to arrange green spaces,” says Fernando, a childhood friend who described a man with inexhaustible energy. Transportation contractor that started in a small garage, Hervé Cornara created ATC, for “transport business card.” Clothing, hardware, auto parts, he met various demands of transport with commercial vehicles. The growth in business has allowed him to resume Colicom, based in Chassieu east of Lyon. Hence the gas supply market on the site of Air Products, Seveso, to Saint-Quentin-Fallavier. Hence the presence hiring a fatal employee. “There were many drivers, he recruited all the time, it was difficult, he spent his life on the road,” says Gilles, a cousin.

    Despite the thousands of kilometers traveled, Hervé Cornara be invested in neighborhood life. President of a tenants’ association, established there a dozen years, he campaigned to improve the living environment, railed against the closure of the Post Office, banging on doors to sign petitions, distributing leaflets.

    “He wanted to transform the neighborhood, open” summarizes Dr. Gérard Collombel, former Hervé family doctor. Here, everyone knows each other. And crime seems to strike at the heart of all. “It was not called Charlie, his name was Hervé” said a formula Christophe, treasurer of the tenants’ association. A way of saying that all victims of terrorism deserve the same compassion.

  • M.


    I agree, I would say they have the man who was stopped by the forestry workers, he has admitted it was him, although he said he had never owned a side opening helmet, there are others that mimic this style. The forestry workers being asked to ID him becomes irrelevant, maybe they did.

    More interesting is the timing, he says and this is in TP book as well, he was on the Combe d’Ire around 3pm, on the basis that it is about 7/10 minutes from top to bottom, and claims to have seen nothing, then he cannot be the Motorcycle seen by Brett Martin, just before he arrived at Le Martinet.

    I cannot understand this sighting when put into the now known context of the Motorcyclist originally from Lyon.

    If Brett Martin is telling the truth, then there has to be a second motorcyclist, the only Press to pick up on this is Le Dauphine Libere, if I find the link I will post it.

    Even before this man was tracked down, Maillaud said the Motorcycle described by all witnesses does not exist. Does that imply there were two ? Although I counter that and say witness statements are notorious for being wrong.

    It is very different if you are primed to look out for something.

    A very big doubt hangs over this and therefore feeds into the thought of a local on a Motorcycle knowing how to get off the route without being seen by M.Bossy and his companions.

    Unless we go back to the beginning where Martin, was thought by many to be the gunman, then we are in the realms of a cover-up, but why and by whom?

    Very sad for the family of Herve Cornara, as of last night his Facebook Page was still active, he does not appear to be a man who held a prejudice judging by his family and friends.

  • M.

    Michael, BFMTV are saying Salhi has now admitted what he did and says he have killed his boss before he beheaded him.

    He is being taken to a court in Lyon.

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