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8,114 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    @ M

    I would say it was / is imperative
    for the forest workers who stopped and spoke with the motorcyclist, they looked in his eyes, they heard him speak, they described him in detail, including the machine with white/clear panniers, they described the side opening helmet.
    They should see this man who has now been identified ( from Lyon)
    in a line-up and hear him talk.
    If this has not been done,
    there is a cover-up in progress.

    I said some time ago there might have been two “identical” motorcyclists,
    contributors on here thought i was wrong.

    The reason you have two ( if an operation is going down)
    is to confuse.

    We are certainly confused.

    We were also confused by Eric Maillaud,
    the same time Eric Devoussoux was in court in Annecy ( we had been lead to think, he was the motorcyclist in question) a short statement was being given about the motorcyclist not being involved.
    It turned out the one not being involved was this new one ( from Lyon)

    but we were being shadow swiped by Eric Maillaud.
    Two things happening at the same time with non-specific briefings.

    Don’t forget, we have never seen the face of this person from Lyon or been told his name.

    This confusion by Eric Maillaud has been done on purpose, it seems it is his style.


  • M.

    Michael, where did you get this from ?

    ‘We were also confused by Eric Maillaud,
    the same time Eric Devoussoux was in court in Annecy ( we had been lead to think, he was the motorcyclist in question) a short statement was being given about the motorcyclist not being involved.
    It turned out the one not being involved was this new one ( from Lyon)’

    There is a long time between the two events, I try to follow you, as you only use a translate tool, you often do not understand the real story.

    To help me understand can you post the orignal version you refer to.

  • michael norton

    @ M,
    I am not sure if I can drag it all together now, what I just typed is all from memory, however my memory is very good.

    Let me try and go through it, step by step ( from memory)
    05/09/201 The Slaughter of the Horses up the combe from Chevaline.
    William Brett Martin saw a motorcyclist.
    Forest workers saw a motorcyclist and some of them, stopped him, spoke with him and directed him down the combe.
    (We must assume the forest workers gave the police a good description of the motorcyclist, his helmet and the white motorcyle with panniers)
    We do not know if the motorcyclist William Brett Martin saw was the same, they could have been “identical” or different or the actual same person?

    13-14 moths later Eric Maillaud let out the E-FIT/SKETCH, with the side-opening, distinctive helmet & much was made of this special helmet.
    6-7 days later the home of the family Communal-Tournier is house-jacked, Nicole is shot dead.
    A little while later Eric Devouasoux is arrested, the implication is he was involved.
    Eric lives in Lathuile as does William Brett Martin and as do the Communal-Tourniers.
    Eric Devouassoux is a dead ringer for the E-FIT/SKETCH.
    Eric Devouassoux is released from custody.
    Later Eric Devouassoux is in court in Annecy.
    The same day a brief statement is given from the office of the Annecy Prosecuteor, saying the motorcyclist is innocent of all charges.
    The implication was that Eric Devouassoux was innocent of all charges but it transpired they were meaning a different suspect, this unnamed an unseen person of honour from Lyon.
    Case close don’t ask any questions.

  • Peter

    On 22.02.2014, Eric Devouassoux was officially cleared of any involvement in the murders, because he had not been anywhere near the scene of the crime. Not on a motorcycle, not in a car, nor on a horse. On 05.03.2014, the motorcyclist who had been seen by witnesses near the scene of the crime, an executive from Lyon, was officially cleared of any involvement in the murders.

    There is nothing confusing about any of this, except to confused minds.

  • michael norton

    Eric Devouassoux has not yet been cleared of owning multiple undeclared weapons, including luger
    although it has been reported that his luger was of the larger bore.
    Eric is also reported as keeping/stashing weapons at different locations, including in the grounds of the parents of his spouse, in Chevaline.
    Eric Devoussoux is a dead ringer for the EFIT-SKETCH

  • michael norton

    It is possible the EFIT-SKETCH was not drawn from information given by the forest workers.
    It is possible it was drawn with the likeness of Eric Devouassoux in mind.
    If this was the case, it would have been to draw out Eric.

  • Peter

    @ Reader

    Given that the cops were able to rule out Eric D. as a suspect because his DNA did not match that found at the scene of the crime, it stands to reason that the cops were also able to rely on more than his exalted professional position and impeccable reputation in clearing the motorcyclist from Lyon.

  • michael norton

    Exactly Peter, why wit so long to announce this other motorcyclist/suspect.
    If the forest workers were not allowed to go through a proper line-up and hear him speak,
    then how does anybody know that the person that the forest workers saw is this elusive person from Lyon?

  • M.

    Michael with the greatest of respect, Eric Devouassoux lived/lives in Talloires, as for the rest, where do I start ?

    Reader, the latest regarding the Portrait-Robot/black and white sketch is he has been found and identified by his mobile phone, CCTV and importantly his Motorcycle Licence. He admits to being on the Combe d’Ire around 3pm, but did not recognise himself with the public appeal over a year later, he had never owned a helmet as described and so on.

    Yes it is weird, and Maillaud says they are 95% sure he was not involved. He has been questioned a second time and just to make a full circle, Maillaud says this which encompasses the suicide of Patrice Menegaldo:

    ‘Et si on avait acquis la certitude de la culpabilité de cet homme ou de quelqu’un d’autre, tout le monde le saurait et on pourrait mettre un point final à ce dossier. Mais aujourd’hui, nous n’avons rien de neuf, ni sur lui, ni rien d’autre qui permette d’imaginer une solution.’

    Translates as:

    Had we found with certainty the guilty man (Menegaldo) or someone else, everyone would know about it and it would be the end of the case. But today, we have nothing new, not against him (Menegaldo) or anyone else to imagine we have a solution.

    Michael you should be questioning the timing of the sighting by Brett Martin at near to 15:40. It plays into your local scenario.

    Do you really think everything was to smoke out Eric D. (it was Falcy his friend who lived/lives in Lathuile), if it was to do that, I would like to hear why you think he was the gunman and why a sacked Municipal Policeman would have committed the crime. Do you think the FRENCH authorities are covering up for him?

    Of course, you use The Daily Mail for your information:

  • Peter

    @ M.
    What is weird (and somewhat worrying) is that it took the gendarmerie almost two years to find the motorcyclist from Lyon, even though they had his mobile phone number and CCTV footage showing (at least part of) his motorcycle license plate. That is not exactly quick police work by any standards.

  • Reader

    I dont know about impeccable reputation where do you get that from Peter. Why didnt he come forward with all the publicity, what’s to hide?

  • michael norton

    Eric Devouassoux owns multiple homes in the area.
    How did he come by all this wealth.
    Yes, I am happy to believe that when he was a policeman on the other side of the lake, he also lived on the other side of the lake, (perhaps in police / public accomodation)
    however he left under a cloud and moved into a property in Lathuile, not far from the parents of his spouce(Chevaline)
    any bells ringing
    and yes his mate in guns, Jean-Luc Falcy, lives to the NORTH of Lathuile, not far from the family Deronzier.

  • michael norton

    Quote The Guardian

    “Witnesses including a former RAF pilot who arrived at the scene on a bicycle moments after the killer fled reported seeing a dark-coloured – possibly green – 4×4 vehicle driving down the narrow winding road away from the scene followed by a motorbike.”

    If there was only one motorcyclist, if we are to believe Willian Brett Martin

    then is seems highly likely that the motorcylist was either involved
    or at the least saw the carnage after it had happened?

  • michael norton

    Arrest of local ex-policeman

    On 18 February 2014,
    a 48-year-old man was arrested following the issue of an artist’s impression of a man in a motorcycle helmet. Police removed several guns from his home. The man, living in the local village of LATHUILE, and said to be a weapons collector, reportedly had been dismissed from the municipal police in June 2013. It is not clear whether the investigators thought he could be involved in the killings.

    Missing motorcyclist

    In 2015 the motorcyclist spotted nearby the incident, and sought by the police, was traced and ruled out of the inquiry as an innocent passer-by.

  • Mr Juicy

    @ Reader

    You’re wasting your time asking these questions because our panel of experts haven’t the faintest idea either. But in the land of the blind, the one eyed man…

    Personally, I think we can safely assume that the investigators knew the identity of the Lyon motorcyclist long before they publicly ruled him out. Given that they had access to mobile phone records and other clues, they would have found him without difficulty. I don’t think the French police are that incompetent! Strictly speaking, the motor cyclist from Lyon is not “completely off the hook” as you put it, because Maillaud has said that that he is only 95% sure he was not involved. But I guess you can round 95 up to 100.

  • M.

    Reader, that is the problem for us looking in from the outside. He says he was circulating around 3pm, give or take even 20 minutes he was not there at Martins 15:40. If he had been he should have seen the people at Le Martinet, alive or dead.

    There have never been reports he saw anything. If he tells the truth, then he was gone long before the protagonists mounted the Combe d’Ire.

    Peter is correct, reports say he is a respected, honourable ‘Chef d’entreprise’ in Rhone-Alpes, he claims he did not link himself to the brouhaha and had not paid attention to the publicity surrounding the murders.

    I wonder if he was just playing the French card of choosing not to be involved because he was not involved and saw nothing, or he did but did not stop, that suggests he returned uphill after the forestry workers left.

    Whichever you choose, Bossy did not see this Motorcycle, he says he was not passed by any vehicle.

    Maybe this is what the well dressed man at the campsite, the rhd 4×4 and the photographer in Chevaline has chosen to do, not reveal themslves because they do not want to get involved, maybe, that is a lot of people choosing to do this, but heck why not, nothing would surprise me.

  • M.

    MN he was arrested at his home in Talloires.

    Even The Daily Mail had the right VT !

    Wealth ? Not so sure he had wealth, it is normal for people to hold onto inherited properties, even if they are not in great condition, all very FRENCH.

  • michael norton

    Perhaps Eric Devouassoux was arrested in Talloires but that does not mean he lives in Talloires now.
    Why would Wiki print something that is a lie?

    I have also seen it printed elsewhere that the parents of his spouce live in Chevaline and that now Eric Devouassoux lives in Latuile.
    It has also be said that he owns numerous properties, including ski accomodations.

    I imagine the police thought that Eric Devouassoux was dropping off the murder weapon,
    however Eric Devoussoux has not cracked, so nothing as of yet is proved.

  • M.

    Here is Le Dauphine Libere article:

    Il assure ne se souvenir de rien, mais vu la chronologie des faits et la configuration des lieux, il a certainement croisé une partie des protagonistes de l’affaire.”

    Les gendarmes ont souhaité se donner du temps avant de procéder à cette nouvelle audition qui pourrait s’avérer cruciale. Même s’il a été mis hors de cause, cet homme, venu de Lyon à moto pour pratiquer le parapente sur les hauteurs de Chevaline, a certainement croisé la route des principaux protagonistes du drame en quittant les lieux, probablement peu avant le carnage

    He does not remember, by the CCTV they have of him they must know his approximate movements and the timing.

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