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7,992 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Tim Veater

    My limited experience taught me you could only rely on what you discovered, first hand, for yourself in serious incidents and fatalities. Everyone involved, even those who are in theory independent and impartial, have an angle. We have observed this in high profile cases time and time again. Low profile cases can pass without any particular notice, particularly if there is no family able or willing to pursue the issues. We have also seen how families of those affected (de Menezes/Zygier/Williams/Lawrence and so on) are either bribed and/or blocked, in either finding out the truth or having it revealed. The Al Hilli’s are a case in point. Either in the interests of the children or for other reasons of which we are unaware, they have kept a very low profile throughout, other than Zaid’s rather muted accusation that the reason for the shooting was France based. This was almost quid quo pro for the French “equal and opposite” one. This I believe was just spookland verbal games to confuse and distort the true reasons behind the attack, part of what all along was the over-riding necessity to string the thing out for long enough for the media to loose interest, which they now largely have. A Google search reveals the only national paper to take up the story was the Daily Mirror. All the rest appear to be local rags. In the case of the BBC it is BBC Surrey which yet again devotes the reportage to regurgitating the bald facts. In other words not only is the Inquest superficial in the extreme, it is also largely ignored by the mainstream media. This is an old tactic, because it can “put the case to rest” without ever actually critically examining it. For anyone who raises questions now, the answer will be, “Well the Coroner found it was an unlawful killing – period”. The fact that this was a statement of the obvious that could have been made over two years ago is neither here nor there. If we had a genuine process to get to the bottom of “cause of death” that the Inquest is supposed to supply, everyone with eye witness and “back-room” involvement, would be called to give evidence under oath. Of course French witnesses could not be compelled to attend a British jurisdiction, but they could have been requested to attend and if they refused certain implications could be drawn in line with the amended “Caution” if arrested. Ironically of course, the Coroner’s Inquest is the one surviving of inquisitorial justice akin to the French system based on Roman rather than British Common Law. In response to a question by Michael Norton, the only sure way of knowing what went on at the Inquest was to be there. Newspaper reports may be fairly reliable as to what they report but crucially it is impossible to know what they leave out. It is possible to request from the Coroner a copy of his report of proceedings. Rather amazingly (in this day and age) there is no actual transcript unless someone present takes one. There is no official who has this duty so again there is great opportunity for inaccuracy. In this connection I would be interested to learn how Peter obtained his specific information about the bullets and injuries as I haven’t seen these details mentioned in the press reports. Perhaps I have just missed them. So the point I am making is that as a mechanism for revealing the truth, the inquest, this one in particular, is woefully inadequate. Further that any information revealed and reported is by its very nature partial and intentional. In that respect it it is a repeat of previous output from the British side. It does little to clarify or inform other than to contradict the French output. It is unlikely this is for general public as probably few notice the differences and even less care. So I conclude it is more for the French. Just little reminders to them that we know they were lying. This of course does not mean that we are “telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” either. Both sides are up to their necks in obfuscation over this one, and the reason is no clearer after the Inquest. The least it could have done was to have provided clear and detailed information about the crime scene and injuries. It did not even do that apparently.

  • michael norton

    Tim, I fully agree.

    It is underhand that this “show” waited two years to “get on the road”
    they have kept it intentionally quiet, little prior notice of the non-event.
    We’ve been following this story, yet none of us knew about it, which speaks volumes.


    jumps out.

  • michael norton

    It might be an idea for some voter who resides in the Euro constituency of South East England, to write to their MEP announcing there deep concern about the murder and brutalisation
    of their constituents
    meaning Mr. & Mrs. al Hilli and their girls.
    The recent somewhat underwhelming Coroners case and the seeming disinterest of the Surrey Police to get to grips with the matter.

  • michael norton

    The reason I suggest attempting to get the relevant Euro MEP involved is because he has access to the Europe Parliament and could bring the matter up, thus covering the English side and the French side.
    It should be within the capabilities of Mr.Farage to voice concerns.

  • Tim Veater

    This case started with assurances from both Cameron and Hollande that no stone would be left unturned until the causes and culprits would be identified, since when as far as I am aware, not a squeak from either of them in public on the subject. Given the resources devoted to the case on both sides of the Channel and the nature of the crime itself, the absence of information or progress after two years, even if taken at face value, must be of concern. One would have thought there might have been questions in Parliament by now but there hasn’t been because presumably no one wants to get to the truth, in public at least. When I was a kid, no Western was complete without some quicksand somewhere. Chevaline is sinking into it but unlike the movies the men with the white hats and white horses stand idly by and do nothing to stop it.

  • Jorgen7Nielsen

    Now you can search every tweet that was ever sent

    by Zach Miners
    Nov 18, 2014 3:30

    Want to look at tweets posted during the 2008 summer Olympics? Or tweets you sent on your vacation a few years ago? Soon you’ll be able to. Twitter is enabling users to search through its entire index of roughly half a trillion public tweets.

    The archive is massive, but searching through it hasn’t always produced the most complete results. The search function emphasizes tweets that are popular, like those that get lots of retweets. But beyond a certain point, the results taper off.

    Now, every public tweet since Twitter’s launch in 2006 is fair game. The change is being rolled out over the next few days to the Twitter website as well as to its iOS and Android apps.

  • Jorgen7Nielsen

    Here’s Leo Mollier’s Twitter page. His last tweet was on September 2nd. 2012.

    And here is his girlfriend’s, Laura Giors’. Her flow of tweets stopped on the 30th of August that year – but did make 3 further tweets in October,though, before stopping for good.

    Their profiles were shut down, and at that time it was not possible to search their previous tweets. But now it is. It’s fascinating to see them stop tweeting even before the murders. How do you explain that? Surely the intelligence service involved in the deleting of the profiles, having reckoning with the Californian based Twitter makin all previous tweets available to everyone, so everyone now can ponder over this anormaly.

  • Jorgen7Nielsen

    Bluebird – I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what you need to do nowm but here it is anyway: Search for the tweets of Saad and his wife, and also that American bloke that got killed and that young dentist girl.

  • michael norton

    47 year old man disappears from Lake Annecy.
    Didier, has not been seen in downtown Annecy now since October 31. Since then, friends and family included, no one has heard from him.

    According to the police, “it usually ride in a small compact Daihatsu Materia blue-gray model with tinted windows and was wearing the last time he was seen with a large beige jacket.

    This is a 47 year old man, looking good quarantine and measuring 1.75m, slim build, white hair, black eyes, wearing glasses to view transparent frame.

    Finally, the last activated his cell phone relays are located in the city of Annecy (especially around Annecy-le-Vieux). But research in this area have failed to find the person and not even his car. ”

    Contact the

    Commissioner Annecy (04 50 52 32 00) and duty officer, day or night.

  • Jorgen7Nielsen

    Erh – Leo’s search results seems to have been edited, in so far as they stop on September 2nd. But as I documented on 23 November 2012 they did continue a little longer, and these tweets must have been removed entirely. But how is this possible to remove twitterposts? I didn’t think it was possible, and I can’t even imagine how an intelligence service could do it.

    His tweets slowed down significantly in
    frequency on Tuesday the 4th of September.
    WHY ?

    His father was gunned down on
    Wednesday afternoon.

    •30 August: 52
    •31 August: 31
    • 1 September: 12 (a Saturday)
    • 2 September: 21
    • 3 September: 24
    • 4 September: 4
    • 5 September: 0
    • 6 September: 0
    • 7 September: 0
    • 8 September: 0 (a Saturday)
    • 9 September: 0
    •10 September: 0
    •11 September: 0
    •12 September: 0
    •13 September: 4
    •14 September: 1
    •15 September: 0 (a Saturday)
    •16 September: 0
    •17 September: 1

  • Jorgen7Nielsen

    Correction again!
    I misunderstood something. All those Leo Mollier tweets. They have indeed vanished.The account is closed. What I got results from when I searched his name was only people tweeting to him

    And Laura Giors stopped tweeting 6 November 2012, made 13 tweets in October 2013 and one i February this year.

  • Jorgen7Nielsen

    And Laura’s posts prior to 5 October 2013 has also vanished. So Leo and Laura are similar, the difference is that she started to use her account again on 5 October 2013. And at that time she has split from Leo.

  • Jorgen7Nielsen

    So let me just recapitulate:

    Previosly you could only search twittermessages a couple of weeks back. Now you can search everything that has been tweeted since it was launched in 2006 – thats more than 500 billion tweets. Unless of course the profile has been deleted, as they did with Leo’s. As a periferial figure Laura’s accaount was apparently not deleted, but she nevertheless stopped tweeting for more than a year, and then staed again in October 2013. That would be unusual for anyone in her age, who always have loved to tweet. But the split from Leo probably made her take it up again – and it is possible that she in the meantime had another/was given another account.

    Now it would be interesting if some of you could post twitter accounts which would be of interest6 in this case.

  • michael norton

    AREVA.PA on Paris Stock Exchange

    4:35pm GMT
    Price Change (% chg)

    €-1.89 (-15.66%)
    Prev Close
    Day’s High
    From Reuters

    Day’s Low
    Avg. Vol
    52-wk High

    The arse is dropping out of it.
    52-wk Low

  • michael norton

    Bloody hell Areva have people jumping ship

    Luc Oursel 55 year old, Knight Commander of the French Legion of Honour,
    stepped down as chairman of the board, in October after only 14 months in the job.
    The company has suspended trading ( Tuesday) and does not currently have anybody at the helm.
    They have, yet again, put off the commissioning date for first EPR at Flamanville,
    this is the type of plant they propose for Hinkely Point C, Somerset.

    This is awfully serious for The French State.
    If these conglomerates ( The French State Owned Nuclear Industry) collapse,
    so does The French State.

  • michael norton

    Best I can make out from the AREVA confusion
    was that Luc Oursel has apparently resigned on unspecified “health” grounds,
    Both him and Atomic Annie ( his predecessor)were both born in 1959,
    he held the positon as Chairman of the board and CEO of Areva.
    Holding these positions in a company of such strategic interest for The French State,
    it is remarkable how little is given away on his Wiki page.
    Remember the uncle of Claire, his wiki page told bugger all.

    Anyway, almost nothing of the goings on are being openly revealed to The French Voters.

    It would seem than shenanigans are underway to join EDF with Areva!!!

  • michael norton

    Luc Oursel has run AREVA since 2011, but pressure has mounted on him this year as the group struggles to sell new reactors and suffers under heavy debts.

    The planned change in governance followed a scathingly critical report by the top public auditor of Areva’s management under Oursel’s predecessor Anne Lauvergeon, (Atomis Annie)
    who has denied all wrongdoing!!!

    I wonder if these people get involved with spies and “goings on”

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