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More on Mr. Ortega.
I wonder if Eric Maillaud is of the view that more than one motorcyclist was at or near
Le Martinet about the time of the Slaughter of the Horses?
Now then Reader, if indeed there was another Motorcyclist, CCTV is a rare apparence around the area apparently.
I question the Motorcycle man from Lyon because his reported timings and that of Martin are difficult to reconcile.
If I had to guess, more recently I would say the enquiry team release information only when it has been thoroughly checked out and discounted, as in the details of Ikbals secret husband (they knew of his existence very soon after her death) and the 35 year old Iraqi who boasted in a prison cell of being offered payment to kill an Iraqi in London.
They made a cock-up with regard to the arrest of Eric D.
Just for good measure, please be sure to add ‘apparently’ to all of the above statements.
The beard-stache combo seems typical of the region.
Not an exact match for the portrait-robot, but with so many men with the signature beard-stache, the next question must be how many with the “look” have disappeared, met with unfortunate accidents or suicides since September 2012?
Can you see why I have stressed:
It is of great importance that the Forest Workers, who we have been told, stopped a motorcyclist and spoke with him at or above Le Martinet about the time of the Slaughter of the Horses, are allowed to spot him in an official police line-up and to hear him speak?
If this has not happened, why on earth not?
MN, by the heavy handed nature of Eric D arrest they thought they had their man, which I find odd since apparently they were aware of his resemblance to the sketch in the middle of the November before. They dug up gardens, they would not do that if they thought he had handed over a weapon, would they?
His in-laws do live in Chevaline, old weapons were found there as well, apparently he had not declared he owned any so was not initially on the list of gun owners contacted, silly man, especially as he had been a local policeman.
His grandmother who was contacted by the Press has since died. Eventhough he has written to the President to have constraints on him lifted, I doubt the security company in Switzerland will be too keen to have him back. Another life ruined by Chevaline, even if he was on the wrong side of the law, I am not au fait with the licensing laws.
Eric D is still registered in Talloires, there is a mobile number if you fancy giving him a call:
Of course it may not be current.
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The awful events in Faverges, Cons-Saint-Colombe
and Duingt on the shore of Lake Annecy
are being looked into by our old friend
Eric Maillaud.
I expect he will suspect a blood-fued,
will he link it to the blood-feud of Faverges / Doussard / Lathuile?
Long ago, I posted about mystery fires being set in the region.
Humble apologies the link above is banned,1180348.php&prev=search
Sorry, that link banned as well,
maybe this one will work?
Was that a welding flamethrower, MN?
Haute-Savoie: a fire truck attacked by three armed men
A rescue vehicle firefighters, carrying a man slashed with a Stanley knife, was attacked and burned Wednesday morning in Duingt (Haute-Savoie) by three armed men who managed to escape.
“The emergency vehicle and assistance to victims (VSAV) firefighters carried a man slashed with a Stanley knife to the Annecy hospital when he fell into an ambush,” says a source close to the investigation.
The incident occurred on the outskirts of this small village on the shores of Lake Annecy, when firefighters were called to rescue a young man, “repeatedly hit and suffering from cuts,” says attorney the Republic in Annecy, Eric Maillaud. On the way to the hospital, “a vehicle while exceeds that of firefighters, simulates an accident to force firefighters to stop. They come out and it is at this point that the scene of violence starts, “added the magistrate. Firefighters then face “two or three attackers,” said a witness at the scene, who saw “at least one weapon” and heard “one or more shots” fired at firefighters and their vehicle continues Eric Maillaud, very careful.
The VSAV then caught fire with the injured inside. He was immediately extracted from the vehicle by truckers passing by and stopped “to give help to everyone including firefighters.” The perpetrators are then reassembled into their vehicle and fled. The vehicle then exploded firefighters, presumably “because of oxygen tanks or gas” on board, according to Eric Maillaud.
A firefighter was slightly injured “but in circumstances that remain to be determined,” said the prosecutor still has not advanced any specific scenario. The injured young man “is in the hospital being treated, it can not be heard and anyway he did not say anything right now,” concludes the prosecutor.
The gendarmerie has activated a research plan to find the three assailants
Le suspect a été interpellé à son domicile qui serait situé à LATHUILE, à quelques kilomètres de Chevaline.!sfGcNze7PGFI/
So Metronews think Eric Devouassoux was arrested at his domicile in Lathuile.
They also dug up varrious gardens looking for the shooters.
@ Q thank you, incredibly interesting and maybe connected to the shooting & fire bombing of the volunteer fire fighters of Faverges & surrounding villages.
HAUTE-SAVOIE The arsonist Faverges and Cons-Sainte-Colombe was arrested
This is probably the end of a real psychosis. The alleged numerous volunteers nocturnal fires this summer in the area of ​​Faverges and Cons-Sainte-Colombe, was arrested, charged and imprisoned.
This series of devastating fires for goods did however cause any dramatic consequence human despite the suddenness and scale of night occurred facts. Each time, the reactions of the population made it possible to escape the worst.
The police of the district of Annecy worked under the direction of an investigating judge Annecy. The technical work carried out by the police of criminal identification – the experts of the Gendarmerie de Haute-Savoie – also seems to have proved decisive.
Alongside numerous surveillance during the month of August, a group of investigators was also created at the Annecy company. It consisted of a dozen gendarmes community brigades Faverges / Saint-Jorioz and brigade research, reinforced by gendarmes of the departmental court unit and Annecy-le-vieux.
After an accumulation of evidence, the suspect was arrested Tuesday. This is a man aged 31, already known to the gendarmerie for acts of delinquency of a different nature. Unemployed, he lives on the sector.
The police were convinced after location scouting, he procured from gasoline service station before triggering fires. The searches at his home would have to find physical evidence.
One that seems to be the arsonist wanted was presented yesterday Thursday before a magistrate and charged. He is now imprisoned in the prison of Bonneville.
Does this mean the photographer was Norbert Falco ( not from Lathuile by any chance)
2 incendies se sont déclarés dans la nuit du lundi 19 au mardi 20 août à Cons-Sainte-Colombe et à faverges. Une grange a été détruite sur Cons et six appartements au centre-ville de Faverges. Photo Le DL/Norbert FALCO
How strange that the 19-year-old in the ambulance was known to police for criminal acts that sound similar to the description used in the arrest of the 2013 pyromaniac. That 2013 arrest involved a fire set to a building that housed a fire fighter’s mother. He responded to the call and rescued her, along with five others, most of whom had mobility issues. Anyways…
Sorry, I had it wrong:
The man arrested in 2013 was 31 years old, so who are the four jeunes, who would be two years older now?
A previous fire in progress was keeping firefighters busy when this one broke out.
Some factoids: this fire involved a Sylvain, who said he saw four young people at the scene. Sylvain Mollier would have had frequent encounters with the firefighters of Grignon before his death in 2012. Sylvain no doubt chatted with them, and may have heard off-the-record gossip. Sylvain Mollier knew teenagers in the area through his close family members. How could he not? People needing treatment for minor burns might purchase ointment and bandages in a pharmacie, preferably not in the town where a pyromaniac was setting fires.
Sylvain Mollier was “known” to the eX-Leginnaire, Patrice Menegaldo
and it has been said that he worked as a fire fighter.
Any chance somebody could firm this factoid up?
Arrested by the GIGN, he has spoken to camera and described the event, he was leaving his home to go to work, when armed men got him to the ground with guns pointing at him.
Selon les informations de France 2, l’ancien policier municipal, interpellĂ© mardi Ă Talloires (Haute-Savoie) dans le cadre de l’enquĂŞte sur le quadruple homicide perpĂ©trĂ© en septembre 2012,
(the photos in all the Press are of the address below):
215 Chemin de Pré Monteux Perroix 06 22 18 08 79
74290 Talloires
They were digging up gardens, then they did not think he had passed the gun to someone that day.
They think they had their man, the neighbours in Talloires spoke to the Press, a motorcycle was under a yellow tarpaulin, a lorry took stuff from the house.
Mais lorsqu’il est interpellĂ©, mardi 18 fĂ©vrier, Ă son domicile de Talloires, c’est l’incomprĂ©hension qui règne dans l’esprit d’Eric. “L’interpellation est assez rapide, assez violente. Je monte dans ma voiture, trois gars me tombent dessus, puis d’autres arrivent encore, m’extraient de la voiture, me mettent Ă terre, me mettent dans un camion oĂą on me dit : ‘Vous ĂŞtes en garde Ă vue pour l’affaire de Chevaline'”, raconte le quadragĂ©naire.
The Daily Mirror is under the illusion that Eric Devouassoux was picked up by the
close to Chevaline, Haute-Savoie
and they say he lived in Lathuile!!!
The murder suspect, who has not been named, was reportedly sacked in October from his job as a city police officer in Menthon-Saint-Bernard, which also lies along Lake Annecy.
He had since been working as a security guard at Geneva airport, 40 miles away in neighbouring Switzerland.
The man, described as “a reserved mountain man” was arrested at gunpoint at his home in the hamlet of Lathuile – just two miles from the murder scene – at about 10am today.
Officers from the CIGN, a tactical military unit, joined local police in the raid, just a few miles from the crime scene in Chevaline.
The lone madman theory might be a lone mad-youth. Youth in the area have dirt bikes and motorcycles, and possibly even access to their families’ weapons. Rural youth learn to drive at a young age in order to operate equipment on their parents’ property. They also learn to use weapons at an early age, in order to protect farm animals. The youngest such driver I’ve met was nine years old — had to drive a truck standing up.
What are the French laws concerning young offenders and sealing of names and criminal records from the public? Also, are such records expunged at the age of majority?
Thinking that our Eric might not have access to the information he needs, if a youth or youths were involved in the Chevaline massacre.
Remember the idiot shooting at bales who accidentally killed a man in the (Haute)Savoie? This is how rural kids learn to shoot: targets set up in a field.
If Eric M. was trying to prove that a lone madman was the killer at Chevaline, has he looked at arsonists, people accused of abusing animals, or investigated for spousal/child abuse? Past violence is the best indicator of future violence.
It is unlikely, IMO, that anyone would commit mass murderer as their first crime. Whoever did this has a past, whether or not he has been arrested or convicted in any crimes. A bully, yes.
The hero from faverges, “Sylvain Pech, gĂ©rant d’une entreprise de pompes funèbres, avait vĂ©cu de près, l’an passĂ©, la tuerie de Chevaline. C’est lui, en effet, qui s’était rendu sur les lieux du quadruple crime pour rĂ©cupĂ©rer les corps des trois Anglais et du cycliste savoyard assassinĂ©s.”
what a coincidence
Fishy, isn’t it?!RsqNEbDmdmps/
Last line is intriguing.
How many people happen to pass by fires four times? Surely this is uncommon for anyone but firefighters on duty, even in arson-prone areas.
The businesses of death in Ugine and