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8,105 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • Pink

    Mod I can’t send anymore its bedtime night night 🙂

    [Mod: night night Pink. I’ll check the spam queue the morrow.]

  • Q

    @M.: Thanks. Do you think it was Sylvain Pech in the front van? I want to establish that he was at Chevaline personally picking up the bodies. With two funeral home locations (not sure of the date he established the third), he must have employees who drive hearses, too. I want to establish who, en effet, was the funeral home in charge of Sylvain Mollier’s arrangements, as well. The van in the photo of Sylvain’s funeral looks almost identical to the one at Chevaline. It was photographed from the front and has no visible markings. I can’t read the markings on the fence.

    Did Claire Schutz’s father know Jean Louis Pech? I think it is quite likely. Did Thierry choose Sylvain Pech for the burial/cremation/disinterment or whatever? I think that is quite likely, too.

    It is worth noting that the Ugine funerarium owned by Sylvain Pech is attached to a bar/restaurant just down the street from Cezus. The elder Jean Pech gives a corporate address at the same location.

  • James

    I can see Eric’s point.
    Every victim has to be investigated (paraphrased).

    The “Mollier angle” was opened and closed by 8am the next day.
    So it was the “Al Hilli angle” which drew the investigation teams focus.

    Then we have the “arrests” of Devouassoux and Menegaldo.
    Those to me look like “pure profiling” arrests (possibly “at there worst”).

    Both Devouassoux and Menegaldo fall into that “broad” category of local “ex militia” types with a (known and possibly unknown) collection of weapons.

    There is nothing publicly known to suggested they were in the area that afternoon. It is suggested they both have alibis. Their respective phones (I believe) were not traced in the area.

    Was this just “grabbing at straws” ?

  • michael norton

    The hero from FAVERVEGES, “Sylvain Pech, manager of a funeral parlor, had lived closely, last year, the killing of Chevaline. It was he, indeed, who visited the scene of the quadruple crime to recover the bodies of the three murdered English and Savoyard cyclist. ”
    Thanks George 28 June 8.43 pm

    Astounding how the tentacles reach so many places.

    how often FAVERGES

    comes up

  • michael norton

    @ Katie 04/11/2013 6.39 pm


    “Police say the helmet the motorcyclist was wearing is of particular interest as only 8,000 were made in the black or dark colour described by witnesses.

    It is a full-face model that opens from the side to allow for conversations, without the rider having to remove the helmet.

    “The only helmet on the market that matches this description is the ISR-type GPA helmet,” police said in a statement.

    Despite checking with distributors, police have been unable to trace the owner.”

    “Police said the helmet was produced in Italy by French specialist company GPA – based in the south of France – and was a “ISR type”

    Another question about the motorcyclist is:
    if the motorcyclist from Lyon has never owned or used the distinctive side-opening motorcycle helmet and if Eric Devouassoux has been eXonerated of all involvement,
    who is the mystery motorcyclist who was at Chevaline on that awful day, wearing the distinctive side-opening motorcycle helmet?

  • michael norton

    Right, let us cut to the chase of the motorcyclist, stopped and spoken with by the Forest workers above Le Martinet, at the time of the Slaughter of the Horses.
    The side-opening helmet, is to allow for speaking, without removing the helmet.
    If, it is the forest workers who stopped this motorcyclist above Le Martinet who furnished the police artist with the very detailed description that was used in the E-FIT-SKETCH

    It would be these forest workers who imparted the information of the side-opening helmet.
    So, either the individual in question, removed his helmet to speak with them or he opened up the distinctive side-opening helmet to allow for speech.

    So, if the honourable motorcyclist from Lyon ( we are now expected to understand was the person spoken to by the forest workers above Le Martinet)
    says he has never owned a side-opening helmet, also was not wearing a side-opening helmet
    on that day, we have a conundrum!!!

  • Pink

    @ Q
    No time today is CM the same guy as the cable car rescue sounds like it might be that’s in the archives somewhere.

  • M.

    Not really, Michael, the man has said it was him, the police appear to be happy it was him. His mobile phone, his motorcycle seen on CCTV and his motorcycle licence led them to him.

    Have a look at a Shark Evoline:

    if it was already open it bears a striking resemblance, also all reports say he only lifted the visor.

    Q, something that may be of interest to you, on the 6th September the three bodies as seen in the VT were removed around midday, the fourth nearer 5pm, no idea which was the last but it must have been very close to the time they brought the car from the clearing on the tow truck, which was followed by the road sweeper and the Gendarmerie.

  • Melrose

    There must have been two different motorcyclists up there. They seem to have found one, what about the other one?

  • Reader

    Thanks – good info. Peter said Lyon was picked up on CCTV so I thought the other one was too, if not he went up and down by another way but is there another way. Brent Martin saw him just before stubbling on the murders and Lyon said he didnt see anyone so it must be another one. Although do the police think there’s only one. It’s confusing for me. Sorry to go on.

  • Peter

    The idea of the forest wardens reliably being able to identify the Lyon motorcyclist in an ID parade more than two years after the fact is just as risible as the idea of that motorcyclist being able to recall to within a minute or two when he passed the Martinet on that day, or whether he encountered a cyclist or two on that stretch of road.

    As his mobile phone will have been booked into the relevant cell for an extended period of time, the police will only be able to guesstimate the timing of his movements on the basis of the forest wardens’ testimony and the timestamps on the CCTV footage of the motorcycle. There is plenty of margin for error there – but far less margin for squeezing a hypothetical second motorcyclist into the tightly-spaced procession of witnesses near the Martinet on the day.

    As I have said before, what is worrying is that it took the gendarmerie almost one-and-a-half years to identify the motorcyclist, unless you believe (as Mr Juicy appears to believe) that they released his E-fit and launched a public appeal to find him even though they had identified him long ago.

    Another thing: sources differ on whether any DNA trace evidence that could have stemmed from the perpetrator was found at the scene of the crime. Some say there was, others deny it. If I my memory serves me right, DNA trace evidence is not mentioned at all in Parry’s book, an odd omission that may have been the price he paid for Maillaud talking to him at such length. (He does mention that police were trying to match DNA traces found inside the car and the caravan to known associates of the AHs, but that is not what I mean. I mean DNA traces found on the pistol grip fragment or some such, which would directly point to the perpetrator.) Now, if the police had such DNA evidence, they could conclusively rule out Menegaldo on that basis, as they are said to have ruled out Devouassoux. They could probably also rule out at least half the entire male population of the area, as the intermarriage common in such isolated communities means that no more than half a dozen haplotypes will be dominant in the area. Likewise, on the basis of the haplotype, they would be able to assess with a high degree of probability whether or not the perpetrator had Middle Eastern ancestors.

  • Good In Parts


    Your posts yesterday at 8:08 pm, 8:23pm & 8:25 pm were spot on.

    Remember that ‘school’s out’ on Wednesday afternoon in france.

    There is a totally obvious candidate as a starting point, not that I think for a moment that they were the shooter, but they could possibly provide some info about others. . .

    Anyways, at that point I stopped a long time ago, as I have now and I respectfully suggest everyone does, because there is no way to discuss this without getting shut down.

  • Good In Parts


    Yes I wondered about pere too and the ‘coincidence’ I couldn’t work out who was covering for who (if anyone) – so left it at that. The gendarmes didn’t seem interested, publicly anyway.
    Busy now – back later.

  • Melrose

    But TP says nobody heard any shots. He must know from the prosecutor who conducted the reconstruction. We all know how unreliable witnesses are I would not pay attention to that young lad his pere or mere they were all primed after the event.

  • Pink

    Sunday was a busy day two deaths one in the morning and one in the afternoon .


    Two climbers, one French and one Italian, found dead Sunday after unscrewing and dropped two places of the Mont-Blanc

    The first accident involving an Italian 29 years, took place in the late morning on Frendo Spur, a route between 2.800 and 3.700 meters high on the north face of the Aiguille du Midi, above Chamonix .
    The thirties was roped in ascent to a fellow like him “regular mountain trips,” according to relief, when for some reason, he unscrewed and fell on a “hundred meters.”
    His body was lifeless was found by the gendarmes of the high mountain Gendarmerie Platoon (PGHM) Chamonix, alerted by his climbing partner.
    In the afternoon, a mountaineer of 56 years who came down from the summit of Mont Blanc and her husband made a fatal fall 500 meters after unscrewing.
    The couple was below the Refuge du Gouter in the Gouter Couloir, located at 3,340 meters above sea level, when the accident occurred. The two climbers were not roped.
    According to the Chamonix PGHM, which opened two investigations, the mountain of practice conditions were deemed favorable Sunday on the Mont Blanc.
    The emergency call however climbers to the largest vigilance in the coming days. With rising temperatures expected, “the good snow conditions still present on the massive” could deteriorate and be dangerous, “especially during refreezing phases.”

  • Pink

    Fires seem to happen a lot in that area around the time of the murders I was keeping an eye on other stories when looking at the french papers and there was a piece about the firefighters being kept busy with a lot of fires in one small area including one in an apartment somewhere near a club no clue as to what sort of club I was relying on translate and club was all I got , then a man was found dead in a car in the car park of same club the same day , I commented on it at the time I was shocked how many fires there were, some of the other posters mentioned that it can be a tactic to keep the authorities busy and distracted .
    I was not able to track the story to see who was in the car or how he died ,it would be interesting to know if only to rule it out .

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