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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    I wonder what the authorities make of the “fact” that this honourable motorcyclist was spoken with, above Le Martinet at about or marginally just before the Slaughter of the Horses,
    bearing in mind the shooter came down from above Le Martinet.

    Sounds almost incredible he saw nothing, knew nothing and heard nothing.
    Then for two years he did nothing and made no attempt to contact the authorities to clear himself of any involvement?

  • M.

    The Le Dauphine link is their conclusion, or at least their question, the exact same one as I posed above.

    If there were two Motorcycles that would explain why the witnesses testimonies differ as to its appearance, Maillaud said the machine described does not exist.

    The problem with the TP book is much of the writing is from his own newspaper The Mirror, it is not broad enough to have taken into consideration other reporting or events he did not cover at the time.

    He mixes up the visitor to the campsite and the campsites, he has the ages of the Schutz parents wrong, he has Denis Janin on the Col-de-Cherel as not seeing any engines, when although some confusion at the outset, he was interviewed on camera and said he saw a Motorcycle go up and back, no timings were given.

    Initially he thought nothing of the Motorcycle he had seen because it was after the murders (quoted as around 16:00).

    Regarding cars and motorcycles:

    Que nous n’avions vu que deux ou trois voitures et deux mobylettes passer depuis le matin

    His theory is an interesting one, a robbery gone wrong.

  • Mr Juicy

    @ GIP

    Excellent analysis, if I may say so.

    As I may have commented before Chapter 21 of the book bears all the hallmarks of having been written under extreme time pressure and not having been properly thought through. It also seems to have been “written by committee” in some places, with Parry endeavouring to reflect a multiplicity of views that he has not fully digested or assimilated. But I agree that scrappy sub-editing may also have played a role.

    Anyway, on your key point, I agree that it does look as though the third “focus on the family” motive was taken out at a late stage, a motive which may have revolved around Haydar and the computer theft, to be replaced with the confident assertion that “there is no chance that Iqbal’s nephew Haydar, who was not in the country, was responsible for the murders…” Ruling out Haydar may well be right, but does not seem to me to be logical to do so solely on the grounds that he was not in the country, since Parry believes that the assassin was a hired local killer (who could perhaps have been commissioned earlier, or through an intermediary).

  • michael norton

    @ M

    what an interesting interview.

    I expect I have read it before but it is crammed full of useful stuff.
    Two motorcycles, he claims.

    Also note the BIG raid in Faverges, bigger than normal.

    Faverges does seem to feature, over and over again.

    NotForgetting that the President of Faverges inter community, Jean-Claude Deronzier, Maire of Doussard, fell off a cliff, not far? from the scene of the Slaughter of the Horses in the area of Doussard.

  • Reader

    Michael Norton, do you mean that the Lyon motorcyclist had the side opening helmet. Or do you think he was the only one?

  • michael norton

    I think Eric Devouassoux, was fitted up, probably because he fitted their profile.

    He is very local motorcyclist, a gun-enthusiast with a stunning fortune, did not like outsiders
    and was a marksman / decorated eX-policeman
    I expect the E-FIT-SKETCH was drawn up to resemble Eric Devouassoux.

    I am sure we have been shadow swiped by Eric Maillaud, he has been very selective with knowledge that he slowly lets out.
    He is attempting to confuse
    and it is working, we are confused.

  • michael norton

    The question remains, who is the motorcyclist from Lyon?

    Eric Devouassoux has been arrested and he is out there.
    This other motorcyclist, has not as far as we have been told, been arrested,
    yet he was at the time and place of the massacre.
    Let us be clear, the motorcyclist from Lyon, who we have not been allowed to know his name, his address or see his likeness, was above Le Martinet at or about the time of the Slaughter of the Horses.

    Eric Devouassoux was not put above or near Le Martinet at or about the time of the slaughter.

    It does also beg the question

    Why such vastly different treatment?

  • michael norton

    Have “The Lone Wolf” theories had their day?

    Tunisia is no longer thought to be Lone Wolf
    and now the FRENCH Be-Heading is no-longer thought to be Lone Wolf.

    France’s chief public prosecutor said on Tuesday a man arrested last week on suspicion of beheading his boss and trying to blow up an industrial gas plant would be kept behind bars pending an inquiry on terrorism charges.

  • michael norton

    Is this a judge, gone missing?

    The news of the disappearance in the Mont-Blanc, this weekend Carolina Koechlin, first vice president of the High Court (TGI) in Grenoble (Isère), came as a shock in TGI ranks of Annecy. The magistrate had left last December that court where she had spent a long part of his career.

    Born December 5, 1959 in Germany (then West Germany), she began her career as a substitute for Versailles in 1984 before joining the Department of Justice in 1987. Appointed Judge at Bonneville in 1988, she joined in 1993 as a substitute Annecy. She became a judge in the district court in Annecy in 1995. Then she takes an availability in 2000 to be adviser to the Administrative Court of Appeal.

    It reinstates the district court of Versailles as vice-president in 2002 before taking up the same post at Annecy in 2004. This is a Vice-Chair of the TGI Annecy she made her farewell at the last formal sitting.
    She was passionate about sports and love of the mountain

    “It was an extremely pleasant colleague, efficient, helpful, available and open to others and unanimously appreciated,” says Eric Maillaud, prosecutor. Mother of five children, she was passionate about sports, tennis, cycling and shared with her husband, love of the mountain.

    “This is the second time in recent months that the Haute-Savoie justice loses one of its” reports Eric Maillaud. Last January, the former president of TGI Bonneville, and President of TGI Besançon, succumbed to a heart attack while on a hike in the Alps.

  • Melrose

    Dave Zero uploaded a jolly good video and it is true the tyre tracks on that fatal lay-by deserve full attention I would think the french investigators have duly compared them with the al-Hilli estate you can tell they were not by themselves but Z & Z do not remember yet while TP says she saw a 4×4 pretty good for a young girl her age.

  • Peter

    @ Q, 29 Jun, 2015 – 11:25 pm
    Has a profile of the person suspected of committing the massacre at Chevaline ever been released to the public?
    In parts, yes. The gendarmerie’s own profilers believe that the killer is a nutter with a history of violence and a strong affinity to firearms, and that the incident may have been sparked by something trivial like road rage.

    I myself have solicited some expert opinions on the matter: An experienced forensic psychiatrist concurred with the aforementioned view, as did various other people knowledgeable on such things. Conversely, one extremely scary person assured me that pretty much everything about the murders was the opposite of what a professional like himself would do, starting with the location, which he considered wholly unsuitable for the purpose.

    As I consider those expert opinions compelling, I am quite confident that the killer was not a “professional” assassin motivated by payment. Likewise, if SM had any mortal enemies, I am convinced that a rational enemy would have found easier, less risky ways to get rid of him. To my mind, that leaves two likely options: 1. A random, apparently motiveless attack that could have been sparked by something like road rage and which would most likely have been committed by a local man, a local with a profile very much like Menegaldo’s. 2. An intrafamilial conflict related to the larger group of victims, in which what looks like crazed, over-the-top savagery actually was rational and purposive behaviour serving to prevent any surviving adults from being able to identify their assailant, who was known to them.

  • Melrose

    M just provided a very useful link above he probably mused about quote:
    “Senior Investigating Officer Detective Chief Inspector Mark Preston, said: ‘This is a tragic incident where lives have been lost and our thoughts are with their family and friends at this time.”
    Why so much crime in Surrey?

  • michael norton

    There is a huge amount of money in Surrey.

    I wouldn’t mind betting that the G.D.P. of Surrey alone, if it were a country,
    would place it upward of the 200th richest “state” in the World.
    Maybe nearer the 100th richest “state” in the World.
    In fact the amount of wealth in Surrey is so great, I wonder there is not much more crime.

  • michael norton

    Let us take the sleepy village of pensioners with a total of 261 inhabitants,
    Cons-Sainte-Colombe, adjacent to the Pompiers-Sapeurs in Faverges,
    they have people setting fire to houses where disabled pensioners are sleeping, they have barrel-rolling cars ( on the level)
    they have people being tortured with Stanley knives.

    If these sorts of activities were replicated in Surrey
    it would be more dangerous than Afghanistan.

  • M.

    Melrose, yes he is the same man in charge of the al-Hilli murders, a quote from the reports from the Coroners Inquest last November:

    ‘DCI Mark Preston, from Surrey Police, said there is an ongoing inquiry into the deaths taking place in the UK.’

  • M.

    If anyone is interested:

    Michael is looking at the region of Savoie and Haute-Savoie under a microscope, it has below national average crime, last time I checked.

    Anyway, Aix-en-Provence

    ‘Gendarmes in France confirmed that a British man had been found dead in Aix-en-Provence on Sunday, and is believed to have cut his own throat.

    ‘He was staying with a friend in Aix and is said to have been involved in a domestic incident in Britain, in which his wife and daughter were killed,’ a source involved in the investigation said.’

  • M.

    Michael, the FRENCH use the word ‘disappeared’ meaning passed away.

    ‘Le tribunal de grande instance en deuil’ – in mourning because the retired judge has died.

  • michael norton

    Europe goes mad

    Chaos at Calais as striking French dock workers block ferries and Channel Tunnel trains and Eurotunnel say ‘there are migrants everywhere’ trying to access the terminal
    Calais will now be closed until at least Thursday, with tens of thousands facing misery and some passengers even being stranded at sea as their ferries looking for alternative places to dock.

  • Q

    @Peter: I’ve been reading about mass murderers. They are quite different from other types of killers. A caveat would be “unless they are assassins”.

    I recommend that others here do some reading on this and post what you think.

    It would not be unusual for a mass murderer to kill for what appears to be a trivial reason, when in fact they have usually spent some time thinking and planning to kill someone, anyone. The reason is less important than the decision to kill. These are typically difficult people to profile, thus such crimes are almost impossible to prevent.

    One thing that stood out in this reading is that mass murderers usually tell someone of their intent to kill, but those people don’t usually take it seriously. If this was a mass murder rather than an assassination, it is likely that someone close to the killer knew in advance that something was about to go down.

    Mass murder by FBI standards is four or more victims in one place at one time. Three victims is the standard in many jurisdictions.

    Mass murders are different from spree killings, where victims are killed in more than one place.

    I’m thinking of one such person in a story from the media who went around picking fights with strangers in public places by insulting them and women they were with. The insults were extremely rude and aggressive. Meanwhile, he had hidden a shotgun that he used for hunting in his vehicle. He also told several strangers in various locations that day that he was going to shoot someone. Finally, he did, but it was a person chosen at random, not someone who he had been aggressive with. This person was armed to kill more and was taking aim again when he was jumped by strangers as he cocked his gun. In an isolated setting, the outcome would have been different. At trial, it came out that this man was an expert amateur marksman who had tried to shoot family members. He tried to appeal the guilty verdict on the grounds that he had been drinking, not hecwas such a hard-cote alcoholic that his tolerance was very high, so not intoxicated that day.

    Do the people of the Haute Savoie know someone like this in their midst?

  • Q

    Back to the scenario above, Saad al-Hilli would likely have reacted to someone insulting him and the women he was with. Did anyone confront him on the day of the murders as he was touring around? There was that man in the campground a few days earlier.

  • Melrose

    Not only insulting his women but even worse knocking on the bonnet of his estate.
    Perhaps he was not followed but following someone to le Martinet to settle accounts they do things like that.

  • Q

    Salient facts in the case above:

    The killer’s wife had left him and asked for a divorce prior to the shooting. Parties unknown set fire to his house in the hours after the killing. When he tried to kill his family member with the same shotgun, there were no shells. Reports give the impression that he intended to kill his relative, but someone had unloaded the weapon
    He later threatened to kill a stranger in a public place with the same weapon in hand. Criminal charges resulted. The killing was the third known incident with the same weapon. He use ammunition of the calibre to kill large animals. He had shot 3000 rounds in the past and was a hunter. His wife returned to him and that had conjugal visits in jail. When he was eventually released, he returned to his family.

    And the coup de grace: sixteen years later, while the killer was still in jail, someone was murdered in the exact same location, and a fire was set to disguise the murder.

    People of Haute Savoie: what do you know?

  • Good In Parts

    Quick post.

    Parry quotes Maillaud as suggesting that the killer either had departed the scene mere seconds previously or was actually still there when WBM arrived.

    I infer that this effectively precludes the Lyon MC rider from being the shooter.

  • michael norton

    Good In Parts, if this is correct information, If the killer was a motorcyclist and departed straight after the slaughtering, then it is possible, the motorcyclist that William Brett Martin claims rode slowly down the hill, could be the shootist.

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