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8,113 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • James


    “And this was the minor issue I had with Lars, a certain number configuration. (I won’t say which ‘number configuration’ it was:)”

    Ladies and Gentlemen. Need I say anymore !

    Max shares NOTHING other than that which is written in his “Public forum”.
    And that is written by (mainly) non “Private” posters.

    Ask Max “anything”… and you’ll get nada.

    Treat “with caution” !

  • Peter

    @ Max, 2 Jul, 2015 – 9:43 pm
    And this was the minor issue I had with Lars, a certain number configuration.

    And you never saw that one coming, did you, after reading all this whiny shite on Wikipedia (etc. etc.)?

    @ James
    Oh no, MZT did not terminate her blog because of any “unpleasant contact” from the French side. It was because of joint pressure exerted by Max’ little coterie.

  • Pink

    Lots of blogs have come and gone which is sad from the point of view of future research it would be good if you could not start a war here so that Craig loses interest.
    Max I really hope you will reopen your blog if something new comes along I would really miss your input .

  • James


    Ah ! Now I get it.

    So he was “punting” for his own site ? An egomaniac….in the extreme.

    Anyway… he now will only reply/read pasts from “Pink” (so his own “personal and private” website must have taken a bath then ?) which is absolutely fine by me.

    It is “public” knowledge how he operates.
    And that can be publicly seen. Something he never liked before !!!!!

    Anyway. Forget him.
    Onwards and upwards with the speculation/fact finding methinks.

  • Max

    Well Pink, I gave a new configuration (idea). When I posed this to TP he said ‘Wow!’:)

    It is based on 1 word Zaid said. A strange word. A word nobody else said or even thought of in relation to TCK, but it was one of the first things Zaid said when he heard of the news. Weird stuff.

  • Max

    Anyway, the atmosphere is not ok. Better to leave.

    I will give the word Zaid said, it is buried deep in the interweb, but it is still there to read I think (the context)

    The word is .. Suicide

    Strange word. Why would Zaid bring up this word? Nobody else thought of suicide when they heard the TCK news, yet is was Zaid’s first reaction … ‘Was is murder/suicide or what?’


  • Peter

    @ Max
    I prefer the reply of Pink over the reply of James/Peter. That’s all I can/will say

    I can well imagine. However, I would have you know that, insofar as I am concerned, I am not the type to hold any grudges. You must have noticed that already. Thus, if you should ever have any hypothesis that you feel could benefit from being forged upon the anvil of this public forum, please let us hear it. The same goes for Lars.

  • Q

    So, is there any racial/religious/cultural component to all the recent mysterious arson fires in the Haute Savoie?

    Are certain conflicts settled with flames, or is this one or more arsonists of various ages setting fires for fun, rather than feuds?

    Is organized crime involved?

  • Max


    ‘I am not the type to hold any grudges’

    Same for me. But I have to say I doubted you, because you write down stuff (regarding me) which simply is wrong.

    Did you ever host/moderate a forum/blog yourself? If you did you will surely know that a moderator becomes a part-time fireman. And when part-time becomes full-time it is no fun anymore. I was fed up, because I saw it coming, having hosted several blogs/forums. I guess MZT was fed up too, she was a newbie moderator. And that is all there is to it. If you think there is more? Well you are wrong:)

    About new idea. Well I have given a new idea in my previous post. Maybe some of you want to chew on it.

    I did my best. In that scenario I got stuck. I wanted to know why SAH ‘suddenly’ decided to go on holiday. Was it Saad idea? Or was it maybe Iqbals idea? Or maybe even Suhaila??

    If it was Saad’s idea, did Iqbal agree on Zainab missing he important first schooldays? And how did Suhaila arrange so quickly to come along??

    So .. who decided on this ‘sudden’ holiday? And why?

    If … big if … IF it was Iqbal’s idea, then things become interesting

    Anyway, I leave it with this to chew on. It is a far-out idea, but not impossible (it brings JT into the picture as well)

  • James


    I have found many facts out. Read back to the start my friend.

    How I operate….?
    I merely call it as I see it (and I’m supported in that) I am fair.

    To good people, I say “Go for it”.

    To bad people, I say “…. I am here”.

    It’s as simple as that. And…. I’m still standing, don’t forget.

    Enough of this “rubbish” now.
    Max can go back to where he came from (did you ever read his “comments about CM ?) and everyone can get back to normal.

    Not Forgetting Al Hilli Continued…. Continued.

  • James

    …oh and @Pink

    We once had a “anti Semitic” loon who posted his hate crimes here.

    I found out a lot of “facts” about him …and was reporting him for the “hate crimes” he posted to his local police.

    With the help of our dedicated moderators here, he “left”.

    I am fair.
    And I stand up to people who aren’t fair and say “that is not fair”.

    However, it appears, “some” may not like that.

    As for @Max. I don’t carry a “grudge”. I just choose to remember how he operated., so merely choose to ignore his comments. It’s an Open Forum after all (something Max may find hard to grasp).

  • Peter

    @ Max, 2 Jul, 2015 – 11:38 pm

    Thanks for being so open. Yes, I did host and moderate a number of forums myself – dedicated to fighting Internet fraud generally and 419 fraud specifically –, and I was taken aback when, at times, posters refused to listen to my entreaties to keep silent for a few days because law enforcement was about to swoop on “our” bad guys. As it turned out, almost half of them, the better, more productive half of them, were wheelchair users who had – how can I put this? – nothing else to do in their lives, found themselves completely addicted to this game of catching “bad guys” online in real-time. By mentioning that, I do not mean to draw any parallels with the Martinet murders and their followers, but merely to illustrate my own narrow, blinkered focus at the time: I was behaving like a housebound wheelchair user without even noticing it.

    MZT would not thank me for digging up the old e-mail correspondence between her and me. I know that you, personally, never got actively involved in that fracas at the time. Perhaps (or even probably) you are not aware of every nasty e-mail, every threat that was uttered that she might get sued for libel, would be taken to the cleaners legally, have her entire blog shut down, etc. etc. Let me sum it up for you: apart from the weird, wonderful and wacky stuff, mostly on the French side, there was a lot of nastiness as well, much of it hailing from a northerly direction. Although she had been warned of this likely outcome – not by me – it still took her by surprise and confirmed her already nascent view that her blog was more trouble than it was worth.

    Anyway, now let me mull over your new idea 😉

  • James


    To you I say …..what do I know !

    I listen to you, to Peter, to Q, to Mr Norton, to M, to FrenchBashing.
    Hell, I listen to anyone. I just dislike “nutters” !

  • Good In Parts


    But I am only good in parts. . .

    What if one day you decide that I am not good enough, but, like the curate’s egg, am actually thoroughly rotten. A bad egg so to speak.

    The Manichean worldview allows no shades of gray, but no tolerance or forgiveness either.

  • Q

    Australia has had a spate of arson fires:

    But it’s not just Australia that has this problem. Check your country’s news for stories of fires started by pedophiles and to the homes of pedophiles, using a search like “arson + pedophile”.

    Who is setting fires in the Haute Savoie, and why?

  • Mr Juicy

    Well, well. Internecine strife is interesting to read, but not very constructive.

    Max’s long awaited appearance happens while I am tucked up in bed and fast asleep. And now he’s gone again, probably for good this time. Drat.

    Max is entitled to communicate in private with whomever he likes. @ Peter, @ James: that doesn’t include you (or me, or most of us). Get over it. Try not to take it personally.

    The Deadzone public blog was very good. I had hoped that Max would be persuaded to reinstate it, but this ain’t gonna happen now, particularly after the “warm welcome back” he received from two of the self-appointed “heavies” of the CM forum. Tant pis.

    Unlike most of the rest of us, Max has internet appeal, a fan base, and even a loyal lieutenant who is willing to soldier on here in order to keep the flame flying. But like the Scarlet Pimpernel, he is elusive has melted into the night once more. That’s part of the appeal, of course.

    One little factlet to emerge from yesterday’s peashooter fight: now we know that not only the credited Lars Gardenius, but also Max (“someone who has spent a lot of time studying the case”), and probably others in the Deadzone in-crowd, contributed ideas which have found their way into Tom Parry’s book in some form or another. This confirms my impression that Chapter 21 (“Who was the Chevaline killer?), with shortcomings that have already been commented on, was indeed a compendium of less than fully digested theories.

    On Max’s “suicide/murder” theory, can anyone (M.?) provide chapter and verse in support of the suggestion that Zaid’s first reaction was “Was it murder/suicide or what?” It can surely only have come from something Zaid said on the record. There is nothing about this in the Parry book, and I haven’t been able to find anything in Zaid’s Panorama interview. I haven’t checked Non Elucide. Not sure what other sources exist.

  • Mr Juicy

    Thanks, M.

    It’s very good to track down this source.

    The relevant extract from the Sunday Times article by David James Smith is as follows:

    Two Surrey police detectives eventually came to the flat and took a brief statement. He was asking, “Was it a murder-suicide or what?” He didn’t understand — and still doesn’t — what had happened.

    My interpretation of this question is that Zaid, having learned of the death of the French cyclist as well as the AH family, assumed that Mollier had killed the family, then committed suicide.

    I don’t think Zaid meant to imply or that a member of the family had organised a “murder-suicide.”

    According to Parry, Zaid was informed of the killings at about 1:15pm lunchtime. He contacted the police shortly after that and was interviewed at home by two police officers at 3pm. It was then that he made his “murder-suicide” comment.

  • M.

    Mr Juicy, that is another way to view it, I am non-committal, although inclined towards he was referring to his brother as killing his wife and mother-in-law and then committing suicide. On the basis he knew the dispute between them was troubling Saad.

    The preceeding text:

    ‘It was at lunchtime, while he was chatting with colleagues, that a telephone call came from a friend and he went into the laundry room to stand by the window to get the best signal.

    There his friend told him: “I think I’ve got some bad news.” Zaid at first refused to believe it, but his friend double-checked and confirmed the names that had by then been released. Zaid went to the local police but they were unable to help, so he went back to work where he saw the names himself on the BBC News website. His finance director told him to go home.

    TP’s book:

    “I was at work”, Zaid said. “At 1:15 I usually take a walk at lunchtime.”

    Do you think he means he usually takes a walk and didn’t that day ?

  • M.

    Parrys book is poorly written and should not be read as The Chevaline Bible.

    Lars encouraged the Private Forum because he wanted to share and discuss findings without making people aware they were being stalked. There is nothing nefarious, much of the stuff is boring with a rare light being shone on various aspects. Lars has apparently been in regular contact with journalists.

    Here are the names of those who have contributed to this forum: M**, L***, L****, E*****, G********, R******, R******, C*****, A*** but we had at least one watcher maybe more, Marilyn was invited but declined, Max tried to appeal to See_Bee through Twitter and as you can all read Rashomon was asked if he was interested.

    Anyone could have written to him to ask for access, some have since the Public Forum closed.

    James, part of the groups existence is to search for answers and sharing without making all aspects public, due to a fear the sources would close down, we have a gentlemans agreement to keep certain things under wraps. The name of the former legionnaire being one of them. The maiden name of Martins wife, to exclude her from being a local to Annecy and to follow Twitter and facebook accounts, looking for comments and photos.

    One of the contributors is a whizz at searches, even in Arabic !

    Over time I have changed my mind regarding Mollier as the intended target, the British Coroners Inquest was the turning point. I could be right or wrong and should have stuck with my original thought.

    And that brings me back to a question I have not been able to find an answer for, at the Inquest the presiding Judge said this:

    ‘Having heard this evidence today, hearing of the victims’ injuries and the purpose of their trip to that area of France, I am sure in respect of each person, and with no hesitation, to find that they were unlawfully killed.’

    Just what was ‘the purpose of their trip to that area of France’ ? Does it sound as if it was for a holiday ?

    Mr Juicy, please don’t mock, I have a fairly good memory and made notes of certian things along the way, I try to be accurate, although I admit to making a big humdinger which James duly posted here as a fact. Have you been a poster elsewhere ?

    I would like to continue to discus the case and add or correct where I am able, even if only to dismiss stuff which has passed through blogs and become fact when they are nothing more than someones ‘I think’.

    It is a pity you are so hard on Max, he put a great deal of effort on the Public Forum, the sidebar and Twitter feed has been useful.

    He has decided that as of the 30th September he will close the Private Forum as he does not wish to spend ten years looking for the answer.

    Maybe you will all consider to accept things for what they are today and not let ego get in the way.

    Mr Juicy please accept my apologies over my reaction to you pointing the finger at Patrice Menegaldo, he is not here to defend himself, there is apparently no proof of his involvement and whilst not ignoring the possibility, I have difficulty in discussing this particular aspect, more so after hearing his sister speak on the radio.

    Have a good day, a sad one for me, a friend of 42 years died last night, makes this current upset here inconsequential.

    Peter, not wheelchair bound but have been into hospital a couple of times, it is following Chevaline that has kept me going, that does not mean I expect special treatment.

  • Mr Juicy

    M., of course I respect your interpretation, but if the police officers who had interviewed him had interpreted his comment in the same way, it’s surprising that they didn’t pick him up on it and ask him if that he what he really meant. After all, Parry himself says in his book that at first he found the idea “absolutely unthinkable, preposterous, even.”

    Another thing is that, in all his interviews (eg with Panorama) Zaid tries to play down the significance of the dispute with his brother. It would be illogical of him to express a view that was on the other extreme, namely that it was pushing Saad to the point of suicide.

    So for me the most plausible interpretation is that Zaid was speaking of the suicide of Mollier, as the only explanation he could think of for a random murder of his relatives and the apparently unrelated death of the French cyclist.

  • Mr Juicy

    M, In answer to your question, yes I think he means at 1:15pm he usually takes a walk but did not on that day. If one wanted to point a finger of suspicion at Zaid, one could say that he had deliberately altered his routine so that the could be at work, with colleagues, when he took the call, so that they could witness his (feigned) shock and horror.

    In the Sunday Times version, he says he went into the laundry room to stand by the window to get the best signal. Again, if one wanted to point a finger of suspicion, one could say that he chose to take the call in that place, because he knew that it was likely to be “the bad news” and he wanted to prepare himself for the subsequent display of shock and horror.

    I am not sure if these apparently extraneous details in Zaid’s two accounts are the natural response of someone recalling a traumatic event, or not.

    Anyway, Zaid is someone who comes across as a rather shifty person. I think this is ingrained in his character. Despite all appearances, I am still fairly strongly inclined to the view that he is not guilty of conspiracy to murder.

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