Not Forgetting the al-Hillis 22278

The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.

Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:

the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?

The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.

Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:

Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.

There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.

But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.

The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?

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  • James

    ….I do believe sometimes they are necessary !

    Which ?

    Oh now we fall back on the Jewish Problem in German.
    They did not so much care when they “found” a homeland !!!
    You would have thought they would.

    So which war is “just” by the way ?
    You have a heap to go at.

    Your use of the word “necessary” really disturbs me.
    Try “likes” instead.

    People like wars (or at least the leaders do !)
    It’s like kids in a playground. Some “like” to show off !
    It NEVER is “needed”.

  • James

    Katie clearly would prefer Mitt “in” !

    Feck me. I was ready to move to Midway if that loon got in.

    His “potential” VP was trying to argue a case TO go to war.
    And this when he was trying to get support !!!

    Are they mad ???

    1. War is mad. History proves that.
    2. Read above.
    3. Read above again.
    4. The next BIG war will be XXL. Avoid it at all possibilities.
    5. China will win any WWIII. Europe and the Niddle East won’t.

    My five points to leaders !

  • Pink

    Thanks for help and the Le figaro link I have only just spotted it I am so tired now I will have to carry on tomorrow its been a long day 🙂
    Nite all.

  • bluebird


    Benghazi went wrong for CIA and Annecy went even worse for them. 5 of the CIA crew (one of them being one of their most important middle east agents) dead in Annecy and the 6th one does nothing better than stumbling utter nonsense to the media when being interviewed that was the real reason for challenges of amateur investigators from all over the world to search for the truth and they willingly plus unwillingly uncovered dozens of CIA companies and individuals during their internet discussions.

    That is more than enough reason to resign. It could not have come worse for them than in sept/oct 2012. Their hollywood teams failed, their indians are dead, and their clean teams did a lousy job. Mismanagement is the real reason, but they cant make this public.

  • James


    To a part, I agree. But some of this I have clearly missed.
    I have been away for near enough two to three weeks here.

    Five of the CIA crew dead in Annecy ?
    I am missing something here on this case.

    Please tell me your thoughts

  • James


    I agree with the last point (if this is not a crime of passion) that there has been a complete f*ck up here (or there).

    One thing I take from this is, this has been going on a long time.
    Same same (as they say in the far East) which sums it up.

    I believe that there was a car (most likely a 4×4 in that carpark, that left (with the self lockers still on) in a hurry.

    Note. No Trig guy could plot back that BMW course to where it ends up. If there is (and that is IF) I will send him beer tokens.

  • bluebird


    It is not just the usa who lost their primary defense and intelligence people this week due to a sex affair.

    Seems to be a plague.
    Or else, they lack of good hollywood scripts for the general public. They should try to have a catalogue for excuses prepared. Like the Hurricane names. Starting every year with script A, followed by script B, … And someday K like Katrina script.

  • James

    They’d be up to “Typhoooon Zebra / 56 / B / 4th quarte…. by now.

    Don’t get me wrong. I don’t “support” the US of Crackers.
    I just feared more the “other chap”.

    Funny as the USA has all the cards when it comes to “nukes”.
    Yet they are as mad as a box of frogs !!!

    Mind you, so are the rest.

  • James


    You do have to laugh when Putin fires someone for being “corrupt” !

    But that’s the way of the world. Same same !

  • bluebird

    … and it doesnt necessarily speak positively about the “quality”of a security service director when he isn’t even able to keep his own “sex affairs” secret.

    Well, seriously. As said above. The official version both of the Americans and the Russians is just another version of a script for a cheap C movie while the truth had already been mentioned above.

  • bluebird

    Oh no james. The official Russian version is that he had to resign because of a sex affair betraying his wife. Unfortunately the US government used the same script 2 days later. They made a mistake. They did chose the “S” script instead of the “T” script that would have come next.

  • James

    Blue !

    Ah ! Now I get you.
    You just have to love the powers that be, for trying.
    sad as they are.

    Who actually believes them anymore ??? Or ever ???

    My own recall of “the big fella” reminds me of how you can get stitched up in “their” game.
    And how many are so willing to help out doing the deed.

    A sad world my friend. Very sad indeed.

  • Thomas

    9 Nov, 2012 – 11:28 pm

    It´s probably the right Sylvain Mollier, the name is not so common in France.

    Here is the same document in html:

    So, the “welder” was member of CRIIRAD.

    “CRIIRAD (Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur la RADioactivité / Commission for Independent Research and Information about RADiation) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation that operates according to the 1901 French law and works to improve information and protection of the public against ionizing radiation.”

    Mollier was then part of an independant movement that was skeptical to nuclear power. And on the other hand, he was member of Solidarité et Progrès, which are pro-nuclear power.

  • NR

    bluebird 10 Nov, 2012 – 12:36 am
    “Oh no james. The official Russian version is that he had to resign because of a sex affair betraying his wife. Unfortunately the US government used the same script 2 days later. They made a mistake. They did chose the “S” script instead of the “T” script that would have come next.”

    It is like Hollywood. Two studios discover they’re making the same movie. Lawyers called. Deals done. Putin could sue Obama since Russia went first.

    The left and right sides are spinning the first part of the story the same – great patriot forced to resign because of sex scandal – though it was not so before when the left side called him General Betrayus.

    I was about to complain almost four hours had passed and we had not learned the name of the other party, but that’s been resolved. No emails, sexts or sexy videos released yet. If Putin or MI6 have copies they could sell them to The Sun UK and help their budgets.

  • olifant

    re the signtories supporting the Solidarite et Progres election list of 2008, Roger and Sylvain Mollier. “I support the list presented by Solidarity & Progress for municipal elections in Ugine led by Louis Bertrand”

    Election result: 30 councillors – 24 from Liste Divers Droite DVD (ie UMP etc), 2 from Liste MIEUX VIVRE A UGINE (PS Socialist Party), 4 from Liste SOLIDARITE ET PROGRES – LA VILLE POUR TOUS

    Louis BERTRAND, a school teacher, was second in the mayoral election: his quoted party was: The Liste d’Union de la Gauche, LUG, SOLIDARITE PROGRES. Bertrand was Ugine’s Communist Mayor (PCF)1989-95, he signed PCF anti EU petitions in 2005 and 2012, another in 2007, has other entries in L’Humanite (the PCF paper); J-P Calvat, second on list, also signed PCF petitions 2005. Mme Annie Coggiola signed ‘The Only Forward is with the CP’ in 2007. Mme Crepy – no link to PCF. They are all still PCF?

    In the wiki entry on election results S&P has very minimal report. classed as Other, and then as Unclassifiable. Is it an Association and thus membership of PCF and S&P is possible? From Grenoble come reports of Uni students in Youth Larouche Movement accosting people at bus stops, attempting indoctrination, cult like. But how does a party like S&P grow in Ugine.

    Le Monde 8 sept. 2012 – Sylvain Mollier, 45 ans, était père de trois enfants, dont un bébé de 2 mois. (incorrect!) Il était ouvrier fondeur (blue collar foundry worker) et faisait les trois huit (the threee shift system)à Cézus, une filiale d’Areva. If this was a verbatim report (ie “trois huit”) then SM would more likely support PCF. Why would the esoteric ideas of Larouche and its banal policies have appealed to him?

    “Ugine, whose name is obviously associated with steel, which has just over 11 000 for 8 municipalities with the largest, Ugine, is often the scene of a political struggle between right and PCF in municipal and in most elections”

  • bleb

    Tim V
    9 Nov, 2012 – 6:56 pm

    Thanks Tim, that is the best analysis of the crime scene I’ve seen so far.

    Possibly SAH needed to reverse because he was in some way blocked in and unable to take a direct forward route out (ie: the only way out was at an angle).

    I’ve always thought that it was more likely that Zainab was not deliberately hurt. Not out of any compassion, but because the killer(s) had no orders to kill the children. The fact that the 4 year old was unhurt does not IMO mean the killer(s) did not know she was there but simply the agency behind this had no interest in the children (and also did not care if they got hurt).

    One puzzle I have is that the investigators are reported to have found part of a Luger (a grip plate from the butt?) on the scene. I’ve lost track of the exact source for that but if it was a press report from “a source close to the investigation” then it could well be misinformation, as a Luger seems an unlikely weapon for a modern state agency to use.

  • NR

    “FBI investigating Petraeus biographer Paula Broadwell for improperly trying to access his email, officials tell @NBCNews”

    Shame on her, trying to spy on the spy in chief.

    “WASHINGTON (Reuters) (9 Nov 12) – Christopher Kubasik, the incoming chief executive of Lockheed Martin, resigned on Friday after he admitted to an improper relationship with a subordinate, the company said.”

    A sudden outbreak of morality. It’s spreading, just like the zombie disease. Bill’s lucky he didn’t catch it when he was prez.

  • Mochyn69

    10 Nov, 2012 – 1:38 am

    Excellent question. Have a look at what I posted way back when about the formation of Solidarité & Progrès 73 in 2008.

    This is from the website under the heading

    VENDREDI 18 JANVIER 2008, 11:00

    L’association « Solidarité et Progrès » réunie le 17 janvier 2008 avec les candidats pressentis à la constitution d’une liste de gauche aux élections municipales de mars 2008 à Ugine a confirmé son intention. Une liste rassemblant des militants de gauche, communistes, socialistes, écologistes, des personnes progressistes, issues du monde syndical ou associatif représentera la gauche uginoise dans ce scrutin. Elle sera conduite par Louis Bertrand, conseiller municipal, ancien maire de 1989 à 1995. Une charte fixant le socle commun des candidates et candidats a été adoptée. Elle précise leur volonté de faire barrage à la politique antisociale du gouvernement et de traduire les enjeux nationaux au niveau local. Elle définit les grandes options en matière de développement économique et social, d’écologie, de démarches citoyenne et démocratique. Elle se donne comme priorités le logement social, un urbanisme facteur de convivialité et de renouveau commercial, le maintien des services publics, un environnement de qualité. Des groupes de travail élaborent le programme et l’ordre de la liste qui seront communiqués dès leur validation.

    Note this bit especially: “Une liste rassemblant des militants de gauche, communistes, socialistes, écologistes, des personnes progressistes, issues du monde syndical ou associatif représentera la gauche uginoise dans ce scrutin.” – ‘A list bringing together left wing militants, communists, socialists, ecologists, progressive people, representatives from thetrade union and associations world.

    The problem with LaRouche is that it can appear to be either be extreme right or extreme left,and seems to shift with the sands. Pro environmentalist and pro-nuclear.

    If SM was previously involved with CRIIRAD, then maybe he too was running with the hares and chasing with the hounds.

    Keep the focus on SM, he is key to all this, I’m sure.

    “The owls are not what they seem.”

    By the way,just so as not to complicate issues, let me say that is another quotation from one of my favourite TV series ‘Twin Peaks’. Appropriate here though, I think.

  • NR

    The Petraeus biz could not get better or funnier – the TV coverage only lacks a laugh track. Now they’ve stolen the BM @ Chevaline script pages from MI6 or whoever has the copyright. Both left and right propaganda channels continually run looped vids of The General in full regalia, interspersed briefly with his testimony at the CIA confirmation hearings, where he wore a gray suit and assured all that he was hanging up his uniform.

    The commentators sing his praises as the greatest, most noble and patriotic general since Eisenhower (who had a mistress, they remind us), and only a scurrilous fiend would suggest the general exposed himself to either blackmail or a fetching spy filching secrets from his boudoir. Besides, the woman in question (still unconfirmed that it’s his biographer) is surely a loyal American.

    CNN is reporting raw tabloid gossip. “Our source, who has excellent connections inside the FBI tells us that while monitoring the general’s email, they came across one message that mentioned something happening “under the desk” which they thought was an “under the table” deal, but later realized it was “sex under the desk.” Anchor solemnly reminds us this is as yet unconfirmed.

    Next item: The general and his paramour broke up, the general took it badly and stalked her with 15,000 emails. Also unconfirmed. The CIA is taking it badly that the FBI was peeking at their emails. The FBI took the info to the White House, but they refused to do anything ’til after the election.

    Half the propagandists say this has absolutely nothing to do with the Benghazi or Iran shooting down the drone (also covered up pre-election). All agree Benghazi biz will now make mainstream news ’cause of sex scandal.

    Still no steamy emails, sexts, sexty vids, or vid of the general’s wife clobbering him with a golf club. Oh, just thought, that’s a novel method of disposing of an inconvenient spy. Can I copyright that one?

  • Katie


    Very funny, it all goes to show the country is being led by the arrogant & by those who think we are all unintelligent plebs !

    Could it just be that Petraeus was so good at his job he found all the dirt on Obama so it was a double whammy , he just had to go !!!

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    I suppose all you search freaks know this extension to Google Chrome:

    Found an image on the web that you’re curious about? With this extension, you can initiate a search on Google using pictures on the web. You can discover photos of places, learn more about art pieces, identify landmarks, and more.

    To use this extension, right click on an image on the web and select “Search Google with this image.” You can also add a clickable Search by Image icon that appears when you point to an image. When you search by image, you’ll see results that show you where that image, and similar images, appear on the web. You can see webpages that contain that image, or find the same image in different sizes or resolutions.

    To learn more about Search by Image, visit

  • straw44berry

    On Leo’s Twitter account can you all please have a look at Leo’s Followers there is 1 standout name in there which I didnt want to post here.

  • straw44berry

    Thanks KS that’s a great tip -I have been using since you last posted it.

    It also gives me a smile too as every woman I search for here it suggests the photo is of Iqbal.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    Now there is a new post on Icke , trying to assemble all we know about Leo’s parents. Mathis and Leo has distinct noses, whereas Louis has a smaller, which obviously must be the genetic impact of Ms Schutz, which here has manifested itself. It would be interesting to see a photo of Leo and Mathis mother. do we have that at hand?

    Straw what do you mean you can’t post a certain name?

  • bluebird


    Great find and great summary Thank you. I agree that SM and some of his friends are a key here.

    Something went terribly wrong at that scene in Annecy and it looks as if both CIA and FSB were involved and that they delivered a mess. It looks as if they lost the access to their Saddam funds and that some mobsters have been successful. Since both of the CIA and FSB bosses were said to be corrupt, there is a possibility that they were bribed and/or made common plans with the mobsters that failed and the crooks were finally deceived by better crooks. We dont know whether or not the successful mobsters do have access to secret documents now that they could use to blackmail governments. And even worse so, the mess enabled normal people like us to easily uncover intelligence companies. It has likely become the greatest mess for intelligence services since WW2.

    I am quite sure that Putin, Clinton, Cameron and Hollande had some urgent meetings in the past weeks with the result that they had agreed on that the responsible ones for this financial mess would have to retire.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    bluebird wrote:

    Since she is the new mother of Mathis and Leo and living in the same house, i would expect that they would mention her.

    Do you have definitive proof that Leo and Mathis ever lived/lives together with their fathers new fiancee? Why couldn’t they live with their mother? It is after all the most common thing, and few 29 year olds would be prepared to “take two extra kids in”, when all they wanted was to experience their first child. The situation is of course morally apprehensible in the extreme and should be condemned by all righteous and honest men and women, but the responsibility lies squarely at the man, who couldn’t behave and live up to what he promised the priest in front of the alter, but opted for “a new model”.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    Bluebird, I can see that Shelock also detests your theory that Leo and Mathis are living with the 29 year old claire Schultz. In the current situation — having just lost their father — the mother would of course be much better suited for the emotional care needed, and judging by the photos and Leo’s writings they seem to have comed out of this ordeal rather well, under the circumstances.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    [I followed Bluebirds link from yesterday evening, where he linked to the pharmacy in Grignon and clicked on EQUIPE OFFINALE, i.e. how the office was equipped, ~staff made out (what the staff consisted of]

    We now have images of Claires mom and dad, who are the ones running the pharmacie in Grignon. Imagine how THEY must feel now. The life of their daughter pretty much ruines by that reckless 45 year old Sylvain, who opted for “a younger model” . It has consequences for all concerned when these outcasts cannot behave. If you don’t believe me, ask Claire parents how they feel about it.

    Bluebird Thesefair-haired people with German surnames are most likely to have moved down from Alsace.

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