Not Forgetting the al-Hillis 22278

The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.

Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:

the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?

The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.

Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:

Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.

There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.

But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.

The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?

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22,278 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis

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  • Pink

    As a thought I was wondering could Saad have traced something going on to that part of France and gone on a reconnoitre ,hence him nipping out a lot did he contact the police there I wonder ,he was only going out for approx 30 mins at a time so it should have been easy to find where he was going locally but they never said .

  • Thomas

    SAH was, as it seems, almost obsessed with the 9/11 conspiracy theories that Israel was behind the attack. Could this be a connection to SM as a LaRouche-supporter? LaRouche was one of the first to launch this theory.

    “In 2002 LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review argued that the September 11, 2001 attacks had been an “inside job” and “attempted coup d’etat,” and that Iran was the first country to question it. The article received wide coverage in Iran, and was cited by senior Iranian government officials, including Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Hassan Rowhani. Mahmoud Alinejad writes that, in a subsequent telephone interview with the Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, LaRouche said the attacks had been organized by rogue elements inside the U.S., aiming to use the incident to promote a war against Islam, and that Israel was a dictatorial regime prepared to commit Nazi-style crimes against the Palestinians.”

  • Pink

    Perhaps SAAD was doing some sleuthing of his own on something he had found out located in that area ,BB said dad was vunerable on the banking front , the police said someone tried a card on the accounts ,maybe Saad had got a lead on that to that area ,the police have obviously been watching for scammers .

  • Pink

    He may have chosen the first campsite as a base and moved to the other one to get closer to who he was watching once he got there.
    Who of the people we have come across lives or works closest to the 2nd campsite how close was MR Brun ?

  • Roger

    @Thomas My guess is that it is a different Mollier family – perhaps cousins – but I don’t have time to check out and was leaving it to the super sleuths here.

    Could SAH have been using some Nigerian connections to help him access funds in dormant accounts? Just another theory to throw into the mix.

  • Pink

    Thomas I think not being suspicious of 911 would be odd 🙂

    If I had to choose a link between SM ,SAH and WBM my favourite would be Keshe but I cannot imagine why it would get them murdered .

  • Q

    @NR: The link from the encyclopedia mentioned the co-founder of the company sold to AREVA, in the same article with the Khasoggis and Barrick Gold.

    Anyways, I see I have some reading to do. Did Morgan Le Fay bring any doughnuts?

  • Katie


    I haven’t the time to dissect your fantasy just a couple of points about the ‘ordinary police’…. policemen of any status secret or otherwise, are human & there were many of them, pilots include helicopter pilots who flew to the scene, others who have ‘spirited’ all these people to la la land or did they drive through customs across borders etc.
    We saw the hearses with drivers .
    Morticians washing /embalming fakes.

    Baligant was killed July last year….what d’ya reckon they kept him on ice ready for Al-Hilli to be killed ?

    You overlook the global publicity of these murders & Saad’s photo in just about every known media, short of wearing a nicab he couldn’t make it,even if he did that & is living in X he would be spotted there too.

    This man would not warrant all the expense & subterfuge…….there’s also the greed of many to make a quick buck with ‘leaking’ such a story.

    Oh & then you are saying the British police are all in on it too or are being made to look like idiots searching the house blah blah…not to mention the neighbours all deliberately lying…………wakey wakey smell the cawfie.

  • Ferret


    Thanks for posting the two articles about Frederic Brun’s “accident”.

    In case anyone’s interested, here’s a translation:


    Tragic accident Saturday night on the road to the Col de l’Arpettaz at Ugine. Around 8pm, a driver loses control of a 4×4, which goes off the road. The accident occurred a mile below the plateau of Meru, in the downward direction. The two occupants, friends, got out of the damaged vehicle. The vehicle is in an unstable position in the bank? Unbalanced? In any event, the 4×4 starts to slide down the slope and carries one of the occupants with it. The car hurtles down the forest about thirty meters before coming to rest on a rock between two trees. The Ugine fire brigade, aided by a reinforcement from Albertville, cannot do anything for the victim, their involvement ends at midnight. Stuck in the 4×4, a man about 35 years old, died.

    The Ugine constabulary are responsible for the investigation to determine the circumstances of the accident and determine who was driving. They should in particular conduct toxicology.



    Fatal accident on the Col de l’Arpettaz road (Ugine). Franck Lombard, Mayor of Ugine, was informed of the accident on Saturday evening (September 29) between 9pm and 10pm. The driver was called Brun, this would be the brother of the Brun living in Mont-Dessus (Ugine), but the mayor does not know the name of the victim, nor his brother. The car, a 4×4 Mitsubishi FM 216 BW has a registration plate indicating the department [region] 01 (Ain). The car is between twenty to thirty meters below the road. From the photos, it does not seem to have hit either of the two trees between which it stopped. On the leaf-covered area between the road and the car, we can see a mirror and a few plastic objects, and a bouquet flowers at the left front of road (left by someone?). I did not notice the point of impact (hole in the ground) between the road and the car, but there are some rocks that could perhaps explain the impact, including the door and the right side [of the car]. Did the car roll over? Not sure, because the crown of the roof does not seem depressed (lowered). The road was relatively straight here, for about a hundred meters. For more information, contact the Ugine police ( from Sunday 3pm, and ask for either Captain [? =chef] Bourgeat or Constable Fugier.

    Article by Raymond Brassoud.

  • Pink

    I cant agree with the extraction idea ,sadly these people have been brutally murdered there does seem to be some cover up going on though but for who’s benefit ?
    I think it has to be something in France, related to that area and as SM was not at work I doubt it was his job ,the closest link to SAH would be WBM who also happens to be close to the lay-by so I could see SM being collateral damage really ,when you look at it WBM still looks favourite for the killer ,sorry WBM if you are innocent.
    Is there anything that SAH could see from that lay-by that he may have been watching or have walked past with his family to get a look at are there any houses close by?
    Could SAH have been following WBM to see what he was doing when he was out on his bike all that time ?

  • Ferret


    I find it a bit odd that you don’t actually engage with any actual *reasoning* in respect of the list of people you trot out once again.

    It’s as if you believe they would magically have had to know about any body-switch just because you said so.

    And it’s almost as if you haven’t read what I wrote, or as if you hadn’t thought about it at all before blindly repeating what you wrote last time.

    I haven’t the time to dissect your fantasy

    Actually it’s called a “theory” Katie. Have you heard of the word? “Fantasy” is what you do on your own with the lights out.

    just a couple of points about the ‘ordinary police’…. policemen of any status secret or otherwise, are human & there were many of them

    Yes there may have been “many of them”, but as I said before what would most have seen that would have alerted them to a body-swap? Nothing.

    Except for the top-secret clean-up brigade, DGSE or whoever they were. Not many of them, and all fully trusted.

    pilots include helicopter pilots who flew to the scene

    Yes, the ones who ferried Zainab (or her body double) to hospital, like I said before. And what would they have seen to alert them to a problem if there had been a body-double? Nothing.

    … others who have ‘spirited’ all these people to la la land

    Sorry, I don’t have a “la la land” in my atlas, maybe you can give me directions? You seem to know it pretty well.


    Well, there was reportedly an Israeli military helicopter which left Geneva with 3 passengers later that day… not known for blabbing, Mossad…

    or did they drive through customs across borders etc.

    They could well have driven across the border eg to Geneva, but with Schengen you just wave your passport (if that) to drive from France to Switzerland, isn’t it? I’ve done it many times and never been stopped or bothered in any way whatsoever by customs.

    We saw the hearses with drivers

    We did! And I bet they had bodies and coffins inside, and everything. But what’s odd about that?

    Morticians washing /embalming fakes

    Yes, that’s right, they could have re-embalmed the already-embalmed bodies. So what?

    Baligant was killed July last year….what d’ya reckon they kept him on ice ready for Al-Hilli to be killed ?

    Why not? Do you think secret services do everything on the spur of the moment?

    You overlook the global publicity of these murders & Saad’s photo in just about every known media

    I’m not overlooking that at all. What *you* are overlooking is that the only two pictures would not have enabled anyone to recognise him, and there are no pics of Iqbal or granny.

    One pic of SAH was grainy and semi-profile, and the other (removal truck) one was also ancient. It would be very hard to recognise a present-day Saad from those two photos.

    , short of wearing a nicab he couldn’t make it,even if he did that & is living in X he would be spotted there too.

    Rubbish, see above re the pics.

    This man would not warrant all the expense & subterfuge…

    Now how on earth would you know that for a fact? I mean, it’s *possible* you are right but as Oliphant says, and we have been saying here for a long time, he knew a lot of sensitive technologies, plus he worked for MI6 in persuading Iraqi tank commanders to surrender (allegedly)… so he may have been rather an important person for all we know. Or even a Very Important Person. We just don’t know.

    there’s also the greed of many to make a quick buck with ‘leaking’ such a story.

    Yes, if you wanted to find yourself ending up like Mr Fred Brun.

    Oh & then you are saying the British police are all in on it too or are being made to look like idiots searching the house blah blah…

    I didn’t say that and, come to think of it, I don’t think they are/were. I think MI6 might well be in on it, but I don’t think they’d tell plod, even if they were. Rather let them bash on with it and make it look like a thorough enquiry. But they (MI6) would make sure to guide them away from anything they didn’t want them to look at too closely.

    not to mention the neighbours all deliberately lying…………wakey wakey smell the cawfie.

    Eh? Which neighbours, all deliberately lying? And another insult? How cute.

  • James

    Extraction or murder, who knows !
    But why an extraction with a massacre ?

    Then again the scene was “discovered” at around 4pm and the Forensic Team from Grenoble arrived at 8pm

    4 hours later, the youngest daughter is discovered (midnight).

    That’s a funny time line.

    When were the chaps from Paris seen ? Before midnight by locals ?
    When did the Major Incident Forensic team arrive from Paris ?
    When did work start on the “frozen crime scene” ? In the morning ?

    It appears that from the time that the scene was discovered to the investigation starting… a good 15 or 16 hours passed by.

    With regard Mollier. If he wasn’t the “chief” at CEZUS, he could certainly provide advice on handling nuclear materials as a welder. Twenty years worth of advice in fact !

  • Ferret


    Extraction or murder, who knows !
    But why an extraction with a massacre ?

    Yes indeed, that’s the $64,000 question… this is (at present) one of the weak spots in the “extraction” theory, but it doesn’t rule it out.

    On the other hand, the “extraction” theory answers nicely:

    – Why do we have an Uzi-load of shells at the site?
    – Why are there several reports of automatic fire?
    – Why are there no reports of pistol fire?
    – Why are all the corpses shot neatly in the forehead?
    – How were they shot in the forehead when all the car windows were intact and doors locked from the inside?
    – How do you shoot 4 people neatly in the head with a continuous burst of automatic fire from an Uzi?
    – Why was Zainab was initially reported dead by both PD and Maillaud?

    These questions have no answers that are not self contradictory, if one holds to the idea that the Al Hilli’s were shot in the car as the official story holds.

    But they resolve quickly and easily if one imagines “extraction” (i.e. body-doubles, previously murdered and embalmed, and a burst of Uzi fire into the air or into a car full of dead bodies.)

    This theory of course has its own logical problems to overcome, but at least they are not self-contradictory.

  • James

    With regard Frederic Brun, I wonder when police spoke to his friends ? !?!?

    I mean a major crime had taken place…and WBM must have mentioned the 4×4 tp the police ? And there is one whizzing about that area.

    Maybe it got a mention because it may have also been seen by PD, who may have been on that same track (3 KMs further down).

    Or by other people ?

    So when did the murders take place ? We assume shortly before WBM met PD on the road.

    Although that is assumed as it was PD that raised the alarm not WBM. It may have happened…and was being workd on, at least an hour earlier (if the builder saw what he claims to have seen).

  • bluebird

    A little bit research about Fabienne Mollier and I am afraid that I have BAD NEWS!

    You have got the WRONG Sylvain Mollier and a totally unrelated Fabienne Mollier, too. They are both from Valence. 100%.

    This is the Sylvain Mollier from Valence:
    Sylvain Mollier – Assistant administrateur réseaux / systèmes – Administrateur réseaux / systèmes – Autajon – Université Pierre Mendès-France (IUT de Valence)

    This Sylvain Mollier from Valence is a militant ecologist and a political left wing activist. Apparently his mother (or sister) Fabienne Mollier-Pierret, who is also from Valence, she is/was a bodybuilder and weight lifter in the early 1990tees. She is the second activist. Obviously she had a divorce from Mr.Pierret and nowadays she calls herself Fabienne Mollier only. Her sister or more likely her daughter is vice mayor in a small village near Valence (Dominique Mollier Pierret).

    There are a lot of political leftwing/anarchy lists regarding Fabienne and the wrong Sylvain Mollier. Fabienne has a yahoo group where she states: “I am ready for the blood of gay/bisexual guys”.

    So neither Fabienne nor Sylvain Mollier are here related to the Ugine Molliers. Sorry for that bad news. But you can cancel all those political left wing lists. There is probably just the orginal Larouche list left that needs verification.

    Here are some links, most of them related to Fabienne and the wrong Sylvain Mollier:



    together with (wrong) Sylvain Mollier


    Mollier Fabienne, Valence






    fabienne mollier and sylvain mollier, militant ecologist

    Dominique Mollier is vice mayor

    Fabienne Molliers telephone number

    Mollier Freres business (Mollier brothers)
    Bourg de Peage


  • bluebird

    The unrelated business of the WRONG Sylvain Mollier is here

    Just to mention that before another one digs it out in a week. That Sylvain Mollier is a false flag.

    Well, by now we have 3 Sylvain Molliers verified so far:
    1. The software expert who is a left wing activist and who lives in Valence and who is a relavtive of Fabienne Mollier (see my post above)
    2. The Archery Hunter Sylvain Mollier
    3. The dead Sylvain Mollier from Ugine/Cezus.

  • Thomas

    13 Nov, 2012 – 12:24 am

    Thanks for excellent research. Then we can exclude the communist in Valance.

    But the “Solidarité et Progrès/LaRouche”- track is still ok. It´s from Ugine, and also the fathers name is on the list.
    The funding of “Solidarité et Progrès” have been an unsolved mystery in France ( as well the funding of the swedish branch EAP ) .

  • Sys

    I know exactly what you are saying..believe me I loathe blurrs, occasionally some lead to other things. There will be an element of chance here as it was for the victims find themselves together. But..It is not as crowded as it seems.
    I dont think this looks like a huge crowded address It looks clear who is staying there..legally or not.
    so if anything I will keep that on the side. I was reading all sorts of things o cancelled aircraft wich as far as I know russians are in business too…It was a curious coincidence. up to whoever to make what of it.
    You have made made more with far less..


    ..I dont think Valence at all, but will keep open mind..

    I think like the people locally said he played soccer with his Kid Pascal. no last name prob the persons son speaking as roger made the rugby team long history.besides the 20 years at the smelting plant.

    In the street, leaving Cézus (Areva), where the father worked 45 years, many opt for a respectful silence. But the flags of the factory at half mast since Thursday midnight show of emotion and grief shared by 300 people. “A feeling of great violence and great strength,” said Christophe Pellereau, the head of human resources and communication site. Emotion expressed by some modestly Uginois who agreed to pay tribute to Sylvain Mollier. “He was quiet, kind, helpful.” Pascal played rugby at school with him, “Kid, he was already like that:nice
    this adds a greater level of depth to the character..The more we find going back to the others trickling out slowly that are verifiable..not just facebook or Linkedin..the better for us..

  • bluebird


    Ugine links are still valid. Valence links are invalid. Why couldnt they have more significant names? I mean Srtzugfd instead of Mollier or Bruitghuztrq instead of Brun. That would make things easier. It looks as if every 100 miles there lives somebody with the same name.

    Funds of larouche? My guess is

    1. Putin ( right wing bolshevism)
    2. Iran
    3. Iraq
    4. European aristocracy, particularly french, italian, german and austrian
    5. Vatikan
    6. FED/ secretly through CIA (but not by US government)

    That mix does not look sane at the first view but it makes sense as it would be the same funding for nationalsocialists as it were pre- WW2.

  • Mochyn69

    re: the timeline.

    Aren’t we mising something here? Do we have any pathologists on board?? How long does it take a shooting victim to die?

    Given that the time frame of the ‘official’ narrative is incredibly tight and BM must have been on the scene within minutes of the shooting,how long would it be before a one moment living person becomes a clearly ‘inanimate’ object, lacking any kind of signs of life, given the alleged nature of the shootings?

    Any ideas?

  • Mochyn69

    13 Nov, 2012 – 2:09 am

    Did you check out the distribution map I linked to a couple of days ago? Mollier is not such a common name in France generally, and it is largely concentrated in Savoie and Corsica.

    I think there is therefore something extraordinary about the connections of the two pairs of Sylvain Molliers and Frederic Bruns. Identity theft? False identities?? Pure coincidence??? But both sets having apparent connections with Areva?

  • Katie

    Bluebird, do you think the protest group against Fracking are not involved here, could the Solidarité not have teamed up with them, they are very active & aggressive against Exxon Total & other oil companies.
    Several Annecy groups are involved:


    The Prefect of Haute-Savoie responds to collective:

    By LM Saturday, June 2, 2012, 14:28
    With a little delay, we received a response from the Prefect of Haute-Savoie in our inquiry of February 14, 2012. The letter is dated March 20, but received in May, after receiving the delegation of collective prefecture at the rally in Annecy.
    This is not the position that is responsible for this delay: it seems that the letter remained on the prefecture office pending a signature that has been slow to materialize.”


    More on Icke.

  • Sys

    @mochy69 on the pathology question how long after an injury
    Forensic experts said the first job for police who arrived at the crime scene should have been to check for survivors.

    But it could be that the first officers called to the rural beauty spot in the French countryside simply ‘panicked’ when confronted with the horror.

    In the UK, a doctor would be called to certify death – doing so, in this instance, could have alerted officers that the child was alive amidst the carnage in the car.

    Jim Fraser, professor of forensic science at the University of Strathclyde, said the first responsibility for officers confronted with such a crime scene is to check the victims for signs of life.

    It has been known for victims even with gunshot wounds to the head to live for hours and survive if they get emergency treatment.

    He said: ‘The overriding responsibility to the first responder at a crime scene, in the UK, would be to ensure that all individuals present are accounted for, their health and welfare, with an initial but thorough look at the crime scene.’

    Prof Fraser said of such multiple death crimes: ‘It’s a pretty horrible scene – not for the faint-hearted.’

    Forensic experts say it is a fiction to think murder scenes are preserved in pristine condition until they are examined by crime scene investigators.

    Only after police have carried out their duty to preserve life and certify death do they ‘freeze the scene’.

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