The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.
Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:
the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?
The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.
Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:
Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.
There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.
But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.
The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?
The answer to your question is that – no, I have done/said nothing untowards or disparaging – with regard to any of the individuals posting on MZT. just as I haven’t done on this blog, even when fiercely disagreeing with someone’s contention, or when a bit frustrated over the conversation veering off Chevaline too much for my liking. Couple of pages back you can see evidence of said exasperation, though again, no blame is attached to anyone. Rather it’s a difficult situation when we get no new facts or updates from any official corner for a long time. If anything, I praised many there, and alluded to their comments, crediting them as appropriate, when I found them particularly insightful, and/or cogent. Sure I had my preferences, but then we all do, right?
neither has my recent [deleted] comment stray off any respectful territory. It was merely one of my overly-lengthy summarizing posts, pursuing logical lines of thought – “if this”, then that” and “not the other”. And yes, I do take exception to it being deleted for no good reason, because that’s not good blog behavior, IMO. It seemed kind of petty and I believe most people here and there are – or should be – above that level.
The only thing I can think of is the comment I made back on July 7 or so that had my ruminations about blog “meta” dynamics. A general enough statement, true of all blogs, this one included. And one I’ve seen plenty on the political blogs where I am present. Groups form and disband on forums, alliances made, ties knotted and food fights started and terminated. No matter how eminent the subject or abstract (yes, it happens on Science blogs too) humans who find themselves drawn to the subject tend to coalesce into sub-groups which can be quite dynamic. Oftentimes it’s because styles resonate or opinions converge. To me it;s just another interesting phenomenon , one of many. Along those lines I commented on “cliques” and the like. I doubt most people care to even plow through my little missives and can’t blame them for that. But we all have our hobby horses and can appreciate others’ as even if we don’t care to jump on board.
So, here is the comment that may have triggered something or other, you can be the judge. Actually you SHOULD be the judge since it was kind of precipitated by all the discussion about copyrights and the very excellent reference you found as to why copyrighting information on public blogs is not only tricky but legally unenforceable.
I believe this comment was made after MZT closed down for a while, but am not sure. As you can also see on that and the next page i was more than welcoming and appreciative of any MZT posters who showed up here. That included Lynda.
Pink 2:34 PM
I don’t disagree with you about inter-blog “bitching” serving no purpose. However,speaking for myself, I also don’t take lightly to a comment of mine being deleted without good reason. Since there was nothing personal involved – apparently – that does leave the possibility of censoring-due-to-content. And that IS relevant to the discussions we are having.
And while Marilyn has every right to run her blog any way she sees fit, and can welcome or not any poster she wishes, given the subject that is of interest to us all, it is only fair that we speculate about the why’s and when’s of any action. And we all do that, not just this or that blog but any and every report and article we have seen or that we suspect has been “disappeared”. I don’t now whether you were here at the time but i recall seeing the most heated discussions on that supposed DA notice. Why would it have been so heated? probably because people just hate the idea of information being “scrubbed’ deliberately
In Tim V’s case, he is simply speculating that a poster Lynda, may have privileged access to police files/information, based entirely on the substance of her comments, including a steadfast support for the French police positions. As they changed, her comments moved along with the new take, repositioning the storyline to fit. That may or may not be true and obviously none of us are in the know. But IT is fair to look at consistent slant in ANYONE’s comments anywhere as another factoid. I have every expectation that some may choose to look at my own comments in the same light.
As an aside, I would be amazed if we don’t have plants among us that are part of one or other ‘authority” involved in “investigating” the case. In fact, it may be someone(s) quite not obvious, and Lynda may just be one who prefers to believe the official version(s) for entirely her own reasons. May be as a foil to conspiracy buffs, such as myself? she may have also simply taken an exception to Tim V’s style for it being too “direct” for her taste. And may be Marilyn just didn’t like my post(s) because they are too long and dense (a flaw I freely admit). It’s all possible.
The important point is that this is not just about petty inter-blog “squabble”, where someone takes personal affront to something or other. The way comments by individual posters are treated can and does reflect on Chevaline case. In fact this is all part of the surreal aspects of the incident – it’s “Twin Peak”-like nature.
That, and the fact that I don’t like to see comments deleted when they don’t violate any policy guidelines. especially not when it involved editing (which I hate to do, as you can see from the typos galore that populate my comments, alas) due to a recalcitrant ‘d’ key. I’ll let the “that woman” comment pass (for now).
Also, please read my reply to Mochyn69 above. Am interested to see what you think.
Hey everybody!
I’m new here so mostly I’ll just be lurking for a while keeping an eye out for scary plants!
25 Jul, 2013 – 8:48 pm – or then there’s bluff and counter bluff. Perhaps James and Katie (aka MZT?) are actually “friends”? Who knows? They shared a certain abrasive style.
@ Pink
25 Jul, 2013 – 2:34 pm you say
If you don’t like the way Marilyn runs her blog why not just leave the people who happy there to get on with it.”
I left because I didn’t like the prevailing ethos and haven’t gone back, despite others requesting I follow the continuing discussion there. It seemed to me, as soon as there was honest debate that challenged the prevailing view, someone seemed to appear profoundly upset, expressing themselves in personal and offensive ways. In fact not unlike yourself.
Case Officer Trrifid,
You trying to cause mirth among the troops or something? this is a MS (Most Serious) group, you know…
U plant U…..
Pleased to see ya Case Officer Triffid
25 Jul, 2013 – 10:27 pm. Does cannabis count?
….and a rather strange influx of new names!!!!! Purely co-incidental I’m sure. Welcome all I say. The more the merrier (hopefully)
perhaps we are getting so close they’re calling in reinforcements?
@Pink – be prepared to be pissed off then.
If you find this thread bad you should try some Craig’s political threads. They are infested with some, to me at least, really unpleasant trolls. I don’t think we have that in this particular thread.
But that is what I like about Craig’s blog: everyone is equal and can say what they like. There are no “important” or favoured posters, there are no private back-channels to moderators for certain posters, nobody is censored, all views welcome.
I also think Marlin makes a good point (a few posts above) as to why such discussion is valid: “… that does leave the possibility of censoring-due-to-content. And that IS relevant to the discussions we are having. …”
I am prepared to be pissed off I never expected for one second that my plea to leave them alone would have the desired effect just like the requests from people there have not, its just another brick wall to bang my head on when will I ever learn 🙂
I just have to share this from James, now posting on MZT:
“….. Either Mr Mollier rode into a mad man shooting at Mr Al Hilli.
Or Mr Al Hilli drove into a mad man shooting at Mr Mollier.
The “theory” that both were there “to meet each other”…is a theory I could never quite “get”. I suspect either/or was the “target”.
If not…then this shooting was done by a (so called) “lone nut”.
What I find amazing is the personality change. James has posted here a lot – in fact, he was one of the more ubiquitous posters for long long time. Longer than I have been here. His trade marks – as best i could tell – were riddles and questions. Sometimes his questions were interesting and insightful. They made me often think – though I was rarely sure what the questions were (well, I’m limited that way). other times, well, the comments and questions were all over the map, but never failing to express puzzlement at the PTBs and the loose ends left by the so-called “investigators”. But so were we all so what the heck.
But here we have – all of a sudden – a ‘theory” and a ‘definite”. I never saw james put himself on the line for an actual “theory”. especially one that allows for the “lone nut”. The old james i knew would never have much use for tsuch certainty – perish the thought, and my memory ain’t so bad that I need to go searching either.
So we have a new James. Materialized within days- ready for “lone nutters” if need be. Ready for “one or the other”. No more riddles for me to ponder over. the Sphinx and the Delphi gone in a jiffy.
And he isn’t the only one displaying some surprising personality changes… so what’s going on with our [limited] reality picture? did the rules changes all of a sudden? What’s next – TIM V going all gooey eyed for Maillaud or something? (ouch – that hurts. Sorry Tim V…too much imagination here).
Now, what I really want to know is this – how does this personality transformation business work? because i want some of that for myself – like, may be i could get more concise (wouldn’t you all love that)? how can I write like Straw or Bleb or Q and still get my point across minus the meandering? How can I have some of that all-new James personality? the clear-cut, focused to the point one? is there a cyber potion available for sale somewhere?
PS This was offered by way of a c(s)omic interlude. Got a bit tired of “psychologizing”, thanks god (or the matrix or whatever). may be a transformation IS coming — though alas, it lloks like it won’t be any less wordy.
@Pink – good, keep smiling!
@Marlin – I’d add to your list:
from 9/11 conspiracy supporter (impossible to pilot aircraft into Pentagon at low level – many posts on here) to apparently anti all conspiracy theories (latterly in this place).
I preferred and liked the old James before his “Sauline” conversion, even if, like you, I didn’t always understand what he was on about.
@Marlin – just promise you are not running an experiment in “blog dynamics” and have a class of students posting as various characters to see how genuine posters will react. 🙂
That is my contribution to conspiracy theories for today.
Seriously though: to keep this thread open we need to keep posting (there is a rolling closure date of 5 days after the last post on all threads on this blog) and there isn’t often anything new that is strictly OT.
BTW I’m glad to say that Craig is back and well after his op.
James tells us he is a private airline pilot ferrying dubious types around the world. He may be. He speaks with confidence and knowledge about flying technology. We cannot know for sure whether this was genuine or not. His style was almost delphic, relying on questions almost thrown out at random, with no underlying rationale or theorizing. I always interpreted that as more critical than constructive but maybe that’s just me. Muddy the waters; confuse the debate. Then there were the rather irrational outbursts of, mainly it seemed directed at me, over relatively small mistakes that I acknowledged, appeared out of all proportion to the offence. (Do you remember how he got in a tizz over the location of the shooters when this wasn’t actually the subject under discussion? Then no comment from him when I gave my opinion on that later.)Taking umbrage and leaving. Now this latest news of a firm opinion! Just more mystery.
As to his substantive point that either SM was being shot when SAH arrived or vice versa, if we take the lab result and photograph as reliable, it is a total non-starter. He seems to ignore the scientific opinion that SM was shot first and his blood was found on the Al Hilli’s. Furthermore all the shooting has to take place in under a minute.
So the only scenario that fits is that both had arrived and were together before the attack started. James’ suggestion is simply not possible. His opinion based on this flawed approach, that it was a “lone gunman” is even more unreliable.
Will anyone on MZT challenge it or is yet more grist to their compliant mill?
Katie was from the UK. That was traceable due to some of the link URLs she had posted by copy/paste. Her goal was to put the crime into the hands of mobsters, particularly Mr X.
NR is – I strongly guess – from Germany.
It is a pity that he does not post here any longer. He did contribute a good part of the investigation news here.
Felix had some knowledge of Arabic text and he was pretty acribic in his investigations he’s too busy now on icke to find a Woolwich solution.
Oliphant was the master of Arabic links and translations. Very much missed here.
Then we have whom i do not miss at all. His theories are stories of 1001 nights and there is no approval nor any evidence at all.
Then we had Lars/Nielsen, the master of copy/paste, a Danish neonazi who must be NOT amused of my theories. I do not miss him and his periodic anti jewish rants at all.
Then we miss James who personally rants while he is drunk but who otherwise was a sane character keeping this blog alive.
And then there are the few remaining here who still post and investigate. Perhaps there is some enthusiasm lost by now, but we are going forward. This is a collection of different talents here that is usually unknown to police investigation teams. They would be proud of such a team as long as we arent drunk.
Tim V.
Here’s a “tip”.
Don’t let me become your obsession !
Move on.
You last post… classic “you”.
In an earlier post you think Marilyn is “Katie” a former poster here !
You build your “theory” and shout “the police are lying” (The arc of the BMW. The photos at Arnand. And on and on and on.)
…and yet you are more are believe their “evidence” which fits your “theory”.
Mainly because it’s “your theory” !
Classic “Bipolar”.
And you can’t even see it….which many bipolar people can’t.
And that’s why I’m not “on here”.
I do however know a place where many people don’t like you.
And I can see why !
Byeee !
Hey James don’t burn your bridges you might need to come back 😛
Nah !
Was merely “picking up” some info that was posted a few pages back….and then caught the latest from “Tim” ! (OMG !).
I’ll be happy to burn my “posting” bridges here.
With the “old” researchers” leaving (all but BlueBird that is. And I wonder how long he’ll last) the substance has gone.
Marilyn is “Katie”. Say’s it all really “substance wise”.
catch you around Pink.
@bluebird 25 Jul, 2013 – 8:48 pm
As for ‘Katie’ I don’t know if she was a Brit but she claimed to be living in France, Brittany, to be precise. Her goal seemed to be to deflect attention from claims that it was a Mossad hit because the Jews are such lovely people.
As for ‘James’ I seem to recall at one time there appeared to be two Jameses. The late and great Anders7777 called him / them as a troll from Vauxhall.
Who cares? Nobody really, as personally I think that nothing that is said or done on the blogosphere will have the slightest effect on the real world whatever that is.
In the absence of any concrete developments, we may as well discuss the dynamics of blogs as that certainly is interesting.
Mochyn there still seems to be two James funny I thought of Anders too do you think he’s trying to tell us something perhaps that there is two James ,the one that knows Anders and the one that doesn’t.
Back to topic.
I saw this by accident and i do not know whether or not this is BS.
I copy that text here just because of curiousity. Maybe you can do something with these thoughts. I had no time yet to verify this. either that guy is extremely well informed or he is a strange zroll.
Miriam Clegg “[Revised September 11, 2012. Matrix 5 principal and Femme Comp wife of the allegedly-extorted man-in-the-middle Nick Clegg, Minister for Constitutional and Political Reform in the U.K. coalition government of David Cameron; she allegedly used Alpine RapidEye surveillance and Onion Router technology to relay a license to kill Saad al-Hilli – a prospective whistleblower to the decoy-and-drone flying events of 9/11; she allegedly ordered al Hilli killed to stop him from revealing her client’s – British Bankers’ Nadhmi Auchi – escrow agreements with Julian Assange and Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates – Canada’s RapidEye contractor – to relay encrypted Onion Router license-to-kill messages for al-Qaeda hit teams on 9/11; she allegedly extorts her husband in his multiple roles, including a British Liberal Democrat politician, the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the Lord President of the Council; she allegedly ordered her husband to have code breaker Gareth Williams tortured and killed by suffocation in a hockey bag after his DEADF007 signature was found in the Stuxnet/Flame malware of logic process controllers Iran’s uranium enrichment program; she allegedly ordered her husband and his D2 Banking colleagues at Canada Square to try and snuff out traces of Flame malware used in the May 9 sabotage of Sukhoi Superjet; she was a Partner and head of international trade practice for multi-national law firm DLA Piper (2006-2011); she allegedly co-ordinated or extorted DLA Partners, Michael Lester, the former BAE Systems group legal director, and Frank Menaker, the former Lockheed Martin general counsel, into the payment of $400 million hush money to the DOJ Forfeiture Fund for the Saudi warplane bribes; she allegedly used her husband’s office to procure Bessemer’s VeriSign keys to the Federal Bridge and a Silent Witness role in the spoliation of evidence of Bessemer agents at the spy-in-the-bag (Gareth Williams) crime scene; she left Foreign Office in 2006 as an expert in the Middle East peace process and the racketeering arbitrage of the UN Oil-for-Food program under Robin Cook who was allegedly the victim of a patented hit on 6 August 2005; she allegedly extorted Cook as the Lord President of the Privy Council between 8 June 2001 to 18 March 2003; she’s allegedly cool at husband’s “no more than 30 “sexual encounters” which AD suspects include abuse of children in front of a video camera but outside the reach of Common Law; her husband studied the genocidal Deep Green child-killing movement at University of Minnesota in 1990; her husband interned in New York under the homosexual entrapment expert Christopher Hitchens; her husband moved to Brussels into G24 where he allegedly trained for the 911 attacks through the coordinated use of PKI and patented devices to control airline supply chains to former Soviet Union and Transport Corridor for Europe, the Caucasus and Asia; her husband took a second master’s degree at the College of Europe in Bruges where he and she appear to have been targeted for Dutroux-style pedophile entrapment; her husband’s great-great aunt Moura Budberg was mistress of Sir R. H. Bruce Lockhart, a double-agent for both the Soviet Union and British intelligence who served the two Odd Fellows – Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt – who decided to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki; she is a former senior adviser in cabinet of EU external relations commissioner Chris Patten and the cabinet of Benita Ferrero-Waldner who was former Chef de protocole for Secretary General Boutros-Ghali at the UN in New York during the Rwanda Genocide; she was responsible for EU relations for the United States and the Middle East; she joined DLA Piper EU, Competition and Trade practice in London as a senior consultant; she is an expert in EU law and trade in the telecommunications and energy sectors; she is a former European Commissions’ leading trade negotiator at the WTO on telecommunication, energy, postal, construction and information services; she is former competition and regulatory lawyer for BT in Brussels; she has a masters degree from the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium); she is a senior associate member of St Anthony’s College, Oxford; she was allegedly extorting Dr. Patrick Van Eecke as the man-in-the-middle of DLA Piper’s Internet law group who specializes in Mozilla open-source software, e-commerce, e-government, digital signatures and PKI, data protection, cyber-criminality and data protection; allegedly extorted staff at D2 Banking and PKI Sevices, Canary Wharf, and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology; allegedly authorized development of plaintext injection attacks against SSL to fool users into thinking session is secure and convert session to a true man-in-the-middle attack through Mozilla, VeriSign and Entrust; she allegedly created rogue CAs in Livery Company supply chains to allow Sisters to intercept traffic to a secure Web site and steal or plant sensitive information such as passwords and credit card data or phony clues; allegedly managed transition of security industry has from flawed MD5 to equally flawed SHA-1; she allegedly authorized Entrust to infiltrate the ePassports EAC Conformity & Interoperability Tests in Prague, Czech Republic and allow EU to move Matrix 5 pedophile assets and evade interception; allegedly allowed Entrust to build backdoor public key infrastructure (PKI) into the open-source community through Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the Mozilla Foundation; she allegedly authorized Silent Witnesses on the FBCA to ‘hijack’ AA Flight 77 in a Free Flight patented hit of pilot Captain “Chic” Burlingame (USNA 1971) and his crew and passengers; she and her fellow Crown Agents Sisters must now await reprisal by the late Captain Chic’s fellow Marines – Semper Fi]“
That guy could link al Hilli with wikileaks and Sweden. He is a Jew AND a neonazi and anti zionist. Some people say that he is a mobster, some believe that he is a double agent.
Have an exciting weekend with that text that i had never seen before.
In my next post i shall reveal the ownership of the Burhill Golf company.
Katie did never post from France. She did post from UK (95%) or perhaps from the USA (5% chance). Not from France due to the links and URL encryptions she had posted.
I shall stay here as long as sufficient people seem to be interested in my posts.
Marilyn has just called it for the ‘lone nutter’
Marilyn Z. Tomlins
7-26-2013 at 17:57:
‘They were killed by a ‘nutter’. Sylvain Mollier after the Al-Hillis.’
See more at:
All directors of the Burhill Golf and Leisure company
Gianfranco Bosi. Retired.
Colin Michael Mayes
That interview is propaganda BS . Golf clubs dont make money. It’s like horse racing, used for money laundering or else for reduction of other income taxes.
James Conlan
Mr. Clive, son of the Viscount,_2nd_Viscount_Boyd_of_Merton
Member of the noble Fanshawe family
Edward Arthur Guinness 4th Earl of Iveagh,_4th_Earl_of_Iveagh
Timothy Haden Scott
Robin Ivan Howard
Daughter of the Princess Antonia of Prussia
Lady Honor Victoria Wellesley Montagu,_Marchioness_of_Douro
A pretty much Royal directorship who employed Zaid al Hilli as their accountant.
So what? Let MZT have her opinion. We had already 1000 opinions. No problem.
I just wonder about how a crazy lone nutter is able to remove fb pages, internet tracks of father and son, wife and daughter, in less than 24 hours, including that of Sylvain Mollier whom he did not even know, forget about his name, as he was just an “accident”. Tgat lone nutter must be a member of some kind of intelligence elite for being able to do that. And he must be an expert lone nutter killer to avoid any finger prints and other evidence at the scene. And he must be a famous lone nutter to create that kind of attention of British police and even the army by raiding the house of the victim just a few days later.
Oh yes. The lone nutter. Like the “suicide” of Gareth Williams and Dr. Kelly, like the tragic accident of Mr.Cook. The world is full of lone nutters and tragic accidents. BS!
The exciting directorship of the Burhill golf club “awaits moderation” by jon due to the many links i had to post there. Look back up to that spot here later or tomorrow or even later than that please. I do not want this post to disappear. It was a hell of work.
Interesting posts regarding the Swedish Neonazi and anti zionist Israel Shamir.
Who is Lord Ahmed???
Serach for “Auchi” and “Shamir” in that text below.
So was the “lone nutter” conspiring with ZAH?
Thus making them not “lone” and not “nuts” or have Surrey Police arrested ZAH on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder on a whim?
Israel Shamir: France has to support Lebanese Hezbollah in their fight versus Israel
Lebanese journalist Zeinab Al-Saffar was perhaps the hardest to place.
“I am Hezbollah and proud of it ,” said Al-Saffar introducing herself to the public. Anchor for Al-Manar TV, the media arm of Hezbollah, Al-Saffar described herself as “the female face of Lebanese resistance.” Hezbollah gives her a “line of thought – an ideology, which keeps us strong – a belief,” she said.
According to FB on MZT 7-26-2013 at 02:35:09 He said
“Saad’s facebook is still up.”
Mochyn69 5:49PM – marilyn calling it for the “lone nutter”, and for Sylvain killed AFTER the Al Hillis. In contradiction of just about every known fact and contravening what little logic has been assigned to us, humans.
And as BB @ 6:09 PM how right you are about our super-proficient all-influencial lone nutter.What talent for information scrubbing! and so fast! and, like you say, this was a “nutter with a plan” = after all there was much to scrub….all those photos to erase….
BTW, I caught a comment from FB that saad’s facebook was up and running even a day later. But it got “hacked” somehow – by journalists who went after the “friends”. Which is how they knew to ask about the Geocaching… know, the firend who received updates about saad’s location and then showed up at Claygate, when the updates “stopped”.