The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.
Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:
the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?
The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.
Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:
Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.
There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.
But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.
The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?
Bluebird 3:15PM – you forgot Ferret. I remember him/her well as they were the ones that “ferreted” out that little mischievous trick of katie’s who recommended adding a link, which then turned out to be one that discloses IP etc. to who knows whom. Something that was duly noted down and caused her to flip big time. She went after ferret with a 4×4, if I recall.
Well, to me that just said that “katie” had certain “friends” who provided some guidance. The “trick” was just something that was worth a try, right?
For those speculating about possible katie connections to Marilyn’s blog, a closer match is Lynda. Better fit with posting style. And in that connection I note the “seduction” of Mochyn69 with Welch lore – not so easily seduced there – I have a feeling. good Welch stock and all that – –
My post crossed with Pink’s _ I was next going to point out the same comment by FB. great minds think alike?
When their names were released there was no FB of Saad and neither there was one of Iqbal and SM.
There are RIP pages, though. However their personal sites were erased before their names were revealed.
Btw. This is the FB page of FatBastard from MTZ.
He posts on the RIP page on dec. 24th first. Did it take him that long to realize?
He speaks of his “clients” making donations. What clients?
Make your own picture.
Fat Bastard seems to be a Hash House Harrier. He got a lot of friends who are Hash House Harriers, including an Iraqi who works for Boeing in Oxfordshire.
Was Saad a Hash House Harrier, too?
If so, it would be easy to fake something for a Hash House Harrier to make him go to that awkward place in chevaline.
This is the Boeing company where one of fat bastards middle eastern fb and hash house harrier friends is working. Hmmm … “big data solutions”; “fast data solutions”.
Something we had seen when we did investigate Saad earlier.
Rashid Karim
Senior Solution Architect at Narus Inc (Boeing)Studied Management & Business Administration at University of WarwickLives in Fringford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Who is FatBastard? A music manager? An artist agent? A pub owner?
I am sorry that i had to uncover him, but i am still suspicious about him and about what he says. His “clients” want to donate for Saad’s children? Fine! But what are “clients?” Is he a lawyer? Dont think so.
James did already tell us the true name of fat bastard. James William Mathews.
Photos and hash harrier entries confirm that this is his real name.
On the other hand, James was suspicious whether or not the poster fb did impersonate the known facts of james mathews. We do not know whether or not he is the real one posting here or if he is impersonating the online identity.
The basic scenario many of the good people of MZT want to get back to is that [in]famous le parisien cartoon of the “crime”. The link from max’s pictures is here:
This was apparently based on disclosures from some police sources, and is what set the narrative of the reversing BMW, dragging SM’s body in motion.
It’s also key to the “one shooter’ story that EM and investigators were striving to propagate from the beginning.
Max has said several times that it was this “scenario” that influenced him from the first and to which he has been trying to fit all the other pieces. But being an analytic individual, he found it increasingly difficult – with every revelation the solution for the “sudoku” problem kept receding further away. In particular, there were a number of contradictions embedded in the Le Parisien picture from the onset, including the position of the bike, of Zainab, of BMW’s line of sight etc. that not to mention issues with logistics, movements of the individuals, etc. All has been pointed out here and at also at MZT many times over. And I recall several notables poking at least 10 2 Euro size holes in this picture-perfect scenario, so I won’t endeavor.
When Tim V came in to MZT with his persuasive arguments about the tracks (here at CM we have all pretty much agreed it wasn’t the BMW that left them track marks for numerous reasons), some like Max went to revisit the scenario as shown by LP and found it indeed lacking. this,in turn, undermined lots of other information and previously favored scenarios . In fact, without the BMW making the circular tracks, the strong possibility of another vehicle on the scene opened up – which could have carried killer X, and since it is highly unlikely that one could both drive and shoot, that automatically leads to a team of at least 2. Which means, bye-bye “lone nutter”.
It is my belief (and i am back to “psychologizing” here) that if we turn the arguments around and start with the premise that a “lone shooter’ there must be (whatever the scenario is, this one element is sacrosanct – like kind of Newton’s law of gravitation), then indeed, even the possibility of another car, especially a SUV being on the scene at any time before, during or just after the crime will be problematic. Marilyn herself, on several occasions in the past, called it for the “lone nutter”, but was willing to extend it to a “local” conspiracy angle, adding the assumption of SM being the target due to “family issues”. A bit extreme perhaps, getting him out of the way in such a dramatic fashion, but not unheard of. That always left the problem of the Al Hillis as “collateral damage”. Stretches credulity perhaps for a “local” crime with SM as a mere Inconvenient person to be gotten rid of, so there was willingness to entertain larger plot that includes, say, that unseemly powerfully connected relative. Max added the ingenious idea of Al hillis as a “mask”. But that raises another problem with pointing fingers at individuals – a potentially libelious action in the french context.
So, here is the sequence for this line of reasoning:
1. lone shooter there must be
Coupled with:
1A.Conspiracy (ie, more than one) there must be not
Leads to
2. SM must have been the target (Al Hillis as target always problematic given that 1 and 1A cannot be violated) plus takes care of indications from Vinneman that SM was shot first.
Which then leads to:
3. Al hilli family as “collateral damage”
Which raises a conundrum:
4. Willingness to shoot so many + silence of the villagers add to a power behind the shooter and ruthlessness
Which gets into the problem of the
5. Who done it and why
Resulting in
6. potentially libelious accusations.
7. Eric Maillaut unhappy – he prefers the culprits to be in the UK. Has good reasons for that.
So, what to do, what to do?
Ah! go back to 2, and change to
2A:SM not THE target (though can still be shot first, wherever he happened to stand)
Which gets you back to:
2B Must be a “nutter” doing the shooting! only nutters shoot people for no reason, right?
Problem solved: Al hillis not target either, just collateral per 3. then:
4A. Nothing more sinister than a psycho. No great power and no more ruthlessness than psychos are capable of. Human history is full of them, after all.
Which begets
5A. Why? it’s obvious – that’s what nutters do….shoot people out on leisurely bike ride and sightseeing.
Which solves the problem of 6, turning it into:
6A No libel. Psychos are what they are. No one’s fault – they are born that way…bad genes and all.
And kind of solves 7:
7A EM – OK, he always felt it could be a mad tourist/bicyclist-targeting madman lurking in the woods.
See how well this scenario solves the pesky problem of keeping French police happy? and removing the threat of libel due to accusations of “locals” and potentially “smearing the families Schutz and Mollier”? wjile keeping the Al hillis well out of the loop – or, as FB says – it’s just an all-British family (plus a Swede) doing what brits do – now, let the girls go, ya hear?
Alas, there is still the problem of the ever rational Max. So he redoes the calculation and finds that it COULD be the BMW after all. then goes on vacation (no doubt, much deserved). In comes James with “shots from a distance”, and target being “one or the other” soon to converge on the preferred “neither”.
And it’s all one happy family again, and peace on earth….
See how tidy and neat it all is?
Now, where oh where is that “nutter’, and why, oh why, won’t the British play ball? why can’t they let the good EM speak to Zainab in private and explain – kindly but clearly – what she must have seen – that “one bad man”! and “no other car”.
Would the late and great Anders7777 be proud of this [re]construction or what?
Bluebird @9:56PM
On Rashid karim and narus.
It’s true that Narus was bought by Boeing but originally it was a company founded by israelis and headquartered there. They, along with Verint, another israeli founded and managed company are two of the ones to which the NSA outsourced the data sifting part of PRISM – both companies were prominently mentioned in the early Snowden NSA disclosures (see Glenn Greenwald pieces from mid June).
The other israeli founded company with a hand in the data collection/retrieval/mining saga is palantir. Lots to read about them too.
As for Narus – it’s probably involved with GCHQ in britain as well. It’s worth looking through the company management and locations.
Funny how some things almost want to be tied together.
agree with that one Mochyn69
26 Jul, 2013 – 5:04 pm.
always sad to see an old friend go out the door james never to return.
frequently a ferret down a rabbit hole gets results
Bluebird @10:21PM
For some reason I found it really difficult to believe that a real person, james mattews, or as his FB account says Fa tbastard, would want to engage on an internet blog on an event as shady and frought with problems as the murder of a family in France + a bicyclist. Would any of us care to do that if we were, say, friends of someone who died a violent death? and if we did, would we do it under our true identity, given all the potentially troublesome implications, including but not limited to, involvement of intelligence agencies? an intelligent person – and no reason to say otherwise – would surely consider the potential ramifications, especially one with such a wide network of friends and family?
Being one of the resident profilers here, I must say – not likely.
Something is wrong and our James’ original hunch may have been “on”. But that one, of course, was the “CM James” the delphic personality that raised those doubts, just as he raised qualms about much else. The new “MZT James” appears to harbor far fewer doubts…..
Tim, Bleb and others
The place we went to at the top of the route Combe d’Ire matched the description of the crime scene, with a French/ English sign warning about the dangerous road beyond the barrier, and a bank to the right as you enter the lay-by. My description was to briefly convey the rather dark and unbecoming atmosphere of the spot, its lack of attraction for a family holiday trip or to spend time in. It was reported that WBM cycled up the route de Combe d’Ire (being passed by Mollier) and saw Zainab just before arriving at the lay-by.
With hindsight, I would have taken some photos. Haven’t yet been able to watch the journey shown on MZT, sounds rough,whereas road we went up was quite well-surfaced and straightish.
On timing, I should have made it clearer that the three and a half minutes was from passing the sign for the C d’Ire, not from the main road turn-off. Was keeping an eye on the time because we had a plane to
As to the 3:15 timing of the family photo, I was suggesting a plausible scenario for the Al-Hillis to arrive at the lay-by by 3:30; in accepting this time I am not by any means implying I believe everything Maillaud says. Don’ t think getting kids and granny into car would be as time-consuming as Tim thinks, having done the same myself on numerous occasions. Believe it was someone on MZT who suggested the family may have returned to collect a lost toy – certainly not me. I am pretty sure the Al-Hillis were there for a meeting. Tim, many pages back I think you expressed an emphatic belief that they were there for a meeting. – is that still your position?
26 Jul, 2013 – 5:49 pm that sort of confirms it for me.
btw apropos “james” i know a “place where i’m not liked” as well (as if being liked matters a toss)
Marlin; FYI
Yes, sometimes there is quite a lot of some accident.
@Fera – you really need to watch that video of the road up to Martinet:
This is most interesting.
This is his curriculum vitae.
Look what he did in Middle East. You are perfectly right, Marlin!
Look that he worked for Logica!
Wasnt the Dutch orphan Saad al Hilli working in the 1980tees and 1990tees for Logica, too?
This word document os exciting to read!
BB – some interesting connections (Narus, Hash Harriers etc) you have dug up there.
Could (the real) FB be a job recruitment agent?
Bluebird 12:21 AM
The link is not working but easy to find by following to his work interests.
So, not very long ago (he lists it second off the top on 2000-present (though given the link is a bit old, “present’ might be – when?) he worked – as part of narus – for a “large: middle eastern country, then peddled the same solution for an Asian country. The solution is obviously a government spying operation on its own citizens, something Narus specializes in (cyber 3.0, web semantics, etc). The “middle eastern’ country might be Egypt or Syria. Not likely saudi arabia or gulf states (population not so large) and not likely Iran. He speaks Arabic, so it’d be an Arabic country, obviously with a regime that was interested in keeping tabs on what it’s citizens are looking at and who they are calling.
That’s consistent with one of the packages Narus is selling.
Another comment: he was at the University of london, graduating in Biology in 1877. So by now rashid is in his late 50’s-ear;y 60’s by my account. Interestingly, Suhaila al saffar is supposed to have received her PhD in biology from the Univ. of london. we don’t know when and at what point she moved to Sweden. This bit of information I gleamed off Lars’ summary – rather than something I read here. not sure how and from where he got in.
Rashid, I’ll note, joined Narus back in 2002 or so when it was a pre-IPO start-up. Well, we know Narus did very well, so Rashid is no doubt a very well-off man now.
Just collecting a few tid-bits together,
A thought: see what he is supposed to have done for the “middle east country with large population”. Add then the fact that Narus is a contractor for the NSA. Then a straight line will tell you what they are doing and the extent of spying on US and UK citizens.
Another interesting tid-bit: the israeli founders of narus (find them on Wikipedia) have left and are now with Deutche Telecom. In fact, most of the israeli founders and team members were off the company official rolls and it is being denied that any of them are on the Board. that’s OK because israel no longer needs them to be there for the information they need to be collected and sent to Tel Aviv. OTOH, if I were german I might have reasons for concern.
Bleb 12_53PM “just promise you are not running an experiment in “blog dynamics” and have a class of students posting as various characters to see how genuine posters will react. ”
Now there’s a great idea. “Find the troll” as a class exercise, or “be the troll and sway group opinion to your side” as a term paper.
For those interested in a more advanced concept paper, we can have: “Group Dynamics on the web and in real life: compare and contrast using an example from your debate group vs. an established conspiracy blog”.
Thanks Bleb. Sorry but i can’t promise notin’ – not if you keep giving me good ideas….
Marlin – your lack of a denial is noted 😉
Correction to my earlier post: typo – Rashid graduated in 1977 (not 1877, obviously).
Pretty sure he would be in his later 50’s.
The large Middle eastern country would be, I believe, Egypt, especially since he went on to work for Egypt’s telecom, guarding against loss of revenue due to VoiP.
The CV is kind of out of date. based on the web site it’s from – it might not be representative of work after say, 2006. Not sure about that.
Its worth reading the wiki for hash harriers I can’t say I have convinced myself that it is a likely contender but it has a lot of the components we have come across .
Its a type of hunt where someone lays a trail for others to follow it can be done on foot on bike in the water etc ,it involve shouting like people do when saying where the fox is in foxhunting, (Zainab) heard shouting ,it might also account for the amount of people in the area that day .
The wigs in cars and mad peugeot driver might easily be part of some sort of hunt .
Hashing has not strayed far from its roots in Kuala Lumpur. The hare(s) mark their trail with paper, chalk, sawdust, or coloured flour, depending on the environment and weather.
Special marks may be used to indicate a false trail, a backtrack, a shortcut, or a turn. The most commonly used mark is a “check”, indicating that hashers will have to search in any direction to find the continuation of the trail. Trails may contain a “beer check”, where the pack stops to consume beer, water, or snacks, allowing any stragglers to catch up to the group.
Trails may pass through any sort of terrain and hashers may run through back alleyways, residential areas, city streets, forests, swamps, deep mud (“shiggy”) or shopping malls and may climb fences, ford streams, explore storm drains or scale cliffs in their pursuit of the hare.
reading variations it says :
Disaster Hash [7] – A disaster hash is basically an impromptu hash that can be called by any hash member whenever a disaster occurs. The disaster can be anywhere in the world and can range from am earthquake to a flat tire.
You get my gist I hope I can’t say I find it likely but its worth a thought.
Sorry Marlin. That is the correct link
You could be right with Egypt. However, Egypt was later and he says “Egypt”.
Before he was in a Middle East country with a huge population to control and for surveillance of their internet and telephone conversations. Iraq? Iran? Pakistan?
Egypt isnt really a Middle East country. It is Northern Africa.
What really shocks me is the Logica work.
He was working for Logica EXACTLY the same LONG time in the 1980tees and 1990tees like the Dutch orphan Saad al Hilli.
I have always had the suspicion that the Dutch Saad profiles were an intelligence fake creation to move us into the wrong direction in case we would accidentally find e.g. Saad-Logica or Saad-Dubai links. “Oh, it is just the other Saad!”. Nada. The “other Saad” is a fake. Is he?
James William Mathews aka Fat Bastard is close friend of Ahmed Rashid and Saad al Hilli.
Fat Bastard is a founder of the Hash Harriers and he is everywhere when there is ahash running. Ahmed Rashid, too. Saad al Hilli? Likely.
The “wrong” SAH worked for the same company at the same time like Ahmed Rashid. Rashid is about exactly as old as the real SAH is. They went to the same school in London at the same time.
Rashid has roots (work) in Dubai. He did found together with “Waseem”.
However, there were big plans with iguru but there is nothing. The site is a test site since one year. The test and programming work for this site suddenly stopped in August 2012.
Too much coincidence here!
As a hash runner, we know about why he was in Col d’Ire. I agree with pink. We also know that hash running harriers are fun people who drink a lot. Sounds like what we know and heard of Saad. So then, if there was a hash running competition, why not take Iqbal and the children? He needs Iqbal for driving home after 10 beers. Dont leave grandma alone. She might have fun, too. Other people knew of course that he would find the beer at Col d’Ire. Were they waiting for him?
The Geneva Hash harriers organise hash runs in the annecy area from time to time.
Fat Bastard appears in one picture of the Geneva hash runners meetings.
BM’s missing time on the bike he could be the target laying a trail and Sm could be a pursuer or they could both be pursuers following the same trail and variations on that theme it does have certain qualities.
Was SAH laying a trail when he was leaving the campsite for short periods and was that why he was at the the top of the hill, waiting to be found perhaps ?
Just speculating really not sure I really think so it would seem to be too easy for the police to work out .
Absolutely! Bluebird
26 Jul, 2013 – 6:09 pm. Like EM in fact – any theory BUT the most obvious in all the circumstances. I think a very rational response is WHY that should be? Why are Marilyn and Lynda so dead set against any state involvement and so blind to irrational theories that contort themselves to try and fit the facts of the crime scene?
They still try to come up with a story that fits a reversing BMW from top of the lay-by to bottom despite its obvious impossibility. In addition to all the previous reasons I’ve recounted how do you explain the evidence of the bullet damage to the car?
Clearly the greatest damage was to the nearside of the car. This MUST have come first as the driver’s side shots are clearly the fatal head shots and no manoeuvre could have happened after this.
So if as they claim the car was pointing in at the top, this would mean that the shots would have had to come from the middle of the car park. Yet SAH ZAH and SM were located in the middle. And how is SAH supposed to get back to the driver’s seat and reverse round under such circumstances?
If this is what happened it rules out another vehicle at the top (because the BMW is there) or ANYWHERE ELSE in that layby or the BMW wouldn’t have been able to reverse around unobstructed. Nor for that matter could the attacker have approached from the barrier as has been stated.
Wherever the shooter shot from the casings would have been ejected and stayed unless collected by someone. Suspiciously a few were left for the press! The location of others have been shown in graphics presumably based on police information. However none of these have been confirmed definitively by police or indeed match where logically they must have fallen, for the damage and injuries either seen or reported.
In my book, this is conclusive proof of the impossibility of that construction and of police/whoever manipulation/misinformation.
As to the most recent preferred option of the “LONE NUTTER” one wonders who is fooling whom? I was going to enumerate the reasons why on so many counts it it is plainly stupid, but you know on reflection I just can’t be bother.
If, as I believe, all the signs point to state involvement (which and what has not been decided) an interesting phenomenon is apparent that speaks volumes. First the absence of any finger pointing by anybody. For “anybody” read “nation”. That Britain sees a continuing potential threat is clear from the way it reacted to a journalist on ZAH’s doorstep – namely armed response within minutes! It was also clearly a very public warning of preparedness and intention to defend to those with evil intent, i.e. the same organisation that had carried out the initial attack.
Incidentally what “Lone Nutter” would have any interest in a family member in a different country, let alone be able to locate him? By definition there is no logic to “nutters” apart from those considered irrational by others.
In the case of Woolwich see how quickly the Government was prepared to allot motive and blame. It has no compunction in doing so if it suspects “terrorism” or “terrorist” involvement. Conversely as I have noted before, terrorists are usually pleased to claim responsibility, if they are. Both these factors virtually rule out a terrorist killing in this case.
Nor has the government been reticent in the past to point to foreign government if they believe it involved. In the case of Georgi Markov in 1978 ( and Alexander Litvinenko in 2006 ( London did not hold back on suggesting who was to blame, pre and post “cold war” you notice. This HASN’T happened in connection with Chevaline.
Similarly, there has been no word from any foreign power suggesting a reason for the killing or possible agency. Russia has been silent, as have Iran and Iraq (to name but three).
It would appear therefore that no state sees it in its interest to point the finger. Now what could explain that?
Point well made Bleb
26 Jul, 2013 – 6:46 pm. I pointed this out to MZT a few weeks ago. As you say “conspiracy” means more than one!!!!!!!!!! If ZAH was not there, the other COULD NOT be a “lone nutter” by definition on both counts.
The alternative? MZT is bravely challenging the view of the EM!!!!! Oh no, surely not?
26 Jul, 2013 – 6:54 pm – BRILLIANT! I think we came across said Zeinab Al-Saffar long ago but great quote. I can’t remember whether you applied your great skills to establish a link or not?
@Tim V 27 Jul, 2013 – 12:32 pm
‘It would appear therefore that no state sees it in its interest to point the finger. Now what could explain that?’
It isn’t state terrorism. That’s what would!
Mochyn –
… or maybe its a “friendly” state with a track record of murdering those that it imagines threaten its interests. A state which is immune to official criticism from “The West”.
I incline to this interpretation because of all the “oddness” but I agree it could be solely criminal in nature.
I suppose the arrest of ZAH points to the UK police currently thinking it is a criminal conspiracy.
Bluebird and those who are interested: This is from a recent article by another Whistle blower on what NSA is up to. It has a couple of paragraphs on narus’ role in this:
“The filters are placed at key junction points known as switches. For example, much of the communications—telephone and Internet—to and from the northwestern United States pass through a nearly windowless nine-story building at 611 Folsom Street in San Francisco. This is AT&T’s regional switching center. In 2003, the NSA built a secret room in the facility and filled it with computers and software from a company called Narus. Established in Israel by Israelis, and now owned by Boeing, Narus specializes in spyware, equipment that examines both the metadata—the names and addresses of people communicating on the Internet—and the content of digital traffic such as e-mail as it zooms past at the speed of light.”
And here is from Rashid karim’s resume about his job back in 2002/4 (exact year unknown):
“Rashid helped the government agency pre-select an IP data surveillance system that allowed targeting of individuals by Phone numbers, MAC addresses, IP addresses, Radius User Ids and email addresses for all the major ISPs in a middle eastern country with a large population.”
I suggested the middle eastern country could have been Egypt, but could also be Syria. Iraq less likely due to the timing of the employment (must have been back sometime between 2002 and 2004/5). Iran also not so likely since he is not a Farsi speaker. And no way would Iran use one with his background.
there are many who believe that whatever Narus could do with its equipment, there would be an undetectable back door to Tel Aviv. Where they install their own filers, for their own ends.
Then take into account that the same is true with Verint and Palantir and this isn’t all. That’s just the way it is, and everyone might as well assume that this is happening. What israel has, in fact, accomplished with its lock on security firms – and often equipment – is to become, effectively, a “too big to fail” locus of all internet and voice data produced in most western countries. That gives them effectively a veto power on policy.
How does the Al Hilli assassination case fit into all this? I am not sure. But somewhere, hidden in the web – probably in plain sight – the answer is there.