The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.
Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:
the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?
The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.
Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:
Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.
There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.
But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.
The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?
Marilyn said this on her blog.
‘@Marilyn Z. Tomlins
7-28-2013 at 12:18:00
‘As all the London nationals are reporting this morning, the two Al-Hilli girls are to be allowed to live with their aunt.
Fat Bastard sent me this photo a while ago but he asked me to keep it for myself. I did not even feel that I could tell you all that Iqbal was a very beautiful woman. As I told Fat Bastard she looked like the young Farah Dibah, Empress of Iran.
– See more at:
That comment sent shivers down my spine when I read it.
BB’s research into the family’s background showed they were no common or garden Iraqi exiles. I have long posited that maybe the al Hilli family were a kind of British intelligence asset, maybe had been for decades. I even used the phrase that maybe somebody ‘had offed the crown jewels’.
As for the rest of my theory I am keeping silent for now although some of you who follow British foreign policy and the geopolitical situation may be able to grasp the central idea.
I have also felt this to be an horrendous crime of unspeakable cruelty against an honourable and lovely family and truly hope the perpetrators are brought to justice.
@Pink 28 Jul, 2013 – 4:15 pm
I noticed that about Surrey Police and was going to comment on it too.
Looks like the French aren’t the only ones who want to keep things secret.
On the other hand, well done the Sunday Times and David James Smith for succeeding in lifting the veil of secrecy a little.
Well as I see it Mochyn there is nothing useful in allowing him to report the outcome for the girls its just makes their protection more difficult ,solving the crime would be helpful then they wouldn’t need it.
I guess thinking about it that its between rock and a hard place as it might be best to keep their whereabouts quiet on the other hand there was not any way to know if the decisions were for their benefit, I would have been quite happy to be informed that the case was being overseen ,I didnt much like the idea of them just being able to keep the girls without any independent evaluation I am not sure letting the press in was really relevant to that though they could have just reported that it was in hand by the court.
For now we can be sure that fat bastard on MTZ isnt troll but he is the real William James Mathews aka fat bastard.
I was going to check his posts on MTZ today and he describes that now released sunday times photo showing iqbal already on july 22nd. So then, that confirms that he is 100% the real one.
Pity that you want to keep your theory silent. We’ve had so many theories here. One more should not matter 🙂
This is a bit more informative I guess the judge made the final call on the press after weighing up the pro’s and con’s so I may have rushed to judgment, it makes a bit more sense in this article I am not very worldly in these matters.
Now we know what Iqbal looked like, and her striking resemblance to a young Farah Dibah, the last Empress of Iran, who of course lives in exile in France, all sorts of other questions arise, not least with regards to issues around identification of the victims.
Maybe slightly O/T but fascinating stuff here about the overthrow of the Shah of Persia and Farah Diba Pahlavi’s flight into exile.
History doesn’t repeat itself, but like situations recur.
Mochyn69 4:17PM
On the “crown Jewels”: One comment from NSF Honcho was that Snowden DID NOT have the ‘crown jewels” because information id “compartmentalized”. That, in various blogs generated ample discussion of what the “crown jewels” might be. Something that has to be compartmentalized, ie, access controlled (CSI). Consensus is 9/11. JFK and probably information on who and where the moles are.
Also, 3:00PM – as you can see, the moving-in on the part of what i referred to as the “Fourth agency” is/was one of the theories i hold to. Tim V has posted much also about that possibility. The “fourth’ agency (I have a comment above on this page detailing what i mean by that) could be someone other than Mossad, but the preponderance of evidence suggests that it is the most likely one. and no, we don’t know why, though as i also suggested before – it is not safe to actually know, so we might as well speculate.
The theory with first, second, third and tourth agencies (for british, french, unknown and mossad) is the only one I ever saw that fits all the knowns and quite a few unknowns of the Chevaline scenario, including the post-event silence and bizarre behavior of the “investigating’ authorities, which always looked like they were operating with at least one hand tied behind their backs, if not two. Of course, we don’t know and cannot know – by definition – the exact motives here but we can speculate about the logistics in play.
From what i saw of Anders7777 he was a very intuitive person, with a hound’s nose. However, he was also quick to lose his cool., which was too bad, because of all the tiffies that ensued.
As for the sieve to Tel Aviv, you might as well assume it’s nearly complete and across the board. they don’t even need moles any longer since they have cabinet secretaries and a seat at the table. Under such circumstances, if MI5 has not tried to build a ‘secret” compartment then they wouldn’t be doing their job. same goes for the CIA, FBI and possibly a (small) subset of the NSA.
Mochyn69 6:12PM Iqbal does look iranian. there was a lot of research done here by BB especially but also others with regard to the Al saffar name and it’s shiite connection.
We never knew i believe where Iqbal or Suhaila were from due to the dearth of material about them. We knew iqbal was in Dubai (practicing dentistry? why there?) and had scraps of information about connection with a university in Iraq. For the life of me, though, i can’t understand why, if Suhaila, iqbal’s mother, had a PhD in Biology from the metropolitan Univ of london (information Lars of MZT has apparently uncovered. BB strangely, did not come across that bit that I saw; strange in itself), why would her daughter not graduate from UK university as well? wherever she goes to practice afterwards and we know that good money can be had in Dubai. Well, may be she did.
Besides, as FB said, the Al Hillis were a perfectly ordinary all-British family. It’s only the sources of income that are a bit unclear….
Mochyn – I assume your theory involves some sort of “secret-Shah-in-exile” being groomed to take over after a Iraq style invasion of Iran?
Based on a likeness someone sees in one photo?
Don’t be so coy: as BB says what is one more theory between friends.
Some more genealogy background regarding the al Allaf family that wasnt researched in detail now.
There are 3 ancestry finds with “location Sweden”.
1) Mowaffak al Allaf (a very famous diplomat who worked for the UNO in new york as well as in Geneve and finally in the Arab League …. doesnt that history sound common? Born 1927.
2) Ibrahim Khalil AL- Allaf BIRTH: 1931
3) Aboul Khair Allaf BIRTH: 1942
Doesnt the history sound common? Isnt it usual that in such cultures, families know each other and fathers are pre planning marriages? Particularly in those social high level classes?
I recommend to read the life of Mowaffak Allaf. Then you know about ehere the family comes from and what they are thinking. Doesnt Rime Allaf look a bit like Iqbal? She must be a cousin then if ( and I say IF) Suhyla Allaf was the sister of Mowaffak. Links to Sweden? Yes, at least ancestry says so.
This is the son of Mowaffak al Allaf:
“Tell me what they are thinking and I’m going to tell you who they are”.
Or …
“The investigation starting from the opposite side”.
No matter that they did delete everything regarding Suhyla from the www. There are still tracks and traces due to logic.
Ibrahim Khalil al Allaf is in Mosul/Iraq and he seems to be an important guy, too.
What an important family. Just like the al Hillis!
There are of course many more al Allafs, however, those three had some kind of a registration or property in Sweden.
Ibrahim Khalil al Allaf is also ambassador of UAE in an interesting worldwide organisation (see link)
Thought some of you might be interested in this (gleaned from elsewhere on CM – thanks Arbed)
A Gentleperson’s guide to forum spies:
28 Jul, 2013 – 2:38 pm interesting re. our “bi-polar” friend “James”.
I too have an open mind on “whodunnit”. However I would suggest that the British State simply never reacts in the way it has, to “conventional crime” at home or abroad. If you can think of an exception, I should be interested to hear.
In addition criminal elements are ruled by the continuing protection afforded to ZAH and the children. What criminal could be threatened by the memory of a seven year old. If her recall was significant wouldn’t there have been either suspects circulated or arrests made (other than ZAH)?
And if a conventional psychopathic attack by a local why no local warnings that would invariably be made? Only an overwhelming motivation could result in a pursuit of relatives abroad. This in itself rules out a “random” attack. Anyway there is ZAH’s arrest for “conspiracy” that appears as unjustified as it is incompatible with a “lone nut”.
It is pure logic and the inapplicability of other explanations that lead us inextricably to State involvement in one form or another besides all the circumstantial evidence discussed here.
As to your question about SAH’s BMW all the indicators (photo’s, tyre marks, timeline, bullet damage) suggest it reversed in a STRAIGHT LINE in the tiny time window Saad had from the realisation he was under attack, to managing to get back into the car, to starting the car and reversing it, until he was fatally shot in the head through the driver’s window.
The French police MUST know this which must make their publicised interpretation intentionally misleading.
28 Jul, 2013 – 4:08 pm yup I think you could be spot on BB (as always) Did you notice how strange that “appeal” for the BMWx5 was? It broke normal Crime Watch etiquette. Just a specific vehicle at a specific time that anyway would have been known for eight months (if it was) and could have been announced then. And why not an identical French announcement? Instead they put out a subtly different one less precise and with a slightly wider time frame. It is clear that the French do all they can to introduce doubt into the timings. They really don’t want to be pinned down on time. We have seen it on the 3.48 call. We have seen it on their suggestion of arrival time. We have seen it in the introduction of the 3.15 photo, not only introducing it but then suggesting an extended time window.
All this stinks to high heaven. You may well be right. The BMWx5 might well be an inter agency joke which as you suggest could only have been bettered by saying it was a DB5! LOL
28 Jul, 2013 – 5:30 pm this decision must be viewed in the context of recent developments in relation to press reporting of the family courts:
compare and contrast!
So how about this???? some explosive possibilities here. BB get cracking on that Kingston fellow quickly before he’s wiped!!!
“Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran’s deposed shah, who died and was buried here 29 years ago this week. “He is my great father, that is how I would address him. I have come here to visit my father,” said Mo Saisley, 59, who owns a property firm in Kingston-upon-Thames in England. Mr Saisley said he has been coming to Cairo for 22 years to honour the late monarch, but that unlike in past years, this anniversary holds special significance:
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Mochyn – I’ve just been looking through the London Metropolitan University thread you mentioned earlier:
as having the first discussion of Chevaline on CM.
I noticed a ref. to an IndyMedia report:
which was new to me (or that I had forgotten!). It is now “hidden” but you can still see the following text:
“al Hilli’s work with the Iraqi nuclear program was under duress as a result of Saddam’s Husseins threats against his family, there is no evidence he did it willingly.
Once he fled to the UK he had a right to expect protection from Israel and yet his trip was without any from UK or French police despite his repeated requests for some. He knew he had been targeted for assassination by Israel to prevent his knowledge reaching Iran and yet there was no evidence that he had continued his work or that he was working with Iran, his trip to Tehran was for religious reasons to visit the city of Qom. “
Has SAH working on an Iraqi Nuclear Program in the past been discussed previously? The IndyMedia report doesn’t quote any references or sources. The author sounds certain but, of course, that means nothing.
Sorry if this is raking over old ground discussed and discarded long ago.
Tim v.
“Saisley” is BS. First of all, this name is a MSM invention and it does not exist in the UK, forget about Surrey. Sisley or Sasley would come closer but dont fit either. So then, no typing error, just some MSM propaganda BS.
Secondly, if that person with the fake name says that the Shah was his “father” then he means in fact “Godfather”
The Shah had a first wife who was a close relative of the Egyptian king farouk, however, her family is well documented. She had a daughter who was born in 1958. However, “Saisley” cannot be the granddaughter’s son as he is said to be 59. He isnt her brother either. He is nothing, hence he does not even exist.
The Shah had a second wife but their marriage was divorced BECAUSE she could not bear him children. The children of his third wife are well documented. 2 of them already died.
So then, there is nothing left but a false name and an unidentified person speaking to MSM about his Godfather.
If you like to compare pictures and faces, rather take that one:
I have always argued that Iran was central to these events. Nothing clever about that, it’s almost a given. (More strange is MZT’s blind spot in that direction, but that’s something else).
On the Al Hilli side we have connections to Iraqi “royalty” as good as. However it is not impossible that through Iqbal/Suhaila we have parallel links to pre republican Iran.
There is clearly a strain of remnant monarchy amongst Iranians. How widespread or strong this is we do not know. The existence of the ex-Shah’s wife in Paris is significant particularly in the light of the fact that he was unquestionably a tool of British/American foreign policy, though latterly abandoned. BB any links between our Suhaila and the Shah’s wife?
So we have had a recent Iranian election where a plethora of hard- liners unintentionally allowed a relatively moderate President Hassan Rouhani to be chosen. He has already invited Jack Straw to his inauguration and made some significant moves in relation to oil and nuclear.
So will we see a lessening of tension and more pro-western stance with or without a greater freedom of expression and democracy even if a return to monarchy is bit far fetched.
(“Conversation turned to Iran’s past and breathless hopes for a return to the monarchy under the shah’s son, Reza Pahlavi, the crown prince, who now lives in the United States.
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But is it possible, and here we come back to Chevaline, behind the scenes this is what secret agencies have been working towards. Very tentatively could this have been the purpose, or believed purpose, of the meeting in the mountains? If so I don’t see how SM fits into it.
So how would this fit with Israeli foreign objectives? Do you really think they want a thawing of relations between Iran and the West?
@ Tim V
28 Jul, 2013 – 10:56 pm
Thanks for the link I can see there is a wider issue in play now that I was not aware of ,I can understand what a sensitive issue this might be and the judge has to balance that.
Tim v.
No links to Iran. The “Iran” was just mentioned in the first days if MSM reports. There are no links to Iran except for the Shia links. However, there are no political nor social links to Iran. And there are no links to Farah Dibah and neither to Pahlevi The closest family links might be to Egypt and King Farouk’s family. Of course King Farouk’s relative was the first wife of the Shah with whom he had children. Farah Dibah was his third wife much lateron.
The al Hillis are Royalists and therefore probably close to the former Iraqi king who might be closr to the Iranian Shah and to the Egyptian Royal family. However, there are no family relations as far as i could see.
Did you read my al Allaf post yesterday?
The common links are United Nations and settlement in Europe, particularly Switzerland, Sweden and London.
We are talking about some of the top ranked international diplomats you can imagine. General Secretaries of the Arab League and amvassadors to the united nations, taking part in middle east peace conferences as representatives of their countries.
Another common thing is their significant support for Palestinians and their links to Hezbollah (particularly al Saffar). They are politically active as journalists (rime al allaf and rula al saffar, ali al saffar) or as woman rights representatives (zainab al saffar) or as political analysts.
It somehow looks as if there is no international middle east policy without al hilli, al allaf and al saffar possible. In fact, THEY made middle east policy in the past 60 years in the united nations and in the arab league. Not the names you see in TV handshaking at camp david, but the very people who setup and negotiated the contracts.
The three families made and make and organise middle east politics in the UN and elsewhere. Of course, intelligence must be extremely interested to work with those families.
However, their basic instinct is support for palestinians and probably support for hezbollah. That again links them to european right wing extremist groups and funding who usually share the same interest (for another reason, though).
I still believe that the key here is Z. Meyer Lansky working for that golf club with 150 million revenues. (The only golf clubs world wide making ANY revenues at all). Who would not want Meyer Lansky as such a successful accountant? However, that key accountant gets protection by MI5 simply because he is a key in certain fundings and perhaps intelligence/terror money laundering.
I with Bluebird on this “Shah business” being a total red herring.
In addition:
1) Where was the idea of a resemblance (which may or may not be there) to Farah Pahlavi first planted?
2) Do you trust that source?
3) Which country does it divert attention away from?
There are some al allaf links
Aide to Ayatollah al Sistani assassinated (al Allaf).
Computer/internet lovers al allaf:
If we just knew Arab language this al allaf blog would provide diamonds for us:
That Farah Dibah thing comes from MZT.
Ok, there are some face similarities, however, i bet that i could find 1000 iraqi/syrian shia women with more similar faces within one week only.
Iran is a red herring from the very beginning. There might be some relatives in iran as the common boundary within these families is “shia” and international politics. However, the regions in those countries dont have borders. We need to look at them about what they are saying and thinking but not considering from what countries they are coming. They are Shia Arabs who support the Palestinian case and who are western educated and politically extremely active, royalists, peace seeking. All 3 families fit into the same category.
BB – “That Farah Dibah thing comes from MZT” I know 😉