The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.
Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:
the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?
The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.
Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:
Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.
There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.
But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.
The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?
“Poor EM at the very beginning broke a cardinal rule. He admitted defeat before he even started. Was this because he had been aprised of his role and the jam he was in? Had he been told his job was on the line if he didn’t tow the line. Matters of national security trumps everything. “You are allowed to follow all the lines of investigation as long as they don’t lead to France”?” Tim V
Good analysis, Tim V wrt all th e points. That – your point (f) occurred to me right at the start. Homicide detectives normally never say things like that so early on in a case and the fact that he did suggests exactly what you are positing.
I agree with you regarding Allawi’s right Al Hilli hand Bluebird
8 Aug, 2013 – 2:19 pm. It proves beyond peradventure the role of the Al Hilli’s in post invasion Iraqi Machinations at the behest of MI6. Allawi was London’s man and Al hilli was right there with him. Indeed when Paul Bremmer replaced Jay Garner as Administrator only months into the latter’s term he had a Brit (Major-General Tim Cross) as deputy. In fact the current head of MI6 (John Sawers) was there at the same time. The Americans resisted a Governing Council of Iraqis partly because they saw it as a London shoe-in. As we all know, by disbanding and not paying the largely Sunni army, (a Pentagon idea) flowed the uncontrollable insurrection and violence. Maybe if they had followed British advice (in which Allawi and Hilli were key figures) some of the chaos might have been avoided. One thing is sure, no one can claim here or elsewhere that the Al Hillis (and Allafs and Saffars) did not have close connections to our security services and were critical to British plans as to what was to follow in post Saadam Iraq.
Thank you
Suhayl Saadi
8 Aug, 2013 – 3:59 pm. Apologies for all the typos and grammatical mistakes as stupidly I tend not to edit b4 posting. Got you got my drift despite them.
there I’ve done it again!!!!!!!!!! Should have read “Hope you got my drift…”
Tim V 3:23 PM – this is one of your more masterful posts. i really liked the metaphor of the well lit room outside which, we the observe have only slivers of light and moving shadows to discern who and what is in that room.
Needless to say, I agree with the scenario you paint of deliberate french “haplessness” and a british taste of mischief-making – as revealed by the shadow play. A play punctuated by a few noted fluctuations in the pencils of light emanating from the room. The pulses include 3:48PM call NOT made by WBM, that famous “as if playing with her sibling” statement also made by WBM then quickly “disappeared”, the insertion of the 3:15 PM photos to nail the “late arrival” of the BMW, the appearance of PD at around 4PM later turned into PB at around 3:45PM (quite a pulse that was), and, like you say, that “well spotted” 4×4 vehicle (now you see it now you don’t).
Alas, my time is still limited, but I’ll put up later (couple days) my own somewhat convoluted story-line – am thinking of adopting parts of Bluebird’s scenario – there are aspects in it that I kind of liked, which lead me to think in a new direction. Except that in my plot the mossad is still very much in.
Tim V regarding your point c – the non-existence of photos about Sylvain Mollier. Also Bluebird:
It just hit me why photos were never supplied: Sylvain could not only be recognized by some “out there” but possibly would be recognized as having been seen at some point with Saad himself. The meeting at the martinet may not have been the first, for example.
Alternatively, Sylvain could have been recognized as being with someones or somewhere that would lead us to conclude he wasn’t all he seemed to be.
Since those who ordered the “hit” – and their enabling ‘associate” agencies could not be absolutely certain that Saad was never observed having any prior contact with Sylvain – and/or that Sylvain left no other trail that could compromise what he was up to (assuming he could have led a dual life), it was easier to just expunge any phtotographic evidence, period.
The same may be true of Iqbal and Suhaila – either might be recognized by someone somewhere. In which case, this belated publication of the photo with Saad, Iqbal and the younger Zainab means that for whatever reason, the PTBs are less worried. Of course, we only have Mattews’ word for this being iqbal, but might as well go with that for now, assuming there would be other family members who would hint otherwise, were that not the case..
“A former Ba’athist, Allawi helped found the Iraqi National Accord, which today is an active political party. In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the INA provided intelligence about alleged weapons of mass destruction to MI6. Allawi has lived about half of his life in the UK. His wife and children still live in Britain for their security. He survived assassination attempts in 1978, in 2004, and on April 20, 2005.”
Now we know that an Al Hilli was his right hand man this with only one other little step supports my ancient suggestion that SAH and/or ZAH were part of an MI6 informer asset and even that SAH’s British naturalisation immediately prior to the invasion was dependent on, or as reward for, his services.
“Speaking to Aljazeera by telephone from Baghdad, Walid al-Hilli said al-Sistani’s group, the Religious Reference, had helped democracy by urging Iraqis to participate in the January elections. Neither al-Sistani nor his office formally backed a party in the legislative election, al-Hilli pointed out.”
Sorry BB but did you establish a family relationship between Walid and “our” Al Hillis?
Marlin @ 8 Aug, 2013 – 8:29 pm
re: non-existence of photos
I guess the extension of what you say is that the photos showing and/or people who had seen Sylvain Mollier either with SAH or doing “something” knew him (Mollier) by a different name.
Otherwise the association would be made regardless of photos.
Getting rather muddled with all the different Al Hillis being mentioned. Who was Dr Al Hilli?
Bleb 11:34 PM. Exactly. Thanks for pointing out. Indeed it had to be a different name or at least somewhere Sylvain would not be expected to be.
So here is the next puzzle for you – that photo of Iqbal suddenly materializing. What gives? Mathews was quoted and had it available for a long time. There were quotations from him in october and later (may be September too – forgot). He sounds like the kind who would want to share what he had, if only to garner sympathy for the victims. So why has it been under wraps for this long. there had to have been a reason.
And just saying the papers were told in no uncertain terms to keep the lid over it – if they had access – is not cutting it. Why would they be told to hold back if they had the photo? surely that would not have endangered the kids any more than they already were – after all – both were in custody foster service by then and well protected.
I did BTW notice that the age of saad in that photo seems to be about the same time he had his photo with gary Aked, the one that WAS released. May be james mathews did not release it till later. may be he gave it to the papers but they were told to hold off. May be he held onto it for a long time.
And may be the release was timed to coincide with the girls released from foster care.
The timing is everything here. And something sure is not adding up.
Abbas Hilmi al Hilli, Arab League.
I love that sentence:
Following the July 14, 1958 coup in Baghdad that toppled the Iraqi monarchy, Dr. Al-Hilli visited Riyadh on business, where he met his old friend Prince Faisal, later to become king of Saudi Arabia; at that time, Faisal was prime minister.
… his old friend Prince Faisal, king of saudi arabia.
Since Ahmed bin Hilli this is the second al Hilli working or having worked for the Arab League. “Abbas Hilmi” relates to the King of Egypt and Sudan, particularly “Hilmi”.
“Hilmi” are the members of the old Egyptian Royals. Perhaps he was married to one of the royal family members. If so, this would be the second relation to the Egypt Royals after we had a Shaaban (Saad’s mother) who married an Egypt princess.
Abbas Hilmi al Hilli wrote a lot of books. has a lot to offer, but intetestingly in german only. There are also swedish websites offering his books, e.g. regarding Libya.
Given his age he must be the generation of Kadhim and Hashim. Perhaps a cousin or else there is of course a possibility that their father had more than just 2 sons.
Arab League (Ahmed and Abbas Hilmi), UNO (Hashim), and a Hajj Sheikh (Kadhim).
What an “average” Iraqi family! (Sarcasm)
Tim v.
Waleed al hilli is a riddle. Nothing.
He lived in london, but that’s it.
He is an Allawi aide.
Father? Negative.
There are two different links that are interesting:!search/profile/person?personId=444573514&targetid=profile
@Marlin – re: non-existence of photos
I’ve realised my logic was at fault. I should have said:
I guess the extension of what you say is that the photos showing and/or people who had seen Sylvain Mollier either with SAH or doing “something” knew him (Mollier) by a different name or did not know his name.
Interesting problems regarding the children of Geraldine O’Reilly!
Was Geraldine previously married to another al Hilli family member?
Are her sons Zaid’s sons?
Let’s have a look into the official birth register of Hammersmith/London:
NAME: Sean Sonell W H Hilli
BIRTH: Apr 1984 – Hammersmith, Greater London, Middlesex
NAME: Sean Soheil W H Hilli
BIRTH: Jul 1985 – Hammersmith, Greater London, Middlesex
Both names have nothing to do with Saad being the father. If Saad were the father, both sons names would have to be Z K Hilli (Zaid Kadhim Hilli) or Z K A H Hilli. (Zaid Kadhim Abdul Husayn Hilli)
However, their names are W H Hilli.
(Waleed Hashim?)
Zaid married her in 1992 only! 9 years later.
NAME: Geraldine M O’Reilly
SPOUSE: Zaid Hilli
MARRIAGE: Oct 1992 – Fulham, London
How come that the names of the two children in the birth register are “Hilli”?
And then there are not even Zaid’s family initials part of their names?
When they adopted Zaid’s name after their marriage in 1992, why would their names be registered as “al Hilli” in the birth register 9 years earlier?????
There is a 99% probability that the sons are from another father from the al Hilli family whose initials were W H al Hilli.
What happened to him?
Why did Zaid become his substitute in 1992?
In my post above i mistyped saad for zaid.
This should read:
Both names have nothing to do with ZAID being the father. If ZAID were the father, both sons names would have to be Z K Hilli (Zaid Kadhim Hilli) or Z K A H Hilli. (Zaid Kadhim Abdul Husayn Hilli)
Missing an edit function …
Anti zionist pro hezbollah stands by waleed al hilli
Calls a gathering of scientists and intellectuals and cadres of the Iraqi community in Britain to look for the future of Jerusalem, about the attempts to legitimize the Zionist occupation to them. And the fact that Jerusalem, the first Qiblah and the third holiest site, it was necessary to have the position of the Iraqi community in countries of destination, part of the supervisor of the position of the Arab and Islamic nation, and continue to work to resist the Zionist tyranny and usurpation of fundamental rights of the Palestinian people, the Arab-Muslim.
And had held a meeting in the “Imam Al-Khoei Foundation” in London on 5 Jumada I 1421 AH day on 6/8/2000, and was attended by gentlemen interested in, including Dr. Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Dr. Wise and His Eminence, Sayyed Abdul Majid al-Khoei and Dr. Alaa and Overture Sayed Mohammad Bahr al-Ulum and Dr. Rubaie and Professor Nuri al-Latif, and agreed on the selection committee, including the preparation and document the historic Jerusalem following:
* Condemns the Israeli occupation of the Holy Jerusalem.
* And calls for world opinion to end this occupation.
* And appeal to the Arab and Islamic governments to take a common position to safeguard the dignity of the nation.
* And to remind people of the Islamic nation to perform the sacred duty of jihad.
* To continue the march of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, and the rebels deep in the rocks of Palestine.
Signed by
Walid al-Hilli (d) Visiting Professor at the University of North London
Good ref. Jennywren 11.54.
Here’s a little EADS contract that seems to have escaped us so far. This and others paying into mainly French coffers provides very good justification for playing down a “little domestic dispute” in Chevaline.
“Saudi Arabia has signed a $1 billion contract with the European defense company EADS, for the construction of a 900-kilometer [562-mile] fence.”
“Grundlagen, Stand und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der Wirtschaft in Libyen.
al-Hilli, Abbas Hilmi”
So why such a strong German connection for this one do you think BB? (I keep thinking about the significance of the source of that tid-bit about the Geneva cashe)
BB 9.56 So what have we got? We know Allawi was a MI6 placement as temporary Prime Minister. He is not without direct blood on his hands apparently but never followed up. Mystery man Waleed al Hilli was/is his right hand man also with London/MI6 connections and member of that first Iraqi government under Allawi and ultimately American control. We don’t know the family connection between WAH and “our” Al Hillis but we assume there is one. The combination of no trace and high importance suggests detailed management and cover by MI6. He’s also a leading member of vaguely Shiite Dawa” Party under Allawi that at the last election had marginally the biggest proportion of the vote if I read it correctly. Now perhaps even more significant is the fact that he was a leading participant in the trial and subsequent execution of Saddam Hussein himself. Now that is retribution BIG TIME. Here we have motivation for REVENGE KILLINGS for sure.
“There are some terrorist acts here, not because of the current government but because of the remaining power of the ex-regime,” Waleed al-Hilli a prominent member of the Dawa party, said by phone from London. “We want democracy, we want freedom, and trying Saddam means we’re closer to justice.”
From Jenny Wren’s post we have the animosity between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iraq laid bare. This thing is COMPLICATED because we have competing allegiances, alliances and oppositions depending on what aspect you look at.
Certainly Europe and America are in hock to Saudi because of oil supply and lucrative weapons contracts. It trumps justice as Tony Blair demonstrated when he quashed the BAE SFO investigation.
” EADS is the other founding partner. EADS is a partner in the Eurofighter programme, helped produce nuclear weapons for the French government, and through a partnership with BAE Systems and Finmeccanica, developed the ‘Storm Shadow’ cruise missiles used to bomb Iraq in 2003.
More recently, EADS (though subsidiary GPT) has been accused of paying bribes of £14.5 million to dignitaries in Saudi Arabia between 2007 and 2010, in order to secure lucrative arms deals there. The payments were made to two companies registered in the Cayman Islands, Simec International and Duranton International.
According to Exaro News, the three executives at GPT who signed off on the bribes are Malcolm Peto, Jeff Cook and Laurence Bryant. Cook previously worked for the Ministry of Defence. Along with Peto he authorised cheques to pay for luxury cars for two Saudi commanders, Mohammed bin Khalid al-Nahed — head of the signal corps of the Saudi national guard — and his deputy, Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah al-Ayaddi. Two civilian advisers also received new cars. In a development that will shock no one, officials at the MoD are said to have known about the offshore payments, but have done nothing.
Simec is named in a recently leaked MoD memo from 1976 discussing “agency fees” paid to secure Saudi deals. It would thus appear that Saudi officials have been receiving payments through the same company — one based in British territory — for a staggering 36 straight years. The other mysterious Cayman company, Duranton, was recently reported by the Telegraph as intending to sue GPT for breach of contract, after GPT terminated their agreement. Some world we live in if you can sue for failure to pay bribes.
The Serious Fraud Office is now supposedly investigating GPT over the payments. The last time the SFO investigated an arms company over bribery in Saudi Arabia was when BAE Systems were accused (amongst other misdeeds) of paying Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan hundreds of millions of pounds in bribes.7 The Right Honourable Tony Blair forced the SFO investigation to be dropped so as not to embarrass the House of Saud, or as he would put it ‘endanger Britain’s national security’. Small wonder then that he tops the bill for this symposium.”
Then we have America’s/Europe’s support for Israel v. Iran and Iranian affiliates Syria and Hezbollah. It is largely Saudi money that is funding the resistance in both Syria and Iraq yet paradoxically having helped to remove Saddam Hussein, more to its liking than Shiite (that it regards as apostasy) Nouri al-Maliki, who it refuses to meet.
Despite the Muslim/Jewish divide it is arguable that Saudi Arabia has more in common with Israel than divides them. Neither want to see a strong Shiite Iran and Iraq and both would like to see a chaotic Syria, for the time being at least. It is through Syria that SA is getting its (Al Qaeda) terrorists into Iraq to create as much instability as possible.
Nor should we overlook the strong connections between the American oil/political/armaments complex and links to Saudi Arabia including Osama bin Laden and his immediate family and the whole outrageous imbroglio of the 9/11 conspiracy (for conspiracy it was is beyond doubt) itself.
Then we have bizarrely the SHIITE Al Hillis friends with King Faisal whilst closely supportive (we think) of the Hashamite King of Iraq expelled from Riyadh but installed (by the British) in Baghdad, tortured by SH so that Hashim could no longer speak, but later to be instrumental in securing an execution that combined both hanging and beheading! Don’t tell me this isn’t personal.
In the context of all this, whatever the pretence of that meeting in Chevaline, and organised by whom, the outcome though still unexplained, at least becomes less surprising by the day.
That quote above comes from here
thanks for that BB.
Tim v
RE: Abbas Hilmi al Hilli
I wonder about why such a book was never published in english or in arab.
He wrote a second book about Kurds (“myths about Kurdistan and myths of kurdish figher songs”). Available in german only.
I wonder whether or not their are connections in the Ottoman Empire.
That whole middle east politics looks like the old ottoman versus british imperialism politics.
The al Hillis clearly are Ottomans and Royalists and the Arab Royals (except for the bribed al Saud clan) were always supporters of the Ottoman interests and the old NAZI germany. They were enemies of the British imperialism.
History might tell us the truth.
Meanwhile i am puzzled about Zaid’s “sons” and his marriage 9 years after birth of his “sons” and the completely wrong initials of his “sons” names.
That stinks! That is totally wrong and does not fit at all.
There must have been another al Hilli who is their father. Zaid was in his 20tees and old enough for being their father. However, if he were the father then their names must be different. i suspect that zaid was just a “substitute” husband. Is he secretly gay?
Due to the initials, i suspect that the lover of geraldine with whom she had an issue 10 years before she had married zaid was another al Hilli. His initials are W H al Hilli due to the name giving of his sons. Zaid as a father doesnt have those initials. He cannot be the father. Also it isnt logic that he would accept his children in 1983 but then he only marries 9 years later? A shia? Thats complete illogic.
Who is the father of the two O’Reilly-Hilli guys?
Actually there were three O’Reilly-Hilli children but it looks as if the first born died early as he got exactly the same name as the second born son got about 2 years later. The third born got a slightly different name.
Who was the father? It must be an al Hilli due to their surname in the birth index.
However, it wasnt Zaid.
The EADS quote of course provides a SECOND plausible motivation for the killings if SAH was party to inside information to bribery and corruption involving BAE on the British side and EADS/CEZUS on the French. Suddenly what appears through the mist involves a motivation that finds French government/industry finding common ground with disaffected Sunni/Saudi interests to obliterate an Al Hilli threat whilst effecting a deep and lasting vendetta for SH’s downfall at the same time.
On reflection this is the most powerful rationale we have uncovered I believe!
People. I have a feeling in my bones that we have moved from “warm” to “hot” – VERY HOT!
I will go further and suggest this was conspiratorial exercise that crossed state boundaries, in which the interests of putative enemies were seen to coalesce around an assassination of representatives of not one but THREE combative, influential, historic families in the shifting sands of Middle Eastern Politics and religion.
France got rid of a threat to its lucrative defence and other contracts and a highly embarrassing fraud enquiry.
Israeli got rid of a propaganda and espionage threat with active familial links to Hezbollah that Europe has only just proscribed. Also perhaps valuable assistance to Iran on possibly satellite and/or nuclear secrets. It might also serve to bloody the interfering nose of British Intelligence.
Remnant Sunni factions get revenge for the invasion of Iraq and the downfall and execution of their leader.
Saudi Arabia gets rid of Shia elements as part of an over-arching plan to destabilize Iraq and reinstall a Sunni leader.
To do the deed go for expertise and track record – why not an Israeli “Kidon”? The numbers (3) fits. The modus (close-up expertly executed operation) fits. The multi layered (Chevaline/Ire/Martinet/anniversary etc) symbolism fits. The cover-up fits. The political situation fits. The justification/motivation fits.
Fascinating Zaid family stuff (as always) BB. You will remember I called attention to the list of names on this London 2000 document months ago. Its worth noting that within months we have Israel implicated 9/11 event on which the following decade’s military activity was fraudulently predicated.
If Waleed was the previous husband we might suggest death intervened but he’s still around years later it seems. He’s a “visiting professor” on this list but if I’m not mistaken he’s the same Allawi side-kick. That London meeting must have been monitored by MI5/6 if not instigated by them. It eventually bore fruits with the Allawi shoe-in that Bremer decided all came from London.
Of course there is a Jewish/Muslim tradition that a brother has a dute to marry the wife of a brother who dies but that doesn’t seem to fit here does it?
We find ourselves in interesting territory I feel!!!!!!!!
More political background on developing situation in Iraq.
I understand that muslim duty.
I cannot do very much by just having the initials W. H.
Sonheil is an Arab/Iranian name. So there should be a father with iranian/arab roots.
Sean Sonheil W H Hilli is his registered name.
Mother: Geraldine O’Reilly.
Due to Muslim name dictionary, “W.” must be the first letter of his father’s first name and “H.”must be the first letter of his grandfathers first name. That was neither Zaid nor Kadhim (grandfather).
Sean must know the secret behind his name.
Yes, i suspect that Geraldine was married to a family member of the al hilli family who had died between 1983 and 1992.
Going to Hammersmith and looking into the documents should reveal that
Name:Sean Soheil W H Hilli
Mother’s Maiden Surname:O’Reilly
Birth: April 1983
Date of Re-Registration:Jul 1985
Registration District:Hammersmith
Inferred County:Greater London, Middlesex
Volume Number:12
Re-Registration 1993
Register Number:19D
District and Subdistrict:2311D
Entry number:264
Tim v.
That is what you suggested. I believe that this is a high probability regarding Zaid and Geraldine, although she already had a babyboy.
Levirate marriage is a type of marriage in which the brother of a deceased man is obliged to marry his brother’s widow, and the widow is obliged to marry her deceased husband’s brother.Levirate marriage has been practiced by societies with a strong clan structure in which exogamous marriage (i.e., that outside the clan) was forbidden. It has been known in many societies around the world. The practice is similar to widow inheritance, where, for example, the deceased husband’s kin can dictate whom the widow may marry.The term is a derivative of the Latin word levir, meaning “husband’s brother”.
But then, who was that deceased/killed brother of Zaid who is the father of Sean O’Reilly Hilli?
There is a great link regarding islam inheritance law. It looks as if the two girls might get almost everything of what is left since all parents and all grand parents are dead.
1991/1992 was a key year for London based Dawa and SCIRI.
The uprise in Iraq.
Zaid marries (his brothers?) wife in 1992.
Since Sheikh Kadhim Abdul Husayn al Hilli was one of the London based leaders in that uprise next to al Sistani and al Khoei, there is a high probability that he sent one of his sons to Iraq as a leader.
The uprising spread within days to all of the largest Shia cities in southern Iraq: Amarah, Diwaniya, Hilla,Karbala, Kut, Nasiriyah and Samawah. Smaller cities were swept up in the revolution as well. Many exiled Iraqi dissidents, including thousands of Iranian-based Badr Brigades militants of SCIRI, crossed the borders, returned home, and joined the rebellion. SCIRI concentrated their efforts onthe Shia holy cities of Najaf and Karbala,
The revolts in southern Iraq consisted of demoralized Iraqi Army troops and anti-regime groups, in particular the Islamic Dawa Party and Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI).
1991/1992 fits with Zaid’s wedding in 1992.
Who was W H al Hilli?????