The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.
Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:
the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?
The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.
Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:
Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.
There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.
But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.
The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?
My hunch was on Alexandria, because if Bude (notice the innocent looking wikipedia-article, and notice this, which despite mentioning the presence of a GCHQ listening station, still doesn’t mention the newest revelations) is anything to go by [remember the fact that GCHQ monitors the cable coming ashore at Bude was never intended to be public]. Alexandria was it, I thought.
But today it dawned on me that the analogy in Egypt has to be Suez — the other end (or the beginning, depending how you look at it) of the overland cable. Because it is in Suez that fresh intelligence from South East Asia are coming onshore for the first time. Britain has of cause a rich history in Suez, and the whole canal zone is in effect a military zone, being Egypts greatest strategic asset, and still its major currency earner, in the form of tariffs for using the canal.
Its also always interesting for UK and US to be able to hover up all information from this (french) cable, before it goes ashore in France, so that they get the intelligence raw.
For confirmation that Suez is indeed on the (land)route, see SEA.ME-WE 3 , the predecessor of -4, still in operation.
Indeed the mere fact that Suez was chosen as entry point for such critical infrastructure, is because it was considered a rock solid point with the largest concentration of Egyptean military forces, and safe. One sometimes wonder why not simply extend the cable through the Suez Canal. But that wouldn’t be safe, as it could be cut by terrorists or in the case of war.
james, I read Jon’s post and he seems to recommend that we ignore your trolling. There’s really nothing of substance in your posts that requires or encourages an answer. just lots of needling, kindergarten level stuff.
Can you perhaps point out what specifically you have added recently to the discussions here? anything? if so, what is it that irks you so anyways?
All I am trying to do is to encourage you to say something, anything other than silly rants, riddles with no answers, and general attempts to disrupt the forum by bothering and picking fights with other posters.
This will be my final response to you unless you finally make a point. Anything to do with the subject at hand, preferably – to anyone. the topic here is Chevaline, BTW, in case you forgot.
And if you keep making baseless accusations against other posters then that i will point out. And don’t you worry, Jon probably knows Tim V and I may be countries, islands, continents or planets apart (wouldn’t go as far as galaxies though. Speed of light and all that). After all, I had to ask what Vauxhall was – that should be telling?
KS, 5:38AM, 5:53AM – that Bude location for the cable was a darn good catch. And you guess about it being Suez may be right on the money. The one alternative I see is Djibutti but that is not a fail safe location.
The plot thickens….
Now, if we could just get you to work on the Michael hastings case. I heard there may still be 10 people in the US who still think it could have been an accident. that’s 2 more than those who believe Oswald was a lone gunman.
>B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G ——B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G—-B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G
Shane Harris is a senior writer for Foreign Policy.
Matthew M. Aid is the author of Intel Wars: The Secret History of the Fight Against Terror and The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the National Security Agency.
You could see it on the face of that midget, William ‘Mitigate’ Hague, that he was not TOO sure (as usual)about himself but was trying to manipulate the media and world opinion, when he repeated claims from an anonymous (?) U.S. ‘official’ (Who could that have been and didn’t we have enough of that in the run up to the Iraq war?. Now a Danish expert has come forward with a claim that undermines Mr. Hague position:
No let-up in killings. The BBC reports:
“Several blasts – car bombs and a roadside bomb – were reported in Baghdad, one of them inside a coffee shop. At least nine people were killed.
At least four people are reported to have died in a car bomb blast in the town of Balad, north of the capital. The blast happened as a judge drove past. He was among several others wounded, local police said.
Five soldiers died when their vehicle was fired on after being stopped at a fake checkpoint near the northern city of Mosul, according to police.
Several people were killed in different attacks in the same region, one of them a member of the Shabak minority who live close to the border with Turkey.
Sectarian attacks have killed more than 4,000 people this year, with Baghdad province the worst affected.
The violence has raised fears of a return to the worst of the ethnic and political blood-letting up to 2008.”
Who to believe? The BBC reports:
“Unidentified snipers have opened fire on a convoy of UN experts investigating suspected chemical weapons attacks in Syria’s capital, the UN has said.
One car was shot at “multiple times”, forcing the convoy to turn back. The UN promised to continue with the inquiry as soon as it could replace the car.
Syrian state media blamed opposition “terrorists” for the attack, though the claim could not be verified.
Hundreds died in suspected chemical attacks on Wednesday in Damascus.
The US said there was little doubt Syrian forces used chemical weapons in the attacks, which reportedly killed more than 300 people in rebel-held areas.”
Very interesting stuff that isnt told in western history books nor is it told to us in western media. Knowing that, makes the middle east chaos much more logic and understandable.
I have been an eyewitness to inter-marriages between Sunnis and Shiites. Nobody used to pay any attention to the sect of the families. A number of families are divided into Sunnis and Shiites as has been the case with some families in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine that are divided into Muslims and Christians.
(Note: Sheikh Kadhim al Hilli, the son of Ayatollah Husayn al Hilli, who was the highest ranked Shia Sharia cleric in the 20th century, the remarkable teacher of Ayatollah al Sistani, had married Fasiha al Shaaban, a lebanese Sunni daughter of Sheikh Zaid Saad al Shaaban, who was the co-founder of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in Lebanon. The sunni MB in Lebanon always supported and fought hand in hand with the shia hezbollah).
The sectarian issue has been used by the colonial powers to divide and rule. It is the same objective that guides Iran these days under different names.
Apparent Uncle of Saad and Zaid al Hilli:
The Internal Security Forces arrested a cleric in connection with the car bomb that targeted Tripoli’s Al-Salam Mosque in the Al-Mina neighborhood. According to the National News Agency NNA, a surveillance camera spotted him in the area near the explosion that took place near al-Salam mosque.Sheikh Ahmad al-Gharib was arrested on Saturday, the National News Agency reported, adding that his residence was raided by the ISF Information Branch.It also said that rifles, machine guns , hand grenades and military maps for the city of Tripoli were confiscated from his residence.The news came a day after at least 40 people were killed and 900 injured in twin explosions in the sunni-dominated northern city of Tripoli.The explosions took place outside the Al-Taqwa Mosque in the city’s Al-Zahiriya area and the Al-Salam Mosque .Gharib, according to the report, was tasked by head of the Islamic Unification Movement (IUM) Sheikh Hashem Minqara to coordinate with the Syrian regime the latest developments. Gharib has reportedly been recently visiting Syria frequently .The movement which was established in Tripoli in 1982 denounced Gharib’s arrest, expressing fear that the accusations were fabricated against him.
The Movement which reportedly has been seeking ways to unite the Sunnis and Shi’ites has allegedly enjoyed since the mid-1980s close political ties with Iran and Hezbollah. Sheikh Shaaban one of the top leaders of IUM reportedly visits Tehran frequently and is considered doctrinally a follower of Ayatollah Khomeini.
Isnt the last, bold paragraph reason enough to kill Saad and family? This is the brother of his late mother!
Oh yeahh. “Just an ordinary Iraqi family living in London”.
Shaaban’s IUM
From 1988 to 2000, the Movement’s guerrillas at the Jabal Amel fought alongside the ShiaIslamic Resistance against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and their South Lebanese Army(SLA) proxies in the Israeli-controlled “security zone.”
The IUM had its main strongholds at the predominantly Sunni district of Bab al-Tibbaneh in the western part of Tripoli, where the group’s headquarters was located, and the Dinniyah sub-urban area east of the city. They also controlled the nearby clandestine port of al-Mahdi, set up at Tripoli’s western outskirts at El Mina and run by the Sunni businessmen Tariq Fakhr al-Din, which was employed mainly for arms-smuggling operations and to levy illegal taxes on the transit trade of agricultural products and other goods.
Known to be anti-Syrian in policy and Sunni Muslim in composition, the IUM’s ideological anti-western and anti-Communist views stemmed from the radical Sunni wing of theMuslim Brotherhood. Consistent with these principles, Shaaban and its Movement ostensibly rejected Nationalism, sectarianism and democratic pluralism in favor of an Islamic rule that “absorbs and dissolves all social differences and unites them in one crucible”.[4] Shaaban sought ways to unite Sunnis and Shi’ites, for example by suggesting that the holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s biography provide foundations on which all Muslim groups and sects can unite.
The Movement allegedly enjoyed since the mid-1980s close political ties with Iran andHizbollah,[5] forged by Sheikh Shaaban frequent visits to Tehran and contacts with that Party’s leaders in Lebanon, which considers the IUM leader doctrinally a follower of Ayatollah Khomeini.[6][7] Some sources even state that Shaaban was born and raised in a Shiite family of Batroun inNorthern Lebanon and only later became a Sunni.
I see my irony is lost on you
Please could you explain your new theory a bit more, I couldn’t follow
What exactly didnt you understand.
I did give an den overview of the family of Saad
Grand Ayatollah Husayn al Hilli (grandfather)
Sheikh Kadhim al Husayn al Hilli (father)
Saad al Hilli (victim)
Zaid al Hilli (brother)
Fasiha al Shaaban (mother)
Sheikh Zaid Saad Shaaban (grandfather – father of his mother)
Sheikh Bilal Shaaban (uncle – brother of his late mother)
Bilal Shaaban is the leader of IUM and doctrinally a follower of Ayatollah Khomeini
The Shaaban family are Sunni.
However, they strangely support Hezbollah (due to their marriage into the al Hilli clan?)
The late Sheikh Zaid Saad Shaaban (grandfather) is the co founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Lebanon (1962).
The Shaaban family, as much as the al Hilli family and Husayn al Hilli’s pupil Ayatollah al Sistani as well as Husayn al Hilli’s friend, the late Ayatollah al Khoei, are all trying to unite Sunni and Shia and to strongly oppose the western objective to create sectarian wars.
Ferret, I havent posted a theory but a family ancestry summary. Let me know if you have any question.
First of all, excellent work on the ancestry, and the clear summary of the politics 🙂
I can follow follow part of the way along the line you are suggesting (“isnt the last, bold paragraph reason enough to kill Saad and family?”) but I can’t get it to go all the way to Chevaline, however hard I try.
So I’m scratching my head trying to understand your reasoning.
I could understand that it might provide a motive to either extremist Sunnis, Shias or alternatively Mossad/Western SIS to blow up (say) Sheikh Bilal Shaaban in a car-bombing in Lebanon (he’s there, right?)
But why would it lead to someone killing Saad al-Hilli in Chevaline, along with his wife and mother-in-law (and assault his elder daughter to boot) when there is no evidence he was part of the IUM? (Or even if he was?)
It seems strangely out of character for a Muslim-on-Muslim sectarian killing (actually it would have to be called an “anti-anti-sectarian” killing) – or for an SIS take-down of a dangerous man.
And, if it were, where would (say) Mollier and Martin fit into this picture, and why would many trails lead to 55 Princes Gate, why would there have been a credible rumour of a DA Notice about Sa’ad’s links to Nuclear Weapons research and the Mossad, why would his work on lasers become interesting, why would relatives be saying “look at his work and you’ll find the reason” – rather than “look at the IUM” – and so on etc?
Too many pieces don’t fit.
As perhaps an aside, it was only Gary Aked who told the world that he was afraid for his friend because of his extreme anti-Zionism on chatrooms, of which we have no independent evidence, (to my knowledge) – so there is something pointing to political intrigue but in a different direction (Mossad).
So to my mind this is interesting, and a possible piece of the jigsaw, but not sufficient in and of itself to provide a motive.
Perhaps you can clue me in to your thinking to get all the way to the end of the line?
What is the National Socialist Movement of Denmark (DNSB)?
The National Socialist Movement of Denmark is an organisation of Danish men and women who, believing their existence is at stake, are promoting the National Socialist world view. Through this we aim to win the Danish folk for a complete reformation based on nature given laws. These laws are those which determine our existence without regard to Utopian philosophies thought up by man.
It is obvious that the National Socialist revolution cannot take place in a small and isolated Northern European country. Therefore, the DNSB cooperates with other like-minded organisations and individuals in other countries.
The DNSB acknowledges its historical identity, and sees as its mission to carry on and develop the ideas of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist movement.
It was this movement which resurrected Germany in the years after 1933. And it was against this movement whom the ruling reactionary forces in east and west with success fought the hitherto most cruel war in world history, to secure their own position of power. However, the DNSB is no historical rendezvous for the glorification of the past. Our goal is to secure the future. History shall be our judge as to whether we are able to open the world’s eyes to what National Socialism really stands for.
The lies, which the allied victors have spun around National Socialism, with the one goal to justify their own cruelties and their own inadequacies, shall only serve our struggle for truth.
Is that you or is it sorensen in the dress of ferret who did post that last paragraph?
I am utterly suspicious now.
could you kindly share some light into this matter by checking the IP?
I would hate to learn that the same poster is hiding his identity behind different costumes and names and adopting past identities of others. I am just a bird, but i am not stupid and i know about how to identify style, form and contents of a random text.
This article by By Peter Allen
PUBLISHED: 11:47, 28 July 2013
from the Daily Mail
“Last October, Mr Maillaud said Zainab and her father got out of the car after parking in an isolated layby, but Mr al-Hilli then quickly returned to the vehicle.
‘She talked of hearing screams, of seeing violent acts and of her fear,’ said Mr Maillaud.
The Annecy murders have baffled detectives, with Zaid al-Hilli being the only arrest in connection with the case.
Mr Maillaud believes an international contract killing may have taken place, with a police source saying: ‘This was the work of somebody who knew exactly what he was doing. Whoever carried out this crime had no qualms. This was not the work of an amateur.’
A total of 21 bullets were fired at the scene and each hit its intended target. The bodywork of the BMW was unmarked.”
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Do I need to highlight some notables? First the author. Then the date – it’s nearly a month old I know. First paragraph: returns quickly to the vehicle. EM makes no mention of him being under fire. He suggests the getting out is quickly followed by the getting back in. So if we accept it was under fire it means they had to wait in the car until SM arrived and they got out to meet him where upon the shooting started immediately. It is further confirmation that SAH’s car did not do the big swoop. Either the attackers were in place or arrived immediately after Sm and started the attack. The latter fits the 4×4 sightings and timings. Or maybe the 4×4’s role was to block escape in front of car, with a separate shooter approaching from the barrier?
“She heard screams” so not only WBM not hear gunshots, he also did not hear screams. This also confirms Zainab was fully conscious throughout the attack and didn’t loose consciousness until WBM (as distinct from coming to before passing out again) It also rather suggests she was spared rather than being a target.
“The police source saying” it’s not clear whether the opinion is British or French. If indeed it is EM he has changed his mind again. This directly contradicts his earlier opinion it was an amateur or mentally unbalanced. “An international contract killing” was it? If that is EM’s opinion he has come a long way and even left MZT in his wake. It’s only a very small step to a state organised assassination is it?
Then finally not only did we learn very belatedly that the 25 had been reduced to 21, but in this report we are told “all hit their targets”! What not one missed? Extraordinary! And a far cry from EM easrly statements of random shooting. Whatever can this mean?
at 55 princes gate – refresher
Gabriel Consultants
Hamilton Aviation
International Security Ltd
Polish Citizens Housing Association Ltd
Relief Society for Poles
Iranian Embassy siege – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location, 16 Princes Gate, South Kensington, London
Imperial College, London. 58 Prince’s Gate
These are the intelligence resouces available to Government yet after nearly a year they “no nothing”. Tell it to the Marines.
“Gabriel Consultants. Accuracy. Integrity. Personal Service.
These are the principles we’ve built our business on.
If you’re in need of accounting or financial services, please give us a call. It would be our pleasure to apply our experience to your specific situation. At Gabriel Consultants we specialise in financial consulting and services for startups, small businesses, sole proprietors and individuals.”
No names to be seen anywhere though.
Picture at:—polish/ognisko-polish-club/fa77b87e0ba4790ec5b3c1a9261bfa39a5010472/comp/
What remotely justifiable reason would someone like WBM register his tiny business in a grand location like this. What purpose would it serve except to give false impression?
Hamilton Aviation
Company type: Private Limited Company
Company number: 07008816
Company status: Active – Proposal to Strike off
Company homepage, website: n/a
country of origin: United Kingdom
incorporation date: 2009.09.04
last member list: 2010.09.04
has UK establishment: No
has appointments: Yes
in liquidation: No
Nature of Business:
7487 – Other business activities
Document: AD01 – Change of registered office address
Filed on: 14 Dec 2010
Tim V 12;50AM – glad you noticed that daily mail article. I believe I brought it up not too long ago, when I noticed that peculiar statement that “every bullet found its mark”. I know I noticed this statement and the article, but not sure any longer what I mentioned where.
Here’s the thing – the author is peter Allen. Who we can assume safely enough is cozy with the british side of things. His quotations of things attributed to EM cannot be taken at face value, since I believe he is used to disseminate certain information. let out a few tid bits so to speak, just enough to put some egg on french face.
like you point out, it’s hard not to notice that this article has EM directly contradicting anything he said before. from a random, amateur shooter – a deranged individual killer, to a professional “hit”. Wow, do we see 180° turn? it can’t possibly be a coincidence that we see this particular quote –
This, and the reference to ‘screams’ and Saad returning immediately to the car (not stating whether under fire) are, IMO, part of the pattern we have seen before – more evidence of the “game’ between intelligence agencies. The account in the DM directly undermining the Le Monde rendition of the reversing BMW. This much is obvious. There is also a hint that EM knows what’s going, otherwise why quote him refering to an “International hit”?
More on the daily mail article – and moving on to the mzt reaction. At the time i was reading through some of the back and forth there. This article may have been dismissed by some as part of the famous “lost in translation” gambit. Lots of lost bits, that’s for sure. In any case, attempts made by one or two over there to take up some of the very points you made were met with the silent treatment. or, in one case i remember, with an alternative, rather implausible scenario. people got discouraged and dropped it as you know, just another Peter Allen article.
So here’s my latest conspiracy theory about MZT: I think the blog is encouraged to stay open and continue to speculate because the french are hoping against hope that the clever people there will come up – finally – with a plausible scenario for how a lone gunman could have done the deed. The french police/investigators probably got themselves tied up in knots over the timeline – the 3:48PM call and the 3;15Pm photo and are basically hoping that sense can be made out of the timeline using reinforcements from people who are obviously interested in crime solving. Marilyn herself may or may not know that she is being used. Perhaps she just gets encouraging noises from some of her ‘sources” and interprets them as she wishes. Linda OTOH does have a role to play, of which she is quite cognizant. She obviously tried to keep conversations along certain lines and actively comes out against alternatives that deviate from those few permitted lines. Max IMO is a genuine puzzle solver and Peter may be as well but they know they have to operate within certain parameters. can say the same about others. In fact, if my theory is right, then the more smart and questioning minds post the better it is; again as long as certain parameters are adhered to (ie, no conspiracy, no state agencies, nothing nuclear, etc.) . A couple of posters Qui and Eugene for example, do put out various facts and theories, including those involving SM employment, but those are never taken up or pursued by others. At least not recently that i saw.
Looking at it this way, it’s easy to see why you, Tim V were not all that welcome and neither was I. And no, I don’t think it was anything personal. Those not conducive to the direction they wanted to go eg, by drawing too much attention to the details of the cover-up and the game-playing going on, are treated as disruptive elements. That wouldn’t be the case if there were no boundaries in place for confining the discussion. Which also explains why someone like NR – who could post in a neutral enough fashion with emphasis on facts, may have been pressured (subtly or not) to choose (that’s my theory at least), no doubt a not so desirable option.
The other benefit to the french authorities of having and encouraging a forum like MZT is that they can get a pretty good idea what gets noticed and how troublesome is any one detail. After all, they don’t want their own role to become too obvious, so using a forum like MZT for various “trial balloons” makes perfect sense from their viewpoint. Clearly the changing time stamp of the 3;15PM photo was a result of certain agencies noticing that there was just no way to fit the crime to the timeline with that in place. Too tight altogether. So it started moving. As for the 3:48PM call gone is the attribution to WBM making the call. If you recall Tim V, Lars’ summary has definitively “pinpointed” it on Phillipe Bossy. Just like that. How convenient. Along with a couple of other curious certitudes that were anything other than certain.
Finally, I’ll just say one more thing about poster identities. I don’t think katie who sometimes pops in here is anyone other than herself. A distinct individual from Marilyn or Lynda or anyone else on MZT. Katie has her own direction and probably always had. What it is I have no clue, but there has always been something quite un-french about her.
Tim V 2:23AM question: i assume we have seen that Hamilton Aviation before, right? do you recall what the speculations were?
Now here is something james could help us with – perhaps he had and I forgot?
One quick coincidence I noticed: that december 14 2010 date when registration was changed; that’s the date Ben Zygier met his untimely end, isn’t it? not saying there’s connection or anything, just another coincidence.
No, Bluebird, take it easy. It wasn’t me posting as Ferret. I welcome Ferret back, because its refreshing with new thoughts, and to break up the doldrums which are bound to happen when mostly 2 individuals, Tim and yourself, go in circles and confirm each others views.
You will find that I never post in the evenings either, and never have posted in another name. In Ferrets last post he had a snipe at me, which I just think is funny, and although I am all for self-mocking as such, it would be a little demanding for me to insinuate to myself as it were that I should hold ‘Nazi views’ (sic), as he calls it.
But I think Ferret‘s first 2 posts was clear cut and logically laid out, actually reflecting something that I myself have urged you to do, namely to constantly refine your arguments and lay out the evidence — complete with links — of Saad’s ancestry.
Yeah, sorry – it was me – after rather a late night, and without any context.
It was an attempt at to explain the occasional random, off-topic, anti-Semitic outbursts which appear here from time to time.
BTW I’m definitely not asking for any links or evidence of Sa’ad’s ancestry! 🙂
I know you can’t post these, as you’ve already said (ages ago, when you started digging) that they are from subscription sites and you would be breaching copyright if you lifted material.
What I’m interested in is fitting the pieces together – and the IUM piece doesn’t really fit for me yet.
Hope you can help and sorry for freaking you out.
James,are you there ?
The Russians are saying war planes are assembling in Cyprus preparing to hit Syria,is it possible you have heard this on your circuit ?
It’s a trap