Not Forgetting the al-Hillis 22278

The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.

Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:

the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?

The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.

Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:

Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.

There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.

But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.

The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?

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22,278 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis

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  • Kenneth Sorensen

    I think it stinks that they can’t even wait for the UN team to tell what they have found. It’s as if they fear what this UN team, comprised mainly of Swedes, should come up with.

    Generally if Israel wants something done in the Middle East, don’t do it. That’s the lesson from the Iraq war, before which Israel and its lobby worked in overdrive to push for war. All sorts of nasty things can happen in the course of war, like a revenge attack on Israel or attacks on British and American assets in Lebanon, Syria or even elsewhere.

  • katie

    On this I agree with you KS.

    According to CNN, samples & tests were being carried out on victims within hours of the attack so what are the UN doing, a recce ?

    “Syria’s wounded treated in Israel .
    Syria agrees to let U.N. investigate

    The Syrian government has steadfastly denied its forces used chemical weapons outside Damascus or elsewhere and repeated the denial Sunday…………………… But a second U.S. official said Sunday that tissue samples were collected from the scene in the hours and days after the August 21 attack.
    The official says the evidence was “collected by multiple international sources” and was being analyzed in secure locations.
    The official would not say how the samples were collected or specify where the analysis was taking place.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    So reminiscent of the situation 11 years ago – click on me name and read the story from September 2002 about Iraq’s non-existent nuclear weapons, [written by Ehud Brok (‘Barak’ to you), prime minister of Israel 1999-2001] – which never the less needed to ” be taken apart”, according to Israel.

    The war was the greatest strategic blunder in the history of The United States of America, an because of this blunder we really shouldn’t listen to ANY of Israel’s suggestions about what needs to be done anywhere in the Middle East.

  • Tim V

    Well spotted on the December 2010 date Marlin. I noticed it and let it lie. Always try to leave something for the observant. lol. Just another little co-incidence, with which this story is permeated.

    I always enjoy your prose and analysis (or if James is right: my own!) almost as much as BB’s enviable research skills! As you say, what we have seen, for whatever reason, is the French spreading a plethora of misinterpretations and seeding contamination, that must have been intentional from the start.

    This has been subtly (and not so subtly) undermined by our own examination of the limited facts available to us, using just logic and the power of reason, AND the sparse releases from the pissed-off British. As a result the French, rather ineptly I believe, have shifted their opinion and contorted themselves so many times that it is difficult to say whether they now have one.

    We may not be sure which of the official reports are true or false, but we sure as hell can see when they don’t fit the facts or are internally self contradictory.

    Meanwhile I am sure you are right in thinking this and the MZT site is monitored and actively engaged by government agencies of any that are involved. The sites are a useful way of gauging how the issue is panning out and whether the PR is working.

    Also on the basis of the truism that the “criminal always revisits the crime scene”, no doubt it can also prove a useful analytic tool. Not all “visitors” comment do they but we know (particularly since Snowden) they are monitored.

    BTW I commented on that Daily Mail article as it was belatedly flagged up by automatic Google search. Why it took so long I don’t know but the 21/21 is extraordinary, both as regards the earlier French reports and practical accuracy given the circumstances.

    Not only could this not be amateurs, I would hazard the suggestion that this was a highly PRACTISED operation by military trained professionals! Nothing overlooked. Nothing left to chance. Well almost. Were the children factored in? Did they cause a moment’s hesitation – clearance sought to go ahead even? As I made the point back last September, even trained military killers might well bulk at killing children in distinction to purely gangster elements.

    WBM’s company address is old stuff I know, though sometimes its useful to recover old ground and may spark a new thread from a person not here before. I’m not sure if we flagged up the Iranian Embassy and Imperial College as close neighbours, before though, given SAH’s connections to both. A very convenient meeting place and not an unpleasant stroll from Queen Anne’s Gate through Regents Park?

    Companies with very impressive addresses and unimpressive performance, always send up a flare don’t they?

  • Tim V

    A bit more on the 21/21 “all hitting their target” this has implications of course. If we accept that all fatalities had two shots to the head (2×4) this still leaves 13 to be accounted for obviously. (We will quickly pass over the different stories coming from EM who initially said only three out of four were shot in the head or the other changes as to number of bullets and wounds inflicted!)

    So if we settle on five additional body shots to SM (8+5=13) we must conclude the remaining eight bullets hit SAH, his wife and mother-in-law. From this we must conclude two were hit an additional three times, and one twice or some other combination of eight. Clearly if Zainab was hit by an aimed bullet, this figure would have to be reduced by one. However I prefer to think Zainab was hit bey a STRAY bullet aimed either at SM or the escaping Saad.

    So in summary, the statement that 21 out of 21 hit their target, indicates not only professionalism and planning, but also the fact that the three in the car were hit more often than previously stated. It also has implications for interpreting the “pings” on the car as “post-hits” or “pre-hits”.

    Alternatively perhaps the 21 excludes four shots, that were fired but missed their human targets?

  • bluebird

    Once again:
    Don’t trust photos and “evidence” you are seeing in MSM.
    This us a waste of your time. These photos and reports are easily fake and staged for MSM, including tire marks and bicycles.

    Once more:

    BBC News uses ‘Iraq photo to illustrate Syrian massacre’

    Including the official family history of al hilli, most photos and reports and interviews were staged for MSM.

  • bluebird


    Also, in her talk, Al-Gebali mentioned “documents and proofs” obtained by Egypt’s intelligence services, saying it was high time to take the truth out in the open. During the discussion about the documents listing massive financial transactions between the Muslim Brotherhood and international organizations, she pointed out that “Obama’s brother is one of the architects of investment for the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

    Who is Obama’s brother?
    Do we have a link from MB funding to Saad and Zaid?
    This is the same family in the Shaaban clan.

  • bluebird


    It has been learned that the relationship between President Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik Obama and Sudan’s President Omar Al-Bashir is much closer than previously thought. Malik is the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) as reported by all major Saudi press, including Okaz.

    Interview with Arab League gen sec Ahmad bin Hilli regarding syria and the muslim brotherhood in egypt.

    Q: What do you think of Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi’s recent proposal for organizing a “mini summit” to discuss the crisis in Syria and draft quick solutions to end it? Do we need to hold such summits to invigorate the mechanism of joint Arab action?We require intensive work to solve the Syrian crisis because giving the regime’s seat in the League to the opposition has not settled or solved matters. On the contrary, we are still in need of innovative and practical ideas on Syria from the Arab states. This is one of the absolute priorities that must be on everybody’s agenda. Syria will continue to crumble if we do not move forward with initiatives and ideas, whether from the opposition or the government, to reach an accord on national reconciliation.


  • Q

    As the anniversary of the Chevaline massacre approaches, I’ve been looking back at various accounts of the event. Here’s one:

    “A toddler is found alive, hours after a shooting leaves four dead and another child heavily injured in a wood in Chevaline, Haute-Savoie near Lake Annecy, France. A car with a British licence plate is involved. British tourists, the male Iraqi-passport-holding driver and two women in the car, and a local inhabitant on a cycle, who was on paternity leave, are among the deaths. (CNN)”

    I’m pretty sure that no toddlers were present at the scene. Fortunately, one of the the links provides the correct date of the event.

  • Ferret


    You sure do throw out a lot of possible (and interesting) motives! IUM, Obama’s brother…

    The problem is how to get any of them to fit into the web of pieces we already have…

    I wish you would help me with that (or at least share your thinking on the matter).

    As you haven’t answered so far, it sounds like I have well and truly annoyed you, if so then I understand – and deeply regret my miscalculated message of last night.

  • James


    I heard !

    I have just gone from somewhere to somewhere…to somewhere in Turkey. And re positioned

    This is “curve-ball” all over again.

    What was it that Colin Powel said to the UN when quoting his source ?

    I remember…. he said what “curve-ball” said !
    Which was “rubbish”.

    It’s funny.
    But Turkey may get to secure some good favours out of this.

    Oooh…another “love in” with Tim and Marlin. This time Tim giving the “luv” ! It’s pathetic !

  • James

    Tim V.

    “at 55 princes gate – refresher”

    Rolls eyes…yet again.


    Tim…EVERYTIME you refer to me in one of your posts, I will point out you “bizarre” quotes.

    “I always enjoy your prose and analysis (or if James is right: my own!)”

    It’s easy. Stop it !

  • bleb

    Tim, thanks for the link to that Daily Mail report of 28 July 2013.

    Maybe its just me but I find it ambiguous, in that it starts of by saying:
    “Last October, Mr Maillaud said Zainab and her father got out of the car …”

    Does the author mean:
    1) That in October 2012 Mr Maillaud said the following things?
    2) That Mr Maillaud (in July 2013) said that in October 2012 the following things happened?

    3) When the author writes “Mr Maillaud believes” is this what he believed in July 2013 or what he believed in October 2012?

    Is the police source quoted (as saying this was a professional killing) French or British? I guess most likely French as Peter Allen (looking at his profile: appears to do a lot of French stories.

    My guess would be that the French police are trying to pin Chevaline on ZAH as the organiser of a hit by hired killers. They obviously don’t have any evidence that would stand up in court (I would suggest because such evidence doesn’t exist as ZAH was not involved). Instead Surrey police have been persuaded to hassle ZAH by arrest and bail (probably awkward bail conditions attached and bail could go on indefinitely) without charges being brought (ie evidence not presented to a court)

  • Tim V

    27 Aug, 2013 – 7:05 pm with ref to this

    the rather strange thing is that the Chevaline incident is given as THURSDAY 6TH. I’m not sure the next day reporting can explain it as everything else purports to be same day. Just out of interest, the day before the event (Tuesday 4th) it reports this:

    September 4 2012

    “The AntiSec hacker operation publishes 1 million edited Apple iOS unique device identifiers of the 12 million it claims to have “obtained” from a FBI laptop. (Silicon Republic) (Al Jazeera English) (The Guardian)”

    September 5 2012

    A Palestinian Authority colonel is killed by gunfire from unknown assailants in Jenin, West Bank. (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

    Benjamin Netanyahu interrupts an Israeli cabinet meeting on defense and security, citing inside leaks. (Yedioth Ahronoth) (Reuters via Yahoo! News)

    Are they related? Who knows?

    Meanwhile the original CNN report from the 6th Sept 2012 @ has this:

    “Multiple bullet casings had surrounded the BMW when authorities came upon it, with bullet holes peppering its windows but none in the body of the car, according to the prosecutor.
    The driver and an older woman found dead in the car had been shot in the head, Maillaud said, “and it was obvious that (whoever) did this wanted to kill.” Autopsies are scheduled Friday and should reveal how the other passenger, a younger woman, died.”

    Note at this stage EM was saying Saad’s wife WASN’T shot in the head. Also note “car surrounded by bullets” which if true is further evidence the car did not swoop from the top. I’m sure you don’t need me to say why.

  • Tim V

    28 Aug, 2013 – 12:49 am good questions. The ambiguity is definitely written into the report by a very experienced journalist is never accidental. My feeling, and it’s no more than that, is that in view of the fact that the French were promoting to fairly recently a lone amateur or psychopathic killer, the statement now that this was a “professional” is more likely to have come from the British side.

    EM is very ambivalent about Zaid, sometimes leaning towards certainty of involvement, sometimes leaning the other way. We can however be fairly certain from various accounts, that the French were actively PREVENTED from interviewing him. This in a joint investigation is quite extraordinary. Even when after arrest, access was granted, they still were not allowed to ask questions directly! And as I have said before, the arrest and police bail appear more of a device to keep the French out, than indicate a British view he is implicated. I think it inconceivable that in such a high-profile violent case after 10 months intensive investigation, he would be bailed if it were thought he was responsible.

    If it is the French view now that 1. it was a professional hit and 2. Zaid al Hilli was behind it – that is a considerable leap. Surely by now there would be a trail linking the two (money/communications/underworld/vehicle movements/credit cards/ hotels etc etc) to establish it incontrovertibly? Just another false trail in my opinion that the British clearly arn’t backing.

  • katie

    Thanks James,
    Odd how UK papers have not mentioned Cyprus, all they’ve mentioned have been the destroyers amassing in the Med.
    “The upsurge in flight activity has been denied by a spokesman for Britain’s airbases in Cyprus, Reuters reported, also citing Cyprus’s Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides as saying that he doubted the airbases would be used if Western powers did take action against Syria.”

    This whole things stinks to high heaven.

    Al Qaeda is found to be working with chemical weapons in Iraq in June & suddenly they appear in Syria.

    Re: Obama & money, don’t forget the 8 Billion he is reported to have given to the MB Egypt,no one explained where it was from or why it was secret.

    SHOCKER: Secret $8 billion deal between Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

    That photo is a shocking misuse of Iraqi victims , the BBC who say they always verify sources.

  • bluebird

    I am just thinking logic and knowing the background of Saad’s complete family is very helpful indeed.

    1) UK and USA (MI6 and CIA) are funding Muslim Brotherhood. They probably helped to create them. Saad’s grandfather (mother’s side was one of the founders of MB. Sheikh Zaid Saad Shaaban).

    2) Both families (the late Shaaban and the late Ayatollah al Hilli in particular) seeking peace and unification of Sunni and Shia, seeking peace.
    Sheikh Bilal Shaaban (son of Sheikh Zaid Saad) is a Sunni (as it is the Shaaban family) but still he is doctrinally a follower of Ayatollah Khomeini, a strong Shia.

    Sectarian battles are the goal of both UK and the USA to destabilize the region. The goal of al Hilli/Shaaban was quite the contrary, unification and peace between Sunni and Shia.

    3) of course Saad must have known details about the secret funding of the MB.
    As a matter of fact, he started ranting versus the USA and Israel.

    4) making things even more complicated than they are, the Sunni Shaaban family and their IUM is supporting Shia Hezbollah, too. Likely illegally moving IUM money (funded by USA and UK, respectively by their professional money launderers) to Hezbollah.

    5) How cozy is it that Zaid is an “accountant”, working for a noble right wing organisation in the UK (covert MI6 job). That is why i called him Zaid Meyer Lansky.

    6) While Zaid is still serious and reliable regarding MI6, it appears that ranting Saad started to do things (probably supported by Hezbollah and by his wife and Hezbollah grandma) that weren’t pleasing MI6 and CIA.

    7) I still suggest that there were money issues (that is bringing the french metal workers union into the game and their representative Sylvain Mollier). The metals workers union was laundering Iraqi money to Le Pen and to other extreme right wing organisations in france.
    The french metal workers union still holds millions of money and gold (undeclared) in swiss bank accounts.

    My basic idea was money. After Sheikh Kadhim’s death, Saad got the keys and passwords to access some of that money. Meyer Lansky, however, told him that it was him who must care about that money and distribute/launder it to the MI6 requested recipients, not Saad.
    One word gave the other and the brothers split.
    Probably Saad was under pressure of Hezbollah wife and grandma, too. Hezbollah had problems to obtain due to the matter of fact that their accounts were locked by the UNO resolution.
    How cozy that they still had access to accounts of the french metal workers union and the MB in switzerland. Funding of hezbollah still going on due to UN resolution. Somebody wanted to stop that and Zaid probably being the whistleblower who had told them what Saad is going to do.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    Sounds plausible, that Zaid was the whistleblower, but he would supposedly have holded his tongue had he known that events were overtaken by Israel, who launched the attack at Cheveline or got thugs from the Balkan to do it.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    Sounds plausible, that Zaid was the whistleblower, but he would supposedly have held his tongue had he known that events were overtaken by Israel, who launched the attack at Cheveline or got thugs from the Balkan to do it.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    Just en passant, as they say in France, here is a recent example of the debile reporting of our mainstream media. Not once does the article mention that the man is of Palestinian origin, which unresolved conflict of course acts as a main motivation, and in effect trows the guilt right on Israel, who has stolen and confiscated his ancestral land.

    BBC News 28 August 2013: Fort Hood gunman Hasan makes no plea on death penalty

    Read my compilation of recent terror-incidents linked to the Israel/Palestinian conflict,- the worlds oldest still unresolved conflict, which — until it gets solved – acts as a continous destabiliser of the world, – on my website

  • Kenneth Sorensen


    THE GUARDIAN, 28. August 2013 09.25 BST: Israeli intelligence ‘intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack’

    Information passed to US by Israeli Defence Forces’s 8200 unit, former official tells magazine

    by Harriet Sherwood
    The bulk of evidence proving the Assad regime’s deployment of chemical weapons – which would provide legal grounds essential to justify any western military action – has been provided by Israeli military intelligence, the German magazine Focus has reported.

    The 8200 unit of the Israeli Defence Forces, which specialises in electronic surveillance, intercepted a conversation between Syrian officials regarding the use of chemical weapons, an unnamed former Mossad official told Focus. The content of the conversation was relayed to the US, the ex-official said.
    Senior Israeli security officials arrived in Washington on Monday to share the latest results of intelligence-gathering, and to review the Syrian crisis with national security adviser Susan Rice.

  • katie

    Kenneth Sorensen
    28 Aug, 2013 – 3:11 pm
    ‘Information passed to US by Israeli Defence Forces’s 8200 unit, former official tells magazine’

    Don’t you think it odd that this information has taken a week to surface ? As far as I’m concerned leaders of the western leaders are scraping the barrel searching for any reason to get into Syria….to what end ?

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    Yes, they are following Israels strategy of removing Israel’s foes one by one.
    This was actually the stated policy of the Neocons in the beginning of the last decade (according to Joe Wilson, see later), but as you know their ideas went somewhat out of fashion following the disaster in Iraq. But now they are back. But the question is if they still believe in it, which I believe they do. And they are still present in Washington, and have influence even in The White House.

    Here is a article by one of the best investigative journalists we have in Denmark, Poul Høi. He is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the same place where Joe Wilson lives with his wife. You probably remember Joe. He was the one who exposed the Uranium-from-Africa-to-Saddam lie, and consequently his wife (!) — who happened to be a CIA agent, got exposed. Joe has over the years studied the Neocons in great detail, and it is he, who says that they wanted to take on Israel’s enemies one by one, and split the countries up, and let them descend into internal strife. They succeeded with that in Iraq without a doubt [an remenber that the end-goal of that war-trail was Iran, which then without a doubt also should be split up and descend into anarchy and chaos</em]. The questionI want to ask is what exactly are their plans exactly in Syria and Egypt? Joe say they also wanted to do that in Afghanistan, which was completely new to me. But sure enough Pakistan has pretty much descended into chaos after the escalation in the Fall of 2005 in Helmand and Kandahar, from June 2006 under the direction of NATO.

    Here is the extraordinary interview with Joe Wilson, as well as a revelation about some Italian documents which played a role in the uranium-from-Africa business. Run it trough google Translate. Its very rare I suggest anyone to read a Danish article, but this piece of journalism is just the best we have had for many years.

  • Ricki Tarr

    I may go on a rant but have been cultivating this theory for a while by recognising certain stories in some of the press and media.

    A proxy war has been raging for a while now between China, Russia, Iran and Syria and the US and UK bank rolled by the UAE, the goal is the total control of oil. The Arab spring was part of this proxy war and the Benghazi cover up nearly opened up the master plan for public viewing! From Benghazi the CIA and MI5 ran guns and other weapons such as Chemical where exported via countries like Turkey to Syria to over throw Al Assad!

    Now back to Al-Hilli, do you remember the FSB report at the start of the case that stated the killing was connected to an imminent global apocalypse which sounded very dramatic at the time but know seeing what has developed in the Middle East over the past few years and now in Syria it doesn’t seem dramatic at all, we are seeing the power balance shift from Russia using Syria for oil and shipping oil to the US and its allies and possibly a world war! Also in the article
    It said that Al-Hilli was running to Russia as he had Satelitte imagery that was very important! It has been suggested in some articles that Russia may have received imagery if the build of weapons from Libya in Turkey and also the US training the rebels in use of chemical weapons rockets, what if this is the imagery Al-Hilli had in his possession from SSTL, he would want to protect Syria and Iran because of his Shia background.

    I also think the person in Benghazi with a UK background called Abdul Basit Haroun Shehibi, Haroun was a property developer in Manchester and head of the LIFG was the person bein watched by Libyan spies in the UK as reported in the below article!

    See links below:

  • bluebird

    Fantastic links, ricki tarr, particularly the first one.

    In Libya, Haroun returned to Benghazi where he joined the February 17th Brigade, headed by Ismael al-Sallabi, who along with his brother Ali al-Sallabi, are members of the Muslim Brotherhood and closely allied with Abdelhakim Belhadj. Mohamed al-Sallabi, their father, had been among the founding members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Benghazi during the 1960s. Ali-al-Sallabi, who is seen as the religious leader of the effort to overthrow Qaddafi is associated with Belhadj’s political party Watan.

    This is the same story as for Saad’s grandfather Sheikh Zaid Saad Shaaban who was the co founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, too.

    All those links completely and strongly support my theory regarding Saad and his family’s political importance in the middle east and their ties to MI6 and CIA as well as to Hezbollah and al Sistani and Iran.

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