The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.
Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:
the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?
The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.
Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:
Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.
There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.
But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.
The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?
Thank you, there are 3 parts to the first link look them up at the same site!
Ricki tarr
I read it.
Exciting stuff. One of the best links i had ever seen regarding libya, syria, uk, usa, iran and muslim brotherhood. Everything sounds sane and logic.
I can easily see saad and family being somehow involved in that pre benghazi plot.
Two more from the Shaaban family. Worth reading!
Shaaban must therefore be a veritable treasury of Saddam Hussein’s secrets. In American hands, Uday’s chef de bureau would be even more valuable than the proverbial smoking gun.
Muslim brotherhood Sheikh Zaid Shaaban and Hariri and their goal to unite Shia and Sunni:
Ricki tarr
We know as a matter of fact that the frencu metal workers union was handling money and information between LePen and far right extremist groups in france (christian mollier) on one side and Saddam and Uday Hussein/Iraq on the other side. The french metal workers union was the “innocent” intermediate.
As a matter of fact, we know that Le Pen is a supporter and friend of Putin and Russia.
If you had information for Putin, to whom would you go?
Perhaps to the intermediate handler whom you know from previous money laundering events?
Saad info -> Mollier -> french metal workers union -> le pen’s party -> putin
Somewhere in the middle of that chain the chain was interrupted in chevaline by the knowing. Could well be a benghazi/chemical weapons info.
Saad, the CIA/MI5 traitor who started ranting when he had realised that they were planning for WW3. Zaid the serious and reliable meyer lansky, who told his boss that they shall better have an eye on unreliable Saad and his wife.
I am leaving that link on a CIA/Syrian history. Worth reading!
Recently it looks as if i am left almost alone here.
James decided to rant instead of contributing, tim and marlin disappeared, and some others are coming here only once per month.
Rethink stance on Syrian crisis
COLUMN By Joe Amditis | Posted: Thursday, March 7, 2013 12:00 am
Amid the latest onslaught of tragic images and videos from war-torn Syria, the steady beating of Washington’s war drums has begun to sound. Reports of increased fighting and violence continue to pour out of Syria, and the establishment media pundits are jumping at the chance to uncritically promote U.S. involvement in yet another internal conflict in the Mediterranean. Don’t fall for it.See, they’ve tried this before — and I’m not just talking about Libya. Back in the late 1950s, the United States and the United Kingdom teamed up with an entire group of shady characters to overthrow the Syrian government. The plan was called Operation Straggle, and it involved arming and supporting rebel and opposition forces from Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon in their quest for regime change in order to “swing Syria on to the right path,” as described by the United Kingdom’s then-ambassador in Baghdad, Michael Wright. The idea was to use opposition groups like the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to provoke confusion and unrest in Syria and the Middle East. Also included in the plot was the goal to “attach Syria to the Iraqi state,” and to prevent Egypt and Syria from forming an alliance.Officials in both the United States and the United Kingdom soon realized that the time was not right to go ahead with the plan. Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd suggested, “[W]e may want to go further at a later stage in connection with the development of the fertile crescent.” They knew that direct U.S. and U.K. support for radical movements like the Syrian Brotherhood or Western military action would be far too risky, “because of Arab nationalist reactions, international repercussions and the possible strengthening in Syria of those elements who are against us.” The Brotherhood had recently gained serious ground against the regime. But Operation Straggle was never implemented, mainly because the Syrian government caught wind of the plot. They even chased the Central Intelligence Agency out of Syria. But did that stop us? Not a chance, America.We were back in action by 1957 with the Preferred Plan and Operation Wappen. Syria had just signed a deal with the Soviet Union for technical aid and training, and we all know what that means. The same rule applies today as it did back then: If we can’t have it, nobody can. But where, you might ask, do you turn when you need to stir up more trouble in Damascus? You guessed it — the Muslim Brotherhood.The Brotherhood was to play a critical role in starting an internal revolt to get the ball rolling for the overthrow of the Syrian government. The plan called for collaboration between Western, Iraqi, Lebanese and Jordanian intelligence agencies to send arms and aid to “political factions with paramilitary or other actionist capabilities.” It even called for assassinations and deadly false-flag operations to be conducted in Syria and blamed on political enemies — like we did with Mossadegh in Iran — and used to justify military intervention.Like Operation Straggle, the Preferred Plan was never put into action. This was mostly because of the fact that Syria’s pesky neighbors wouldn’t agree to go along with the plot. Instead, the West settled on a policy of “containment plus,” involving the use of exiles, rebels, opposition groups and pro-Western Arab leaders to keep Syria under constant political pressure and turmoil.The moral of the story: Just because CNN and company have decided to shamelessly promote John Kerry’s plan to give $60 million in “non-lethal assistance” to the Syrians, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. We have our own problems to deal with, here at home. So before we send another fortune to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood or the Al Nusra Front, maybe we should think about sending some “non-lethal assistance” into our own domestic warzones.
More and complete syrian/cia history with lots of names and Iraq:
You’ll have to read to understand certain political events ….
Watch that (particularly the first clip)
And watch this:
I know that this is a lot and time consuming, but without understanding the background you’ll always be misled by MSM
All clips are from BBC productions.
Thanks Bluebird I have watched the power of nightmares docu before and it is very good I like Adam Curtis!
Ill watch the other now!
The only part of my theory I cant fill is who did it but in the proxy war it could have been a handful of organisations? it depends really who found out about the information first and who they would want to do their bidding!
Ricki tarr
We do not know who did it and we’ll probably never know because those will be secret files.
What i know for sure:
1) the assassination had a political reason since the families were top representatives of the middle eastern religious and political elite.
2) the families had historically strong ties to middle eastern royalties and MI6
3) the families had strong ties to iraq, iran, lebanon, syria, bahrein, the uae and egypt.
4) the families were keen to unite shia and sunni and stop sectarian killing
5) at least one part of the families supported hezbollah
6) mollier was a representative of the french metal workers union. Knowing the links of the french metal workers union to iraq and le pen as a handler of money, we can take it for granted that mollier wasnt tgere by chance but deliberately.
7) the families and mollier were killed by a professional killer under the auspicies of one or more organisations of a secret service. However, we dont know which one it was since we do not know what side Saad did attempt to deceive, either by accessing illegal money or by handlung over secret information (e.g. regarding libyan chemical weapons in turkey).
I am afraid that we would come any further than that except when one of the family members would start talking the truth or else when secret documents would be leaked or hacked sometime in the future.
I suppose chemical weapons have a “footprint” so it could be established where they come from, just like nuclear weapons have?
It’s interesting if rebels fired missiles armed with chemicals into their own, civilian people, though that would be extremely cruel, to say the least. But what about them being fired from Israel? Or Israeli agents provocateurs firing them from inside Syria. The later would probably be the smartest from Israels point of view, because you can take it for grated that Syria’s airspace is digitally recorded and stored by several agencies, and in these circumstances Israel would not be so stupid as to fire anything from their own territory.
Generally I’m very interested if Israeli agent provocateurs are present, interfering in the civil war.
Or Israel is just content, leaning back and let the Arabs themselves blow up their countries? Letting it’s lobby in America discreetly work for The United States and those willing to join, taking out or weaken Israels enemies one by one. This would undoubtly be the smartest for Israel, (as the other thing would be too risky) and really smart too. It literally controls US Middle East policies due to its influence on Senators and Governors, whom it can force to whote its way, by threatening to withdraw funds, or simply give the funds to their opponents instead, so why risk this unprecedented advantage, if some Israelis got caught red-handed in Syria or Lebanon.
On the other hand, IF some Israelis got caught red-handed – so what? They would be Arab speaking and indistinguishable from the locals, and NO ONE would be able to link them to respected lobbyists in Washington. And the missiles were fired in just seconds, so that they should be caught (and they havent been, would be unrealistic
Did anyone else spot Obama’s (Freudian?) slip in his recent interview on Syria? “Atomic” for “Chemical”, as in (as best I can remember) “The rebels don’t have atomic … ahem, chemical weapons.” Easy to make I suppose when you have atomic weapons on the mind.
Nobody fired chemical missiles. The missiles in those pictures are fake. Those have never been missiles. They are booby traps. Only a few hours later there were photos of syrians holding and even touching those missiles. Know what? They didnt die but they were smiling into the camera. If there was Sarin in those missiles, they would die immediately after touching them. Ok, sarin vaporises in air, but there is still enough remain in empty bottles or missiles to kill you if you touch them.
If they find old nerve gas from WW1 today, even when already empty, the military experts would come with protection suits and gas masks for decontamination. And the boys in these pictures were touching the missiles less than 24 hours later?
I tell you what happened and what is the easiest way for rebels doing that.
Sarin is a fluid that vaporises with air.
Put it into several plastic bottles. Leave it where you want it to be and shoot at it from a save distance. That is what happened. No missiles, at least not the missiles we had seen in the pictures. These missile pics are worse MSM fake than woolwich and boston altogether.
Thanks so much for the explanation – makes complete sense. 🙂
Incidentally, one other thing that your scenario answers is “where did the money come from” in the Geneva account. The original explanation (Saddam’s m-Missing millions) was rubbished by the family: they were Saddam’s enemies so it didn’t make sense.
Explosive revelations! Amazing. Recommend everyone reads the links Ricky posted… It makes much more sense to me that the USA is doing the Saudis’ bidding (GDP $900 billion), rather than the Israelis (GDP $248 billion).
(By the way I couldn’t find part 3, does it exist?)
And re Global Apocalypse – good memory!
Molliemalone posted this link back in Sept:
“September 15, 2012: Global Apocalypse Linked To French Alps Family Massacre”
BTW… wish I had more time to post! So busy these days…
Here is the index of that great text you liked, too.
When you click “previous 65” you can find part 3, too. However, there are more good articles worth reading, too, and part 3 is more or less a summary.
A family. Yes, ferret, a family has two sides. Father’s and mother’s side. Adib Shaaban is an interesting guy. He could be another puzzle stone in that riddle and why Saad knew about the intermediate handler, the french metal workers union, between Saddam and France. I have no doubts that the handler did receive money ftom Saddam due to frrnch news reports. On the other side, the handler could have also been used for the oil for food fraud. And there comes Adib Shaaban, Uday’s aide, into the game. He fled from Uday and Iraq in 2003. I will try to know more about Adib Shaaban. His knowledge must be very dangerous for certain people. Did he share this with Saad?
I found some most interesting text regarding Adib Shaaban:
Quote 1:
All may not be well for Adib Shaaban, senior aide to Saddam�s powerful son Uday and Iraq�s highest-ranking would-be defector. Shaaban – charged with Uday�s most sensitive missions – traveled to Jeddah in early February, saying he needed to put through some gold transactions ahead of the war. From Jeddah, he flew to Beirut and disappeared. But he never really went to the Lebanese capital. Instead, he made his way undercover to Damascus Monday and was picked up by an unmarked plane that flew him out of the Middle East. At least, that�s how Shaaban scripted his plan. Our sources suggest that upon landing at Damascus on Saturday, February 8, he walked straight into the arms of waiting Syrian military intelligence officers who took him to their isolated headquarters in the capital. He is probably still there under heavy guard, as Syrian leader Bashar Assad fights off conflicting demands from the White House and Saddam Hussein�s presidential office for his handover. Further discoveries by our intelligence sources of the defector�s secret duties would further enhance his value for Washington and make Saddam more anxious to keep him and the secrets in his head out of his enemies� hands. Shaaban was the senior go-between for Baghdad�s business with Damascus. He was privy to the clandestine movements of al Qaeda operatives from Iraq to Lebanon via Syrian sea and air ports. His hand was on the contraband route along which smuggled Iraqi oil reached world markets through Syria�s Mediterranean terminals. Saddam and Assad share a stake in keeping this intelligence bomb out of Western hands les he lay bare the full extent of Syria�s operational support for al Qaeda or the degree to which Assad violated UN sanctions against Iraq. So why did Shaaban take the chance of heading for Damascus? He may have had no choice in the matter. In Jeddah, the Saudis may have decided that this potato was too hot for them to hold and hustled him aboard the first flight out, which was bound for Damascus. Alternatively, the defector may have flown directly to Damascus � a kosher destination given his job as go-between � intending to continue from there in secret to Jeddah to knock at the door of a US consulate or make his way to the West under his own steam.
Quote 2
Very Interesting!
This is starting to pop up all over the internet, very interesting if true.Below is one other source that seem to bring additional information:Over the weekend, the sources said, a leading aide to the son of Saddam fled Iraq. They said Adib Shaaban, a leading press official and aide to Uday Hussein, arrived in Syria over the weekend.The sources said Uday had demanded that Shaaban return to Baghdad. Shaaban has refused.Instead, Shaaban plans to seek asylum in a third country. The sources said he fled after a dispute with the mercurial Uday.The sources said the Saddam regime has clamped restrictions on the transfer of money abroad in an attempt to halt defections. They said Saddam’s agents have been deployed throughout the military and in key government offices to help detect plots against the regime.Several Arab and European Union states have quietly searched for a safe haven for Saddam and his aides in exchange for their exile. Belarus, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are said to have offered to accept Saddam, his family and key aides.Earlier, the New York Times reported that Jordan has urged the United States to guarantee safe haven to Saddam and some 50 of his top aides in an attempt to sow dissent in the regime. The newspaper said Jordan has concluded that Saddam will dismiss the offer, but the prospect of a safe haven for regime leaders could prompt unrest among those close to the president who fear prosecution for war crimes.”Uday might be the first to shoot his father if he refused an amnesty,” the newspaper quoted a senior Jordanian official as saying.
Another interesting Shaaban in top politics. She os a top aide to Assad.
Her money was frozen by the USA, just like the money of all Shaabans was frozen.
The Shaabans looking more interesting then his fathers family. She is ten years older than Saad and she was educated in the UK, too.
No surprise that Adib fled to Syria where he was the handler between Syrian and Iraqi legal and illegal business under Saddam’s government.
Thanks again BB, and yes, believe it or not I had noticed (funnily enough) that a family has two sides, a mother’s and a father’s!! 😉
So… how is Adib Shabaan related to Saad’s mother’s family? I don’t remember his name cropping up before but I could be mistaken.
And… do you have any links to those two quotes above?
Also, do you have any links to the financial connection between Le Pen, the French Metalworkers Union, and Saddam and Uday Hussein/Iraq, as you suggest? You quoted this some posts back, as a “matter of fact” – did I miss the proof?
That could be the gordian knot.
Search google books for
Secret History of the Iraq War
by Yossef Bodansky
Go to page 131 and read the following 3 pages.
You could also search for “Shaaban” in that book to find it quicker.
Adib Shaaban OVERSAW THE TRANSPORT OF IRAQI WMD (CHEMICAL WARHEADS) FROM IRAQ TO HEZBOLLAH IN SOUTHERN LEBANON in 2003. The Syrians delivered the necessary weapons for the chemical warheads but they ensured that Hezbollah must not use those WMD without the authorization of Damascus.
Adib Shaaban was THE man in the middle.
Nobody knows about the whereabouts of Adib Shaaban today. Some said that he degected to the USA, others say that he returned to Baghdad and disappeared there.
Everything is going to make sense now. Adib Shaaban was the missing link. We made too much research into Kadhim’s family while we completely forgot Saad’s mother’s family.
I wonder about if it was coincidence that MSM did never mention the name of Saad’s mother and that family branch? Or is it DA notice?
I believe that this might open the Gordian knot including the Saddam money. This was NOT the father’s side! It was the mother’s family!
Yes ferret
You missed that proof. However, my most recent find still excites even me.
I posted this here (including the french news links) several months ago.
However, if you google “french metal workers union saddam hussein” you might find those links and my posts on this board regarding that matter.
Saad’s mother comes from Syria/Lebanon and her name is Fasiha Shaaban.
OK thanks BB, I’ll look up your previous posts on the connection.
But as you say… a VERY exciting find about Adib Shabaan and chemical warheads…
I got that Saad’s mother’s surname is Shabaan, but do you know how (if?) Adib is related?
Here are some of the links regarding UIMM
This is in french but google translate will do it.
Unfortunately i have no records yet about Adib Shaaban, but his Lebanese/Syrian links make it logic that he is somehow related to the Sheikh Zaid Saad Shaaban family. Also you must be from a prominent family to get this job. Perhaps he is the reason why Hashim was arrested and tortured while Kadhim was alliwed to run his company for another ten years that was then taken over by Uday due to what we have learnt from MSM.
But wait! Perhaps it wasnt Uday but Uday’s aide who took over the company? If so, the company would still be in posession of the same family. Perhaps there was no illegal theft at all but Kadhim handed over his company to a close relative of his wife deliberately when he preferred to emigrate to the UK?
Now i would understand that in post war iran Saad had problems to obtain property that was run by Uday’s right hand and that wasnt stolen by Saddam’s son but perhaps deliberately run by a family relative?
Everything makes sense, finally. I was always wondering about why sheikh kadhim was allowed to stay in iraq while his brother was arrested and tortured? And why would uday want a chicken farm? I mean, he wanted gold and cars and girls and money. But a chicken farm???? Uday’s aide = Fasiha’s family relative ….
Logic is giving logic answers.
Werent the WMD chemical warheads bunkered in a chicken farm before they were brought over to hezbollah in lebanon?
Wait! Let’s make just some logic guess.
Adib Shaaban runs Kadhim’s chicken farm.
Adib Shaaban is the right arm and aide of Uday.
We learnt that Uday runs Kadhims chicken farm. But he has an aide: Shaaban. Why would uday ever run a farm?
And now we learn that Shaaban brought the WMD from that chicken farm to lebanon’s hezbollah, under the auspicies of the syrian government, where a likely relative (his sister?) is the aide and right hand of Assad.
And finally we have sheikh bilal shaaban of UIM, supporter of lebanese hezbollah.
Makes sense, does it?
What about uday’s secret monies in switzerland? Shaaban organised that shortly before he defected.
This is a nest of top middle east politics, and likely saad was sitting in the middle of that and having the keys ….
BB & Ferret – I would be very cautious about believing anything originating from Yossef Bodansky.
Especially linking Hezbollah to chemical weapons. Which countries agenda would that suit (in justifying military attacks on Hezbollah)? Then take a look at Bodansky’s background. IMO this is just Israeli misinformation.
I looked up that book, unfortunately pages 131 and 132 were not available in my preview 🙁
But searching yielded this:
“According to Lebanese intelligence and security services, [Adib] Shaaban also oversaw the transfer of Iraqi WMD, mainly a few dozen chemical warheads for 122-mm Katyusha rockets, to HizbAllah and pro-Iraqi Palestinians, mainly Arafat’s Fatah…”
From “The Secret History of the Iraq War” (Google eBook) by Yossef Bodansky, p132.
However while it’s important to speculate, I think we have to be careful check facts too… According to Wikipedia there are quite a few famous Shaabans so perhaps not all are related?
Good point, Bodansky doesn’t quote any references and seems to be a major king-pin in the US “anti-terror” establishment…
I was wondering last night, what (if anything) could be the connection between Chevaline and Benghazi? They happened around the same dates, didn’t they?
Benghazi is reported to have revolved around an Iranian-backed attempt to smash the covert CIA arms-smuggling operation out of Libya to the Syrian rebels, and/or the release of a group of Iranian spies posing as Red Crescent officials who had been abducted shortly before, and were released less than a month after.
The motive for Chevaline is of course obscure but was thought by some to also have been linked to Iran.
One big difference is that in the case of Benghazi, a group linked to Iran claimed responsibility almost immediately, but that’s not to say there couldn’t be a link?
Very interesting! I wonder if MI6/CIA are still tracking down the fortune that is spread around the world!
Has anyone seen this about Uday? Is adib represented in this film?