The mainstream media for the most part has moved on. But there are a few more gleanings to be had, of perhaps the most interesting comes from the Daily Mirror, which labels al-Hilli an extremist on the grounds that he was against the war in Iraq, disapproved of the behaviour of Israel and had doubts over 9/11 – which makes a great deal of the population “extremist”. But the Mirror has the only mainstream mention I can find of the possibility that Mossad carried out the killings. Given Mr al-Hilli’s profession, the fact he is a Shia, the fact he had visited Iran, and the fact that Israel heas been assassinating scientists connected to Iran’s nuclear programme, this has to be a possibility. There are of course other possibilities, but to ignore that one is ludicrous.
Which leads me to the argument of Daily Mail crime reporter, Stephen Wright, that the French police should concentrate on the idea that this was a killing by a random Alpine madman or racist bigot. Perfectly possible, of course, and the anti-Muslim killings in Marseille might be as much a precedent as Mossad killings of scientists. But why the lone madman idea should be the preferred investigation, Mr Wright does not explain. What I did find interesting from a man who has visited many crime scenes are his repeated insinuations that the French authorities are not really trying very hard to find who the killers were, for example:
the crime scene would have been sealed off for a minimum of seven to ten days, to allow detailed forensic searches for DNA, fibres, tyre marks and shoe prints to take place.
Nearby bushes and vegetation would have been searched for any discarded food and cigarette butts left by the killer, not to mention the murder weapon.
But from what I saw at the end of last week, no such searches had taken place and potentially vital evidence could have been missed. House to house inquiries in the local area had yet to be completed and police had not made specific public appeals for information about the crime. No reward had been put up for information about the shootings.
Behind the scenes, what other short cuts have been taken? Have police seized data identifying all mobile phones being used in the vicinity of the murders that day?
The idea that the French authorities – who are quite as capable as any other of solving cases – are not really trying very hard is an interesting one.
Which leads me to this part of a remarkable article from the Daily Telegraph, which if true points us back towards a hit squad and discounts the ides that there was only one gun:
Claims that only one gun was used to kill everybody is likely to be disproved by full ballistics test results which are out in October.
While the 25 spent bullet cartridges found at the scene are all of the same kind, they could in fact have come from a number of weapons of the same make.
This throws up the possibility of a well-equipped, highly-trained gang circling the car and then opening fire.
Both children were left alive by the killers, who had clinically pumped bullets into everybody else, including five into Mr Mollier.
Zainab was found staggering around outside the car by Brett Martin, a British former RAF serviceman who cycled by moments after the attack, but he saw nobody except the schoolgirl.
Her sister, Zeena, was found unscathed and hiding in the car eight hours later.
Both sisters are now back in Britain, and are believed to have been reunited at a secret location near London.
There are of course a number of hit squad options, both governmental and private, which might well involve iraqi or Iranian interests – on both of which the mainstream media have been very happy to speculate while almost unanimously ignoring Israel.
But what interests me is why the Daily Telegraph choose, in the face of all the evidence, to minimise the horrific nature of the attack by stating that “Both children were left alive by the killers”? Zainab was not left alive by design, she was shot in the chest and her skull was stove in, which presumably was a pretty serious attempt to kill a seven year-old child. The other girl might very well have succeeded in hiding from the killers under her mother’s skirts, as she hid from the first rescuers, and then for eight hours from the police.
The Telegraph article claims to be informed by sources close to the investigation. So they believe it was a group of people, and feel motivated to absolve those people from child-killing. Now what could the Daily Telegraph be thinking?
Another interesting family part:
Responsable des programmes défense antimissile et OTAN chez EADS Astrium
Paris Area, France
Defense & Space
This transatlantic team has a proven, successful track record supporting national and NATO missile defense,” said Yannick Devouassoux, Astrium’s Head of Missile Defense and NATO Programmes. “The Astrium-Raytheon team will provide sound, innovative, and cost-effective solutions to help develop NATO’s future ballistic missile defense capability.”
Second guy arrested in Chevaline case.
Name not yet revealed but he is a collector of old weapons, too.
WW2 Luger found in Devouassoux house but it is a 9mm caliber.
He left LUGER reviews on the www according to police.
Press conference according to le Dauphiné Libéré.
14 H 07 : “La tuerie de Chevaline n’est pas élucidée” explique le procureur.
14 H 17 : “Un deuxième homme, ami du suspect, est également en garde à vue”.
14 H 21 : “Les investigations sont toujours en cours sur les autres pistes (famille, Irak). Il y a des priorités, mais pas de portes fermées.”
14 H 33 : “On a trouvé une munition 7.65 Parabellum, celle de la tuerie dans l’une des perquisitions.”
14 H 24 : “Zaid est toujours suspect en Angleterre.”
Latest news – Contradictions.
Second man arrested.
THE 48-year-old Frenchman arrested yesterday by police investigating the killing of the al-Hilli family near Lake Annecy may have been involved in arms trafficking with a partner who has also now been arrested. That was the big surprise to come out of today’s lunchtime press conference held in the southern French town of Annecy by Eric Maillaud, the prosecutor in charge of the murder inquiry.The second man tired to escape when gendarmes arrived to arrest him last night, Maillaud said.Read more:
The suspect’s reputation: The mayor of Menthon-Saint-Bernard, where the suspect worked as a municipal policeman, has confirmed that the man arrested yesterday was struck off last June. According to Le Dauphine, the local news website, this followed more than 20 complaints about his behaviour: a neighbour said he would get into a fury with anyone who questioned his authority. However, regulars at a café used by Eric Devouassoux told BFMTV today that he was a friendly man and they refused to believe he could have murdered four people in cold blood.Read more:
14 H 42 : “Nous avions déjà évoqué l’hypothèse du tueur isolé.”
14 H 51 : “Des enquêteurs en renfort ont été mobilisés sur les différents sites pour les perquisitions sur trois départements différents.”
14 H 49 : “L’autre personne en garde à vue n’a pas d’ antécédents judiciaires. Pour l’heure, il est peu envisageable que l’ancien policier soit mis en examen pour la tuerie. En revanche, c’est fort possible pour le trafic d’armes.”
Le procureur
“Pour l’heure, il est peu envisageable que l’ancien policier soit mis en examen pour la tuerie. En revanche, c’est fort possible pour le trafic d’armes.”
“For now, it is not conceivable that the former police officer would be indicted for the massacre. However, it is quite possible for arms trafficking. ”
“il est peu envisageable” doesnt translate as it is not conceivable, rather a little conceivable or “it is just possible”
Second man arrested is 48 years old, too, and a Savoyard, too.
Maillaud said that in the past few years, sacked police guy Eric Devouassaux was known for some kind of strong racism.
As i did expect, there is some kind of right wing FN involvement in the characters being involved. I still see Mollier being/standing on the same side/party with Devouassaux. No idea about why SM was killed while Devouassaux survived. Well, i can see Saad standing on the same side of SM and ED, too. I dont see them as political rivals. Quite the contrary.
But what went wrong then?
Had they finished a project but one party “forgot” to pay their partners?
19 Feb, 2014 – 2:12 pm
Haha, I don’t think it is an epic fail!
C’est peu,= c’est insuffisant.
I think in the context “For the present it is not feasable for the former police officer to be indicted for the massacre ..” would also make sense.
Hachtivity and pirate party leader romain devouassaux on his Twitter account “/romain_pp” is complaining that international media are typing the Devouassaux name while the french dont do this.
British (MI6) 1995 plot to kill Gaddafi. Ex-MI5 Officer reveals methodology.
19 Feb, 2014 – 2:22 pm
You know I don’t agree with you about SM’s political affiliations.
The Molliers Roger and Sylvain declared their support for the Comité de soutien of Solidarité & Progrès in the Ugine municipal elections led by the former Communist mayor Louis Bertrand.
Now whatever you or I may think of S&P as a national party, or the LaRouche movement generally, you cannot deny that Solidarité & Progrès Ugine held itself out to be extreme LEFT wing!
See here their Communique:
VENDREDI 18 JANVIER 2008, 11:00
L’association « Solidarité et Progrès » réunie le 17 janvier 2008 avec les candidats pressentis à la constitution d’une liste de gauche aux élections municipales de mars 2008 à Ugine a confirmé son intention. Une liste rassemblant des militants de gauche, communistes, socialistes, écologistes, des personnes progressistes, issues du monde syndical ou associatif représentera la gauche uginoise dans ce scrutin. Elle sera conduite par Louis Bertrand, conseiller municipal, ancien maire de 1989 à 1995. Une charte fixant le socle commun des candidates et candidats a été adoptée. Elle précise leur volonté de faire barrage à la politique antisociale du gouvernement et de traduire les enjeux nationaux au niveau local. Elle définit les grandes options en matière de développement économique et social, d’écologie, de démarches citoyenne et démocratique. Elle se donne comme priorités le logement social, un urbanisme facteur de convivialité et de renouveau commercial, le maintien des services publics, un environnement de qualité. Des groupes de travail élaborent le programme et l’ordre de la liste qui seront communiqués dès leur validation.
une liste de gauche = a list of the left
militants de gauche, communistes, socialistes, écologistes, des personnes progressistes, issues du monde syndical ou associatif représentera la gauche uginoise = leftist militants, communists, socialists, ecologists, progressive people, trade unionists and association representatives representing the left in Ugine
And then there is their New year message:
MARDI 8 JANVIER 2008, 10:10
Bienvenue et meilleurs voeux 2008
C’est fait, le blog de Solidarité et Progrès a vu le jour avec la nouvelle année. Depuis quelques jours, nous travaillons à son élaboration et dès le bas de cet article, vous pourrez réagir en donnant vos commentaires à nos propos.
C’est ainsi que nous entendons faire vivre la démocratie, qu’elle soit via internet ou dans la vie quotidienne. Nous ne croyons qu’à l’intervention citoyenne pour répondre aux enjeux locaux, mais aussi nationaux ou mondiaux.
Depuis la réunion publique que nous avons tenue le 23 novembre dernier, notre association Solidarité et Progrès s’est engagée à constituer une liste de gauche aux Municipales 2008 à Ugine. Celle-ci se fera sur la base d’une alliance claire entre les partis de gauche de notre ville, en y associant des individualités progressistes, sans compromission avec la droite. Car dans cette période marquée par les déconvenues qui affectent les citoyens depuis l’élection de N. Sarkozy, ce sont bien des enjeux de société qui se jouent au niveau local : baisse du pouvoir d’achat des ménages, recul des services publics, attaques contre l’école, la santé, difficultés d’accès au logement… Notre programme se batira avec la volonté de construire des résistances, d’utiliser nos valeurs de solidarité et de progrès pour initier les solutions, de vous concerter pour les inventer et les réaliser. De grandes questions nous sont posées :
Comment enrayer la spirale de ville-dortoir vers laquelle nous dérivons et maintenir une dynamique économique et sociale à Ugine ?
Comment orienter son urbanisme en garantissant à la fois la sécurité, la fluidité des trafics, le commerce, la convivialité et l’économie de l’espace ?
Comment répondre aux besoins nouveaux en matière de logement et particulièrement dans le secteur social ?
Comment assurer l’activité de notre industrie, l’évacuation de nos déchets et l’intégrité de notre environnement ?
Comment vivre la nouvelle intercommunalité sans restreindre la souveraineté communale ?
Et vous l’avez compris ce ne sont que quelques pistes non exhaustives. Nous attendons vos interventions, mais plus nous espérons votre soutien, voire votre engagement à nos côtés. Ensemble nous construirons une perspective de dynamisme économique, social et écologique pour Ugine. C’est le voeu que nous formulons en vous souhaitant à chacune et à chacun une bonne et heureuse année 2008.
la base d’une alliance claire entre les partis de gauche de notre ville, en y associant des individualités progressistes, sans compromission avec la droite. = the base of a clear alliance between the parties of the left of our town, associating with progressive individuals, without compromise with the right.
So, it’s as clear as clear can be, the Molliers thought they were supporting a left wing party against the right!
Various random thoughts today:
Devouassoux and medals: I must be distracted from watching the Olympics on TV. That and Argentiere and Chamonix have me all confused.
Glad to see Tim and others back. So many questions remain: the timeline, the phone call from SM’s wife two minutes prior, the question of mobile phone service on the lay-by, the tire tracks (which in the latest images revealed seem to be a perfect match for the al-Hilli vehicle).
What a coincidence that a reservist/police marksman should be the man at the centre of all this. More thoughts later.
PHEW! Have just signed in and tried to do catch-up. This latest arrest has certainly breathed new life into this thread hasn’t it. As usual BB you have done an amazing job uncovering family connection, in particular with possible defence, oil and Areva. Also that Mollier/Devouassaux one dating back to the 60’s.
A huge amount of material has been uncovered here that will take time to digest. I can only highlight again the inconsistencies and co-incidences.
First, as I mentioned before, no way can the CV/profile of this man (if accurately represented) equate with the police output on “ignorant, loner” can it unless we believe he has made a sudden and precipitous fall from grace and change of character. Correct me if I’m wrong, he appears to have been a high ranked member of the Gendarmerie who retires to a more lowly position in the Municipal Police from which he is sacked? How can this career path be in any way reconciled to the description of the man arrested or the crime for that matter?
The second point I wish to make concerns the so called “photo-fit” image. I have poured scorn on it from the beginning. It is like no photo fit image I have ever seen. An artist’s impression perhaps, but if so also one of the worst and most amateur I have ever seen. If in such a high-profile case the police were to employ an artist, you can be sure it would be the best they could find, and someone frequently engaged on similar. The image, leaving aside the suspicious fact that even after its existence was announced (1 year) it took almost a further month to produce it with a ridiculous excuse why it wasn’t, shouted fraud to me.
Now link this with the images produced by the Mirror @ listed by Straw above. The likeness is quite incredible almost as if the person was chosen to provide the image. Call me sceptical if you wish, but this to me stinks of either set-up or an explanation set to fail.
The publication of two new photos (to us) break EM s unmoveable stance not to publish. The first of the Al Hilli family group (incidentally with no sign of the 3.15 timing to be seen; the second of a (presumed) DEAD Mollier. Why both have been issued at this time is not clear, but it must be significant as regards a change of thinking, particularly as it tends to undermine the official story so far.
Basically God-knows what’s going on!
Fantasy plot …..
Approved Evidence:
1) Olivier Devouassoux is executive CEO of Saudi Aramco
2) In mid August 2012, Saudi Aramco was hacked and 30.000 computers destroyed by “Sword of Justice”
3) Data were collected/stolen from Saudi Aramco computers
4) Saudi Arabia accuses Iran and Hezbollah of being the hackers
5) Saudi Aramco confirms that they were blackmailed with their stolen data by “Sword of Justice”
6) “Sword of Justice” rants in his virus code versus USA in hidden messages and he says that he hates Amerixa and he encodes a burning american flag into his virus code.
7) Parts of the virus software used versus Saudi Aramco was purchased in London.
Fantasy, speculation:
8) is Saad “Sword if Justice” ?
9) did Saad blackmail Saudi Aramco with stolen data? Data versus money?
10) what did Saad find/steal from the Saudi computers?
11) Did Sword if Justice blackmail Saudi Aramco for giving them the data versus money?
12) Was Olivier Devouassoux contact Saad?
13) Did they agree on a handover versus money in Chevaline?
14) Did Olivier contact his brother Eric for help and assistence?
15) Eric was not just an ordinary policeman but he was responsible for VIP security and anti terror security in the area of the rich part of Lac d’Annecy.
16) Did they meet there for data versus money?
17) Did Eric kill him or was he just there as a backup and there were other killers?
Small, insignificant questions: was the rental house purchased by the motorcyclist shortly after September 5, 2012? Was it one of those luxe ones rented out by the helicopter crowd, for several thousand euros a week?
Is there a gun-running ring for antique weapons left in the mountains by the old savoyards after WWII?
A convenient patsy, Tim? Perhaps one who has willingly offered himself up in exchange for something, to keep the real truth secret? Autofit: now that’s an ironic name.
And yes, with that image of the supposedly-deceased Mollier, where are the other supposedly-deceased and wounded in the images? What of the bicyles, etc?
I need urgent help here!!!!!!!
Do i read correct that he worked as an agent for “Echelon” in the french army and that he received a medaille therefore? WOW. If i am right that would be something that confirms my theory. Or is that just a translation error on my side ????????
La médaille des services militaires volontaires échelon « argent » à titre normal est attribuée à compter du 1er janvier 2013 aux personnels n’appartenant pas à l’armée d’active dont le nom suit : OFFICIERS
Thanks for mentioning the zoom on the image of the al-Hillis, Tim. I followed another story in the news, where the zoom on an image given to the press eliminated the time stamp. In later images, the time stamp showed, but it did not fit the police timeline. It was later explained that the time stamp on the image was off by an hour and a couple of minutes. The reason offered was failure to reset the timer for DST. In that case, the story offered to the press meant that the perps would have had to drive a significant number of kilometres in only two minutes: impossible. The DST-change explanation made the timeline possible.
It would be interesting to know why the time stamp on the al-Hilli photo does not show. Maybe it doesn’t fit with the story we’ve been told, for whatever reason. Was it an image taken by the family on a different trip? It sure is odd that it was withheld this long. It is most ordinary, and surely would have been helpful in bringing witnesses forward. Did they really want witnesses to step forward, or was the timing of that image not what we have been told?
Once again, every minute detail of this investigation is suspect.
@BB: Why would an exemplary person who got a medal get fired from his day job?
@BB: Remember the bicycle race going on around the time of the al-Hilli incident?
That is an interesting question.
Why would he be fired?
I dont know. There is no logic except that they knew already all the time who it was.
Perhaps they did deliberately wait with the release of the efit until after he was sacked from police? No active police guy should be called a murder.
Maybe only now the time was ready for getting rid of him as he is a retired policeman now.
The municipality says because of “aggressivness and racism” but his friends say that this was not the case.
But then, why would a welder of an age if 45 get a paid 3 years(!!) “baby pause” ?
Were antique weapons could have been stored in the attics of old houses, then later discovered during renovations? Is the code word for weapons caches “renovations”?
Still wondering what became of the witness Sylvie Lecoeur, she of the white car information.
The photo here does not meet the description of “burly”:
Well, not where I live, it doesn’t. Have any photos of the alleged accomplice been released yet?
Today’s news: handy tips for spotting snipers when you’re out for a walk in the woods with your family.
More on the chameleon waiter “Eric D Alexis”, aka “Men in Black”:
He certainly is multi-talented, that low-level police officer who handed out parking tickets/military reservist with a medal/security officer at the airport in Geneva/handyman who fixed old houses/waiter/gun collector/alleged arms smuggler Eric D Alexis/Eric D. See note here about a cafe owner. Was that the cafe where the jack-of-all-trades Eric D worked and hid in plain sight? And what do the investigators hope to find in the garden in Talloires: buried treasure?
Kindly excuse the many posts in a row.
Quite! Bluebird
19 Feb, 2014 – 4:08 pm
Quite! Q
19 Feb, 2014 – 4:15 pm
As previously mentioned there’s always a patsie. There’s always a lone nutcase. There’s never any evidential trail. There’s always clean up. These things are given in black ops and highly suggestive of it when they appear. I thought that Swiss shooting case fitted the bill and was possibly a plan for a fit-up. EM even went there I believe. Then they back tracked and said he’d been ruled out. Cold feet or something went wrong with the plan was my guess but of course just me wildly speculating!!!