My post on the shootings in France has brought tens of thousands of people to this site – but not to read my dull contribution. People are coming to read the comments from other readers.
Today’s development of the bomb squad descending on the al-Hilli house does not in itself worry me enormously. You may recall the massive terror scare that was ramped up when some Muslim students in Manchester were found to own a bag of sugar.
In fact we have the opposite phenomenon today, with the spook-fed “security correspondents” on TV lining up to tell us it is probably just everyday household stuff. This deviation from the standard Islamophobic “Muslims = bombs” narrative is so startling it makes me wonder why the “move along, nothing to see here” line is being taken so quickly.
My own security services sources insist that al-Hilli was not a person of current interest to the UK intelligence agencies and was not involved in anything clandestine. I have no reason to disbelieve them. On the other hand, the limited and confusing information in the media is almost entirely from official sources. I find it very strange indeed how little attention has been paid to the murdered French cyclist, and how easily it is presumed he was just a passerby. Surely it is as likely he was the intended victim and the al-Hillis the accidental witnesses?
Please do read the comments on my first entry on the subject to see the debate unfettered by the censorship in the mainstream media. This is perhaps my favourite comment:
From Janesmith101
All comments regarding Sylvain, Al-Hilli and a possible nuclear link are being removed from sites I’ve posted on in The Guardian, Independent and Huffpo UK.
Here was my comment, I added as a point of fact it was completely speculative and an unproven theory in a later comment, also removed.
Sylvain Mollier, the ‘passing’ cyclist, was in fact a nuclear metallurgist who worked for a french nuclear company called Cezus (a subsidiary of Areva). Cezus fabricates and processes zirconium into metal and nuclear grade zircoaloy for nuclear fuel assemblies – it also has other applications in aerospace such as components and ceramics for missiles and satellites. Mr Al-Hilli was also a skilled aerospace engineer, on what looks to be his first camping holiday.
What is the probability that two highly skilled engineers managed be at the same remote place, at the same time, yet still managed to end up dead as a result of what looks to be a military style assasination?
As someone else pointed out in The Independent comments, the deceased were found by a ‘retired’ RAF officer who, we assume, will recieve perpetual anonymity as a witness. If the police are looking for a motive, try an intercepted rendevous by a security service fixated on denying a hostile power illicit nuclear technology.
The Huffington Post UK reports that this wasn’t the family’s first trip to the camp site. An earlier report had asked other camp site visitors whether they had seen the family before and they had replied they hadn’t. If this isn’t wasn’t the first visit by Al-Hilli, it might slightly increase the odds that he knew or had met Mollier before, this being the last in a series of rendevous of a transactional nature. Mollier lived and worked locally.
Again, I’m not sure of the truth of these reports, there is some very sloppy journalism, as there is always seems to be. I’ve read for example Mollier’s company Cevus descirbed as a steel firm something which it is patently not, but perhaps it may have been a detail lost in translation.
An interesting comment summing up some of the strange coincidences, at least, surrounding these murders. My other favourite comment calls me a “macchiavellian shill”.
I have only one thought of my own I want to add at the minute. Al-Hilli was a Shia muslim and had been on pilgrimage to Qoms in Iran. What if it is indeed true that he was in possession of no especial nuclear or defence secrets to pass on to the Iranians, but the Israelis thought that he was? The Israeli programme of assassination of scientists involved in Iran’s nuclear programme is a definite fact. It makes as much sense as anything else at the moment, as a possibility.
I am not saying that is what happened. But the directions in which the mainstream media is being so strenuously pointed by official sources, like the massacre of an entire family over an inheritance, are certainly no more inherently probable. Certainly as we are now told all the shots were from one gun, for the assassin to get each victim in the head with none of them being able to escape, indicates real proficiency with the weapon and a very high level of training.
Clark, oh yeah, that should have been for Katie. It’s the avatar thing wot dun me.
This article appeared on 7th sept. I wonder how accurate that diagram is in respect to the position of the cyclist and bike. Since RAFman claimed to see the bike on the road first, then saw the girl stagger from somewhere and then saw the cyclist this diagram surely can’t be right….or is it?
“It still makes more sense to me for them to go to a muslim country, they seem to want to remain the same in the UK & behave the way they do ‘back home’,going to a muslim country they would have it all laid on.
Mosques,Halal,Burkas,Sharia, etc etc…..” Katie at 9:06pm.
Please tell me you are being ironic. You are, aren’t you? Aren’t you…?
Anders7777, yes indeed, the noir, I like that too!
What? Is Katie a slug, too? I’ve got those avatar pictures blocked off.
Katie. For real?
Clark, no it’s a dew drop or something.
@ Ricki Tarr
We’ve been duped!
When searching William Martin or William Brett Martin the search brought up an interview with BBC2 Operation Mincemeat the fictional RAF Major made up for the World War II Operation was called “William Martin”!
“The most extraordinary aspect of Operation Mincemeat, to my mind, is the way that the organizers approached this elaborate, many-layered deception operation as if they were writing a novel, imagining a version of reality and then luring the truth towards it. Indeed, the talents required for espionage and fiction-writing are not so very different. At the center of the plot was the fictional figure of William Martin: he was equipped with not only false papers but an entirely false personality and past, including a fiancée, complete with love letters.”
Well, “Mr. Martin” did say it was a scene out of Hollywood. Who knows Hollywood better than Operation Mincemeat’s true mastermind Ian Fleming, creator of 007?
“Mr. Martin” did drop a clue.
Yep, that’s the “given” view of things.
And there M. Mollier having his “rest because he’s tired”.
Blue_Bear, thanks. Couldn’t imagine a woman choosing a slug.
Sugar and spice and all things nice…
I only happened in because I saw my name in the moderator’s comment stream. ‘Bye folks.
Initially I thought slug was another word for spook :s
See pics above. This was normal in Iraq in the 1960s and 1970s. All the religious shite came afterwards.
That car on the Silver Fern website has a Brighton registration. But the house looks more like a show home. Probably very recently fitted out. I don’t think BM would need to be doing any maintenance there.
The wardrobe isn’t the one in the BBC prog….
I’m absolutely for real. Look at what the neighbours said for the Al-Hillis…… ‘They kept themselves to themselves’.
Why be in Europe, there are so many muslim countries their talents could be used, leave danger behind but go back & rebuild your country after & keep your own culture alive……
I have yet to speak with a Muslim who didn’t rave about his own country but doesn’t go back to it, I find that strange.
Q …
That’s that was “his” name indeed.
@Felix: Extraction is a possibility. What of that temporary burial of Sylvain Mollier’s remsins?
If any nurses were in a hospital when the bodies started coming in, will they end up like Jennifer Gallagher?
Well spotted Felix.
I thought the house looked pretty trim too,maybe he was just cutting the grass.
Spook? No way! I’m all Free and Open Source, trying to learn to be a Hacker.
@James: Ricki is quoted above. She makes a good point.
By Patrick Cockburn:
So, in those times, at least for the middle classes (though remember, literacy in Iraq was very high indeed) it was basically a Western lifestyle. So London, Paris, Rome would not have been so different, really.
Read history, Katie. Recent history. C19th, C20th (and C21st) history. Where does one start?
Thanks for that Clark, I couldn’t work out what yours was, now I know.
Lotta minerals in Antarctica.
And oil.
Think stolen Las Malvidas = Oil desperation and greed by Thatcher.
CIA helped of course, unofficially. Fucking Big Bertha cruise ship converted into a man o war!
What desperation!
Then to fucking sink the Belgrano, what was it, 2200 men drowned, whilst that ancient ship steamed AWAY from an illegal exclusion zone?????
Shame I say
Total shame
I don’t know what planet you are on S, but the usual Brit pirate behaviour stinks.
I know I mentioned it yesterday, but I find it odd that RAFman man said he’d never seen a dead body before. Does that not seem odd to you? Not that he hadn’t seen one. I can just about believe that (well, not really) but why say it? Makes no sense to me unless it’s a clue.
The drivers side rear tyre on that BMW definitely isn’t flat….so looks like we can rule out any flat tyre.
Katie, it could be because the so-called West / “International Community” keeps bombing the blazes out of those countries, and props up brutal dictators, etc.
Actually Suhayl, I’m quite up to speed on the subject, but it still makes me wonder.
Clark, don’t get me started on that.
You should have seen the email I received today, with photos of US Ambassador Stevens, showing what they did to him.
I was so against going into Libya.
Oh & Iraq….Iran God help us all !
……..and Afghanistan !
What if “William Martin” was to “do” an Operation Mincemeat via Al Saadi….onwards to *lets just say Iran).
An “whoever” decided it was “real” and that they should “whack” the courier *the gateway) and *drum roll) “The Cyclist”.
Problem is, they got the wrong one !!! not “mincemeat” but Mollier !