The Al-Hilli Conundrum 6629

My post on the shootings in France has brought tens of thousands of people to this site – but not to read my dull contribution. People are coming to read the comments from other readers.

Today’s development of the bomb squad descending on the al-Hilli house does not in itself worry me enormously. You may recall the massive terror scare that was ramped up when some Muslim students in Manchester were found to own a bag of sugar.

In fact we have the opposite phenomenon today, with the spook-fed “security correspondents” on TV lining up to tell us it is probably just everyday household stuff. This deviation from the standard Islamophobic “Muslims = bombs” narrative is so startling it makes me wonder why the “move along, nothing to see here” line is being taken so quickly.

My own security services sources insist that al-Hilli was not a person of current interest to the UK intelligence agencies and was not involved in anything clandestine. I have no reason to disbelieve them. On the other hand, the limited and confusing information in the media is almost entirely from official sources. I find it very strange indeed how little attention has been paid to the murdered French cyclist, and how easily it is presumed he was just a passerby. Surely it is as likely he was the intended victim and the al-Hillis the accidental witnesses?

Please do read the comments on my first entry on the subject to see the debate unfettered by the censorship in the mainstream media. This is perhaps my favourite comment:

From Janesmith101

All comments regarding Sylvain, Al-Hilli and a possible nuclear link are being removed from sites I’ve posted on in The Guardian, Independent and Huffpo UK.

Here was my comment, I added as a point of fact it was completely speculative and an unproven theory in a later comment, also removed.

Sylvain Mollier, the ‘passing’ cyclist, was in fact a nuclear metallurgist who worked for a french nuclear company called Cezus (a subsidiary of Areva). Cezus fabricates and processes zirconium into metal and nuclear grade zircoaloy for nuclear fuel assemblies – it also has other applications in aerospace such as components and ceramics for missiles and satellites. Mr Al-Hilli was also a skilled aerospace engineer, on what looks to be his first camping holiday.

What is the probability that two highly skilled engineers managed be at the same remote place, at the same time, yet still managed to end up dead as a result of what looks to be a military style assasination?

As someone else pointed out in The Independent comments, the deceased were found by a ‘retired’ RAF officer who, we assume, will recieve perpetual anonymity as a witness. If the police are looking for a motive, try an intercepted rendevous by a security service fixated on denying a hostile power illicit nuclear technology.

The Huffington Post UK reports that this wasn’t the family’s first trip to the camp site. An earlier report had asked other camp site visitors whether they had seen the family before and they had replied they hadn’t. If this isn’t wasn’t the first visit by Al-Hilli, it might slightly increase the odds that he knew or had met Mollier before, this being the last in a series of rendevous of a transactional nature. Mollier lived and worked locally.

Again, I’m not sure of the truth of these reports, there is some very sloppy journalism, as there is always seems to be. I’ve read for example Mollier’s company Cevus descirbed as a steel firm something which it is patently not, but perhaps it may have been a detail lost in translation.

An interesting comment summing up some of the strange coincidences, at least, surrounding these murders. My other favourite comment calls me a “macchiavellian shill”.

I have only one thought of my own I want to add at the minute. Al-Hilli was a Shia muslim and had been on pilgrimage to Qoms in Iran. What if it is indeed true that he was in possession of no especial nuclear or defence secrets to pass on to the Iranians, but the Israelis thought that he was? The Israeli programme of assassination of scientists involved in Iran’s nuclear programme is a definite fact. It makes as much sense as anything else at the moment, as a possibility.

I am not saying that is what happened. But the directions in which the mainstream media is being so strenuously pointed by official sources, like the massacre of an entire family over an inheritance, are certainly no more inherently probable. Certainly as we are now told all the shots were from one gun, for the assassin to get each victim in the head with none of them being able to escape, indicates real proficiency with the weapon and a very high level of training.

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6,629 thoughts on “The Al-Hilli Conundrum

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  • anders7777


    About 12 full time spooks all wasting their time posting here and at the three or four other forums you’re basically running ‘single handed’. Even though most of what you’re posting is c and p from one to the other.
    LOL … goodnight

    Most don’t post sugarplum, they READ.

    You really are such a naif in espionage matters!

    Ask Craig or Jon the number of hits these two threads have totted up, most be through the roof.

    Be interesting if Craig Or Jon could publish just WHO is visiting here.

    i.e. what .mil sites etc etc

    Tatty bye nuid!


    Take a look at the scotlandyard blog.


    These are that person’s recent visitors:


    Ministere Des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris
    City of London, UK
    Telegraph Media Group, London
    British Sky Broadcasting Ltd, London
    Royal Borough Of Kensington And Chelsea, London
    Gobierno Del Principado De Asturias, Spain
    World Health Organization , Geneva
    Swiss Federal Government, Bern
    Commission Europeenne
    Knight Ridder/tribune Information Services, DC
    Associated Newspapers Ltd, London
    Federal Aviation Administration
    National Park Service , DC
    British Broadcasting Corporation
    City Of Austin, Texas
    Turner Broadcasting System
    National Health Service, UK
    Smithsonian Institution
    New York State Department Of Transportation
    United Nations Development Programme, NYC
    Disney Worldwide Services
    Times Supplements Limited, London
    Siemens Product Lifecycle Management
    Chambers Of Mark Platt-mills The, London
    Lloyds Banking Group Plc, London
    General Motors Corporation, Europe
    Institut National De Recherches Agronomiques
    Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, California
    Nova Scotia Collage Of Art And Design
    Chaos Computer Club E.v
    Dodge & Cox Funds, SF
    The Boeing Company
    American Honda Motor Company
    Lucent Technologies
    Research Capital Corporation
    Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software
    Longwood Medical And Academic Area
    Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag
    The University Of St. Andrews
    Academie De Grenoble
    Ashridge (bonar Law Memorial) Trust
    Hewlett-packard Company
    Henderson Global Investers, UK

  • anders7777


    Anders7777777777: “I hate journalists. There is nothing in them but tittering jeering emptiness. They have all made what Dante calls the Great Refusal. The shallowest people on the ridge of the earth.”

    And I slowly begin to hate you cause you’re so filled with paranoia that I surely hope you’re joining som kind of medicationprogramme

    Oh dear, hate is such an act of finality! To hate, it reflects upon the hater, non?

  • nuid

    What happened about this, Anders7777?

    Originally Posted by tapori:
    I couldn’t find anything in your link suggesting a Baretta 70 or 71 could take .32 ACP ammo.
    Now, a Baretta 80, that’s a different story. Make yer mind up mate.

    To which you replied

    I’ll accept an apology!…20910?irpc=932

    1 day ago … LYON/LONDON (Reuters) – A single semi-automatic weapon was used to … The ammunition used points to Mossad Kidon assassins, ‘alephs’ one of whom used a Beretta 7.65mm pistol with silencer like a model 70, small, …

    But you’ve wasted 10 minutes of my precious time.

    See what I mean folks!?!?!?

    I’ve wasted HOURS putting people right on various forums.

    No more!!!

    But when ‘tapori’ came back and pointed out to you (correctly) that there was no mention whatsoever of Mossad or a model 70 at that link, you made one of your brush-off “where’s my gnat spray?” remarks, but didn’t answer him. You don’t like being queried or contradicted do you?

    And I’ve been back four or five times since, and both tapori’s correction of your apparently-fake quote, plus your “gnat” reply seem to be both gone. What happened, were they deleted?

    “You really are such a naif in espionage matters!”

    At least I don’t pretend to be 007.

  • anders7777


    “And I slowly begin to hate you cause you’re so filled with paranoia that I surely hope you’re joining som kind of medication programme”

    Don’t blame you. He’s filled with more than paranoia. Try superiority.

    Don’t worry, when this charade peters out, I will be gone, and you can continue your cozy comfy chats by the fireside with all your legions of chums here.

    This espionage lark is really not your cup of tea, so deal with.

  • nuid

    “This espionage lark is really not your cup of tea, so deal with.”

    LMAO .. It’s yours, is it, 007?

    I have a post awaiting moderation. I’ll be interested in your answer.

  • anders7777


    they are in fact lower forms of life than the mi6,mossad,cia kill teams.
    they just love chillin in places like chatham house,being wined and dined.
    drugs,food,booze and sometimes whores on tap.
    but they need that cos it is such a stressful job.
    they have a nice lifestyle wife and happy family big mortgage it ain’t easy suckin satan’s tit.
    unless your frank gardener then it gets real easy.

    Ahh yes Frank, what a star! Took a bullet too, in the line of duty.

  • anders7777


    have no idea, but it makes as much sense as the official narrative. But we read that permission has been given to return bodies to the UK…

    I’m sure that’s what strawberry meant. But if that was the intention, it surely has failed.

  • anders7777


    “This espionage lark is really not your cup of tea, so deal with.”

    LMAO .. It’s yours, is it, 007?

    I have a post awaiting moderation. I’ll be interested in your answer.

    You said you were leaving. Do us all a favour.

  • nuid

    “Most don’t post sugarplum, they READ.”

    So why were you waffling on about, “Which is why this place, GLP, Icke etc, is being swamped with misinfo/disinfo.”

    If they’re only reading, they can’t be swamping the place with misinfo/disinfo.

  • anders7777


    “Most don’t post sugarplum, they READ.”

    So why were you waffling on about, “Which is why this place, GLP, Icke etc, is being swamped with misinfo/disinfo.”

    If they’re only reading, they can’t be swamping the place with misinfo/disinfo.

    The low pay grades do the laborious grunt work, the cleverer ones sit back and soak it all in, give the cubicle boys the occasional nudge this way and that.

    Now run along to bed.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Nuid, I am not alone when I say that you are most welcome here, we enjoy your astute and humorous company and value your opinions. In other words, do please stay.

    Anders7777, please be mellow – the people who post here regularly are not your enemies and it’s been exciting reading your posts over the past few days or so.

    Let’s not attack one another, people. I certainly know no more than anyone else here. We don’t have access to the facts. As someone wrote yesterday, our role might be to explore and point out seeming inconsistencies in the official narrative(s) and in the mainstream media’s reportage. I think everyone’s done a good job in those regards. Do keep on!

  • ReCognito

    @Anders: “The low pay grades do the laborious grunt work, the cleverer ones sit back and soak it all in, give the cubicle boys the occasional nudge this way and that.”

    Then you (Anders000777) must belong in the line of the low pay grades if i’m not mistaking

  • nuid

    “Nuid, I am not alone when I say that you are most welcome here, we enjoy your astute and humorous company and value your opinions. In other words, do please stay.”

    Thanks, Suhayl. I’m not going anywhere. I’m just waiting for a post at 8.19pm to come through.

  • anders7777


    Anders000777) must belong in the line of the low pay grades if i’m not mistaking

    I must be Antopodeanas I don’t get paid anything! 🙂

    Je t’aime!

  • anders7777


    HE started it! 🙂

    Listen, I have no animosity to Nuid, but he has been ankle-biting me for at least two days now.

    He was fine until off his perch Golding warned all his followers that I was a wrong’un.

    Obviously most of my jokes and angles on this acte de folie must zoom over a lot of heads.

  • nuid

    “Has it been mentioned if the car had a satnav?”

    I believe someone brought that up earlier. And there was some discussion about satnavs not broadcasting (or retaining?) anything, that they’re just receivers. I don’t think anyone knew whether the car had one or not.

    PS Anders7777, I’m not a “he”.

  • anders7777

    @suhayl and Nuid and recognito

    I am prepared to chill so please stop the ankle-biting

    I am Irish and would get into a fight in a phonebox 🙂

    It’s in the genes 🙂

  • Ricki Tarr

    If this was a military/SS hit why would you come in on the road or get close at all, why not draw them to the location pick them off at a distance and then blend into the forest and make your escape another way?

    There is no doubt this was an ambush but something didnt got to plan!

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Okay, Anders7777, thanks. Remind me, though, never to get into a ‘phone-box with you – though I’m sure a ‘phone-box in Ireland would be much more fun and a la Tardis, we could probably get an entire roomful in 🙂 In the meantime, rock on!

  • ReCognito

    Anders: “I am Irish and would get into a fight in a phonebox”

    And I’m danish – who live in a country without phoneboxes!

  • anders7777


    If this was a military/SS hit why would you come in on the road or get close at all, why not draw them to the location pick them off at a distance and then blend into the forest and make your escape another way?

    There is no doubt this was an ambush but something didnt got to plan!

    It wasn’t a day of the jackal job, someone wanted to send a message.

    Tons of holes in the official story. No blood spatter, dodgy witnesses, dodgy reporting, dodgy everything, especially Zeena’s 8 hours of missing time.

    If, a big IF, this is all legit, then the obvious possibility is the hit team wanted to retrieve something, a memory stick, say, and send a message at the same time. Maybe two memory sticks. A mutual exchange. Maybe SAH was going to make a run for it, one last meeting in the woods, initial reports said 4 types of passport were found, sounds like all had passports, as you need one for Switzerland.

  • anders7777


    I hope you get the joke, think of the old fashioned big red phoneboxes, they are tiny, heavy door, windows all around 🙂

  • nuid

    “I am Irish and would get into a fight in a phonebox.
    It’s in the genes”

    So am I – Irish. Although I have some Viking in me too. So watch out! ReCognito and I have stuff in common. 🙂

  • Ricki Tarr

    How the feck does anyone know if it was a day of the Jackal job? maybe there where two or three Jackals set up in a crossfire, all I know is no one is giving anyone any answers officially or not and its doing my brain in!

  • anders7777


    Okay, Anders7777, thanks. Remind me, though, never to get into a ‘phone-box with you – though I’m sure a ‘phone-box in Ireland would be much more fun and a la Tardis, we could probably get an entire roomful in In the meantime, rock on!

    LOL, I’m London Irish, like the Smiths, 1st generation born next to Wormwood Scrubs! 🙂


    No Guinness World Record for the number of people in a phone box but a BBC news report claims the record is 16, set in Pennan Scotland in March 2007


    Must have been the same reporters covering this fairytale! 🙂

  • Ferret

    @Strawberry @Felix


    “We’re through the looking glass. White is black. And black is white.”

  • ReCognito

    “I am Irish and would get into a fight in a phonebox.
    It’s in the genes”

    So am I – Irish. Although I have some Viking in me too. So watch out! ReCognito and I have stuff in common.
    Exactly Nuid, Miss the old viking-days when you – high on psilocobin mushrooms – could enter the english or irish coasts for the simple joy of killing, eating and raping.

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