BBC Vomit 640

I was trying to come up with a witty and apposite acronym for BBC to describe what I have just seen on TV, but all I could manage was Beyond Belief Cunts.

Watching BBC World News here in Accra, I have just seen forty minutes of intense and non-stop Israeli propaganda. A live press conference by Netanyahu and Ehud Barak followed by a long, long interview with Mark Regev in which the most searching BBC question could fairly be paraphrased as “How can you be certain that those dastardly Palestinians will not break the ceasefire and start firing rockets again?”

No attempt whatsoever to give a Palestinian a chance to put over their viewpoint. Now fifty minutes of solid coverage around the ceasefire without a single Palestinian view or pro-Palestinian or pro-peace view. And in that entire fifty minutes not one mention of Palestinian dead.

Beyond Belief Cunts. Actually, it’s not a bad effort.

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640 thoughts on “BBC Vomit

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  • Komodo

    Granted, it might be a German or French bot which can’t spell, Nevermind, but it might also be a Polish one which can…

    …bloody Poles, taking our jobs….

  • Mochyn69

    @Jonny 2 Jons
    21 Nov, 2012 – 7:43 pm

    You’re dead right there, Jonny!

    Whatever did happen to Jane Standley?

    And Gilligan and Greg Dyke should have stood up to those other beyond belief cunts Bliar and Campbell. They should have remembered the days when R4’s Today could bring down governments.

  • Mary

    I googled ‘Cynthia Hall images’ Mark to see what she looked like and got a surprise. Her photo is among whatever the collective noun is for breasts.

    I think the same applies to Teresa May’s image from memory.

  • Herbie

    Here’s the rather excitable Robin Shepherd attacking poor old Jeremy Bowen. The article is hilarious in its absurdity. Total cobblers!

    Bowen was very good back in the day, so it’s orders from above and producer guidelines which are the problem at the BBC. If they’d just let their good reporters do their job, without political interference, they’d be a much better organisation than the joke they are today.

  • Arbed

    Hi Everyone – completely O/T, I’m sorry, but important new info about Julian Assange/Wikileaks I think many in this community are interested in.

    The Flashback folk have unearthed potentially explosive news. English speakers will need to use Google translate on the links below, and likewise with the links within the Flashback posts.

    Brief summary is that a 7 September 2010 raid in Sweden on a network of “elite” file-sharers – misleadingly described as co-ordinated by the Belgian authorities and as “nothing to do with Wikileaks” in the Swedish MSM at the time – was in fact a smokescreen for a CIA op to link two particular IP addresses: one was Bradley Manning’s aunt’s house, the other was to Wikileaks’ server at Swedish host at the time of Cablegate, PRQ.

    Here are the best Flashback posts giving the details:

    And here’s the “smokescreen” story as it appeared on Sveriges Radio’s site on 7 September 2010:

    PRQ, of course, is the company founded by Gottfrid Svartholm – @Anakata – also co-founder of The Pirate Bay and friend of Julian Assange, who is currently 11 weeks into detention in solitary confinement for various reasons:

    – serving the one-year prison sentence he was given in absentia for his role in the Pirate Bay

    – “suspicions” (ie not yet charges) allegedly relating to a hack of Logica, contractor to the Swedish tax authorities and Defence systems. These were slapped on him following the extremely dodgy (and possibly illegal) manoeuvres by the Swedish authorities to get him deported back to Sweden from Cambodia

    – new “suspicions” (ie not yet charges) of “aggravated fraud” which the Swedish prosecutor refuses to go into any detail about. Very vague.

    I can’t help feeling that the third item here is really the crux of everything, and that Svartholm’s detention in Stockholm is part of the bigger picture of getting Assange extradited to the US via Sweden to face the espionage indictment that’s currently under seal with the Grand Jury in Virginia. I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if Svartholm’s name is on one of the other sealed indictments discovered by accident by Birgitta Jonsdottir’s US lawyers, ie Svartholm is one of the “seven civilians” it’s been confirmed the Grand Jury is investigating. In this scenario, perhaps Svartholm’s pre-charge detention is simply a holding mechanism pending the successful extradition of Assange from the UK to Sweden, then they both get shipped off together to the US.

    I wonder if one of our Flashback visitors could do an English translation of the Flashback posts and links above, to help get this important info out into the English-speaking blogosphere?

  • nevermind

    Gosh, mary, first that Sebi bot, now this Cynthia Hall woman, just had my wrist pad cleaned of egg….

    are you planning any more page 3 stuff…;)

  • N_

    In Cairo, Hamas leader Khalid Mashaal said his movement would respect the truce if Israel did, but would respond to any violations. ‘If Israel complies, we are compliant. If it does not comply, our hands are on the trigger,’ he told a news conference.

    Mashaal thanked Egypt for mediating and praised Iran for providing Gazans with financing and arms. ‘We have come out of this battle with our heads up high,’ he said”

    Islamic Jihad chief Ramadan Shallah: ‘We fought with honor, and we accept these understandings (ceasefire) with honor'”

    And now over to the Zionists:

    Israel’s defense minister said meanwhile that Israel dropped 1,000 times as much explosive on the Gaza Strip as had landed in Israel.

    Barak dismissed the ceasefire text released by Hamas and Egypt as ‘a piece of paper which I don’t remember anyone going around with — there’s no signature on it.'”

    The attitude being…‘What, us? Sign an agreement with donkeys?

    He appeared to confirm, however, a key Hamas claim that the Israelis would no longer enforce a no-go zone on the Gaza side of the frontier that the army says has prevented Hamas raids.

    That last issue is to do with food and water.

    And from Hamas:

    (Khaled Mashaal) stressed that the Israeli regime tried during its bargaining process to make the Palestinian resistance cease fire first without discussing its demands, but the resistance refused that and insisted on the need for concluding a package deal including its demands.

    (He) added that the resistance insisted on the need for an Israeli pledge to ease its blockade and to stop the killing and assassination of Palestinian figures and civilians in Gaza as well as its military incursions by land, sea and air.

    ‘We feel pain for the fall of victims, but we ended the battle holding our heads high, and this was one round and would be followed by others. Inevitably, Israel is going to lose; every victory always begets another victory and every defeat begets another defeat,’ he underscored.”

  • Mary

    McAlpine and his lawyers (including Sir Edward Garnier MP and Con FoI remember) have cleaned up a cool £310k+costs jointly from ITV and the BBC.

    Lord McAlpine in £125,000 settlement over ITV broadcast

    Grieve’s deputy is Solicitor-General Edward Garnier. In February, while still in opposition but warming up for the general election, he and Kenneth Clarke visited Israel as delegates of Conservative Friends of Israel when they could (and should) have gone under a neutral parliamentary flag. {}

  • guano

    Are you sure this thread isn’t a dumbing down of BBC proportions. Ok Craig is probably sadly still unwell. The ‘resistance’ put up by Gaza has delivered a ‘political’ victory for them. But knowing the actors I believe even this is staged. Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood is successfully delivering USUKISPI (political Islam) good news for Islam: In exchange for a few hundred Gazan lives the arch manipulator and bankster of Zionism has been humiliated into stopping its aggression.

    No, Mr Morsi, the narrative of this news is as phoney as the US Embassy siege in Benghazi or the resignation of Gen. Betrayus.
    Political Islam is a slice of the Zionist banking New World Order and it is being given leave by its UKUSIS partners to gain legitimacy. What kind of legitimacy, i.e. the murder of a gay US ambassador, etc is the plot of a John Waine Hollywood Western? Whose script writers now work for the NWO dreaming up populist boxoffice hits for the winning of democratic elections and subjugating us to their will.

    Just because it has a happy ending we are all supposed to believe that this is a moral victory, as well as a staged political victory. No. In order to get this cheap day of triumph, political Islam has had to reject all moral standing. That leaves the moral majority even more stuffed than by the Zionist biassed BBC.

  • Komodo

    We all have our own opinions. Mine is that Israel only agreed (if it agreed) to a ceasefire because it has achieved its objectives, whether those are the destruction of munitions, the intimidation of Gaza or simply training its aircrew and gunners. It will continue to build settlements, and it will continue to embargo all trade with Gaza. The assaults will resume the next time someone not under Hamas control takes a potshot at something on the other side of the fence, and Egypt will continue to co-operate in order to keep getting the U$D regularly. Political Islam is the same as political anything else: it follows the money with its tongue hanging out.

    Not a victory for the Palestinians, then, I agree. I think I must have missed where somebody said it was, though.

  • Salty

    I have used the following for a long time
    British Brainwashing Corporation
    or recently

    Buggering British Children

  • Anon

    Oh my. You couldn’t make this shit up. But apparently you can. Read the comments at the Daily Mail = nobody seems to be buying this story.

    British family massacred in the Alps were shot by a crazed serial killer with a hatred of tourists, say detectives

    Police officers investigating the horrific murders of a British family in the Alps believe they were shot by a serial killer with a hatred of tourists, it has emerged.

    The motive behind the horrific killings of Saad al-Hilli, his wife Iqbal and mother-in-law Suhaila Iqbal while on a camping holiday in the south of France have left detectives baffled.

    But French detectives say they have now linked the murders of the British family with the mysterious death of another tourist in July.

    Xavier Baligant, 29, was shot four times at a rest area near Nancy while he was heading home to Belgium following a camping trip. His two sons Jordan, 7, and Dylan, five, were sleeping in his car when their father was killed. They escaped unharmed.

    The al-Hilli’s were also on a camping trip in Annecy, France, when they were attacked.

    Police also believe the gun used in both attacks was very similar – it is thought to have been used by the Swiss army before the First World War and is a collectors’ item.

  • Herbie

    “a serial killer with a hatred of tourists”

    Otherwise known as Piccadilly Line Syndrome. Looks like the French are a bit rusty at The Great Game.

  • Exiled

    How about

    Biased Bovine Cunts?

    Although some would argue; cunts are quite useful addendum, therefore the corrected version should carry a notice “useless cunts at that”.

    The shameful and hysterical bias of this depleted and dilapidated organ renders it not fit for the purpose and ready for restructuring, ie stop the racket of getting the tax payer paying for the propaganda that it is to be subjected to. In other words you (whomsoever who wants to lie their tits off) want to propagandise than fucking pay for it, and spare us the indignity of paying for a license and then sit back there like chumps irate and foaming at the mouth watching the unbelievable vile propaganda pouring into out sitting rooms and kitchens.

  • Komodo

    Notwithstanding, we do need a public service broadcasting entity that is independent of commercial pressures as much as it is of political ones. The BBC needs its management quota cut by 75%. It needs to scrutinise the affiliations of the remaining 25%. Its production staff should be rationalised, and new decisions taken as to its entertainment content. If that involves dropping reality TV projects undertaken in search of market share, so be it. It should encourage new talent rather than paying established talent telephone numbers… It needs to restore its reputation as an internationally trusted purveyor of objective global news (whether it ever deserved the reputation being another matter entirely). And if the government of the day is pursuing inhumane or unethical policies, the BBC should be able to publicise the evidence and say so.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)


    X-class solar flare expected……

    CHANCE OF STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Nov. 23rd when a pair of CMEs is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field. The incoming clouds were propelled toward Earth by the recent eruptions of sunspot AR1618. Black Friday might be tinged red and green by the glow of high-latitude auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    A sufficiently powerful CME will fry electronics.

    A simple Faraday Cage, theoretically, will protect your electronics (laptop, cellphone)

    30 gallon or better galvanized steel ash can attached with copper lead to copper-rod driven into the ground. That should do it.

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