BBC Vomit 640

I was trying to come up with a witty and apposite acronym for BBC to describe what I have just seen on TV, but all I could manage was Beyond Belief Cunts.

Watching BBC World News here in Accra, I have just seen forty minutes of intense and non-stop Israeli propaganda. A live press conference by Netanyahu and Ehud Barak followed by a long, long interview with Mark Regev in which the most searching BBC question could fairly be paraphrased as “How can you be certain that those dastardly Palestinians will not break the ceasefire and start firing rockets again?”

No attempt whatsoever to give a Palestinian a chance to put over their viewpoint. Now fifty minutes of solid coverage around the ceasefire without a single Palestinian view or pro-Palestinian or pro-peace view. And in that entire fifty minutes not one mention of Palestinian dead.

Beyond Belief Cunts. Actually, it’s not a bad effort.

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640 thoughts on “BBC Vomit

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  • Ex Pat




    The Rethuglican loonies are on their own! ; )


    No one who is honest can say that the US Empire is evil without acknowledging their own part in that evil. Just as CG Jung said about the Germans after World War 2.

    Why did WE tolerate this? Why did WE allow this to be done in our name? Why did WE avert our eyes from rendition, torture and murder?

    C. G. Jung knew why.

    For ‘German,’ read ‘American’ and it could have been written yesterday.

    Q. Do you not think that the end of the war will bring about great changes in the psyche of the Europeans, particularly in the Germans, who are now awakening as though from a long and terrible dream?

    A. Indeed I do. As to the Germans, we have a psychic problem ahead of us the magnitude of which cannot yet be foreseen, though its outlines can already be discerned in the cases I am treating. For the psychologist one thing is clear, and that is that he ought not to make the popular sentimental distinction between Nazis and opponents of the regime. Two cases I am now treating are both outspoken anti-Nazis, and yet their dreams show that behind all the decency the most pronounced Nazi psychology is still alive with all its violence and savagery. When Field Marshal von Kuchler, questioned by a Swiss reporter about the German atrocities in Poland, exclaimed indignantly: “Excuse me, that wasn’t the Wehrmacht, it was the Party!” this proved that a division into decent and indecent Germans is thoroughly naive. All of them, whether consciously or unconsciously, actively or passively, have their share in the horrors; they knew nothing of what was going on and yet they did know, as though party to a secret contrat genial. For the psychologist, the question of collective guilt, which worries politicians so much and will go on worrying them, is a fact, and it will be one of the most important tasks of therapy to get the Germans to admit this guilt. Even now I am receiving many applications from Germans who want to be treated by me. If they come from those “decent Germans” who want to foist the guilt onto a couple of men in the Gestapo, I regard the case as hopeless. I shall have no alternative but to answer the applications with a questionnaire asking certain crucial questions, like “What do you think about Buchenwald?” Only when a patient sees and admits his own responsibility can individual treatment be considered.

    … That immaturity of the personality also displayed itself in a terrifying way in the German General Staff, whose lack of character resembled the squashiness of a molusc inside a panzer.

    … The Germans today are like a drunken man who wakes up the next morning with a hangover. They don’t know what they’ve done and don’t want to know. The only feeling is one of boundless misery. They will make convulsive efforts to rehabilitate themselves in face of the accusations and hatred of the surrounding world, but that is not the right way. The only redemption lies, as I have already indicated, in a complete admission of guilt. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! Out of honest contrition for sin comes divine grace. That is not only a religious but also a psychological truth. The American treatment of conducting the civilian population through the concentration camps and letting them see all the abominations committed there is therefore quite right. Only, the object lesson should not be driven home with moral instruction; repentance must come from inside the Germans themselves. …

    – from C. G. Jung, Jung Speaking. p. 149 – 155.


  • Ex Pat



    – No one who is honest can say that the US Empire is evil without acknowledging their own part in that evil. –

    Q. Then we must anxiously wait and see which way the demons go next?

    A. I have already suggested that the only salvation lies in the piecemeal work of educating the individual. That is not as hopeless as it may appear. The power of the demons is immense, and the most modern media of mass suggestion –press, radio, film, etc — are at their service. But Christianity too, was able to hold its own against an overwhelming adversary not by propaganda and mass conversions — that came later and was of little value — but by persuasion from man to man. And that is the way we also must go if we wish to conquer the demons.

    I don’t envy you your task in writing about these things. I hope that you will succeed in presenting my ideas in such a way that people won’t find them too strange. Unfortunately it is my fate that other people, especially those who are themselves possessed by demons, think me mad because I believe in these powers. But that is their affair; I know they exist. There are demons all right, as sure as there is a Buchenwald. – Ibid, p154

    And as sure as there is an Abu Ghraib, a Bagram and the USS Auschwitz prison ship hulks off Diego Garcia.

    Some extracts from The Post-War Psychic Problems of the Germans. 1945. C. G. Jung, Jung Speaking. p. 149 – 155.

    To read the essay, look for ‘suggestibility’ on pages 149 – 154 at –

    The US’s murderousness lends tremendous weight to the psychological theory of enantiodrama — we _do_ risk most becoming that which we attack most violently; because we project onto others our own shadow – our own evil. C. G. Jung had it right.


    Laurens van der Post – “We must demand psychological illumination from our politicians. Otherwise they may spar with their own shadows, projected on ‘the enemy’.

    Marie Louise von Franz – “Withdrawing our shadows from projection.” – C.G. Jung – Matter of Heart – @ 1:30:45 –


    Just say “Up yours” to USUK Empire Neo-Con Nazi mass psychosis! –

    USUK Empire Neo-Con Nazism made mainstream by ‘Biggus Dickus,’ (of Wome on the Potomac) — Big Oil tool and US Torture promoter – brought to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Aden, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Poland, Lithuania and many, many more –

    ‘Welease Woger’ and ‘He Wanks as high as any in Wome’. A hidden ‘Biggus Dickus’ Cheney reference? –

  • Mary

    It’s worse than vomit. We thought the MPs were greedy but they have nothing on these BBC troughers.

    A Ms Karin Patel the finance director and Anthony Fry a trustee, attempted to answer the Public Affairs Committee yesterday. Their answers were lame and evasive under the onslaught of the commmittee members’ questions. It was finally admitted by Ms Patel (after repeated questions) that 574 ‘managers’ have private health provision which is estimated to cost about £2m. Perhaps that accounts for the lack of decent coverage by the BBC on the effect of the Health and Social Care Bill 2012 on OUR NHS. They will not have to worry when the NHS goes down.

    Hall, the new DG, on £450k pa, that is when we starts in March, is already receiving £82k pa pension for his previous BBC employment.

    Caroline Thomson, Thompson’s stooge in the Gaza DEC appeal and Seven Children scandal, went off with £670,000 to compensate the little dear when she left because she did not get the DG job. It is all totalling appalling. What are we going to do about it? A mass withdrawal of our licence fees I suggest. They can take us all to court.–wanted-quit.html

    Nothing in the BBC news on TV or the radio apart from a Yesterday in Parliament segment on Radio 4 Today after 6am this morning which very few people probably heard.

  • doug scorgie

    Anthony William Hall, Baron Hall of Birkenhead is to become the new Director General of the BBC. Tony is a graduate of Oxford University (of course) and has had many years of experience working in BBC news management (manipulation). His appointment has been approved by Her Majesty Elisabeth II.
    Not much chance of change to the BBC’s “balanced” reporting then.

  • Komodo

    Mary: You missed Rabbi Sacks oleaginising about inter-faith conflict on Today. Hilarious.

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again –
    In this the poor old chap resembles
    Prosperous idealists
    Who talk as if men reached for concord
    With their clenched or grasping fists,

    (William Plomer – A Ticket for the Reading Room)

    It’s not about religion, Lionel. It’s about lebensraum and you know it….

  • doug scorgie

    BBC Trustees are appointed by the Queen on advice from DCMS (Department for Culture, Media and Sport) ministers through the Prime Minister. In other words they are selected by the Prime Minister.

    When new Trustees are needed the posts are publically advertised. So anyone can apply then?

    From the list of “qualities” required of a trustee is this one: The ability to work effectively at senior board level or its equivalent in the public, private or voluntary sector.

    The trustee posts then are reserved for those at senior board level that get the nod from the Prime Minister.
    So, no chance of Joe Bloggs, a bus driver from Croydon who has an Open University degree in Media Studies getting in then.
    Jobs for the boys as they say.

  • Komodo

    When new Trustees are needed the posts are publically advertised. So anyone can apply then?

    Yes. They advertised (in the Guardian)when I was unemployed once. I seriously considered applying and bullshitting my way as far as I could through the selection process. But then I realised that I haven’t been to Oxford, and don’t know any politicians personally, and that would be hard to conceal.

    I think it’s one of those sinecures jobs that you have to advertise, but really you know who’s going to be doing it before the ad goes in the paper, even if the innocent applicants don’t. If you’re on the dole, put it on your applications record for the fortnight…there’s no risk whatever that you will get the job.

  • mike

    And so Gaza sinks back into the mists of non-news. Now that everything is back to “normal”, the BBC can safely ignore it again. Best not to linger on the images of death and mass destruction (funny phrase, that) for too long in case the masses start asking awkward questions that seek to peer beneath the sanitised/airbrushed reportage. 30 dead kids? Forget about it; it’s windy outside.
    Jeremy Bowen on last night’s main news: “The tensions that led to this outbreak of violence still exist”. The word ‘tension’ should in actual fact be replaced with the word ‘Injustice’, and then we might be getting somewhere. I’m sure BICOM are quite content.

  • Fred

    “And vice versa. Goebbels studied US propaganda and weren’t the british first with concentration camps?”

    Not the first no, they did use them in the Boar war but there was nothing new about them even then. The Indian reservations in America were effectively concentration camps.

  • Mochyn69

    @Jon Mod

    There’s a problem on the al Hilli thread again. More than 8000 comments now. They keep on chirping on and on over there and would like Mark Golding – Children Of Conflict to drop by again sometime.

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 75497472 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 147 bytes) in /(path)/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 898

    Is it worth starting a new thread?

  • Mochyn69

    @Mark Golding – Children Of Conflict
    22 Nov, 2012 – 12:57 am

    That Larry Silverstein .. What bloody chutzpah, or should that be cuntsbah!?

  • Mary

    IDF said – 1 match
    Israel said – 1 match
    Militant – 2 matches

    And so it continues……

    Gaza crisis: Palestinian ‘shot dead near border’

    The whole thing is slanted against Palestine even to the extent of suggesting that the bus bomber was recruited by ‘Hamas and Islamic Jihad’.

    Donnison confirms within that the killing of Palestinians on the ‘border’ is not much more than a turkey shoot. Revolting.

  • Mary

    The soapy and syrupy Lord Sacks’ TfTD is here. Yet another hypocritical homily from him. Just listen to the tripe in the light of this week’s atrocities. He must have produced hundreds of these since he assumed his position. It used to be Rabbi Blue – ‘Good morning John’, ‘Good morning Jim’. ‘Good morning Sarah’. Bugger off.

    Today it’s all about interfaith. 1hr 46mins in

  • Komodo

    He (Donnison) is a touchy and sarcastic individual.

    And what would a week under fire in Gaza (plus the flight back) do for your equanimity and courtesy, Mary? It wouldn’t do much for mine.

  • Jon

    Hi, thanks to all who’ve pointed out the bug on the al-Hilli thread. On it.

    Edit: now fixed.

    Phil, thanks for your links. I raised the number of permitted links to quite a large number, now that the Captcha device is working happily.

  • Arbed


    Anonymous supporters of Julian Assange have apparently been hacking into hospital records in Sweden, though they seem not to have targeted the ones which could reveal new information in the case:

    Fuller explanation of significance over on the “Why I’m convinced Anna Ardin is a Liar” thread, for those who are interested.

  • Komodo

    Bibi’s getting adverse poll results due to his key demographic disapproving the ceasefire. So I guess the IDF is under orders not to provoke a restart of hostilities. You know, like it’s under orders to avoid civilian casualties.

    If I hadn’t seen the same scenario three times already, I wouldn’t believe it.

  • Mary

    For God’s sake Komodo, whose bloody ‘fire’ was it? We didn’t ask him (Donnison) to be there. It is his choice. He could be polite as he is a public servant after all.

  • Komodo

    We didn’t ask him (Donnison) to be there….

    Half the trouble with the coverage of Gaza is that when the shit starts flying reporters are (a) not there but in a Jerusalem hotel and (b) too damn polite.

    Sorry, Mary. He can be as rude to Media Lens (or me, for that matter, not that we are likely to meet) as he likes, as long as he isn’t deferential to Israel.

    I suspect his attitude is perhaps driven by the feeling that if you haven’t been there you’re not qualified to offer an opinion, and that I can understand, if I don’t wholly agree with it. It’s quite common among people who have been in a shooting war, or done other dangerous jobs their commentators generally avoid like the plague. With reason.

    Save your ire for the culprits, eh?

  • Jon

    Reporters get snippy with Media Lens I think partly for the reason you say, Komodo – “we were there and you were not”. But also the very existence of ML implies that journalists aren’t doing their jobs properly, which shatters some cosy illusions about being defenders of truth and justice. Readers “talking back” at journalists is also a relatively new phenomenon, and the scribes don’t seem to like it much.

    The kinds of abuse lobbed at ML – from journalists who’ve had a raw nerve tweaked – is often revealing.

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