CIA Plot Against Correa Funded by Drug Money 1271

Hillary Clinton is repeating the methodology of the Iran/Contra affair, using “black” funds to finance the operation to ensure President Correa is not re-elected.

I had two excellent sources for the news that the US/UK strategy against Julian Assange was to ensure the defeat of President Correa in Presidential elections next spring, and then have him expelled from the Ecuadorean Embassy. One source was within the UK civil service and one in Washington. Both had direct, personal access to the information I described. Both told me in the knowledge I would publish it.

Of course Assange is not the only reason Clinton wants rid of Correa; but it adds spice and urgency.

We now have completely independent evidence from Chile that this CIA operation exists, from journalists who were investigating a smuggling operation involving 300 kg per month of cocaine, organised by the Chilean army and security services.

The links to US intelligence emerged after an anonymous source from the Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI) told Panoramas News that the smuggling of 300 kilos of cocaine was in fact a highly sensitive CIA/DEA operation that would help to raise money to topple the government of Ecuador. The operation is similar to the one carried out by the Agency in Central America during the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980’s, the source said.

A few days ago I published information I had received that Patricio Mery Bell, the director of the news programme which broke the story, had been lured to a meeting with a young lady “informant” who had worked with CIA-backed anti-Cuban groups in Miami. She had then accused him of sexual assault (does any of that scenario sound familiar?) He was arrested and his materials had been confiscated. However I took the article down after jst a few minutes because I had received the information in emails from sources I did not know previously, and was unsure it could stand up. It does now appear that this is indeed true.

My Washigton informant had told me, as I published, that the funds for the anti-Correa operation were not from the CIA budget but from secret funds controlled by the Pentagon. This could not be done by CIA funds because, perhaps surprisingly, for the CIA to operate in this way is a crime in the United States.

Whether my informant knew or suspected that the “secret Pentagon funds” were drug money I do not know. They did not mention narcotics.

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1,271 thoughts on “CIA Plot Against Correa Funded by Drug Money

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  • Jay

    We left them our Greenhouses.

    Said the man on classic fm news

    That is preposterous.

    No xxxx wants to move a greenhouse.

    What about the groves?

  • Komodo

    Christ, this is a mess. The Pals want observer status at the UN; the levitical crew will do absolutely anything to prevent this in order to continue stealing land. So, they escalate Gaza (pretexts not being lacking) and hope Hamas will respond violently, discrediting the Palestinian case by association. Which – fucking idiots – they do. Meanwhile, the Israeli media spin apparatus is in overdrive. I’ve never seen so many hasbara blogs before.

    Note to Hamas: this is not the way to help your brothers. I don’t know what is, and God knows they need help, but this isn’t it.

    Note to Israel: Abominable.

  • John Goss

    Komodo, I questioned whether this was a false flag earlier. You can believe nothing about origins in the media anymore. At the end of this ‘conflict’ Israel will have commandeered another few hundreds of square miles of Palestine (Gaza) as it has been doing since the Six Day War.

  • John Goss

    Is there a hidden cyber war against Israel? RT again!

    03:25 GMT: Internet hacktivist collective ‘Anonymous’ claims to have taken down the Israeli Defense Ministry website In a message shared via one of the group’s Twitter accounts, they posted the site address with a popular hashtag used for similar actions, ‘tango down’.

  • Komodo

    Israel doesn’t want Gaza, John. Except as a target for its spite. A captive audience, if you will. and a proving ground for its latest ways of delivering shrapnel. If Gaza can be provoked into looking like a terrorist enclave, so much the better for whipping up Israelis into new flights of religio-patriotic hatred and providing spurious justification for the ongoing, wholly illegal, annexation of the West Bank. Which, unlike Gaza, is extensive, fertile and has been given by G_d to the Chosen Ones.

    Several Israeli leaders have commented that if they lived under the conditions imposed on Gaza, they too would be fighting back. Some of the same leaders did exactly the same as the Gazans under the Mandate…

    Don’t get me started. Sorry.

  • Mary

    15 November 2012 Last updated at 07:34

    Gaza rocket fire kills Israelis
    Three people have been killed in southern Israel by rockets fired by Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip, amid escalating violence.

    Unbelievably, or perhaps believably, this is all there is on the BBC ME website page.

    SOME TRUTHS. Ali Abuminah from Electronic Intifada on AJ.

  • Mary

    They had only just finished practising with the Americans.

    Conclusion of Austere Challenge 12

    Date: 14/11/2012, 1:54 PM
    Yesterday (13 November 2012), US European Command and the Israel Defense Forces successfully concluded Austere Challenge 2012 (AC12), a large-scale air defense exercise that included both field training and command post simulations. Beginning in late October, the exercise was aimed at improving interoperability between the US and Israeli militaries and was conducted as part of a long-standing strategic agreement between USEUCOM and the IDF to hold bi-lateral training exercises on a regular basis. AC12 was cooperatively planned for more than two years, and included approximately 3,500 US personnel with more than 1,000 deployed to Israel. A similar number of IDF personnel participated.

    The exercise concluded yesterday, following a two-day live fire exercise, which was deemed a success by military observers from both USEUCOM and the IDF.Bold

    The IDF Air Defense Forces Commander, BG Shachar Shochat, said that “the success of the exercise, which drilled joint mechanisms and advanced technology, is a testament to the high level of cooperation between the two militaries”.

    “Austere Challenge 12 was tremendously successful on several levels.” said U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Craig Franklin, Third Air Force commander and commander of Joint Defense Forces-Israel during AC12. “We made great strides in improving our tactics and our command and control processes. Most importantly though, we reinforced our already strong US-IDF relationships. From our most senior commanders to most junior enlisted troops, we proved once again that there is clearly no substitute for training side by side with our Israeli partners.”

    Franklin said that if the U.S. is ever called upon to join the IDF in the defense of Israel, U.S. forces are now even better prepared to do so.

    The exercise was not in response to any current specific tensions in the region. Rather, AC12 prepared forces for a variety of th

  • Dreoilin

    Israelis knew Jabari, worked with Jabari, killed Jabari to help Netanyahu win election.

    From Haaretz

    “Israel killed its subcontractor in Gaza”

    Ahmed Jabari was a subcontractor, in charge of maintaining Israel’s security in Gaza. This title will no doubt sound absurd to anyone who in the past several hours has heard Jabari described as “an arch-terrorist,” “the terror chief of staff” or “our Bin Laden.”

    But that was the reality for the past five and a half years. Israel demanded of Hamas that it observe the truce in the south and enforce it on the multiplicity of armed organizations in the Gaza Strip. The man responsible for carrying out this policy was Ahmed Jabari …

    The assassination of Jabari will go down in history as another showy military action initiated by an outgoing government on the eve of an election …

  • Habbabkuk

    @ A Node : who was that tosser on “Question Time” you referred to?

    @ Karel (otherwise known as the “Flemish Fool”, the guy who doesn’t know Italian..) : good to see that you’re an expert on polonium! But let’s just wait until the Swiss scientists have completed their investigation, shall we? I imagine their status is a little higher than yours.

  • nevermind

    Yes, those swiss pharmaceutical giants know how to design drugs that can kill 5/100, easy peasy, that all it takes for a NISA approval, so they must have the right scientists? and know it all, right?

    Personally, I would have sent the samples to Leipzig university, it has a reputation for good chemistry and has produced some of the best chemists in history.

  • Dreoilin

    I don’t know enough to comment on whether Yasser Arafat was murdered by Polonium 210 or not. I do know this, though

    Israel admits killing Arafat deputy
    Thursday November 01 2012

    “Lifting a nearly 25-year veil of secrecy, Israel acknowledged today that it killed the deputy of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in a 1988 seaborne raid in Tunisia …”

    So maybe in another 20 years or so we’ll find out for sure about Arafat? Swiss scientists notwithstanding ..

  • Komodo

    Any of you gamers know anything about “Force of Empires”? It’s being very heavily advertised on pro-Israel sites. Part of the propaganda drive?

  • Arbed

    O/T – just popping in from the “Why I’m convinced AA is a liar” thread to ask a favour of Mary. One of the Swedish commenters there has asked if anyone knows more about the US and/or UK side of an outfit called Prime PR. Prime are heavily implicated in the smear campaign against Assange in Sweden (and in a scandal or two about swinging the Swedish election in Reinfeldt’s favour). I’ll reproduce Salander’s question in full:

    “To Arbed. As far as I know Karl Rove was not in Sweden when the case exploded, or the week before. But he was there earlier in the summer. This picture is from Almedalen, Gotland, the place for the most important political civil society gathering in Sweden every year. First or second week in July. Rove had a closed dinner with political friends there.

    On the picture is Bill McCormac, Republican American living in Sweden, working on Prime PR, Karl Rove and Fredrik Andersson, member of the moderate party (Carl Bildt’s party) and head of Prime PR:s office in New York. If any of you know anything about Prime’s american and british links it would be of interest.

    Mary, you are so good at this sort of digging. I would be very interested in knowing what info is available outside Sweden on Bill McCormac, Fredrik Andersson and Prime PR.

  • Anon

    Have hard it reported on RT that Israel confirmed with Hamas leadership that they were not being specifically targeted and that a cease-fire was in place just shortly before they killed Ahmed Jabari

  • Dreoilin

    “BBC correspondent Jihad Masharawi weeps as he cradles his 11-month-old son in his arms after he was burned alive during an Israeli rocket attack.”

    Christ …Someone tweeted this morning that the BBC is not even covering that. Anyone know if that’s true?

  • Mary

    Will do Arbed but not today, I intend going up to the Israeli embassy STWC protest later. Komodo is good at digging too. His female mate digs big holes in which to lay her eggs, I believe!

    Anon See that interview with Ali Abunimah on AJ to judge the extent of Israel’s truce. They killed a 13 year old playing football in Gaza the other day. They always dissemble.

    Don’t you just feel heartbroken for his parents and his sisters?

    ‘In a lowered voice, Um Bilal said through her tears, “The broadcaster announced the news, and at that moment my nephew screamed. … At this moment I felt my heart was taken out of me and I rushed to verify the news, as I had a feeling it was my son Ahmad.

    “I went to the hospital directly to find my husband Abu Bilal holding Ahmad in his arms. It was such a horrible, heartbreaking moment, and I burst into sobs,” she said.

    The grieving mother sighed, and recalled how her active son was known for helping not only his immediate family but his extended family as well.

    “His aunts and others in the family used to always ask Ahmad for help — such as getting something from a grocer, or bringing water. Ahmad was my eye with which I see, Ahmad was my hand with which I create things, Ahmad was my leg with which I walk,” Um Bilal said, as her eight-year-old daughter Noor sat beside her.

    “He was so helpful — to the extent that once he asked me to teach him how to cook for his eldest sister, Taghreed, who is a university student and spends much of her time studying,” Um Bilal added.’

  • Anon


    They are mentioning it but not emphasising it

    Among those killed in the Israeli air strikes in the last two days was the 11-month-old son of a BBC Arabic Service cameraman in Gaza City. The child, Omar, died in hospital of severe burns, while his brother and uncle remain critically injured.

    No photo provided by the BBC though of their own reporter cradling his dead baby son. You have to go to RT Moscow for that.

    The BBC article mentioning the baby killers is headlined “Gaza rocket fire kills three Israelis, violence escalates” – not headlined “Israeli assassins target Gazan children”

  • Mary

    I was going some ‘digging’ on Heathrow. One of my brothers lives under the flight path. Life is horrendous for hundreds of thousands of people like him in W London.

    I wondered who was putting this information out to the BBC. I bet Branson is pushing a few buttons. Presumably none of those concerned live under the flight paths or breathe the mucky air.

    Think of a number. Put a £sign at the front, add ‘bn’ and you’re done.

    Heathrow report: Lack of airport capacity costs UK £14bn
    Heathrow currently operates at 99% capacity

    A lack of capacity at Heathrow is costing the UK economy £14bn a year in lost trade, according to a report commissioned by the airport.

    That figure could rise to £26bn a year by 2030, the report said…../..

    No surprise. Hogg is Hailsham’s daughter. Worked for Major and has been on nine boards. See Gus O’Donnell has moved seamlessly into this outfit.


    Frontier (Europe) was formed in June 1999 as an employee-owned company with around 25 consultants. The first Board of Directors consisted of Simon Gaysford, Zoltan Biro, Philip Burns, Dan Elliott and Michael Webb, and Sarah Hogg as a Chairman of the Board. George Adams and Andrew Turnbull are also Non-Executive Directors. Lord Gus O’Donnell, former Cabinet Secretary, joined Frontier as a Senior Advisor in 2012.[6] The company currently employs around 124 consultants across its European offices. In 2003, Frontier created a German office in Cologne, followed by the opening of the office in Brussels in 2006-2007 and Madrid in 2008. The Dublin office was most recently established in 2011.

    Frontier (Australia) was formed in May 1999 by Danny Price (Managing Director), Philip Williams (Chairman) and David Briggs (Director) and currently employs around 30 consultants across the three Australian offices.

  • Mary

    Yesterday Ben Brown was presenting BBC News. Today he has been sent post haste by the BBC to Kiriat Malachi to propagandize on rocket damage.

    ‘Kiryat Malakhi, literally “City of Angels”, was established in 1951 as a ma’abara, or tent city, to house the masses of Jewish immigrants who arrived during the early days of the state, many of them part of the Jewish exodus from Arab lands. The name was chosen to honor the Jewish community of Los Angeles, California, which contributed much of the funding for its establishment.[2] It later became one of several development towns in the Negev.

    The arrival of new immigrants from the former Soviet Union and from Ethiopia in recent years has increased the population of Kiryat Malakhi by 40 percent. Some 22,000 people now live in the city.’ Wikipedia.

    PS Israel is not a state. It has no boundaries and knows no international law.

  • Habbabkuk

    @ Dreoilin “…Swiss scientists notwithstanding…”

    Huh? They have a good reputation. What I was trying to say w

  • Dreoilin

    Thanks, Anon

    I think this is the same child (heartbreaking and graphic)

    Completely Burnt Palestinian Child (14/11/2012)

    Sky News were covering Gaza last night with “Hamas threatens to open the ‘gates of hell’ after Israel assassinates Hamas leader” – yeah right.

    I’ve been enjoying myself sending furious tweets to Mark Regev and that other creep Ofir Gendelman.

  • Habbabkuk

    ..was that Karel the Flemish Fool was busily pooh-poohing the poisoning by polonium hypothesis and that personally I’d rather wait to see what a proper scientific examination reveals. After all, Karel’s status and qualifications are unclear to put it mildly, and I shouldn’t like to fall victim to any hasbara…

  • Dreoilin

    “Huh? They have a good reputation.”

    Sure. But whether they prove Polonium or not, it doesn’t prove who did it. That’s all I meant.

    How did you manage to do the sum and send a comment when you hadn’t finished writing it? 🙂

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