CIA Plot Against Correa Funded by Drug Money 1271

Hillary Clinton is repeating the methodology of the Iran/Contra affair, using “black” funds to finance the operation to ensure President Correa is not re-elected.

I had two excellent sources for the news that the US/UK strategy against Julian Assange was to ensure the defeat of President Correa in Presidential elections next spring, and then have him expelled from the Ecuadorean Embassy. One source was within the UK civil service and one in Washington. Both had direct, personal access to the information I described. Both told me in the knowledge I would publish it.

Of course Assange is not the only reason Clinton wants rid of Correa; but it adds spice and urgency.

We now have completely independent evidence from Chile that this CIA operation exists, from journalists who were investigating a smuggling operation involving 300 kg per month of cocaine, organised by the Chilean army and security services.

The links to US intelligence emerged after an anonymous source from the Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI) told Panoramas News that the smuggling of 300 kilos of cocaine was in fact a highly sensitive CIA/DEA operation that would help to raise money to topple the government of Ecuador. The operation is similar to the one carried out by the Agency in Central America during the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980’s, the source said.

A few days ago I published information I had received that Patricio Mery Bell, the director of the news programme which broke the story, had been lured to a meeting with a young lady “informant” who had worked with CIA-backed anti-Cuban groups in Miami. She had then accused him of sexual assault (does any of that scenario sound familiar?) He was arrested and his materials had been confiscated. However I took the article down after jst a few minutes because I had received the information in emails from sources I did not know previously, and was unsure it could stand up. It does now appear that this is indeed true.

My Washigton informant had told me, as I published, that the funds for the anti-Correa operation were not from the CIA budget but from secret funds controlled by the Pentagon. This could not be done by CIA funds because, perhaps surprisingly, for the CIA to operate in this way is a crime in the United States.

Whether my informant knew or suspected that the “secret Pentagon funds” were drug money I do not know. They did not mention narcotics.

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1,271 thoughts on “CIA Plot Against Correa Funded by Drug Money

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  • A Node

    Fom Harry Fear:

    He read out an announcement from an Israeli spokesperson that the targeting of the Daloo family house in Gaza was not accidental because they were targeting a senior Hamas member in same building. Israel apparently wants it confirmed that the massacre of 11 civilians including 4 children and an 81 year old woman was no accident.

  • Komodo

    Komodo, since you’re concerned enough to warn someone that they might be ‘bounced off’ for their holocaust denial; perhaps you would like to address the lies they are trying to propagate.

    No. (a) Craig does not want this discussion to get airtime on his board. He’s made it quite clear.
    (b) They’re too absurd to take seriously. I notice, though that one of these guys can be relied on to show up and divert the discussion to his own bonnetted bee.
    On the other hand, since, in the teeth of all the evidence, you are peculiarly trying to smear me as ‘hasbara’, which is really quite laughable, perhaps you will just keep going along with them.

    No comment. However, see technique (2) here:

    Whether you are or not, I would expect you to deny it….

  • nevermind

    A war mongering BBC is overruling its journalists on the ground speaking of ‘encouraging signs of a ceasefire’ and turning it into ‘caution over Cairo peace talks’.

    So the BBC is not quiet finished with the rising civilian death toll they want to see Israel invade the strip it seems, the bloodthirsty tabloid within I suppose.

  • Mary

    Four of six letters in the Guardian printed version today are supportive of the Palestinians incl this one

    The Occupation is not mentioned of course..

     As Jewish supporters of Palestinian rights, we have once again watched in horror as Israel escalates its lethal bombardment of the civilian population of Gaza. Numerous people, including children, are being killed or wounded. Israeli casualties came only after Israel, having started the slaughter by killing a 13-year-old boy in Gaza on 8 November, shattered a truce by assassinating the military leader who had negotiated it. So who is the terrorist and who wants peace?

    Israel’s political-military leaders cynically escalate the conflict, trying to justify their blockade of Gaza and acting tough in the runup to government elections. Having turned Gaza into an open-air prison, they again punish the Palestinians for electing leaders who attempt to resist the illegal occupation.

    Too many of our media collude with the official Israeli version: that the attacks are “targeted” retaliation for rockets launched from Gaza. Despite hand-wringing by some western governments, they encourage Israeli belligerence by labelling Hamas a terrorist organisation, supporting the Gaza siege and denying Palestinian rights, both within and outside Israel. We support the peaceful campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) designed to help achieve those rights.

    Miriam Margolyes
    Alexei Sayle
    Mike Marqusee
    Seymour Alexander
    Jo Bird
    Haim Bresheeth
    Elizabeth Carola
    Ruth Conlock
    Mike Cushman
    Nancy Elan
    Susan Elan
    Pia G Feig
    Deborah Fink
    Sonya Fraser
    Claire Glasman
    Tony Greenstein
    Ruth Hall
    Abe Hayeem
    Rosamine Hayeem
    Selma James
    Michael Kalmanovitz
    Berry Kreel
    Leah Levane
    Rachel Lever
    Les Levidow
    Moshe Machover
    Martine Miel
    Simon Natas
    Diana Neslen
    Juliet Peston
    Renate Prince
    Frances Rifkin
    Larry Sanders
    Vanessa Stilwell
    Sam Weinstein
    Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi
    Devra Wiseman

  • Cryptonym

    Reports and comments on moon of alabama suggest that most iron dome interceptors fail to intercept, fall to ground eventually and cause greater damage on impact than the sugar-fuelled rockets they are supposed to intercept, the Israelis are subject then to false flag attacks from their own side. Palestinian Authority sources confirmed they arrested groups of rocketeers identified as al-quaeda whose paymasters and armourers were Israelis.

  • nevermind

    this from Anonymous this lunchtime.

    Greetings Citizens of the world, this is Anonymous. It has come to our attention that the Israeli government has ignored repeated warnings about the abuse of human rights, shutting down the internet in Israel and mistreating its own citizens and those of its neighboring countries. November 2012 will be a month to remember for the Israeli defense forces and internet security forces. We will strike any and all websites that we deem to be in Israeli Cyberspace in retaliation for the mistreating of people in Gaza and other areas. Anonymous has been watching you, and you have received fair warning of our intent to seize control of your cyberspace in accordance with basic humanitarian rights of free speech and the right to live. As of 9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, the number of attacked Israeli websites is approximately 10,000. The further assault on the people of Gaza, people of Palestine or any other group will be treated as a violation of the Anony
    mous Collectives intent to protect the people of the World. Israel, it is in your best interest to cease and desist any further military action or your consequence will become worse with each passing hour. This is a message from Anonymous Op Israel, Danger Hackers, Anonymous Special Operations and the Anonymous Collective of the entire planet. We will treat each additional death as a personal attack on Anonymous and you will be dealt with swiftly and without warning. Our hearts are with the women, children and families that are suffering at this very moment, as a direct result of the Israeli Governments misuse of its military. Brothers and sisters of Anonymous, we urge you to protest the Israeli Government and any associated hostile forces. Now is the time for anonymous to help the people that are hurting. Help the people that are being taken advantage of. Help the ones that are dying and it will further the collective as a whole and we can help bring a peace within the Gaza region to those people that so desperately need it. We call on the Anonymous Collective to hack, deface, docks, hijack, database leak, admin takeover, four oh four and DNS terminate the Israeli Cyberspace by any means necessary. To the Israeli Government, Anonymous has grown tired of your bullying, and now you will see the result of your actions. Cyber war has been declared on Israel cyber space and you will see exactly what we are capable of. Israel, the angel of death has been called to your cyberspace. We are Anonymous. We are legion. Expect us and Respect us.
    Anonymous is for Freedom
    We are Anonymous,
    We are Legion.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.
    Expect us.

  • A Node

    @ nevermind 19 Nov, 2012 – 1:21 pm

    Further to a comment I made earlier in this thread about the need to treat ‘Anonymous’ with caution, I would say that this statement reinforces that idea.
    It’s hard to believe that a bunch of scattered teenagers have the resources to challenge Israel, the most IT savvy and hardware-rich nation in the world. On the other hand, it’s very easy to believe that it suits the purposes of our controllers to build up the credibility of this group by attaching them to popular causes, in preparation for a ‘McAlpine-like’ incident when they will be used as an example of the dangers of an unregulated internet.
    They’ve got a facebook page!!

  • Komodo

    It’s hard to believe that a bunch of scattered teenagers have the resources to challenge Israel, the most IT savvy and hardware-rich nation in the world.

    Maybe, maybe not. Geek teenagers can be frighteningly knowledgeable. And isn’t it good to see they’re prepared to give it a go?

  • A Node

    @ Komodo 19 Nov, 2012 – 1:49 pm

    Geek teenagers can be frighteningly knowledgeable. And isn’t it good to see they’re prepared to give it a go?

    I'm questioning whether they really are just “geek teenagers” . Maybe they are, or maybe some are geek teenagers but they’ve been infiltrated and guided by others with an agenda, or maybe they are a false flag creation from the start. Would Facebook really provide a platform for a threat to Israel?
    I don’t know the answers to these questions either, but my nose is twitching.

  • karel

    Some of these hasbara clowns parading themselves on this site are so stupid that they do not even realize that they are hasbara clowns and try to deny it. Perhaps the secret for their behaviour is hidden in their criminal genes.

  • Chris Jones

    What happened in WW2 was a tragedy for all the millions of people affected and murdered. I think its important to not give the name ‘The Holocaust’ to any one set of people as it was all a giant holocaust and many people were persecuted including Jews. Holocausts have blighted many many different peoples accross the world through time and all of these should be treated with equal disgust.I would be happy to rationally discuss the numbers involved in the holocausts of Russia (Stalin starved up to 20 million Ukrainians with the full apparent knowledge of the British government for example) ,China,Native America,Cambodia,Armenia and WW2 with all and sundry if it was done in the name of the search for truth and real historical research/consensus.

  • Hang 'em High

    “Of course millions of Jewish people were murdered in Europe during WW2.”

    Yes indeed. And with a firmness of conviction like that who needs evidence, we can just take your word for it?

    In fact, seeking evidence would be an insult to your honesty and integrity wouldn’t it? In fact it would be fair to say that if I asked you for evidence I would be a racist nazi sympathiser, wouldn’t it?

    If you want to believe that millions died in gas chambers and were cremated that is your right, however something as important as the holocaust (and all the implications that spew forth from it) should never be blindly accepted on faith – and it is a faith, a form of religious belief in itself.

    Jews are not descended from the Hebrews and have no right whatsoever to be in Palestine. That is in incontrovertible fact.

  • Anon


    I am sure Israel has paid positions for people who spout your sort of crap on forums, You do this for free?

  • Hang 'em High

    “since you’re concerned enough to warn someone that they might be ‘bounced off’ for their holocaust denial; perhaps you would like to address the lies they are trying to propagate.”

    Shouldn’t you be doing that? Oh wait, they’re not lies. What to do? What to do? Ad hominem?

  • nevermind

    aNode, understand the twitching,but it is a worthwhile effort, if directed. the core of them should be more experienced and are hopefully teaching others to get better.

    Has Harry got control over his FB site yet?
    Cause this is a conundrum. maybe FB is unable to keep Anonymous out? I don’t know, but would agree, there’s room for the other option, that this is either a seriously clumsy mistake, or calculated, a nice vogue front to attract geeky teenagers with ace equipment, a side arm of FB so to speak, i.e. know thy enemy, simple but potentially very effective.

    If they could only provide me with a list of lodges and members who hold public office, any public office, that needs publicising on every forum.

  • Mary

    St Teresa of May has answered Andy Slaughter’s question about cuts in police numbers. There are over 6,000 fewer police than there were last year. Slaughter waggishly replied that there were more people in the House than there were who voted for the new PC commissioners who St Teresa had earlier welcomed to their new positions. The shakier the ground she is on, the louder her voice becomes.

    I have been looking up Nevermind’s incinerator fight in Norfolk. I see that the Norfolk director of public health has resigned presumably she sees dangers to health in the incinerator. I also saw that Ernst and Young have extracted £3.3m from Norfolk CC for their advice on the matter and a firm of solictors £976,000. The same Ernst and Young have issued a report today on wasteful practices in NHS procurement of supplies. No irony.

    PS Yes where is Jon? Perhaps he’s fed up with it too.

  • Anon

    Yes Harry got his FB access back last night.

    Israel seems to like blowing things up behind Anderson Cooper on CNN – another strike just behind him on camera a few minutes ago.

  • Hang 'em High

    “Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”
    Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament], “Begin and the Beasts” quoted in New Statesman, June 25, 1982

    How’s that anti-Semitism coming along?

  • Chris Jones

    Do we know exactly the numbers of Armenians who died in the Armenian holocaust? How many Palestinians and Israelis have died in this Israel/Palestine/Lebanon conflict??

  • Mary

    A friend is sending this to Hague.


    Tony Blair once said: “If anything happened to one of my children, I would go mad with grief.” His successor, Gordon Brown knew how that felt, having lost his baby daughter. Prime Minister Cameron lost his young son in another consuming tragedy. Yet in our name, this is the price the people of Gaza are paying, walled in, occupied, with no place to hide.

    Britain’s history should haunt it.

    It is perhaps worth repeating again, James Arthur Balfour’s words to Lord Rothschild of 2nd November 1917.

    “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

    Palestine is thus of course, rightly, acknowledged as a country in its own right, the Jewish people, if you will, guests, not rulers, conquerers or occupiers. Palestinians’ civil and religious rights have been grievously ignored, trampled, prejudiced from day one. Continuing crimes of enormity are mass murder and massacre.


  • doug scorgie

    Called by Stop the War, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, CND, BMI and others

  • Mary

    Thank you Komodo.

    My friend decided to add this to the message to Hague.

    Link to article {}

    Link to another picture of the four dead children

    At the foot of the mortuary ‘slab’ is Dr. Mofeed Mokhallalati, present Minister of Health and Dean of the Medical School. We thank Britain and those she conspired with for Empire. I am looking at the distress on the face of our brother, an Arab, on the extreme left.

    For truth amongst endless lies.

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